THE DAILY NEWS C7 “The Daily News’ CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Large furnished room; close | ime suitable for ome or two gentlemen; 68 per Month. Bux 131, News. 57-6 FOR KENT Furnished house i108 Sth Avenue West. cor. McBride 57-61 FOR RENT—Bedroom with sitting room attached. Close in; rent $10 per month Hox 129, News w FOR RENT Furnished emeren > | rooms _eeuire Demers. -f. FA SALE POR SALE—Set iadies’ mink furs For felted by lady who paid a large deposit at $175 price Will seli at $75 The Guarantee Tailors 7? FOR SALE—Remnants in dress lengths of pale blue silk; cost $1.25 per yard in London. Will sell at 65 cents. Guar antee Tailors 51-57 POR SALE—-Hand Laundry doing gvod busipess Box 130, News. 61-57) WANTED SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work by day. Apply Box 125, The News. wf. WANTED— er joman wants chamber work. Apply ox 117, The News. tf aac cet DANCING. DANCING—Private lessons in Waltz, Two Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks- Ander son, 333 Eighth Ave. East. im _ POULTRY. BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING EGG8, Breeding Cockerels, Barron's Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Geese, Ducks. Catalague. Columbia Poultry Kranch. Steveston, B. C. 45-714 FOUND. FOUND—Key tw Eagle lock on Fifth Ave-. Apply Box 128, News. Sg LosT LOST—Biack slipper, between Central school and Postoffice Return to Ber- nice ) Palme r, phone | 209. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL | Musical Instru- ments repaired Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- { LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Captain and Mrs. C. H, Nic hol-| eon arrived today on the George ..3 % F. M. Silverton f the Granby iSmelter, was a passenger today the Prince George. oa .« Wm. J. Carr, road superin- endent spending a few days in town There will be a splendid con- “rt in the Westholme Theatre on St. Patrick's Day, March 17 tf - ¢-< Chas. W. K. McCurdy left on this morning's train for Philadel- phia, where he has accepted a sit- vation with the Kingston Plaster | Company. > > ’ For a comfortable room, come} to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec-)| end Avenue, near Eighth Street Newly opened. Steam heat and) hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. 2 .¢ John Gook, an old-timer in th s | the ty, left today for his home in Old Scotia. His wife and family re~)the sid4 there. Mr. Cook is an uncle of the Strang boys, well known} locally. oe Bert Kergin, T. W. Faleonerj|a and Will Cameron, of Stewart, ar-| rived in town a couple of days ag on a combined business and | *ipleasure trip. They will returt in a couple of days . * * F. M. Dockrill came up on the | George and left for the Interior on the train. Frank has been nursing the Interior constituency | |for the last year or two and hope we -| to land the Conservative n« tion. * * s Rev. H. R. Grant left today for sic Store, 345 3rd) Ave. BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.00 per Ton — Cash on Deli eh ! Money Back If Not Satis- | Jack Millar, one of the pi pu- | UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wears away astone. A slight - eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort should be remedied at once, This we guarantee to do with lasses. Consultation free. elays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN 223 Sixth St. __Phone Black 69 FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE CONRAD STREET $12.00 —APPLY— PATTULLO & RADFORD w,| Toronto, where he will attend a jmeeting of the Home Missior | Board. Mr. Grant is the repre- |sentative for the northern half of | British Columbia. He will be} | away for two weeks. Supply w I, be arranged during his absence * * * lar old-timers, left today on a se-/of bad companionship driven eret mission that is said to be full |py of promise for his personal wel-| fare. He anay turn out like the | iman who was complimented on| his improved appearance after his return from a holiday and replied: | Yes, I gained 110 pounds. Come here till I introduce you.” ‘esth REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S: | tarism. OWN RIFLES. “Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, | iclearer Commanding, March 10, 1915: Parades. A” Company will parade at the | Exhibition Building on Friday,) March 12, at 7:45 p. m. B’’ Company will parade at the} Exhibition Building on Thursday, | March 11, at 7:45 p. m. W. 8. MARSHALL, Lieut., 58-9 Acting Adjutant. |' BERNHARDT IN DANGER. Somewhat Better After Reaction) From Previous Improvement. Bordeaux, March 10 Sarah | Bernhardt, whose condition was jtoned onsidered excellent for several days after the amputation of her ase instead of up and down | right leg, February 22, recently |There was has felt a reaction and her con- dition for tke last forty-eight | hours has caused her friends |delicate i some anxiety It was announced | Pring e by her physicians last night, however, that she was somewhat better. The girl who marries for the! |purpose of getting a home some-| times takes in a boarder. | OTT STARTS TO PACIFY INDIANS Difficult Mission is Entrusted to Fall of Constantinople Means Dis- Chief of Staff of United States Army. {GEN SC alled experiences SPLENDID SHOW MAJESTIC THEATRE Last night the » Charles Chaplin's antics in rocking and roaring. erst My Boy to Be a & | higher class than ever PHENOMENON. and a crease vat that might have a stunning little ae might have been the head, » sounded like “Salvation ‘Army. /Vhursday and Saturday at 8 p.m LO@KS FOR WHITE FLAGS UNFURLED sensational developments which almost take your breath away One of the great scenes in this production is the wrecking of a real train, consisting of an engine and tender with four coaches which runs into an open switch at full speed, causing a most real istic smashup This great picture drew crowd- ed houses for one entire week at the Rex Theatre in Vancouver and |Was generously praised by the papers of that city Tonight's program will inelude an exceptionally fine comedy and a new War Gazette and deserves 1 very beral patronage CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. W. F. Lake wishes to ex tend sincere thanks to all wh jexpressed their sympathy in her that/recent bereavement, and to the following who so kindly sent flow ers Mr. and Mrs. A. G, Sinelai Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Munro, Mr and Mrs. Jarvis MeLeod, Mr and Mrs Dan Sutherland, Messrs. W Harper, M. Henderson, A. Russell Harrison Rogers, ©. R. Robinson W Edgar, Noble, MeKenzie and Winsby HOME NURSING CLASS. All ladies of the Home Nursing |\Class are advised that the exam. |} jination will take place on Wed-| Inesday next, the 10th, in the new | ischool on Borden Street, at 8 | o'clock Candidates are request.| ed to bring their own pens All other requisites will be provided 55-58) JOE MARTIN MAKES APOLOGY TO TAYLOR \ March i M credit to Germany—Turks Wil! D. Ta : tora Be Furious on Learning Mr. Joseph Mart the Truth. oetl “— raws Paris, March 1 A man wh ere in - naed to the «ct tt e | pia I ka f a long 1 i 5 “ last, aft : :s ie with g » } hallengee M s hapy x rurkey, discuse-| 1 h f mR ation the Darda a } et M Mart : to b ping, s it I what I l ig he i the Far Fast, th lof The I g J ul. Tt may : oT ‘ i | t j dis diting - y has 1 t ' Hith t the { { i i and th g | att . pire have been fed es and] nayoralty. M the realiz h th is | Ma K tt they w lo when ( . t {t i ' it s foreed to capi at | Witt tu ' furl s with t ‘ \ . that misled tl ! \ iss tisfa ! y ing TJ ks W al ~ t which M lay st ta reault a I ave f awh y own part i j t tha tl t d t! As « us the firs attlesh @ | Ma pa ane f Le sta I th March 6, 191 I will take t gs th L. D. Tay Esq wn har : vi gs City see flying f y h - Dea Ss I i I t ! tow! i The 1 g J Pres ably the A sv rr t fa ' : tablish 1 cor ther f t t h I was as : th f ind keep the administrat a | graph a - \ things in their own hands, Db to Mr. Tay! fina i there will clearly be need of na-|he y 1 to | t h tive administrators It s ft paradox that h vas | 4 ‘ n yet to spea® of the men who|had all sorts of 1 Wt are fitted f r such work but they i} t il I le v i jexist—men wh have h M Mart he gets it from tl been dominated by the y ng 5 Ci aml - i Turks nor mixed up i the f he peor ho want Alex schemes ince St t I I [ a = ‘ e to ge toe th ts a BIG TRAIN WRECK IN MOV- tantiat ' stat ts ING PICTURES AT THE w that they give ground f WESTHOLME TONIGHT)... 4-! f bel. } I bel I ean | thi rh 113 is the title of a highly as printed 1 ; oe” ‘ sational mystery play in three} hag Money to ba Tay parts to be shown at the West ; 4 ane aia aa ; holme Opera House tonight and M Joseph Martin exy , te “ ght. This picture is}agy oy aspiring L. D Ctetncin exceptionally interesting and ex- gamblere and organised eiiad ting, full of plots and counter-}iy behind Taylor.” While this i plots interspersed with most], ascureia Gtatement of wheal said at the meeting, [ withdraw the statement made in the ab paragraph and heading, and apol ogize to you for same. Yours truly, JOSEPZ MARTIN The Evening Journal over | which it has been stated officially Mr. Martin has no control excep as to the editorial columns, at tempts to cover its ow retreat by printing the above in its edi torial columns and drawing at tention to it on its front page “It is hardly enough,” said Mr Taylor This man and his paper have villified me for a whol week Does he nagine that perfunetory apology and with lrawal of this kind are going t fice and that I will accept it as f it were a gen e express trit for ecting a wrong? In the very same i which they prec is ck is published, appeared a whe m f ab by ar s writer lam n ma but I ear tb d to accept meekly the sabek Martin extends with one hand while he continues to strike with the other M: Martin will hear my views on his letter through my lawyers.” The Best Remedy For Al ll 1 Age id prov 80 by thou and ,; UNor the whole "work over, i3 the far ty Beee ‘ham’s Pills. The ailment € 4 Ine to which all are subject, —fron © orm many serious sicknesses, are corrected a ted | ted by Try a few doses now, and you will |} to have better digestion, sounder sg! greater cheerfulness after your of poisonous impuriti: For « ; parents, Beecham’s Pills are match\ remedy h . a Worth a Guinea 2 Box Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, I Sold everywhere in Canada and U.S. America. | The directions with every box are very valuable —cepe