wonday, March # 1915. ———— eeeF NG! : (ineslory OO f yotners Association i» t é ; winner wore. giret ave and Benth a “ w. & wrens Prose wore. CENTRAL ° ‘ seventh M1 ~ a ar tean Plan ry rope Peter Bie’ Prose anox wove. fj th aod Nine Ay ten, te soe to 81.00 pea pene * Reener, Prov " nest ’ genie) Ac “ eEmrnese wore. id Ave, Betweer Sixth ano geventh Streets yean Pian, BO to o Per Dey nova. HOTEL corey & Burgers Props vpird Ave. and Sixth St year Pier Steam Meeted ER WHOLESALE LIQUOR OO., cemrveD and Sixth #1 i Phone 10% RUPERT IMPORTING 00. LemrTeD Siatb cond Ave fraser ant Si. Phone 7 | JBSCRIBE FOR DAILY NEWS TO DELINQUENT CO- OWNER. whom crests, or to = you per Take. "Notice Co-Owner with ¢ No. i” end the aims, situated at the about Uree-quar beach, in the Skee strict, Province of jone the required above mentioned 1ei4, amounting to the same under Mineral Act, if b s to contribute, expenditure, to f this advertise the seid minera) pe yperty of the of the Min ivoo tT. H. COVERT, Co-Owner B. C., January aa Rupert, ‘ifoeate of Improvements. o Mineral Claim, situate in the ‘ vision of Cassier Dis- - About three-quarters : ' re or less, from the ‘ Black Hear Mineral claim ‘hat |, Pedro Salinas, es 4 Vaughan, Free Min- *1545B., and for my- ertifecate No 80313B., ays from the date hereof, vung Reoorder for 6 rovements, for the pur- & Crown Grent of the notice that section, | ust be commenced be-| such Certificate of lp f September, AD. PEDRO SALINAB. | PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE. ‘ ver and Athabasca Rail.) \t session, for en Act, opany to lay out, con- ‘ © following lines of | ‘oe ata int on) the head o Kitunat hitlmat River in e} the summit between | Lake, thence in @ nor- | ‘long the valley of the| ver to the Skeena! c ‘« the Skeena River a hig evel bridge and over scie Railway with ‘hence pnorth- easterly Ailsumkalem River E ree to the summit of ‘ ‘henee, following the Nass River, at or near f approximately one miles; (Db) from the Blac kwater River, with , ‘owing the course of SS iver, to the summit be- ‘anskeest River, thence ‘long the Galanskeest River thence up the Skeena ; ' Bear River approxi en miles ‘awa this nineteenth day of VPSON, BURGESS & COTE, ‘ors Tor the Applicant. ‘ eae Le TT TTT Tr TTT RE ALARM SYSTEM COROUIT NO. 4 2 D St and 8rd ave . St. and 8rd Ave : 5 “t and 3rd Ave ‘ven 88 OF tet, Sad end © 181 ave between 8th and : 500k Hotel.) : ‘st Ave and 7th St. (Cen CIROUIT NO. 2. ‘Ye, and Sra Bt Mee 3 : ' AV®. and MeBride st . Ave. and McBride St : ‘ve. and god ss ; * AV®, and 6th a CIROUIT NO. 8 1 : ‘Y*. a0d Pulton g¢ . 400 Taylor Sts . Ave. and Pulton 84 > AV 804 Comos Ave “4 Ave. and Dodge rw ‘ 0d Thompson st " ORouiy NO. «4. ot) Ave aod tuimersoa 2 h 4 ~ “0d McBride at » > ™ Ave. and Green St ° = ° Ave and Garth 3 ~ TM Ave *0¢ Eberts. : 1 : " AVe. and Young Ss. : ® "™"*\*ttreerenenteeny ppnnnedeneereee | “THE BLOOD I$ Th STREAM OF Lt JAPAN WILL HOLD CHAIN’S DOOR OPEN THE DAILY NEWS. F Or. tyenaga Says Mikado’s Troops M. Belmont and 6. 0. Iselin, Jr, Bre the Hirelings of of New York, Include Malu. | SINKING OF SHIPS ANGERS NORWEGIANS |Exports to Germany May Cease Till Explanation Comes. | f MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 As a medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every occasion, you will find our Gatelogue of the greatest value Birks’, Vancouver, le the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Grder Department and our Mustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- Ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED I(T. JEWELLERS ANID) SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Geo. EB. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B« ——————_, Hep Birks & Sona Limited " LUMBER SHINGL’ , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRIN: E RUPERT LUMBER CO. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and MoBride % PHONE 2 e PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 Granch Yerd et Smithers THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED S.S. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS AVE. . ‘ _—— mt ee mts mee es EE EE ET EF a Ft A Fm No | winnie Nation mutes Among Trophies. Copenhagen Feb Pubbe | | lopimion in Norway is g@reativ dis ! ! retait Seattle » OR ronve f Pure Blood Is Absolutely , nL ee SrOneee CESt K j th t) —— ‘ | _ ' . urbed over the torpedoing off N T Lof the [toughened by six monthe of camp | i ry ° Health ate China’s {life n the Mt. MeKinles district | Dover of the Norwegian steamer | Dr. Toyo-jof Alaska, M. Belmont, son of Regin, presuraably by a German | “ FRUIT-A-TIVES ” PURIFIES lress at the | August Belmont, and ©. 0. Iselin | submarine sucurdine t en wrt -h- i V Keogh Forum, |Jr., of a prominent New York fs | rr a prominer w York fam cle appearing in the newspaper t He lily, both Harvard graduates re} aie . | % ' & s00T « “ODO! These W 1 people on|turned from the North on the Ma aueom ~~ S ern onderful Tablets, w Dr ie i & and ere regiat i at the | Covering the disaster is received o o t i iripose ad ar ‘eo ered ¢ > Made of Fruit Juices, Are The 4. |the paper says, it will demans } eral ca-|Washingeton Hoiel Leavine Se pay andl Best Of All Tonics To stic lattle in July. the te “ ng men. that the Norwewiar £ ernment Purify And Enrich professor |accon panied by H. Carey Morgan. | ne wo Gormeny a sngger The Blood. Waseda and|of New York, went to Fairbanks,|“40" the meaning of wt it will jwhere they engaged a pack trai be impossible to mistake Pure, rich blood can flow only in a ! ha d and se@ured H. P. Kare « the It has been intimated, the Ape clean body Now, a clean body is one . t niconqueror of Mt McKinley nag | PAYS, that all ex; ts from Nor in which the waste matter is regula ere — | and waturally eliminated from th: | eg | ruide They have been hunting. | *® to Germany + sé ntil system. The blood cafinot be f . 4 “ ileal . : ,|a satisfactory ex it j when the skin action is weak wher fishing and mountai bing fi ; : the stomach does not digest th« Ww w ldisix months ortheoming, one which will oat yvroperly, when the bowels do : . line the course Germany nu: ‘ com larly when -— kidneys are S sake Bagged Five Grizziies. ine the courat 7 pm strained or overworked I the Bu | F ive grizziies, a mibe | to follow with regard to Norwe ! bus | black bears and several caribon |" '*" shipping Pure blood is the result of perfect ‘ land mountain sheep were bagged a health and harmony of stomac} ver | " : bowels, kidneys and skin , the f An exceptionally fine winter add er CatTT Tian “Pruit-a-tives’’, by their wonderful ed to the pleasure of the adver NERVINE R action on all these organs, keeps the there f ture, and while they are elad to For Headache and Ner-leve whole system as clean as re c that : : , weit ebiball Ce pum @O etin oe tended our bodies to be clea: » wae - ce more Of paved streets +b teen 06 Giant , egotiated |they count the days until they can Pruit-a-tives tones ve rates, strengthens, purifies, cleans at t Japan's cor make another trip int the wild gives pure, rich, clean blood that is, in advise erness trath, the stream of life . g t sh d Alth gh they brought no heads “'Pruit-a-tives’’ is sold by all dealers ; 2 : .« » at soc. a box, 6 for $2. so trial six ! vith skins v¢ game with GF sent postpaid on receipt of price by | Japan's ay them, they did bring two Mala Why Endure Headaches? ‘ruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa . en t i g { { with them which they expect ne trial will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any China t eate a sensation on the headache is at your service in : I) I iga la hed i eets of New York These dogs MATHIEU’S Prince Rupert Feed Co. $ Pere =e sustiteation. | Hie prize members of the Hi Nepyine Powd P . memes SE Alt a ts tee ae ervine Powders ; . pen He at sed in traversing th 18 tn a box, 2c. Sold everywhere. It DEALERS (N Those rumors have|snowy wastes of Mt, McKinley ‘Lnawiteun te 7 Hay. Grain, Feed ga but t V ul Mar vy fine heads f caribou and J.L. MATHIEU CO. Props. | Se SHERBROOKE, Pe and Seeds x shat demands Japar i a sheens and the skins of " be, OMICKEN FEED a SPECIALTY . : ch 1 it is sky ti le yziies and=s hlack hears are Ag . s . R ed at Fairbanks, from whenes ents for i I es is also ¢ a : Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. Prince of Wales is al a frequen were assured that there was ’ sitor and the impression the plenty of food in the country to - Sa eee p ce has left in the camp is a last till harvest time. Now papers ; rue d one , . oks siger speak Certifoate of improvements. s ie died like the Lokal Anzeiger pea 3 ll Chance It Fraction, and Black Bear rhe Princess Patricias have ni freely of the German people as Mineral Claims, situate i the skeena Min + hed on eonecteniin of Ghat ~ Sas DA I i y Vi visle Cassiar Distric yi dan opp ~eatene vith starvatio where located aol Il Chance it Fraction the main an threatenes wi located between the “Lilly Bertha” and ing the stuff they are : The Vossische Zeitung says: “We “Aldebaran” Mineral Claims near head 0} nportance, no Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, and “Black| No attacks of any iniporsal shall make the struggle against Bear’ Mineral Claim, located one mile, | . a rea have been per more or less, from the northwest point of | bayon sare , starvation in the firm conscious- the head of ‘Alice Arm, & branch of OB: | i. and so far all stories to that hall pull through servatory Inlet, u 28 at we sha ’ oO ' : TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salina, Free : . purely fictitious. re ’ 1 « Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., intend, {1 mtrar re pu even if not one single grain of} sixty days from the date hereof to apply f German marks ™ | to the Mining Recorder for 4 Corsifiense spea wheat reaches us In a state. | SAFE fc the rpose of o >. a ‘raig ecle . Etna tose ent 7 the Rpove claim,|manship, Private Creal declares ment written for the Hamburger SANE AY further tak notice that action, ‘ ty shote re ot * tbe . under section 06. mms? be commenced pe th ? , hot wore 9 Fremdenblatt Admiral Kirehoff ’ oh Certificate of Im 4 a sared t : : soe tee ieue of such Certificate « wnt. but of lat ippeared to admits that Germany has insuf SPIOY ) , AD ' ' ue p f 0 wnt this 2ist day of September ‘ g wo d pl ybably t ficient war materials, an admis IMPARTIAL PEDRO SALINAS fact that insufficiently train- sion searcely necessary in face of " ! its had been brought up the extraordinary effort now be- INDEPENDENT i 8 er, NT NT R PUTS STOP ing made to smuggle in copper INTELLIGE Delivered to any part wa rubber and similar eontraband of town, or can be had a Spurr's Market, Knott's Bakery and the Fulton Cash Market. Govi. Inspected Cows The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is the Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 262 } 8 en nonnsesesesesseseseeeeeneeee? TO TEAS IN BERLIN Mareh Herr Jagow, chief of police, has dden all aflerneen teas recitations or lec- hotels, cafes or restau. sughout the eapital, No assigned for this sud- which has been hibition, enforeed, materials. The consuls of the United States in Austria and Ger- many are beginning to report se- rious food shortages and high prices in both countries, espe. cially Austria, Mr, Asquith prob. ably knew weeks ago that, as Ad. miral Von Tirpitz put it, the Brit. ish navy was “choking Ger. many.—Toronto Globe. SAAR TARA RARER EERE ERA AEA AERA AEA AA RARER EAA ER ARERR HARE ee es me ee OE EE ee ~ “ — NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert aad Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into ‘nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city bevause it is clean and reliable. [t has al! the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti mism and reliability, he News most valuable advertisers because it is read by the buying public. Daily is the paper to It has a bigger cirevlation than any other paper in the evity, It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. -THE———_ DAILY NEWS RARER ERA ERE EERE ERR REE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE HEE ERR EEE eee ee ee ee ee ee ee,