——o”—h— February 25, 1945. lay ee one reer eterre oe Hirestory _ Vietners Association ——— SS WINDSOR HOTEL of First ave and Righth 8 w. & wWreient, Prop. woTe. OENTRAL Avenue ane Seventy ¥ ppean and merican Plan Peter Bieok, Froe anox wOTEL tween Fiehth aod Sintt t Be 1) Plan, Rates 80¢ to 61.00 Per lay poner & Bearer, Prope vw tpeley onester empress HOTEL ave. Between Strath and seventh Streets . , Plan, 6O to 61 Per Day MoTeEL vey & Burgess, sird Ave. end Sixth St Steam Mea.ed wOYAL vrope n Pien / WHOLESALE LIQUOR ©O., LimITED od Ave. and Sisth St Phone 102 ——_—_—4 PUPERT IMPORTING ©O., LIMITED ‘reser ana Gixth Sts Phone 7 BSCRIBE FOR | DAILY NEWS TO DELINQUENT co- OWNER. owsiine OHNSON, or to any | whom you may ve interests, Take Notice lersigned Co-Owner with i King No. 1” and the ral Claims, situated at the es Arm about three-quar- m the beach, in the Skee. | District, Province of have done the required n the above mentioned year 1914, amounting to to bold the same under the Mineral Act, and if f the publication of this} refuse to contribute such expenditure, to-) sts of this advertise in the said mineral the property of the Section 4 of the Min it Act of 1900 7 £ a rest me H. COVERT, Go-Owner. | ce Rupert, B. C., January Neate of Improvements. Mineral Claim, situate tn the. & Division of Cassiar Dis-) ated:—About three-quarters nile, More or less, from the ( of the head of Alice Arm ‘he Black Bear Mineral claim | Acat k I, Pedro Salinas, as) am J. Vaughan, Free Min- | ‘Yo. 81645B., and for -} rs Certificate No 60313 lays from the date hereof, | be Mining Recorder for ‘| f improvements, for the pur- Julng & Crown Grant of the that \ take notice that action, | must be commenced be- f such Certificate of im-| vist day of September, A.D. PEDRO SALINAS } | EACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA | “AILWAY GOMPANY. NOTICE. Kiver and Athabasca Rati * next session, for an Act, mpany to lay out, con- ate the following lines of wamencing at @ int on | © near the head of Kitimat) the Kitimat River in @ nh to the summit between se Lake, thence tn @ nor- | along the valley of the | ind river to the Skeena| rossing the Skeena River/ 4 eh level bridge and over Kk FPaciie Railway with ‘hoes, thence porth-easterly f the Kitsumialem River | © \ts course to the summit of | ‘ud thenee, following the | Nass River, at or near ince of approximately one | velve miles; (b) from the | Blackwater River, with | following the course of} iver, to the summit be- | Galanskeest River, thence | ng the Galanskeest River | ‘ er, thence up the Skeena/| th of Bear River approxi- i miles swa this nineteenth day of | 'N, BURGESS & COTE, tors for the Applicant. Seeeeeeeroreeer ere. RE ALARM SYSTEM ike! ‘ MPS Sn anananal OIROUIT MO. 4. : ‘Ave. and Pulton gt, Sorden and Taylor Sts th Ave vih Ave oth Ave th 40d Fulton 84 and Comox Ave tnd Dodge PI and Thompseu 84 ° Ave ® St and 8rd Ave ; ' St and rd Ave : ‘h St. and Srd Ave Hon of tat, 8nd and ist Ave, Detween &th end hoox Hotel) ° y -18t Ave. and 7th St (Cen tel OMRCUIT NO. 2 2 §rd Ave, and Sea \ at Mee O Ave. and MeBride 81 + fst Ave. and MeBride st > "nO Ave. and @nd St ‘Od AV® and 6th St. 0, 9 & OIRQUIT NO. 8 ' CIROUIT NO. 4, ‘th Ave, and Emmerson mh Ave 2 and Mcbride th Ave and Green St. ‘Ave and Bast St 7) Ave. ang Eberte. ‘) AYe. and Young St St ; ; 3 - **\ ete ee kee bees ee *| * THE DAILY NEWS. ’ - ey — OWES HER LIFE 1) CARDINAL MERCIER’S PASTORAL 23.c.er ex ¢-=—==—$—$— long by ten inches wide, Tt ean ™~ ibe blown. up by the wearer in a MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A tt 3 LETTER GETS WIDE PUBLICITY moment and is so made that when =i = in use the air feed comes oppo- Birks’ Tllustr t d a t / | ee aite the mouth. German sailors | ale ala ogue Cured Both Stoma h CONTAINS NOTHING WHICH GERMANS SHOULD OBJECT TO stated that any man who lost this! In Your H D : 1915 ch Trouble tho ~~ cae me article wad liablé to & fine'ot'ss. OMe LIUTING : | SACRIFICES. © eit PA —_— | : and Headaches ne ee BELIEVES GERMAN VOTE Ae @ medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every | PaLmatesTon, Onr., June 20th, 1913, One of the noblest, most ex-|eoncourse of persons of families WILL THROTTLE WILSON occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. ne welare that 1 owe my life alled and most exalting of human |inhabiting the same soil, having - a Birks’, Vancouver, le the great gift store of the Went. Our Mali Order Geel T hese tee ano an -, |documents is the Pastoral of Car-Jamongst themselves relations Berne, perieeor land, Feb, 24. Department and our Miustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- St eave been paying |dinal Mercier, recently suppress-|more or less intimate, of business, President Wilson's note protest. Ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. out that people on Oy sive sen jed by the Germans. It is as in-jof neighborhood, of community ing against Germany's threat to Oe ee ” o— me i 1 thonatit I could Ket | tonsely Christian as it is sanely|of memories happy or unhappy. sink neutral ships | indiserimi- |] WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED ir. Rtotnach Trouble oad detcentng jpatriotic and profoundly pathetic. Not so; it is an association of nately ae eoported here to be ee Boatiare Gm, T get « bes agen Indeed, the spirit of pure and/|living souls subject to a social ppnapge with disdain in German H B S Ss Z, \ satees andl tite Manion ath eee ae [beautiful Christianity which organization to be defended and oMeial circles, where it is believ- enry irks ons, imited ah ctetomtinn d to advi- | breathes through it, is its distin- | safeguarded at all costs; even the ed that ee ene machinations |i JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Today, I am feeling fine, and a@ | fuishing characteristic, its je yst of blood, unde: the leader- ané ae Vernian vote in America ’ @renvi o y physician ——. i” on the street, [crowning glory ft is like the ship of those presiding over our are suMcient to. prevent Wilson Geo. E.T Mana See eee ee . | eked the re a ea th and lwhite wing of an angel of light,|fortunes. Patriotism, an internal aa Bryan doing anything fur- rerey, wing Director VANCOUVER, B.C | taking Pruit-a-tives”, Hesaid, Well, (flashed from the skies upon the|principle of order and unity, an ree —————_———S SS 4 M Frovt-e-tives are making you ag [thunder « clouds of war, and mur-|jorganie bond of the members of The Joufnal de Geneva warns aioe seatnel are doing . Se ae sekee +e and rapine surging and bel-ja nation, was placed by the finest Germany against irritating Amer- F Ctiiedteen’ ans ian ny Ta llowing beneath. No one need|thinkers of Greece and Rome at ia se h by oe a ar dealers ai 50c. a box. 6 for $2.50, trial | wonder that the Germans ordered|the head of natural virtues. And — iting Tn sailors, for “if the Stee by pruitabvee timid ont of its suppression, forbade the Bel-jthe religion of Christ makes of |" ashington Cabinet is freed by ewe. icians to hear it, and sent their patriotism a positive law; there }submarines from the obligations j}minions to imprison and attemptfis no perfect Christian who is not |! “Gaara and places Ameri- SHINGLE , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS ° to intimidate its author. That was|also a perfect patriot.” jean trade, navigation and finance UPER Prince Rupert Feed Co. in strict accordance with all their], Cardinal Mercier sustains this|°" e side of the Triple Entente, PRINUE R T LUMBER C0. omations ft recent record for suicidal stu-|thesis by absolutely svaitiinnat appears certain that the Aus- det Ave. and McBride lig eres Te gable Rr Hay, G ; Fee : pidity argument, the elaborateness of tro ~ German - Turkish Alliance PHONE 26 Branch Yard yore int ¥, Grain, Feed Had ¢ i cier’ 3s which forbids its bei repr must suffer thereby." i and Seeds } : ae _— ‘othe SS eens duced “i pe hike ae — — - ; een allowed to go without queés- ve pre I. s conclu- ¢ —E=—= OMIOKEN FEED A sPEoIALTY $ {ion fo the tortured Boigiens to|sion is that: “A Dollar In Time, Agents for whom it was addressed, probably “Right is Peace—that is the Saves Nine” THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0., OF B.C., LIMITED DOMINION NURSERY & few bht they would ever havelfinterior order of a nation founded Pe ORCHARDS CO. heard of it, they being complete-|upon Justice. And Justice itself VISIT to The Bank of $S. VENTURE @en erdere 1 ly under the iron heel of Germany,|is absolute only because it form- British North America wat. Soe and, for the time being, voiceless.|ulates the essential relation of for the purpose of SourHBounD nt sare lace Ee tut by their own brutal blunder-| man with man. Moreover, war for depositing part of your Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT 008 Third Ave. Phone 68 ints, the Germans have given|the sake of war is a crime.* * *| earnings, becomes a pleasant MIDNIGHT & pcocseese. 8 World-wide wings fo Cardinal|When, therefore, humble soldiers and eee ae For Further Particulars Apply to — Mercier’s Pastoral. Round and|whose heroism we praise answer| you have acquired it. round the globe it will ecirculate/us with untae simplicity, The doll ere ae pena mseenagg tl ace epi GUARANTEEO ; Bing Aiaeiey ae eh pr e€ dolar you use to open AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS FREE Adatiean OR wherever there are Christian ears|“We only, did our duty,” or, “We! an account in the Savings ; HOSIERY to hear it or civilized hearts to|were bound in honor” they ex- Department in turn saves We Want You to Know understand, One ean fancy none|press the religious character of| others, as the habit of saving ‘ ae ete aa unmoved by it except Germany's |their Patriotism Which of us] grows. ey slLOoOot aad 2S ; > Tv | . y an 3 > g j ie po caine telled. Thad give rurkish hirelings. Even en-j|does not feel that Patriotism is THE BANK OF ek Basak htetnes Wie tliee lightened Mohammedan minds|a sacred thing, and that a viola- no seams to rip. They never must respond to it as inevitably|tion of national dignity is in a British North America become loose. and baggy as as all Christian souls. manner a profanation and a sac- 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. the shape is knit -ine not |! To be at all appreciated aright, |rilege?” CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000, ee nn Rorceee” ee wr its unique merits comprehend- After this follows one of the PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH style, for superiority of ma- *ed as they should, the Pastoral]/most wonderful and memorable . terial and workmanship, ab- must be read in full, and everyjof passages: P.. MARGETTS, Manager. solulely stainless, and to me of its words and sentigents ‘But, if I am asked what I think wear -six months without weighed as they deserve. The per-|of the eternal salvation of a brave ates ~ replaced by new sonal element naturally perme-|man who has consciously given OUR FREE OFFER ates the whole of it. In almost}his life in defence of his coun- To every one sending us every sentence the Cardinal dis-|try’s henor and in vindication of 50c¢ to cover shipping closes his ardent love of his na-|violated justice, I shall not hesi- charges, we will send, sub- tive land. and his anguish over iis|tate to reply, that, without any ora lect to duty, absolutely free: sufferings. Yet not a note of bit-|doubt whatever,: Christ crowns Write Today —— Theee pairs of our famous AMERICAN SILK HOSE with written GUARANTEE, any color, or Three pairs of our Ladies’ Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written GUARANTER, DON'T DELAY—Offer ex- pires when dealer in your locality selected. Give celor and size desired. International Hosiery Co. 21 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. is Delivered to any part Good of town, or can be had at Spurr's Market, P Knott's Bakery and the ure Fulton Cash Market. Milk The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is the Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Govt. Inspected Cows Cortinoate of ) Improvements. Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min sixty Gaye from the date hereof to to the Mining Recorder for a Cert of Improvements, for the R taining a Crown Grant of the above claim Aud further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be fore tke issue of such Certificate of Im provements,® Dated this ist day of September, A.D. 1Otd. PEDRO SALINAS urpose of ob Capt. J. McGEE, M.M.S.A NAUTICAL ACADEMY Masters and Mates Prepared for Examination Compasses Adjusted Heigerson Block, Opp. Royal Hotel——Phone Red 502 rll Chance It Fraction, and Black Bear) }j\jiis terness mingles with the thrill- ing melody of his sorrow, his faith and his hope. He "is a stricken man who realizes to the full terribly country people have been struck, how his beloved yet he counsels and eneourages them only as Christ himself might have done When disposed, “at first, to murmur at the sufferings of his eountry and to ask if God had fergotten, he tells us, “I looked upon Jesus, most gentle and humble Lamb of God, crush- ed, clothed in His blood as a gar- ment,’ and remembered that The Christian is the servant of a God who became man in order to suffer and die. To rebel against to revolt against Providence pain, because it permits grief and be- reavement is to forget whence we the been schools in which we have the that each of us carries graven in came, taught, example the name of Christian.” Phere is Pastoral to eould the nothing in the whole which even modern rationally object ex- cept irrefutable testimony " Rope anode: “eT nemesis Fraction loraied “between the “Lilly Bertie wagiwhich it bears to their vile mis- Alice, a. Observatory Inlet, and “Boek | deeds It was such evidence as more or oa cn the Lh > the following that they wished, Wests os Alice ™ (eo and foolishly hoped, to suppress. miner's Mean hs. sonia, tatend, hey have only he Iped to publish Neate it. “In my diocese alone,” says the Cardinal-Bishop, “I know’ that thirteen priests were put to death, One of these, the parish priest of Gerlode, I believe, table martyrdom, We can neither number our dead nor compute the ruin,” Made-in- falsehoods will be of |! against such damning suffered, a ver- | measure of our | Germany | sani all aval lt uth from such a souree, No splendid and impres- sive definition of true patriotism more has ever been given than that|/nimg of the war, The apparatus lw whieh Cardinal Mereier embodies) consists of a cork belt and an in- in his Pastoral, He writes: i latable vest fastened about the Our country is not a mere | shoulders, The vest is of rubber and that death, accepted in this Christian spirit, assures the safety of that man’s love than this no his military valor; ‘Greater hath—that his life for his friends.’ And the dies to save his to defend the hearths and altars of his country reaches the highest of all degrees soul. man a man lay down soldier who brothers, and of charity.” The Pastoral in the most prac- tical and direct manner gives lov- ing, fatherly to the Bel- gians on how they should conduct advice themselves in view of the present German possession of the greater part of their country. It counsels abandonment but it toleration, no abjectness, no of patience: hope, urges it useless patriotic and and warns against There is not a word in solemnly violence, it, should displease they other of late with the exception of the from beginning to end, which the Germans, than were what they have proved themselves to witness which it bears to the bar- be, barities and brutalities of their entry into Belgium. Thanks to their blundering, short-sighted stupidity, all the world will now Mercier’s testi- which might Cardinal mony against them, hear otherwise have remained almost as a sealed book. NEW LIFE PRESEAVER. Distinct Type Found on Men Res- cued From the Bluecher. London, Feb, 24. were ~The German rescued from cruiser Blueeher all new style life preservers, with which the German navy has been equipped sinee the begin- sailors who the wore sinking LIMITED “Desk 514 tie JOHN HALLAM A Real Lever Simulation OLD WATGH FREE. A straightforward generous Tom om establir tablished We er) giving away 7 Watehes to thousands t pewle all over the world cs © ave tisement. is your chaner to obtain one. Write with the watch. which wil be gven Freo (these watchs aro guaranteed fe your), should you take et - Fine and Wholesome Biscuit, Delicious Cake and Pastry No Alum > Noon oar, exmegs roa So fal 5G. cn No Lime Phosphate Don't think this offer too good to he trne send 28 censs to-day snd cain a Free Watch, lon r will be amared —‘V LLIAMS & LLOYD, “hole ate Jewellers (opt, 14 1, 0, Cormwalia Read, Lomo , N., Evaland + IIIT OO ei ee pam 7 THE DAILY SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT NEWS NEWSPAPER = SS =a for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum ne ee me me bie. It treats these subjects with moderate opti mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public It has a bigger cire\vlation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS ¢ ee ee ee RARER ARERR AAA AAR RR od OS ts PREECE REE ee “ a a a ee PR ily en we ly . } L >