Baturday. | THE DAILY NBWS O48 = _ = * = z . ‘WANT CHANGE MADE ee ee a i ehould be driven, in practice to ° j IN. C. SINKING FUNDS .p.s:ine tote money in one of lthe ehartéred banks, and all that 0 What Muntoipal A Act iia are asking the government to FOR RENT Issue of Provincial Seouri- do is to provide an alternative ties Suggested. whereby we can make the terms cuts Monday's lal te POR RENT—Furuished rooms to rent —-—. f the statute effective, and all in half. “wan eae it On the subject of municipal'inat is necessary is providing T FOR ia cael teams Peon | sinking funds and the resolution | eome additional machinery in the; he Sunlight way 1S SO easy hished a one | -- _ Green 506. 4aur of the Union of Rritish Columbia!l,mee of the Finance Minister just note. First vo) ap FOR RENT — Furnished — housekeeping Municipalities, Mr. F. A. Me-| Monetary Times. the garment; then rojj j; up forme. = Maguite. Demers. 7 Diarmid, solicitor for the union, sina asa to soak. After a y you WANTED writes to the press as follows OVERWORKED EXPLANATION. | rinse it thorough], "the -” According to the British Co —— dirt drops out like movie SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work lurmbie M ‘ipe the A visitor in the city from Van-| by day. Apply Box 125, The News. tf —— ee a Why scrub, and ; present time, sinking funds of/couver is credited with the fol ind WANTED—Young Woman wants chamber ; sai : | wear and tear t} thes work. Apply Box 117, The News. tf municipalities can be invested in| lowing | when the gentle WANTED—A furnished bouse Phone, Dominion or Provincial govern- These short weights, these Sunlight Soap te h of Red 506. 49-55 ment securities, in municipal de-| short measures, all attributed to work with ne : the -ver rt 4 bentures guaranteed by the govV-\the war! Pah! I heard a story f ‘ iTt to ; abric or hand ai DANCING. | ernment or the province, or by|this morning about a man in a ” DANCING—Private lessons in Waltz, Two- déposit in an incorporated bank./ well known restaurant, This man T : » . : 8 5 : ry it once— Step, Three-Step, One Step, Schottish These are the only methods of!as he sat at a table with a fr end, | thi S li h and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and | f is Sunlight Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- | dealing with the sinking fund frowned, and took his napkit and | way. son, 333 Bighth Ave, East. im here are no facilities, except-| made as if to wipe off the sur At all grocers POULTRY. ng in London, England, for the|face of his plate—but the waiter a 4 ai purchase of Dominion govern-|grabbed his arm ee ~ ce ad . s.r 5 2 . BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING £068, | Se ment stock.. There are no Pro-| Hold on, sir,’ he said. ‘Don't wena Breeding Cockerels, Barron's Leghorns, | MILITANT SUFF. AIDS COUNT RY INSTEAD OF FIGHTING 'T. vineial government securities ex-| J there's me Rocks, Reds, Geese, Ducks. Catalague. | At the left is shown Mrs. Pankhurst, the British militant ‘ept t i ar) a ey:, sate, We man Pa SSS SSS Columbia Poultry Rranch, Steveston, | affr ' P; ‘ ' fu i cept on the same market Phere}, speck on my plate.’ ). B. C. 45 a su ore e, in Par 7 ilk aes yest : * wen eee “mt are no municipal debentures | Phat ain't. no. speck, old i FRED STORK’S HARD’ 4] conductors Since the war rs. yankhurs las laid aside rer » ae or > | : ) : FOUND. i nin ity for tl “x rnment For me time she has been in guaranteed by the government of timer,’ said the waiter rhat's vy ARE oe ee a ee ge a eee ree the provinee; and, as a matter of)... cteak Wartime portions,|| FOUND—Key to Eagle tock on Fifth Ave-.| Paris working in the hospitals and otherwise aiding in the relief fact, the municipalities have been [ , Apply Box 128, News. tf. ol , ’ rn *|sir vee }and are driven in practice to de- i alii = 710 SECOND AVE 08 : sir ney . * ae : nd music. ; i! ope os it * ney _ a pe UNCLE TOM’S CABIN ins eae ools eran ee Ship Chandlery YT ered bank, as the only available tee! jocks Fishing T IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET . CAPTAIN CLA ON GOOD SHOW AT place OFUD- RATS. tm GUTH fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles t Player Piano? We have one, slightly | : - Shotguns used, at $500; including 50 rolls. Easy RETURNS THANKS MAJESTIC THEATRE wnat Municipalities Would Have. 4.) 548 Ga., Producer Decides to Rope Valves Ammunit , “? Pumpe Hose Paint EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR The interest on the sinking Cancel or Censor Play. Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BES? You Should Worry it were difficult to find a safe and reliable ren for t ailments due to irregular or defective action These ailments are | liver or bowels. anyone; likely, too, to lead to worse sicknes: Beecpamys Pils are famous the world over, troubles certainly and safely. for their power to They cleanse t the blood and act as a general tonic upon bod el aaeme a constipation might, inde and expose you to danger if Were Not On Aa her . “Prinee Rupert, B. C,. was at her best. The picture pro- | invested iveste in mortgages which! ,¢ the Confederacy that the mar “Please convey to the citizens } gram, headed by ‘‘The Opal Ring,” ¥ ov » Pon ° | con a ote ; I brought them from 6 to 8 per NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- ¢ Prince Rupert, on behalf 4° the|in two parts, is a fine love story ' iger has decided either not to Lo Ice ip .o he ‘ : 0 parts, Is i » love sto cent, ¢ conse sntly they did ; | | ’ ani nsequently : : . . officers and men of the Second|with Ethel Granding in the lead-|not feel the strain of the sinkine | °roo™ e the play or to “censor R. &. ©. Chapter 115. Overseas Company of the 68th | ine role. In all, the show was | find levy as they have been feel lit to suit The Imperial Oil Company hereby give Regiment, heartiest thanks for|one of the best that has yet been|ing it sinee, but they are pro-| Motice that it has, under Section 7 of the 0 Wipeout ioff | wn S ; ar pro- | z above Art. deposited with the Minister of @eMificent sendot jput on at The Majestic. hibited from doing this under the | Public Works at Ottawa, and in the of “W. BARRATT CLAYTON bic alec ailacicinndigaes a | BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC fice of the District Registrar of ic’ Prince . eres atl lund Registration istrict at Capt: |FRENCH-CANADIAN SSUES. } The aggregate indebtedness of | anand rince Tupert, B. C., 3c tion of the aeeareneeenneeea = aa tes sees <6 ie woes tna co MAY GO TO THE FRONT. Montreal, Feb. 27.—T! ee ae ea ee C O A L , ntrea eb. 27 re secon proach proposed to be built in Prince Ru ; ht e to} mee at the present time, is $93,-| pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of * ce. ee eee 400.573.4 7 : ° ‘ 00,573.42 sat g the ave $9.00 per Ton — Cash on aera a according to reg- Report in Ottawa That General form part of the Canadian exped! . . in A ming Ce aver | . sarees, plan o townsite fh < ‘ age life of loans at 25 years ? Mo City of Prince Rupert + othe = .~ Hughes will Lay Down tionary forces has received wu xg , ; aes vende: | ~~ = So aforesaid Land Registry OMce as No. 923 Portfolio. thorization, and recruiting is now) ""™ *mouns which ts noses. ane tas NOTICE that after the ex- teeta ete: Wile Rie Radian sary to be paid, by taxation from) UNION FER C0. pira of one month from the date of eer ie wee 7 oS ee e iuhe . ats | J the first publication of this notice, the said Otta Feb. 27 ne Mvenins ‘tein ut tha sentient “with “be-4e the inhabitants of the municipali- 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Imperial Oil Company will, under Section (Citizen saves: Rumors are cir- : ties, if the sinking fund is caleu- | 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister ; ‘ > Quebec, but men will be enlisted), jas bear ‘ | Segre rmerneenendinemt eapinlipena atin # Publis Works at his office in the City culating that important changes jn all parts of the provinee. For ated as bearing interest at 4 per | - wa for ; same bs . . > ° ‘ ; °e é 4 per ce "¢ > ae - ae Gr tie te ceecess el Parliament Hill. Ae~|the present, men who are enroll-| °°" ee ee eae ten] Eye Strain said wharf and approach. cording to these, the recent cau- ed will not go into barracks, but i? realised for ‘the moneys ‘| * Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this cus of the ia as j would be $318,494 less thi e} day of February, A. = 2606. nts oe the ( servative party was | will live in their own homes, re-|\ he sg abate ay . ” Sa Meeks on comrasy. the scene of same rather. Gut=ldsiving a aubeletense allowance peuntowpalnice only obtained 3 per | ‘ in Nineieestiiitie havion ikinas Dinas ad - ‘ent for »s g % P 28-34-40-4 pok xpi ions regarding the | yntii the barracks in Quebee ar jee it for the sinking fund Or, if} LAND NOTICES quality of goods supplied the mi-!peady to receive them — assume the average ee Sia = litia department, and the com- diliatnslins oe ifetime of the loan at 10 years, | Skeena Land District—District of plaints were not all on one side, WITH CONTINGENT. jthe annual amount saved, if the | Coast, Range Five. either jmunicipalities could get 4 per! TAKE NOTICE that William Watson, of “The Minister of Militia, so it Mr. John Clapperton, who left jeent for their sinking funds in-| 8. C., p ac . } } as " 28% . as apply iy teomainen te teen i is said, put up a very strong. .de- yesterday with the contingent, re j ste ad of 3, would be $367,996. or| ene described lands:—Commencing at fence, and even went a little far-}ceived the appointment of provi- Peg mcqueen shih: ee sen enn at ther and carried the war inte-the|Ssional nen-commissioned officer} * 1-2 per cent for their ORFS | clic Railway Company, and about 35 chains @neiiv’s territory by declaring |for the eompany He spent sev- the annual savi ng would be al- southwester! from M : from ; os Prince Rupert, b. G.; Tenet pan : 20 that political inflaence wag te-jeral years with the ‘dst Bi ul taliggt! peaat 6506,000, chains; thence west 20 chains; thence nsibley in many case for the }fameron Highlanders and secured | Would Help to Make Reduction. Cia Sickness or one ee ee gen ee oe placing of contracts The storm lhis release only a couple of vears rhe resolution as passed by the | -of- ne j } ‘ Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company; Was only abated by the promise |®*° Phis battalion has been in} Convention at Kamloops and as| L k f L thence northeasterly along the northerly , ; s , aattien a fsubmitted to the .xdve id oOo or oop feast Of the Geld Mighe-ot-Wey to poms of /°! * “eneral and complete inyes.|active service since the war oer OPTICIAN colmmmenc enue nt, and containing about | iti nto the whole matter of | Started and only thirty men are | reads as follows: 223 si acres, more . ; “ ; Dated e WILLIAM WATSON army contracts still in the fleld Mr. Clapperton Resolved, that the Union of uth Gt. Phone Biack 68 December 26, 1914. 5 | . } i aR Bi aT a vce ce or Meee a pee eee “In the meantime. however, it |feft a wife and family in Prinee British Columbia Municipalities ATERS’ »ROTECTION ACT,” REVIS rumored that the Minister r|Rupert as well as his father ant }|"ecommends the government to ATUTE r Cc +3 : in oy ‘ 2 TEN 118. AND AMENDING Acts filit vill soon avail himself of | ™" ther. | reate a 4 1-2 per cent issue of wn MONTANA, CONTINENTAL. Dee t | t ty to transfer re ver ncial stock, with dates of re EXCHANGE PROVAL' OF THE PLANS FOR cAk: *ponsibilities to other shoulders BASEBALL. | payment suitable, so that the mu- OF A CERTAIN WHARF yh he ; |nivipalities can have an issue AND 0 INS ON WATERFRONI He he carries out his long- ie : : ; . tignless ene “BE,” PRINCE RUPERT TOWN- cherished desire to go to the Hf : ole coteaten: Wa: Bty- | whe m Ahoy sany havent thelr eink. aati front” docks by 17 to 7 ina cnt game jing funds. This is to be optional TAKE NOTICE that the Montana Conti , penta Development Compeny, of Butte, a ’ at the Auditorium last night. The with each municipality.” We have 0 client whe will or Public Works, at wouaw, Canada. and BAPTIST CHURCH. following was the lineup: It seems to me that the idea has exchange 160 acres of land | stric egistrar of Titles, . , M Prince Rupert, B. €., under Chapter 115, —_—— Colts—W Anderson, B, M.|Mmuch to commer 10 >. Cc. sree ie ora description of Mornin worsh if a Daniel J Ratehf ao I lonly hel ’ - gh A aan a ey ae See 8 cer orship, eS m.: f 18, J, atehford, s ORY ne leborlé » extle to be constructed by the said Company On. ,| t I ‘ é =e » vexorian tothe extent under cultivation, for Prince Waterfront Block “E,” Prince Kupert ats he Unseen Things. 4. Manson, Sherman and G. Wes./|0f a half of 1 per cent, but un Rupert busi on aa “rownsite dspos % ga Ag Rv g worship, 7:30 p. m., when | ton, | doubtedly it would reduce the pe usiness property. atts, the ato Hegist a ces and umber: {hy will address the visit.| Drydocks Graves, Morgan, |taxation of the people of the | "O@ PARTICULARS, APPLY = meet tone a NOTICE dian thel "8 Knights of Pythias on | Blue, Jeff, Hathgren, Gole and Le | provinee in a most marked man-| —APPLY— fee tik Counelt i eieeepel ct the Friendship Sunday School! at} Boull, ner, It seems to me incongruous | ued works, and permission to con- 2:30. You are welcome ‘ | that, having two or three options A DATED at Prince Ruper}, B. C., this 8u We oft sus > P TTULLO & R DFO of January, A, eBtete accra , Se ics wus Sa Ne often su epee that many of in the statute, and four places at | A RD i ‘ i Oo sig 0 e onv a é ) i ‘ ~ Bolte! tore for the ‘Montana Contmental Be-! ian's hote—not even hi 7 a ' e , : nvenient headaches are | least, theoretically, that the mu- | SECOND AVENUE iol eve Ss OWN, » to le 38 sing ' elopment 83-53) om asiness. , ane ipalities can invest sinking | and its is satisfa: OWN SOAP. Baby’s sol ‘skin is the te BABY’S OWN SOAP constant use in thou: tory proof that its fra helps and whitens the most delicate No imitation has all the merit of ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, inds of (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS)