March 4
— i
pnovrerreraernren | oF
Ih lireclor | AV f *
} ; .
—— =| CONSTIPATION mor so Birks’ Il
al ssa Ropstotnente i irks’ Illustrated Catalogue
— |) Fra-atves” Cured Pa vi enee |
ore. ‘ raly- i In Yo r H D
winpsor d B nd Oi ti ou ome uring
. ond Maret
ver ocrcw ve soa venom ** ) 704 Bowels and Diges mn Se
"« a. wrient, Prop st eo Oe Post's rarian correspond
. hes ms z a4 1GAN, Que. [ont ay Duddbert' sends the 4cthie As a medium through which you may select gifte sultabie for every
| f « follow occasion, mf Cate: ‘catest
wore nm TRAL “It is a pleasure to me to inform you ||" shoes telaa eae ss egy “or:
a eoth st that after suffering from Chronic r i Birks’, Vanoouven, le the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order
ne = on Pal Constipation for 2% 5 years, 1 have heen r ¢ Original first line army of Department and our Illustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead-
cured by “Fruit-a-tives’’ While I ' { ‘ i )
peer Proe was @ ctadont ot Rerthicr Collere, | hich Austria | ng to @ selection from our immense stocks.
. became so ill I was forced to leave the ius sary the war almost i te
x wore. tle college. Severe pains across the | non-existent by i wr =
an aod Ninth intestines continually tortured me ded : These seven i nirhn — — oaTALoau! vou veyed, ae rv.
seat Ave it came to a point when I could not \" th ha the monarehy aoe
rope tue w $1.00 stoop down at all, and my Digestion | four tings
per [a ‘ became paralyzed. Some one adwised F 1 as they enr ir Ss
geener & Beener rope me to take *Prisit-a-tives’’ and at once ire W t idmit flicially y m 1 ted
i : von — improvement. After ] They ha ‘ ‘4 : 2 a Ons, i t e
ce : nad taken four or five boxes, I realized : f iundrec i
7. Roches y ) Castes that ! was completely cured ahd oA at [en nsand but ‘ mill aix JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS
empress WOTEL made me giad, also, was that they lhundred tl ’ ¥4 Granville and Georgia Streets
—— were acting gerftly, causing no pain . ind men, killed,
rhird Ave oman a All those who wounded and pr Of these . Goo. f, Sonne ee Sens VANCOUVER, B.C
Bev suffer with Chronic Constipation ,
wopean Plen, 60 to 61 Per Oay should follow my example aaa take 00,000 are ger illy being sent Yoldiers iy aid S .
—— saints > —., for they are the Iback to the front f them Borracker ot Combridse e ; coe
medicine that cures”, | ’ wore .
ae, ae MAGLOIRE Paguin |" OPEN NOt DF wered Cultivate Colle He mMonners % :
one ¢ owes ae Pruttetives’”aresold by ali dealers |A°COMingly, we can safely say Using identifi tion Tepyr os onocles's
Third Ave. ® at soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, the first line army f the first
reneen Pian nem Meated o Tove) any id eee price [two million is entirely broken uy English Soldiers at Cambridge F ind Amusement in Taking Off the
— ” a awa DrOKE )
am y WHOLEAALE LIQUOR 0., |) already, New reinforcements have Commonly Expressed Opinion of “English College Students.”
Une in la comparatively small militar —— SHINGLE”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS
Second e hi ° les ]
Phone 108 Prince upert d C | value | LUMBER
ve fie toh Rupert Feed C0... anv ore ann ww WILL HOLD NO BISLEY PRINCE RUPERT C0.
nok RUPERT IMPORTING OO., DEALERS {N er, is on no account broke a
vee : ' ! i ur broken, MEETING THIS SEASON tet Ave. and MoBride 6. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0.
rroser spo Sixth 8s Hay, Grain, Feed ind one may expect some very PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers
“bows 3 and Seeds | Eo Ww from it yet, for the London, March 4.—-Lord Chel- oe os
eo ad we ‘ ale jmachine itself is sound and per- esmore, presiding at the winter ae _—
SUBSCRIBE FOR SPaot fect, only its ma power is be- meeting of the National Rifle As- ;
S Agents for ginning to give way Its only sociation, said he had asked the THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0., OF B.C., LIMITED
5 ie
D Y NE S DOMINION NURSERY & oe is that the Russians are no War Office if they would permit
1E AIL W ORCHARDS CO. " better off. How much truth there them to raise a battalion of Bisley $$ VENTURE
cE TO DELINQUENT ©O- Mall ordere promptly attended te s in that hope we shall see ir shots. The War Office had refus-
CE onea co- = ed, so they had formed a school SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. M.
a 908 Thire Ave. pnene 68 present the army of Aus- ; of musketry. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT
sie — ti. oe with the forees in The offer to place the Bisley MIDNIGHT
wt WOOD OO OSC O SOLED DOOD 9 BORD FOOT oe ‘yr traini . , :
‘sot? take Notes oo Sea ieied fle : _ under training eon- — camp and ranges at the disposal For Further Particulars Apply to
rned €o-OW - sists o vetween 3.500.000 and fA of the army was at once accepted
hing No. 4” amd the | pO DEA ; ’ 7 568 ‘CON
P as x sisuated 2 ru a Imarovomente | 4,000,000 n, and that is the ® fe After serious consideration the ee oo quamacagehl Sout, 6S 7 ow
r Ha about three-quar- Chance It Fraction, and Black Bear : TLA MSHI
: beach, s = Skee. fatnorel Claims situate te ee Skeena Min-|limit for her military powers. As] — atm — jecouncil has decided it was impos AGENOY.A NTIC STEA Ps
strict, Province 0’ vision of Cassiar District. ae :
A jone the required here located:—-I'll Chance it Fracti eve other state st 0 s 2 ) ) i sley © :
vc above “mentioned wee tate, a cisime, eee oad ‘ : ' . i 3 ms i. sae : ee ad — : a ee
. or @ arm s exceer rly corrup ‘ g location o : s ‘ar.
d.the Same eae Bee. Ai cers” ant ety et | every ingly corrupt.| fap showing location of Bucky [this yea
ner pera! Claim, loca one verywhere you c¢ see swhat]; le »s re 0 , rs| =
‘ publication of this|more or less, from the northwest point of | : Coe: te VENer ae eeeee, Wpere Ws : meee
J ise 2 the need os Alice Arm, @ branch of Ob-|bribery and influence ean do in| of the Canadian First Contingent
ape ure servatory Inlet
5 f this advertise- TAKE NOTICE that J, Pedro Salina, lamsinaies the rich and aristro- | were le an accide
were killed in an accident.
| the said mineral| Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., intend,
ne propesty ot ee — Gage ir mm, Be date hereof "to apply eratic from military service. In}-———— — - e
m4 - ecorde
‘ Cot 3 0. . vements, for the purbose "of ob-| Budapest, young, able-bodied men USSIAN HOAX or e,
‘ COVERT, taint a Crown Grant t abc laim.
a¢ ae x further take botice that setion, | still enjoy life or travel as news- R SS
4 \upert, anuary | under section 85, must commen
fore the issue of such Certificate of Im eee correspondents of favored KITCHENER PLAN Deli 1
provements nn
Certificate of Improvements. wn this 2ist day of September, A.D. government organs They are cornea cious
a naa mee pepro-saminas, (often rich bankers’ sons, whose | myth of Soldiers Passing Through
t and 8rd ave
- St and 8rd Ave.
= ‘t and 8rd Ave.
' ‘on of 181, @ad and
te ©, Detween 8th and
4 Sox Hotel.)
> ve and 7th St. (Cen
‘1d AYe, and er¢@ St.
st Mee
2 rd
~ ‘TO Ave, and McBride st.
” “' S\e and MeBride st.
= ' Ave. and end st
= ae _ sod 6th 81.
» ‘h Ave. and Fulton 84,
- ‘orden and ‘Taylor Sts.
= 7h Ave. and Pultom 4,
i Ave. and Comox ave.
= 51) Ave. and Dodge Pi,
Ave. and Thompson 8.
i ee NO. 4,
‘) Ave, ang Emmerson
a Ave. ang McBride 81.
*)D Ave. and Green gt.
4-4 ave “od Best) o¢
%—7th ave, and Eberte.
“1 “Ave. and Young 8.
bLLLii tT Terre
| would not be called upon to serve
land the
a great scale
usands of other parasites
business developed on
when the war
out, instance,
appointed eor-
respondents were exempted from
military service and thus rich
youths have been offering large
sums of money to the Austro-
phile press for appointments
Some pour papers, indeed, have
done a good business out of this
| respondents working for nothing
jor even paying a monthly
jand have a dozen war
ito the proprietors for their posi-
You are “Under such cireumstances,
jnaturally, the third and fourth
ile vy of boys of seventeen and men
lof forty-five, are a pitiable sight,
when you simply | for the medical examination is
ask for “rubber I< ‘onfined to two questions, one re-
heels” on your garding consumption and the
as to lameness. The ques-
general fitness or men-
as eye-sight, physical
the doctors in groups
the pretext
powers never arises at these
and men are usher-
ed in before
of twenty, and under
that there is no time for a more
thorough examination, a@ man 1s
RUBBER HEELS at once passed over to the re-
eruiting room for enlistment, He
gets twenty-four hours to settle
his civilian affairs and make his
will and then is taken to the other
end of the training.”
and get the world’s
best. They cost
no more—
country for
Liverpool, March 3.-—Following
the stocks of breadstuffs and
At All Shoe Stores and
Repair Shops.