THE DAILY NEWS PRINCI RUPERT, B, C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1915. —— PRICE FIVE CENTS cone ERMANY BEGINS TO TALK ABOUT MAKING PEACE NOTHER GERMAN SUBMARINE RAMMED AND SUNK--WM. MANSON FAILS TO GET PORTFOLIO IAM MANSON N TURNED | DOWN. BOWSER TAKES THE PORTFOLIO | TION WILL BE USED FOR ELECTION PURPOSES — WIL- LIAM MANSON DOESN T STAND IN WITH W. J. BOWSER AND CAN'T GET IT. (Special to The Dally News) jwill be promised to various mer Bp. ¢., Mareh 10 The bers throughout the province a Hs \ Manson who an assistance for their elect that he was to receive | rhose who are in close touch with Finanee and Ag-'| the Attorney General know that he by Price Eili- |e cannot tolerate William Manson have be reivously disap- land that there is no chance of him . W Bowser has taken| getting it, although it may be dar t) tf ) himself and it | wled before the constitueney for that the position | election purposes. 1 FREDRICK HAD >— ee ee * A WORLD NECESSITY. * A NARROW ESCAPE « . * Our esteemed contem- * (Special lo The Dally News.) * porary, The Evening Em- * yport Va., March 10./# pire has an original rea- * iuxiliary Eitel|}* son for advocating the * st had a close call|*® return of the McBride * ! rover on ») powe « Britis irships. She has government t powe! It i| informs us that there isa * supplies and! we |}*# great international war on * it is found that | » and that the destinies of * | ed capture’ and)# the British Empire are in * pipe t tern here. She|# the bands of Sir Richard * rd 326 French reserv.-|*% McBride and that without * < '* him in power Jellico could * . {* not get any orders and Sir *) e part of her make wind : oe * John Frence® and Kitch * vas painted white * ener would be without = black on the), advisor. Indeed, too, the ei ruse she had» bombardment of the Dar- * k her enemies * danelles could not be pro- # ote \* ceeded with; and besides * ALS B zs THe \* that who would there be to * PRINCE re tell the Grand Duke that * '* the hour had struck were a bis Cossacks to charge * ee ee Truly, Sir Richard is a * Me ' — this tt world necessity. The Em- * M ; RPA ie pire puts it in this poetic * M weal Flags, le way: “We mustn't swap *| \ ren =. Se * horses while crossing a * M | aan ae * stream’; well, it seems to * ioldblooe Tr. 7 Me m, A. Ber * be all right to swap cows, * ’ vag * Geschie "rs eachiel, * so why not horses—espe ° i. % ik child, Mr * cially when the Grit horse * , , Mr. O P M ‘ r. Olds, Mt.l4 is the better? * amniton, MP ee eee Mr. Skinner, Mr. Mu- Mrs. E Newman,| N.1 Mr. Bronzer, Mr. | - STILL BOMBARDING on, W H Bell, . teens . . lal to Th jews. Moore, Mr, Robert- Gee y . _ Paris, March 10.—The opera G. R. B. Elliott, M ; tions in the Dardanelles, which Weld, Mr. Jef- i haye been hindered by misty lin, Mrs. Jeffery, T. s | . weather, have been resumed, The lampke, Mrs Turkish batteries on the Heights Biggot and wife, of Renkui at the narrows have bers, Mes. Howse ce M been silenced. The Queen Eliza ! Guthrie, A. CG. Ane M } . beth entered the Dardanelles and ibb and wife, Mr. ind wif ._p wp made an attack on Fort Rumili ' Wile, C. BF, Evans, Mr. Medijedict M | uchier, Mr. Rowe, edijedieh, | » Gunes. Guile HOUSE FOR RENT. J. Callaghan, L. » Drs hai 1. Dockrill, Mr, Hol- First-class house with all mod : ‘nd child, Mr, Mid-lern conveniences and fully fur ““0ston, Mrs, Munro,|nished. Owner will be out of ; ld, W. R. Green- town eight months. Phone Green cholls, Mr, Vandie~| 506. 48tf McElroy, Sam Gourley, dicaliieeti alia . Mr Bogue, Miss| Suits aeatietd.. 50 cents. Guar I M Sylvester and Capt,|antee Tailors, Sixth Street, Phone ‘Olson and wife, Black 69, 51.53 ee DENTISTRY rown and Bridge Work a Specialty DRS. GILROY & BROWN DENTISTS haved sm re TH BLOCK, THIRD AVENUE — PHONE 454 HOW GREAT BRITAIN TREATS HER GERMAN PRISONERS. Funeral will full militars hono! of a German in a prison ca mp al South End on Sea, England. - GERMANY BEGINS TO TALK OF PEACE— CHANCELLOR TO MAKE ANNOUNCEMENT : « Terms Not Likely to be Satisfactory to Allies, But Move- ment Considered of Utmost Importance---Will Mean That the People Will See London, March 10-—Everything points to the faet that the Ger man war lords have got all the var they want. Not only that, but the feeling throughout the coun try seems to be turning st gly against what they consider to be a hopeless st ge le Talk About Peace. It has just been announced that Dr. Bethmann Holweg, the Gel man Chancell will announce ;° today in the Reichstag the terms peace which will be suitable to Germany It is not expeeted that the terms will in any way meet the demands of the Allies, but the fact that the question Is brought up and, especially in the AT THE OPERA HOUSE Sensational Feature That Has NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Ninth Episode of “413” “413” “413” ESTHOLM TONIGHT “THE ADVENTURES OF FOUR - THIRTEEN West nol i FRIDAY AND SATURDAY KATHLYN” } Reichstag, is regarded as of the first importance, H. C. HAMILTON iS DEAD. Effect on People. - It is dificult to see how in the Well Known Business Man and | face of these events Germany can Mine Operator in North. hope to continue the war. The —ehheme people, who have all along been Fairbanks, Mareh 10. Henry nt blind to th® real. situation, | © Hamilton, formerly of the kept blind to eal situation, vill now be brought face to face|We!! known firm of Brumbaugh, with the real issue. They will see|4amilton & Kellogg, and ° PiO-| of the that the cause .of Germany is !®eer business man of the North hopeless, for otherwise in on died here suddenly in the hos- lords would never talk of peac« pital. He had been ill one day. | nless a complete victory had In the early days he was a prom-|~ bans eached The apanied pro- inent mine operator in the Daw-| posals of Germany are not likely |8°" and Fairbanks district. He is to he of the kind that the Allies lsurvived by a wife and three chil- would aeccept—but it is a start jdren. Nothing I! satisf the Allies = ee ee a Agel pons, ot the INDOOR BASEBALL. short of a complete surrender | he - Terminals vs. Colts, Thursday, THE WEATHER. |March-41, 8 p. m., at the Audi-| “ee | torium 57-8 5 a. m., March 10, 1915 —— ; Diantinehee iN ee 9 O34 Jobs of all deseriptions. Work M ix temp “ ’ ,.52.0 jcalled for and delivered free. | Min, temp 10.0 Fritz—Phone 583 57-9 ockcedéeens d ee ee ae ROINGRD . cote cecscecnins 08 eR REE Re MAJESTIC THEATRE * ITALY TO FIGHT. * i : » 3 Tonight and Tomorrow | u . * {Special to The Pally News) © 3 Lois WEBER and PHILLIP * London, March i0—A # SMALLEY Present Shake- * strong Italian fleet has * speare’s Masterpi * left for the Dardanelles, * \* It is believed here that * Th Merchant of Venice * Italy think the end of the * (3° ef eC | -—IN FOUR PARTS—- * war is near and that she | * must get in now if she is «| ° “ * to share in the spoils, *| GRANDDADDY’S os : ” * This is likely to result in | GRANDDAUGHTER > ; ediate : *' ‘a . wy _ os entrance < AN UNEXCELLED COMEDY of Italy into the war, DRAMA CRE HHH RHR ERR RH He The Real Issue RAMMED ANOTHER SUBMARINE cR ty. tac - * * * © 7 . 7 * > * * * * * . * * * * a London, submarine, announced today by the thg destroyer ee ee BRITISH DESTROYER ON THE JOB EW SURRENDERED AND WERE ALI ALL SAVED BUT ART BEING HELD FOR TRIAL—FORMERLY HAD SUNK THE BRITISH STEAMER BLACKWOOD. (Special to The Daily News.) March 10. sunk another the U-20. all saved, The Brit-/|but are being held for trial, as she Gereman | had previously sunk the British This was | steamship Blackwood, with con- Admiral-|siderable loss of life. This sub- 1913. She was of 840 tons and had an | surrendered and were have She was rammed and sunk by | completed in Ariel. After the at-| ; destroyer the crew operating radius of 2,000 miles. VANCOUVER WINS OVER JOINT STAR STEAM (Special to The Dally News) March 10.—The *) Vancouver hockey team defeated marine was k by the A FALSE BILL. Have you heard the lat- est about that agricultural bill? The MeBride ment is making a big noise the fifty going to advance * * * * - govern- Vancouver, about millions */the Vietoria and Portland all-star they are oe to the nobody jecombination team here last night Of course, * |by a score of 8 to 6. believes in their knowing that it farmers. sincerity, * INTERNATIONAL LAW is an election dodge; but * REGARDED AS FICTION the bill itself is the great- * Apeeiahiiamat est evidence of that. The *) Stanford University, Cal., March bill says that it shall come */140.—*International law is a fic- into effect only when the *}tion with which some few hun- Governor-in-Couneil shall */ dred college professors are ac- decide. In other words, it *)quainted,” August Schvan, Swed- is just a blind; it will be *) ish diplomat and lecturer for the used for election purposes */|Carnegie Foundation, declared in \* and then put in with the _*/a Jecture here. |* other “scraps of paper’ of * “Nations are bound to it,” he \* unfulfilled promises. The * says, “only as it suits their con- people will accept nothing *|yenience. The only recourse we from those men who have *}| have is to throw international law * proved themselves false in *| into the waste basket and replace * the past. They will Be *} it with a system of international * driven out of power. *! behavior which will be known not EH HE) Only to a few professors, but to THREE STEAMERS SUNK the ordinary man in the street the world over.” ‘ lah to The Balt . A meeting of the Trades and London, March 10.—In_ the Labor Coenen took “paaee._ last night at which there were some early hours of Tuesday morning stormy scenes, Asa seauit. Jack | Gert nan submarines sunk the}Njeo! resigned from the presi- j steamer Tangiston near Searbor-|dency, and 8. D. Macdonald was lough, the Blackwood off Hastings] elected in his place. Some talk | ind the ery ‘Th zagging. took place about putting a can- the field but to the legislative com- There are several aspir- Princess Vietoria off Liv- didate in this was wool, referred Thirty-seven of the crew Tangiston were drowned. mittee. e Clan MaeRae eseaped by zig-|/ants for the nomination in case they decide to enter the field. Liberal Meeting A Grand Liberal Rally will be held in the Melntyre Hall on Thursday Night at 8.30 to elect delegates to a Liberal Convention which will choose a Candidate to contest the Prince Rupert riding in the interests of the Liberal Party All liberals and their friends are cordially invited to at- tend. Questions of the day will be discussed ——— Thursday Night! a pases