i . : Ne 2: IM: 3 ? The Daily News “a on aa wee TAXES CLAS6IFLED ADS. Toronto, Feb. 25e—Much doubt is already being expressed as to the exact applieation of the new FOR RENT er war taxes. Are circular letters FOR RENT—Furnished -rooms to rent.| included in the new stamp tax? Breakfast if desired, Phone 427. 46-50 is a question being asked by many FOR RENT—Pive-room house fully fur- business firms in the city. If ev- hished and excellently located. Phone . : . Green 566. sae CTYthing in the form of a letter, FOR RENT — Purnisted housekeeping whether sealed or not, is subject rooms. Inquire Demors. *t. to the war-stamp, a reduction in a circular letters sent through the WANTED ; , post is likely to ensue, in the SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work (Pinion of one business man of roronto. Aether opinion was to the effect that many United States by day. Apply Box 126, The News. Ww. WANTED—-Young Woman wants chamber work. Apply Box 117, The News. tf. sia satiate firms maintaining branches in DANCING. ;Canada will circularize the coun- eet ae dhe try from points in the United DANCING—Private lessons in walt, Two- | : . Step, Three-Step, One-Step, schottsh | States. This, while burdening Monday, Wednesday and {he Canadian mails to the same Mrs. Brooks-Ander- im) extent, would entail a loss to Ca- and Minuet, Friday evenings. son, 333 Kighth Ave. Bast. ctecant - _ . . jnadian paper men, printers and POULTRY. | distributors. It is said that many — ite jorders for printed advertising BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING EGGS, ; Breeding Cockerels, Barron's Leghorns, | matter are being withheld. ; Rocks, Reds, Geese, Ducks. Catalague. A meeting of the executive of Columbia Poultry Kranch. Steveston, | Sroprietary / al 7 i B. Cc. 468-91 | the Proprietary Articles’ Associ- atiofi was held in the city Satur- cee day to discuss the meaning of the if IT’S FOR A BICYCLE WE HAVE IT. A tax on pro- Lowest prices in Canada for accessories.| prietary or patent articles seems Tires, lamps, chains, carriers, ete. ey itt cette) “oval for lists, Ghapman, 513 Georgia st,/® meet with general approval. Vancouver, B. C. 45-6'The opinion of men in the medi- ’ BICYCLE. SPECIAL, “Tite RUBY AIM,” | Cal supply business is that doc- made by makers Of Cleveland, Massey, tors’ pre scriptions ealling for pa- MISCELLANEOUS tax on medicines. Harris, Brantfords, etc. Any makes supplied, $30, Ghapman, 513 Georgia | tent medicines will nét be affected St., Vaneouver, B. C. 45-6) by the regulation. music. :aiiidick aaiiie yaie THE ENGLISH SAis..iri. It may not occur to the average IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET A Player Piano? We have one, slightly used, at $500; including 50 rolls. Easy terms. Prince Rupert Music Store, 345|/neutral that a people supporting Third Avenue. .! armies to fight battles every day TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL]in the week would quibble over Musical aan 1160 morality of reading newspa- repaired.| pers on Sunday. Yet the people Bows rehaired. The/f (Great Britain are in the grip Prince Rupert Mu-|,,f a controversy covering the sic Store, 345 $rd/ point. Before this war broke out ments Ave. *.|Sunday newspapers were . un- maven known in England. Despite all BLE WATERS PROTEC- |; ),. protests, similar in tone and TECTION ACT. R. &. C., Chapter 116. text to those once employed in the |United States, the Sunday extras The Imperial Oil Company hereby give| are meeting with public favor, notice that it has, under Section 7 of the | 4, > are ; > above Act, deposited with the Minister of | ane 6 Or wimg to rR Oe Public Works at Ottawa, and in the of | prophecy that they will continu fice of the District Registrar of ic Prince | - scOme ormeé ‘ oP Sea haek aeaiiiiien. Siete: on and become permanent after Prince Lupert, B. C., @ descrigsion of the, peace returns.—Philadelphia Tel- Siw and the plans of the wharf and ap-| egraph. proach proposed to be built in Prince Ru- As the people of Canada begin to anderstand that the heavy bur- of posed to pay the Dominion’s war bill, the country, den new taxation is not im- but to meet a huge deficit in ordinary expenditure of the a feeling of amazement spreads throughout all classes of community. The few stu- dents of the Dominion who knew the record of the Bor- den government were not surpris- ed. They knew that, war, no war, a smash could not long be deferred. Now that the taxpayer begins to feel the effects of the three years of reckless spending at Ottawa he be learning why the the finances or past may interested in BORDEN GOVT.’S EXTRAVAGANCE MAKES WAR TAX NECESSARY ° a har | EVERY CENT OF WAR TAX MUST GO TO COVER DEFICITS— WAR EXPENDITURE IS HANDED DOWN TO FU- TURE GENERATIONS. smash came, The story the | form of official figures from the} records, A is best told in government's own study of the public accounts for the year ending March 31, 1914, pages 20 and 214, will show that during the extraordinary period of expansion 1896 and 1911, while the Laurier govern- ment was in power and Mr. Field Minister of* Finance, | was an of) expenditure chargeable t| | j between ing was there the Consolidated the country never increase Fund—that is, the expenditure of the| than eight mil- The ordi-| ordinary -greater lions in any one year. fary expenditure during the last four years of the Laurier govern. /f sponsible for the expenditures of the ending March, 1912 which were $98,164,000, These | based in some Fielding’s fig. | may year expenditures were Mr. responsibility measure on ures, so that be said to rest on both parties for | i912. In 1913 the expenditure on ‘there | gaged; ment was, in 1908, $76,641,000; |e aged; in the Department of Rail 19099, $84,064,000; 1910, 70,< | wait. 363 dismissed and 2,07" 411,000; 19414, 887,740,000. The |engaged: in the department of Borden government eame in dur-|mines, one dismissed and 103 en ing October, 1911, and became re-|gaged; in the Department of jed and |dismissed and 527 | 8,000 THE DAILY NBWS 000,000 if they are to pay ther expenditure, the ordinals y eurrent apart entirely from cost of the war. This amazing increase in lax ation has been brought about by utter recklessness in the con duct of the business of the coun try. An illustration of how ex penditures are increased may be tabled in the I riday found in a return of showing dismissals from pointments to the the present into House Commons on and aj Civil Service nment the gover Although and is since came power. return is not complete, dated last spring, the total num ber of dismissals given is 2,115, while the reached the enormous total of 10,576. In the Department appointments Agricultural were 45 dismissals and 579 men engaged the 271 dismissed and 1,649 en in the Department of In 135 in new In Ous- toms, gaged; dian Affiairs, dismissed 295 engaged; the of Inland Revenue, and 291 engaged: in the Department, 309 1,651 engaged; tion Department, and 343 engaged: and Department | 73 dismissed Interior dismisséd the 110 in the and | in Immigra dismissed | Depart ment of Justice, 258 20 dismissed and | the Labor De 21 dismissed and 60 en the State, 20 dismissed engaged; in partment, j ‘ Department of} and 287 en un Trade and Commerce, 13 dismiss Royal 124 Here in the Police, 49 engaged; Mounted >> Northwest engaged, of office-holders we have a great army ove! additional the required to conduct quartered on public. Sore of them were COPPELL OL SOLD DOLLA LLL OLED LOO DLO LP OE BS 88th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S ~~ Fuller’s Grocery SPECIALS AT 1 00 Wednesday to Saturday { CHRISTIES’ 3 Tine for $1.00 IDEAL THA AND COPPER \ 3 Pounds for $1.00 . cusco-— Tine for $1.00 ( KOOTENAY PURE JAM 4 2-Ib Tine for $1.00 CANADA FIRST OR B,C. MILK Eleven for $1.00 goop CANNED SALMON 8 Tins for $1.00 GOLD BAR PLUMS 6 Tins for $1.00 | 9 Jars Holbrook’s Marmaiece and 2 dare Empress Red Currant deity for $1.00 6 Canade-First Baked Beans and 6 Tins Quaker Tomatoes for SSS SSS ae SODAS i 104) "=e FRED STORK’S HARDWaR 710 SECOND ave Builders’ Hardware Stee! Blocks F Carpenters’ Toois Wire Cable SM anetary tron Pipe Pipe Fittings R : . st Rope Valves ain hotgun Pumps Hose P, Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing co Jated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT TH: BEST” $1.00 5 Pounds Navy Beans, 6 Pounds Pear! Barley and & Pounds Whole Green Peas for $1.00 2 Packages Quaker Oates and 2 Packages Porridge Oates for $1.00 18 Bars Royal Crown Soap and 4 Packages Canada Corn Starch for $1.00 13 Pkgs. Sheriff's Jelly Powders for $1.00 20 Pounds of No. 1 Chicken Wheat $1.00 PHONE 572—We DELIVER FOR EXCHANGE 40 ACRES NORTHWESTERN LAND ON PRAIRIES FOR PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE —APPLY— PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE OWN RIFLES. Make Monday Ironing Day Ls Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon- day morning and you can do the light ironing Monday afternoon The rub, rub, rub at the board | place in the Sunlight way—so with the | t part of washing cut out you'll feel like ) ita good day’s work by doing at least | f the ironing. Follow the directions that cut your remember there's nething in Sunlight to | or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee beck> | pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of - ee ee 71 i venue ec » 5 , ofthe Waterfront Block “G,” according ta For a comfortable room. ‘come | ‘ mnsolidated revenue account the public business efficiently Orders by Major J. H. MoMulll istered plan of the townsite of the saia|t® the St. Elmo Motel, $36 Sec-/|went up to $112,059,000, in 1914 )but it is not too much to say that 7 Se — City of Prince Rupert deposited in the}ond Avenue, near Bighth Street. |to $127,384,000, and for the cur-|thousands of them owe their manding, February 884, ° aforesaid Land Registry OMfice as No. 923.|Newly opened. Steam heat and 1915: AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- hot and cold @udes in, oveny room rent year ending March 31, 1915,|/places to an abuse of the patron- ced hh — See eo — *