y ‘ TUE DAILY NRWS = — = _ J EL MA , Z WON LIZZ, SAI Y Lh t/ j/ 4 / J Y 4 y y \ Vi ffs ) by / ‘} / f , S, YY \ HA pee V/MAOPELESS ~~ ABR UM 4é/ a i= PAPER BLOCKADE IS “OVER THE PRECIPICE.”—THE PRUSSIAN GRAND REVIEW OF 1915.—James Frise. the mortar box that he let go the ~ BIG ORDER FOR RAILWAY : The Daily News : as Route Said to Be Ar- CLASSIFIED ADS. | ranging to Buy British Columbia Timber Feb. 22. FOR RENT—Steam heated, bright single | for between seven and eight mil- room; private family; close in, Tele-|jign feet of British Columbia tim phone 261. 42-40 |ber will be placed with local firms FOR ee | Vancouver, Orders FOR RENT—five-room house fully fur nished and excellently located. Phone} within the next few days by the ‘Green 608. 440) dit gton Route, according to ¢ FOR RENT — Furnishea housekeeping ee eee eee ow __fooms. Inquire Demers. -f./report current in railway circles WARTED this morning. The Burlington a Rana — |Route, which is one of the SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work) ,......., al ail nih 4 by day. Apply Box 126, The News. tf. largest of the American trans- Wan7BD~ Yous women xo chamabey portation systems operating in work. Ox 117, News. wt. ‘ hl soa hee — oe je Middle Western states, has DANCING. been in touch with local timber st interests for some time and it DANCGING.-Private lessons in Waltz, Two- Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottisn;is understood that tenders and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and}),, jot pefore the end of the Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- son, 333 Eighth Ave. East. will week, im The Burlington Route has pur- music. chased nearly 200,000,000 feet of the mills in eighteen Washing- The lumber during IF YOU CAN’T PLAY WHY NOT GET Aji ry Player Piano? We have one, slightly used, at $500; including 50 rolls. Easy terms. Prince Rupert Music Store, 345 Third Avenue. wr. ALL past nths from ton, it is reported. report | TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND as an indication that the railway Musical Instru-|situation is improving. The ments repaired.) Northern Railway placed a large | Bows rehaired. The}order for British Columbia lum. |, t j}tingent. Prince Rupert Mu-jber with local firms a few days Ottawa, Feb. 22.--In the House sic Store, 345 ord} ago. | na tee eisiell- you. will Gal on Monday last Major General 8 yaper yo Tr Ave. , uw. Quotations are being sought by Hughes announced that 20,000 - the British war office through the |@’"— We make--you make—-wey, { Mothersill k j s f lice ‘oug ») _ | boxes I rersill’s Seasic 2S IN THE MATTER OF THE “NAVIGABLE| , both make. ei ta. Tre ae WATERS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS | Purchasing agent of the C. R. R, Remedy had been sent with the ED STATUTES OF CANADA, 1906,|»,.., . : aie 7 CHAPTER 115, AND AMENDING acTs|here for clear timber, Some 25 First Contingent to England, al And 1 N TMK MATTER OF AN APPLICATION By |C@?loads, amounting to nearly| T ONTANA CONTIN®N7 4 ; ‘on RE! 400,000 feet, are required, Orders COMPANY FOR PROVAL OF THE PLANS FOR CON-|,,.., STRUCTION OF A CERTAIN WHARF |'O! Several million feet of lumber AND ORE BINS ON WATERFRON' Block “E,” PRINCE RUPERT TOWN | for the French governm nt were as os placed with local conceins a few TAKE NOTICE that the Montana Conti "ae nental Development Gompany, of Butte,| Weeks ago. Montana, has deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, Canada, and with the District Registrar of Titles, Prince Rupert, B. C., under Chapter 115, RK. 8. C, 1906, plans and description of the pruposed site of certain harbor works on to be constructed by the said Company on Che Waterfront Block “E,” Prince Rupert! ,, th tal Townsite, according to registered plan of |\C°Y that Italy would molilize her the said Townsite dsposited in the Prince | SAYS ITALY’S TO MOBILIZE. London, Feb, 22 proph- Rupert Land Registry OMfice, and number. |‘''''') within a fortnight was ed 923, the aforesaid works consisting of ad one wharf with ore bins. made here today by Riceiotti AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the! Garivald. t] ca said company has applied to the Governor-|'@P'saldi, the Italian patriot, He or General-in-Couneil posed works, struct the . DATED at Prince Buper., ~ @. day of January, A. D. 1915. PATMORE & FULTON Solicitors for the Montana Continental De velopment Co, 23-5 approval of and permission the to con this sm |@’hMent decided to participate in said that unless the Italian gov- jthe war there would be a revo'u- 3 Hon, = ee — F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR about the new orders is accepted | |rope for fear it would break. Be GERMANY IS ON THE VERGE OF FAMINE ing afraid of a shortage of money banks thus the reduce credits, | a | curtailing the operations of all Shortage of Wheat Has Been Con- industries dependent on them for cealed and Country Will Only | eeont work Escape by Narrow Margin. Municipalities oe eh linterested in than g capital would be more industries their seeping Feb. ing from Copenhagen, the corre | London, 22.—-Telegraph- protecting that well as ar jactive own balances, and in there | spondent of The Daily Mail says danger as When ' | would be jhe learns from Hamburg that the} assurance a banking sys ibelief prevails there that Em-|tom fails to provide working eap peror William is going to Heli-| ita) for the fulfilling of absolutely goland personally to direct Ger-| cafe contracts by capable firms many’s blockade, it fails to serve the purpose for “The wheat shortage in Ger-| which it is brought into existance many,” the correspondent adds,!1¢ municipal advances could be was concealed until the last/,onfned to such cases there moment for fear of discouraging | would be little objection to this the people. It is much greater/extension of authority. But wn- than has hitherto been believed.|ti) municipal responsibility is Germany will only-escape famiue}taken more seriously the trying before the next crop by a narrow! function of loaning wil not be margin, accorded except in meeting un- precedented emergencies To- ARRANGE SEND OFF. ronto Globe. There will be a meeting in the $4,000 FOR SEASICKNESS. Council chamber at 5 p. m. today Remarkable Statement Made by Sam Hughes in Ottawa House. to arrange a send off to the boys jwho are leaving for the next con- a cost of $3,983. BOYS, ATTENTION! Another drawing will be held for the second prize, unclaimed, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 AT 8 P. M. SHARP IN OUR 2ND AVE. STORE We will keep drawing un- til the winning number will be claimed for from the audience. So be sure and be there with your coupons. A Great You make. We make We both make. 44-5 Sensation: LAND NOTICES. Land District Coast, Range Skeena District of Five, TAKE NOTICE that William Watson, of Remo, B. C., occupation Contractor, in- tends to apply for rimission to lease the following described lands:——Commencing at 4& post planted on the nortnarhy limit of the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa- cife Railway Company, and about 35 chains southwesterly from Mile 84, east from Prince Rupert, B. C.; thence north 20 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence south 46 chains, more or less, erly limit of the Kight-of-Way Grand Trunk Pacific Raliwa y thence northeasterly along w limit of the said Right-of-Way to point of commencement; and any, hor ry | LED 1 KAISER ~~ MISGIVINGS FRED STORK’S HAR DWARE containing about 80 acres, more or less, WILLIAM WATSON Dated December 26, 1914. 25-85 Acme Importers, Ltd. re -- ecepenones > on (SOLD BY M 19i« S es BREA R PRPS ESSE DI 710 SECOND Ave Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware 5) ip ¢ handlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks F 19 Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Bhotgy Rope Valves Br inition 7 Pumpe Hose Py Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Cori yateg trea “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE seg FRED STORK’S HARDWARE NOISY, RIDICULOUS, } |\Was Meant for “tne Neutrals to| Daily Tolegraph mae a | Raise Their Voice in | Gays German Emper Britain. | Aged Terribly. oe a 22 corre | Rome, Feb. 22.—Commentins | “ | bs Pa ie oi lon the diplomatic exchange be | le | a eae dial nal | liween the United States and Ger wh Pe - t - Seca q ny on the question of the s ih pt unl 0 oe al Saad siaehie of England, thejol iti rf - Kaiser \ , tes: | { aiornale Ttalia says rhe H physical appe ot = German note to the United [shock 1 and almost a h a | States does not deny the right fin ha i p . ' tr! lis] neutrals of which the ea | i | ! , a ae 3 American republic has becom i a the champion, nor does it rr t 1 \ ition nounce the threatened reprisal ma \ te : : “The German purpose ha | I ry ines tha ‘ been revealed, All the notsy und | what t ) somewhat ridiculous maneuyve jha tore for him and of the imaginary maritime bloc | pli i that he see a f h ade had for their sole object U he pr compelling of neutrals to ! ake f th their voices heard in Britain, as a iff shat h \ ing the British government to)a ia ippa | ppermit provisions to enter Ge | agivil | }many. Germany has been t ing that the danget if fam LOCAL EFFORT TO AID was absolutely non-existent; as a n RS lmatter of faet, Berlin is serious OUR WOUNDED § LDIE > ly anxious, the scarcity of f | - — alredy is being felt among th an ca otaani? tea ee. Veena vs rae Sere ded t i t the headquarters pvenen pepeletio®. ” fof the ganization in Pneland to | , t » a general RELIEVING FINANCIAL STRAIN| |)" is Ge coin ade Power to lend tomanufact ldiers who have been forced t spel i} rhe members of the ass iA by the reduction of bank dvances 1 U0 are now energetical will be sought by the Unior ellecting on “behalf of this most Canadian Municipalities. Itiseom-|' rthy object and we fe plained that the cautious attitud the citizens of P e Rupert will} of the banks resembles that of sist the to the utmost of their the laborer who let go a rope with ability which he was lowering a fellow Donations mays handed t workman from a lofty wall. He}®" member of the St. John Am lexplained to the man who fell bulance Association or to Mr David H. Hays, on or before , February 25. Thursday Fullere Particulars Later We make, you make, we both rake * It ss ( hay that i \ al at tl “ I marries quite well NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC.) TECTION ACT. | R. 8. ©., Chapter 115. | The Imperial Oll Company hereby give) motice that it has, under Section 7 of the} abov Aet, deposited with the Minist of Public Works at Ottawa, 'nd in the of fice of the District Registrar of Prince land Kegistration bistrict at bupert, B, ¢ a deseripsion of the} and the plans of the wharf and ap-/| proach proposed to be built tn Prince Ru- | pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of | Waterfront Block “6 according to ree Ste said istered plan of the townsite of the City of Prince Rupert deposited in the aforesaid Land Registry Office as N 923 AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the said Imperial Oil Company will, under fection 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans and for leave to construct the said wharf and approach Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 2¢ day of Pebruary, A. D. 1915 THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY ° 28.-94-40-47 FOR EXCHANGE 40 ACRES NORTHWESTERN LAND ON PRAIRIES FOR PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE —APPLY— PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE HARRY ATKINS High Clase Pork Sausage Vaneouver Branch Seleets All Our Meats and Very Best Quality Han died Give Us a Trial Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. Phone 574 | Make Monday Ironing Day ET Sunlight Soap do your wa-! Mon- L day morning and you can do the light ironing Monday afternoon. The rub, rub, rub at the board ha plac in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part of washing cut out yoW#l feel like mat good day's work by doing at least pa ironing. Follow the directions that eut your » remember there's nothing in Sunlight to i: or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs tl unlight Soa ALL gr sell recomend il E i = eee i laced eT ae - a © ™» ~ Time and Trial Prove the unequalled value of Beecham’s ! a best corrective of ailments of the ¢ _ so common—and the best preventive Sa serious sickness so often resulting fro' all irregular action of the stomach, live! Beecham’s Pills n used W tb have a great record. For over half a century they ! entire satisfaction in of homes. few @ J m7 you that you can find prompt relief from the head» a spirits and general no- eelings caused by indi a try them, and you know what it is to have at ) \ An Invaluable Aid to Health per See. & jamuotane, Haneonee, 3S conte ——— ¥ ALUM Dr PRICE - CENG ‘PO W MPRESS COFFE! ALL GROCERS) —" = = = PRINCE aurent |