iegislativ® Library 1, NO PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6., MODAY, MARCH 4, | 1915. ——e THE DAILY NEWS PRICE FIVE CENTS JLTAN IS ALL READY TO MOVE TO ASIA MINOR LIES STILL HAMMERING INNER FORTS OF DARDANELLES--LLOYD GEORGE IN WAR SPEECH —————e KS ABOUT T0 LEAVE EUROPE IN SPITE OF GERMAN ADVICE ROPEAN PORTS AT DAROANELLES ARE ALL SILENCED _BRITISH AND FRENCH FLAGS FLYING OVER THE OUTER FORTS. ily News | Three men were killed the Ma 1.The British Agamemnon. The ships in act fl : P ying Over are the Queen Elizabeth, Agam trance to the ‘ ; emnon, Vengeance, Triumph eet t Chanak, fifteen Cornwallis, Albion, Suffren, Char t! trance, and is l¢magne and Majestic. The Ma j er forts, as- | jestic is attacking the forts la x parties The; The’Turks are removing the forts have all been si- capital to Broussa, in Asia Mir ‘ ne continues though Germany has ordered its ' f the fleet jremoval to Adrianople in Europe JAPAN UNWILLING TO DROP DEMANDS NS TAKING RISONERS AND GUNS A BELGIAN PRINCESS IN LONDON. Pekin, Feb, 28 The confer-|} wolal to The Belly Rowe.) ences between Eki Hioki, Japanes: Princess Clementine, standi rad, March 1..-The off-|minister, and Lu Cheng-hsiang Viet Napoleon, and Sir Tdward { states that on the feft/Chinese Foreign Minister, on the| Besian section of the War Ke eN the action in-|Japanese demands en China have| ty During an|been resumed. Japan, it is said. SOISSONS BOMBARDED 103 we captured [still insists on the acceptance of | veral hundred jall her demands, while China wil YESTERDAY BY GERMANS consent to the discussion of only | y vagements near itwelve of them. SOOO, 1 Say ene eee tinoe. On the night Fnelish And Chinese newspa- | om March 1 Phe official ny brought up pers are reprinting statements | be states the nemy has ind again invaded /from the Jiji Shimpo and other bo nbarded Soisso with 200 “ zht all day for|Japanese newspapers that China jshells. In the Champaign dis town and by |will derive no advantage by delay |" t we made marked progress y took it. Theling her acceptance of the Japa jo whole front. We have gained ce numbers, laid|nese demands until the fortheom- |~ ound: in all the woods between ing Japanese election, it being as | Perthes and Beausejour, ut soners taken|serted that both the Japanese |sains yesterday north of Beause ear on the 27th|parties have similar policies with |!°"" "eprese' os 6. me ome.5 ind 5,400 soldiers. regard to China ithird and these gains were appre- the left banks of iably extended today Phere (a0) Dounalete is an. }FPOR JOINT ACTION |were 200 dead in one trench alone TO QUIET mexton|O"® Machine gun was captured i fleree bat- ; ive hundred yards of trenches vith Austrians, (Congressman Stayden, of Texas,|“°" “ahtured at Hil 963 to the prisoners and Suggests Plan to Settle Difi- Argonne rhe total number of culties Without War. Germans that have surrendered a an the past ten days number 1,000, Y CASE ABANDONED. Cincinnati, March 1.—Con ee gressman James L. Slayden, of} MAY BE ELOPER, NOT DEAD. ops Prosecution of the Noted Author. Texas, speaking before the Amer- | } | | ican School Peace League here, | 1 London), .Mareh suggested a joint intervention of tion instituted the American governments to M Gorky, the au- settle the Mexican trouble He| rs ago for hie said, in part: unt vernment prop- “TI thoroughly agree with a] » his self—ex- large part of President Wilson's i irs, has been Indianapolis speech, in which hé ly touched on the strife in Mexico “However, there is danger} estoration to|very great and imminent that] f the Russian|forees may be loosened i the | after a long|Mexiean trouble continues much | ne which he|longer which no man can control ‘he authorities, ussia about @ elt years of ex. can be prevented. | lo “I feel quite certain that more! serious trouble jel But it cannot be done by ignorine ded in an am. Y Emperor Nieh. clined to avail did not return the just demands of Americans In Mexico, “It may reasonably be assumed that all the peaceful and orderly nd a} . ( until failing}governments on this continent ca longing to see his}would like to see the Mexican| ‘o go back, |nuisanee abated. I suggest & joint intervention, which really ane TO Flanr, need not go beyond a representa Presbyterian Coliess et tion by all, or nearly, the Amer! Nalifax, N 8., has a «08 governments. [t will accom t | ty-neven Af om plish what we pacificists want and| Siwould probably do it without 8 Of forty~ war,” be the larg. : the Empire” amt tn] SRR owes HOR CALE. Ten (410) rooms; good furni “economy, Thejture; down town; modern = | > mvest a gar. levery way. #375 takes it, Nent j bieks any cu- only 830, H, G, Helgerson Ltd tf | Phone 06, | Put His Clothes by Lake as Trick, Wife Believes. New York, March 1! Mrs. El- lsie Chilson, of Lakeville, search led Canop va yesterday for her hus Ralph Chilson wh she alleges, eloped after feigning suicide Chilson vanished leaving a note saving he was weary of life und was going to drown himself in Twin Lakes Mrs. Chilso found his hat, coat and trousers ym the bank rhe police learned that he had! eht a new suit of lothes and goneeto Canopus \ woman to whom he had paid al tention also disappeared | | POLICE COURT rony Mack appeared in Police Court th ! ing charged with stealing a valise from one of the denizens of the underworld, Tony | said he thought the grip didn’t} belong to anyone in particular, | but the magistrate taxed him a| $15 fine and 82 costs with iat ption of fifteen days in iil M y Howell was up ee \ a vag The case was| vd ned for five days and per-| haps M ey will take the tip and) beat tt } : | RT | Al) t every variety of dry ds cluded in. the Latinaed Sale at Wallace's ut.| betwee Prince the i her hu the ope ef Expedition in London. VANCOUVER CHAMPIONS AGAIN TRIM PORTLAND (Special to The Dally News) spand, Pointer, at ng of Va iver, March 1—The Van- hockey champions trim- i the Portland Rosebuds by 141 to 3 in the final mateh of the sea- son Vancouver won twelve ind lost four during the CeeHRSOH ERO B BR ERES * SUBSIDIZED PRESS. * * oO of the items in the * * | vincial public accounts * * for last year is $1,574.73 * * the Prince Rupert Jour- * ‘ il, presumably for adver- * * tising. Would somebody * * please tell what on earth * * this advertising was all * * about, apart from the * * calling for tenders for a * * few public buildings. Dur- * * ing the same period the * * Bella Coola Courier, a * * Liberal paper, got $12.84. * * rhe Daily News got noth- * * ing. Is it any wonder that * * the government has yearly * * deficits of several million * * dollars? How can papers * “ naintain a shred of inde- * * pender when they are * * lepending the govern- * * ment for their existence? * . It’s time for a change.” RR RRR EERE THE BIG NIGHT TONIGHT SECOND EPISODE OF “RUNAWAY JUNE” And the Celebrated Comedienne MARY FULLER In the Fifth Episode of DOLLY OF THE DAILIES NO ADVANCE IN PRICES ESTHOLMR WESTHOLM OPERA HOUSE -——COMING— WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY $10,000 Prize Solution of “THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY” | *| AUSTRIA PLANS ATTACK ‘shows that Austria considers war| iKaiser and the Austrian Emperor , together | MAJOR E. L. McCOLL, Commanking a squadron of 150 members of the Canadian Mount- ed Rifles, who received orders to join the First Canadian Contin- gent on February 16 N. VANCOUVERITE WAS KILLED AT THE FRONT (Special to The Daily News) March 1. Bell-Irving, Sixth of North Vancou-j; Vancouver, Lieut. Peter Feld Engineers, Dunean ver, was killed in action in North- ern Franee on February 26. He was a surveyor, aged 27 years. LABOR MEETING WAS HELD LAST NIGHT A meeting was called last night after church in the Majestic The- atre by the Trades and Labor Council to hear the report of the from the he Wim. convention delegate, Denning, Provineial which recently attended. UNITED STATES IS HELPLESS IF FRANCE AND RUSSIA FAIL LLOYD GEORGE HAS SAID THIS IN SPEECH ON THE WAR—THE ALLIES MUST WIN OR THE FREEDOM OF THE WORLD !5 LOST. (Special to The Dally News) , the world could not stop the Ger- Bangor, Wales, Mareh 1.—Da-| man war machine, America, who vid Lloyd George, Chancellor of! is “more unready than we were,” the British Exchequer, arrived | would be powerless, here today, and delivered an im- al iad VANCOUVER MURDER. (8pecial to The Dally News.) Vancouver, March 1.—Clarence Smart has been found dead on Kingsway Drive and Harry White, \8 chauffeur, has been detained by ship. If powerful military coun-|the South Vancouver police on tries like France and Russia, aid. | Smart was a young ed by the most powerful navy in|man, 27 years of age. ‘ALLIED FLAGS FLOAT ~~ OVER DARDANELLES (Special to The Dally News) London, Mareh 1.— A dispatch \from Athens says the Allies dis- embarked detachments of arti!- near the destroyed Darda- nelles forts and the British and |French flags are now flying over . ‘tthem. The fleets continue the Premier | jbombardment. A powder maga- lzgine was blown up, killing permitted to transport troops : Mine sweeping : operations continue. There territory. | : (50,000 Turkish troops on the Ku- ' | ropean 15,000 the GENERAL SAM’S TRIP Asiatic side. COST HUGE SUM 2s Turks Failing Back. report draws atten- London, March 1—It is official- tion to the fact that the Auditor |!¥ announced that the Turks have General objected to the payment | | evacuated the Sinai Peninsula. This is the territory adjoining the portant speech on the war. In his speech he made refer. to the attitude of the United! States and said that if Germany | was triumphant the world could) not look to chivalrous America to protect it from German dictator- suspicion. REFUSED TO PERMIT, VIOLATION OF FRONTIER 97 Feb, 27.—When tension Turkey and Greece was greatest last week, says the Petit) Parisien, the Turkish minister at asked the Bulgarian gov- ernment if it would permit Turk. |!°"? ish troops to pass through Bul- garia for an attaek upon Greece, should war be Radoslavoff replied, the paper as- that neither country would : [merous victims. Paris, between Sofia declared. nile serts, , be , are across Bulgarian side and on A recent of $24,620 in connection with the In the absence of the president Jack Nicol, Wm. Denning acted chairman. He outlined the done at the Provincial convention, as} work | laying emphasis on a proposed workmen's compensation act. The next speaker was, Walter | Shaw. After regretting the ab-/| sence from the meeting of some | of the supposed leaders of tabor, | propriation, | trip of the Minister of Militia and|Suez Canal. to the military | 4913.) ATTACKS PRESBYTERIANS. Canadian oflicers maneuvers in England in 'The Department of Militia want | ingersolis Are W in Pulpits , ed this amount charged up to an- Dr. Matthews Says. nual drill, but the Auditor Gen- | leral objected that it was not a Now. York, March. 4.—“There proper charge against that ap-jape po Robert Ingersolls outside The Treasury Board | of the churches today, throwing he proposed a resolution dealing |sustained his objection, and the) stones from the sidewalk, but with certain Socialistie princi-|amount now appears in the bal-! there are hundreds of Ingersolis ples. In this he was supported by | ance seet of the public acecounts|in cap and gown, teaching in Mr. Casey, but the chairman /as 4 liability against the Depart-| ppespyterian and other schools, called it out of order as the meet-|ment of Militia and Defence. and some of them preaching from ing had been called for another | onenenee ne nn nnn ners Presbyterian pulpits,” said Rev. purpose entirely. A live diseus- | FOR SUNNY CALIFORNIA. |Dr. Mark A. Matthews, of Seattle, sion followed, which was con-| ag hg gtd in a sermon at the Broadway tinued, after the meeting adjourn-| * 4 ond Mire. ~* wanes and Presbyterian Church, ed, on the street. family left for the South tae Dr. Matthews is a member of lnight by the SS. May. Mrs. Me- ; ithe committee investigating the ON NEUTRAL SHIPPING ron Geneva, Feb, 28 According to an Innsbruck dispateh, Austria Is going to follow Germany's lead} sea progress. few | in her piratieal Though possessing only a | submarines, Austria now intends | in the to attack neutral shipping Adriatic and is only awaiting or ders from Berlin, This attitude} with Italy inevitable. The same dispatch states the with their full staffs will hold a conference at a very near date in a town close to both The met frontiers two emperors have not since war opened, though their ministers frequently have been in conference, Francis it stated, a personal explanation from the conduet of the is also wants Joseph, Kaiser on the mil itary campaign and children will proceed to} where they will make | : : Presbyterian friends. with ithat the Union to attending \inary in Van-| jity, return |} | Rae San charges made by members of the riesgo Diego, Assembly General Theological Sem- “not Christian- visit after matters will extended McRae, business couver and Victoria, to this city. /Mr. |some is teaching but liberal religion.” RESIGNED OFFICE. M. J. Hobin, for the years manager of the Continental Trust Company of this city, has BY SS. MAY. last four Among those leaving last night for the South on the Princess|severed his connection with that May were H. Dow, Mr. Goodwin,|body, taking effect the last of H. Hoffman, Mr. Morrison, Mr.| February. and Mrs. D. ©, MeRae, Misses Mr. Hobin has formed a part- Helen MeRae, Mary MeRae and| nership with Mr. Forster, of co. R, Lois MeRae. Schreiber & Co., Ltd., and will de- ——_——eae so vote his interests to that com- HOUSE FOR RENT. pany for the present. ; NES C. B. Peterson is in charge of Firet-class house with all mod- the affairs of the Continental ern conveniences and fully fur-|., * : : Trust Company. nished. Owner will be out of ee “ town eight months. Phone Green BASEBALL. 506, 4atf, SC cecebienie Be See The Terminals and Colts play Remnants—-hundreds of them|at the Auditorium tonight. Ad- on sale.—Wallace’s. tf.) mission 25 cents, > iti dl ne ok