THE DAILY NBWS y 1, 1945 + — gue eae Rb rt Pi ” ' : SKIRTS TO SHOW RRR RR “RUNAWAY JUNE “The Daily News” }{ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS [ee : WS FIVE INCHES OF ANKLE © ornioocn itcraia At the Westholme Theatre To- CLASSIFisw) ADS. ‘xe eee eee night—Second Episode. yacking w Spri Goods. Unpack new Spring ood | Some Very Elaborate Frocks Even * Be ‘1 went of “The Mil ‘allace’s ; s ar s f «0 er ¢ Sing me adve 0 ‘ Wallace More, Is the Report Harris is in Vancouver , iat ie = i | From Paris jmining business, lion Dollar Mystery, serial f cuts Monday's Jato, lea srthniammetnateeie } . | f } “pe look ‘Car Lady wants room and board! | spnstinadile toplays, which at first were look FOR RENT—Furnished rooms to rent. ™ —— | AM Reddo | ld dae! j adnan tot emai in half. Breakfast if desired. Phone 427. 45-50 C)Ose nm Phone 499. tf. | New York. March 4 Verv full] uddy took a load of sup-|eq upon in the nature of a a . =e rten Fane : jplies down to the Red Rose mine. or jege doubtful experiment, have The Sunlight way is es aoe es rae oa —_ . . 6 wan wih aoa te skirts that stop five inches above | iii in the week , nes fully established --just note, F irst 8) . Close in; ren 0 per month rs ' alter ot re. jearly : yecome suecess ate st 2 ated a ceive tomorrow nor again on first ee ee ee ee we oa a: a, and have obtained a solid footing the garment; then I it uf FOR RENT—Five-room house fully fur- Puosdays this season floor—and with petticoats under-| Dr, MeLean, of Smithers, was! with moving picture patrons to soak. After av ; C y locate Phone yOu = hg excellently located _ on6 <3 neath them. is the startling «tvle|in town several days this week as Runaway June,” which is the rinse it thoroughly * FOR RENT — Purpished housekeeping Nineteen cases new Spring /news from Paris. Some of the | sisting Dr. Wrinch at the hos-' .eeond big serial to be shown at dirt drops out like ma rooms. Inquire Demers. 7-tf. nde tin heaine onened at Wal. ital ahteetieidl she Monde. ic t “a ods now bei B opens la . lelbcate frdsie ane even ten|! the W a Ime Opera : % Why scrub, and anc lace's , — very worthy successor 0 he ic WANTED . cae linches above. | ek Aae ned Gee wtstorilvnicn Dellur . Meets.” ead nl = pet th thes TT i . snes Empire waist lines are the rule], Monday. eve » t fal . bethns gentle st te al SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work You have to take your carpets up jftune on Monday evening to fi promises to eclipse the latter in 7 te nh of by day. Apply Box 125, The News. . i, opder to clean them right Welin the new suits and gowns, while skating and injure her arm popularity The second episode Sunlight Soap wi the WANTED*-Young Woman wants chamber ,,;,,, and “eshen them up. Fritz, though Worth is showing a nip — av June” will be shown work with never . wy B Stas Rew ir, Clean and fr hen th i of “Runaway Jur , tt News. * 9 - " oli ro ie a ' phone, | Phone 583 50-2 ped in long bodice,” writes a buy- F. €. MeKinnon left Thursday (night, together with a very at- fabric or hands. y—/ P pouse one : el urnishec use we ° ae er for a New York House now in morning for the South on mining tractive comedy program : For a comfortable room, come the French capital in a report of business, He expects to be gone The twenty-third and last ep ay "s nlight 36 8 a unit DANCING. to the St. Elmo Motel, 836 Sec- what she has seen at the Paris two or three weeks. sode of “The Million Dollar Mys wa te concent nd Avenue, near Bighth Street openings Widewts are three: as 5 ‘ Wednesda \y- DANCING—Private lessons in Waltz, Two Newly opened. Steam heat and ; tery” will be shown Wednesday ee Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish ia au cate Gahan ta Gveey feet. | T™ ter and elbow length in the rhe publie school board is this and Thursday. This is the final g , fe 8d. and . " ’ - , ’ lar cutie, te "Gee mnee Free baths. Rates reasonable. more elaborate afternoon suits eek gelling out a supply Of] .jintion of the ‘“Myste f OIE EN son, 333 Eighth Ave. East. im «3.49 There are quite a few bolero jack- wood which it is expected wil which a prize of $10,000 was paid a Saale . eb { . tgung | esa? 1 the back and low in front;|e¢mough to sprain his ankle last/powers, arranged early’in Fel | )) Rope Valves Ammu anata ee | [enaree VREATHS there are no collars that are high; Week while getting ready to par-|ruary, has been approved by the] i Pumps Hose Paint — | mon I ely ; IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET A| TO PUT ON VAUDEVILLE all around. This gives freedom |ticipate in the hockey~ game be-| House of Commons Du zy th } Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron an rrr manting 69 roms. Beep | eh to the front of the throat. tween bachelors and benedicts,| debate, Hon. David Lloyd George i bi Giks webeien Gee ene ecer terms. Prince Rupert Music Store, 345 To the Publie of Prinee Rupert: “Up to the present I have at- and has since been laid up. chancellor of the exchequer in y ’ 2 &5T Third Avenue. uf. The Majestic Theatre has now : as Inounced there would be another : s . : , ' al taal tended the openings of Pacquin, , Well , ie ' | 9 i , i c : y NS AND AL yeen forme i Oo a company anc ohe ‘ ape e a f eeting of the nance ministers ) a vo |? a ri Bernard, Beer, Lanvin and* Dou sobers : S6St the Bret pas ee o au y riba Musical Instru-/our sole object is to give to our of the week with his family injof the allied powers, this time in] ? y HAR yy fb Ri ired t the best ine obtain cet. Doucet is showing three ’ ' *. IWA ments repaired. f ‘ons » es servic o in- ow! > as 2 ‘ . . ndor a patron Ti f ( piece Reipire tong cost suits, sie town. He has been at the ed/I lon. Bows rebaired. The able. What we mean by that is, . Rose mine since operations begat afternoon and evening gowns in Prince Rupert Mu- jn eourtesy, pictures, and vaude- biaek ‘ Chantitis i jot, | there, and went back to the prop- TOWING GARBAGE sSCow. ae net, MNantitiy iace ane Hf sic Store, 345 8rd/ ville. We will always engage the rty yesterday morning TENDERS will be received by the un — ave tf.| best talent tt ' f Afternoon colors are chartreuse ; sane Gk tn Oe ee eG Ave, * best talen ere is and as for pic- a: dersignec »tobp me ‘ ’ ale ! 1 I navy blue and dull rose 1915, for the towing of Garbage Scow tures, they will be the best that Word has been received from! yenders must be on “Information for Bid NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- can possibly be procured, regard- “At Paquin’s, much net and L. J. Conkey, who is now residing | Ts & Tender Form’—to be obtained U Should Worr y If er , oO ced skirts in black from City Clerk TECTION ACT. le of the cost to the manage- |Y°" full flounced skirts in : at his home in Seattle He says} me ERNEST A. WOODS, Yo comniceiemsane é nd night blue over tinsel pett A. & ©. Chapter 196. ment; and the price of admission ® 1 nigh 7 neel § that the robins have returned for | 1 Clty Clerk it were difficult to find a safe and reliable . & Cc. coats: se f _@ p ‘ly simple The Imperial O11 Company hereby give Will remain the same as it has ©°@ts; thesé ‘ean ta mp" the new season, the roses are in| Sat hs oho wen ul hotice that it has, under Section 7 of the thin neat and pretty ley also scatter e mn ied iver or wels, ese ailments are above Act, deposited with the Minister of about the skirt small bouquets of and Gan See lawn needs mowing east GUuaLsry SowEsrie anyone; likely, too, to lead to worse sickne Public Works at Ottawa, ani in the of Some of the gentlemen intet It tooks like spring in that neigh-| LUMP proach proposed to be built in Prince Ru $9.00 per Ton — Cash on fice of the District Registrar of ie Prince pcpod in the eon pany have gone ses; { think this is of very good abesd | Kupect lund Registration istrict at : : effect . - {fe Prince lupert, B. C., a descripsion of the to Vancouver to make arrange- . oe | 4 Site and the plans of the wharf and ap- ments for the best pictures and For young girls Beer has a Last Sunday morning a large} Edi pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of actors obtainable by any theatre, dress with a full skirt and Empire |number of citizens were at the Deliver c ? cos . ; are famous the rid over, for their power Waierfront Block “6,” accordiyg to reg- whether Prince Rupert or else-| Waist line; a little short cape goes |depot to bid farewell to Hubert| Money Back If Not Satis- troubles certainly ar aa safe ly. They clk a t istered plan of the townsite of the said | 7 ‘ h th : ; ame ; | the blood and act as a general tonic upon | City of Prince Rupert deposited in the W!!0! Wa: Iotnk: thet. Shove: to [een See Met 16 no longer than | Weineh and. Money Cras, whe-tolt UNION TRA SFER CO eye, Seaman, ‘constipation pale ae aforesaid Land Registry OMice as No. 923.) yo{hing too good for the Prinee the waist line. It is most young on the train to be connected the | . longed suffering and expose you to danger i/ AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- piration of one month from the date or Rupert people that patronize the, and attractive; [ believe in it. It|Third Canadian Contingent \ |} 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 | ‘ ft” the first publication of this notice, the said Majestic Theatre and we are go-|is quite a change from a coat or|number of boys from othe parts W r Not on HH 8, Imperial Ol1 Company will, under Section : ‘ } . 7 Of the said Act, apply to the Minister ing to stay right with it acket and makes such a pretty|of the district also went down ot Prepared oly by Thomas Reechar, “a i of Public Works at his oMfce in the City The music is strietly union and | ‘throw over.’ Some girls here are} Sunday. ie rain Seid everywhere in Conede ead U. 8. Amerie. }a enmeniel of Ottawa for approval of the said site ' " ‘and plans and for leave to construct the COMSequently of the best at all already wearing it in fur — } — anid ‘wharf end approach. times, being under the direction| “Long capes for evening, with | PATMOTIO SOCIETY Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 20 a ait day of February, A. D. 1915. of Mr. Alex. Gray. The orchestrajonly slashes for the hands, are re| BY GOVT. EMPLOYEES THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY will be one to be proud of. If you|seen in eharming models. oe 2, Handreds of your 28-34-40-47 ; | : ; towns people can int your money's worth and algeneral style note is 1856. Hs sal A writer in the Terrace News certif, to the truth of : these w LAND NOTICES. real good afternoon or evening's |are extremely simple All the/letter, deploring the absence of ( They know beca becaage | have suff — ———— — - the: anything in the line of patriotism | V} and bean yment, don’t fail to go to the smart women in Paris are weal } Skeena Land Districit— a ‘ om * onl — ania of Majestic Theatre same place, ling the ‘Tipperary’ suit; it is mont in the ancient city of Terrace os ie Soca Third Avenue }popular. I have bought one ar df hs as the following to say, whieh | A OTICE that Wil $ o om _ ° nh Remo, B. C., ocx saatien yn lig MAJESTIC THEATRE CO jam sending it by the next steam | be sides its element of humor has} tends to apply for permission to lease the ——- iship.” ja hidden meaning: fouiGHiag Gesccibed lands: —Commencing at BATHING IN FEBRUARY. | \ : : 7 Spost piaateg on jue mor thes'g limit of s a remedy for this shameft | t ght-of ay of the Grand Trunk Pa atr ; . e . ciile Railway Company, and about 35 chains fhe weather in P Rupe \SRITISH ARBITRATION BOARD. noe x of patriotism, I suggest the| septawestory from atte 84, east from sd sind tart sad nos iper ie |following: There are seven or Si I rince Rupert, B. C.; thence north 20 i a an | -* _ rf ) chains; thence West 20 chains; thence Y@sterday was almost as warm a Londor March 4.—With aleight government servants in th Causes {C. ess f south 46 chains, more or less, to the north tats A number of boating — —— ” = at erly limit of the Right-of-Way of th ' IMDOF OES lew to preventing interruptions |valley who are in receipt of bi Grand “irunk Pacive “Railway Company: orties took place and in one ease ating intoryuptions | oe t-epnnle _ Look for Loop thence northeasterly along the northerly | = ge * on , of work in the trades which sup-|fat cheques on easy terms fron limit of the said Right-of-Way to pomt of it js reported that some of then , , , P-| ' ne A OPTICIAN commencement; and containing about aoe sy ea , ply war materials, the govern-jthe publie treasury, some all the| 80 acres, more or less F went in wading in the salt water.|" “ . ne 4 ii me | 223 Sixth St. Phone Black 69 y WILLIAM WATSON ment has appointed a committee |year round, others from. six to u Dated December 26, 114. 25-85 How is that for the last day of ' : o~ neiemaneli , ito considere all disputes which jeight months in each and ever ebruary? | mate 5 pore TION ac Tt,” REVIS ry ithe parties directly concerned are lyear, Let them start a patriotic S OF CA ADA, 1906, | re : . CHAPTER 115, AND. AMENDING ACTS GENERAL GOUGH DEAD unable to settle Ihe committee |league to be known as the Kit. | FOR EXCHANGE APPLICATION BY . THE MONTAN \NTINENTAL DE at onsists of Sir George Askwith, of |sumkalum Valley Patriotic | 3 NY FOR AP > s . | ' THE rine {FOR CUN London Feb 27 Brigadier|the Board of Trade; Sir Francis |League, to be continued until th P AIN| WHARF , - ”" ; . a te Lots LN 4 Dy il John BE. Gough, who took |!lopwood, of the Admiralty, and|jend of this war, the promoters to | s Cc. UPERT T N . | a ” Pas _ ip nent part in the retreat|Sir George Gibb, of the War Of-/pay running expenses, the publi eae ‘ | We have a client who will TAKE NOTICE that the Montene Goau- from Mons and who has sever: al | flee. jto provide the talent free nenta evelopment Company, o utte Mon joatans: has deposited with the Minister tities been mentioned tis I would also suggest that Mr.|g @*ehange 160 acres of land ie , at Ottawa, Canad 1 i | ; . = uh the sbistriet Kegistrar sh "ities, patches, has died of wounds p--|@&ClA WAS TAKEN |. L. Prank take the initiative in|? im Saskatehewan, 40 acres rince Ruper . C,, under Chapter i1 | ] ep * c, oot ahaa See, Geseepiicn ot ceived last Saturday. BY FRENCH CRUISER «farting this league. As he is] under cultivation, for Prince Baby’s soft skin is the te lo be constructed by the said Company on —e longer in the government service ’ > Waterfront Block | “E,"" Prince "Rupert HAVE BAD HABITS | Paris, March 1.—A French|than ¢ » in thie vie Rupert business praperty. BABY’S OWN SOAI fownsite, according to registered pian of | iris, Ma i 1an any one in ms Vil inity, ana} FOR PARTICULARS APPLY . i } Eeoatt Land hepisity’ Otiee, "led mee jcruiser has arrested the American| must therefore be a dyed-in-the | ° and ae constant use in thousands o! a OE apie consisting of With the German army eling-|steamer Dacia in the English| wool patriot, Iam sure they mankdl —APPLY— is satisfactory pre of that its fra WL TARE NOTICE shat the! ing to Champagne and their navy|Channel. She has been taken tolget a large number to join, Real helps and whitens the most delicate propised. works, "and peritission os a sticking to port there ought to be | Brest, This is given as official.| patriots admitted free Patriota| PAT TULLO & RADFORD = No imitation has all the merit o! struct the same. a good chance for the Allies to The Dacia has a cargo of cotton! without valriotism ac ssio r ' = OW N he AP, DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 8th i » &dmissi ny : lay of January, A. pteoae & FULTON demonstrate the value of temper- from New Orleans and was bound | #10 Let us hear from some of 12 SECOND AVENUE ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturc:s, M pobelsore Sor me Montana Capeimente: Pe. | ance. jfor Rotterdam, jthe government bounty men. I P= ' - : EMPRESS CO F, G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS)