a ee eee er =m THE DAILY NEWS | _ steel —— BANISH BULLY BOWSER ol y News 15.—Ofmicial ittack whieh | day was re- Station was de- craft took 1,720 nemy's losses ! Canadians Praised. , I if Official—A i t the British ~ tely complete IK NEUTRALITY HANGS IN BALANCE. The Dally Newe) 15 q ippeals to the (Special t Former 4 h t ibandon neu the present is to f (ireece ed to renounce the \ewean Sea s if me utrality | left Constanti- FUEL FROM OUR RUPERT MUSKEG vorking on a iking peat fuel hey do in Ire- ired a large ition from the tment of Mines tlen to the Im- t for informa- in Treland, Mi the scheme will and as soon he This would be line cal industry if SPRING SHOES, Shoes is the If or wide PECK 7ne 6 mn this eity irrow, et to measure Wallace's tf. ide lels uae JESTIC THEATRE DNDAY AND TUESDAY March 15 and 16 FOR HER FATHER'S SINS” Well Pietured, Parts ORAMA— ‘LODGING FoR THE NIGHT” f the Hills Peat ) and Charlotte Burt u ~ COMEDY— PAD AND THE GIRLS” ed ‘ mnedy ho’ Broke 1 anthy KEYSTONE “THE WINNING PUNCH” How Into n u _~ © ARMY MANeUVERS MR HARRY . LACELLE Ha i Few for You to Hear Them OCC; $Me; ; TOO; COSC Hee Good Don't Fe wean i. (SH ATTACK SUCCESSFUL CANADIANSIN THICK OF FIGHT ANS MADE COUNTER ATTACK ON SATURDAY WHICH Was REPULSED—GENERAL FRENCH CONGRATULATES GENERAL ALDERSON OF THE CANA- DIAN FORCES. | , MONDAY, PRINCE RUPERT, MARCH = ~~ ane 15, 1915, PRICE FIVE CENTS SH FORCES HAVE MADE MPORTANT ADVANCE NADIANS IN ANOTHER ATTACK ARE COMMENDED—TURKS AFTER BULGARIAN NEUTRALITY a NEW MOVEMENT OF GERMANS (Special ts The Dally News.) TRATED—NORTH OF PRZASNYSZ ENEMY’S FANTRY HAS LIKEWISE FAILED. GERMAN ADVANCE IS STOPPED BY RUSSIAN FLANK MOVEMENT IN MLAWA DISTRICT IS FRUS- IN- entrench but during Friday night The British heavy and fleld ar London, March 15—Telegraph- |they were seized with panic and tillery are doing splendid | ing from Petrograd, a Times cor-|withdrew three miles to the north, | paratory work. respondent says: abandoning arms and ammuni- The Canadian forces are a part “The German advance in the !tion, of the solid wedge at Neuve Chap Miawa region of Poland has been “Our action on the extreme left pelle. General French has con delayed by the Russion action OD\of Fild Marshal Von Hinden- gratulated Generald Alderson fot their front and flanks. The Ger-|purg’s armies appears to have the splendid work done by the Ca man columns movin up the ifle i ans.” dienes. GERMANS LOADING CAVALRY AT LODZ FOR ATT ACK ON WARSAW. Orzseyo and aaaien Todeen ee eee ee ee German Plans. Fd oe fe eee eee de have been checked. SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP. London, March 15 The Ger- “The enemy's infantry has Vancouver, March 15.—The Co- mans are massing a large army BOWSER McBRIDE SPLIT CONFIRMED failed to make headway on the|quitlam soccer team won the in the Yser region in preparation plains north of Przasnysz. Mild-|Mainland championship by de- to break the British lines. THE INNER HISTORY OF THE TROUBLE er weather has enabled them to!feating the B. C. Electrics 3 to 0. AVIATOR AT FAIR BRIBE FOR BULGARIA JUMPED SIXTY FEET | CCEPTED MEETS SUDDEN DEATH Dissolution of the House Was McBride’ Bluff to Pull the NOT YET A BUT IS STILL ALIVE (Goes to The Dally News) Party Into Line---Bowser and His Following Re- wees awe San Francise: Mareh 15. s ‘ London, March 15.—Halil Bey, Vancouver, March 15.—Lillian Lineoln Beachey, the famous avi- fused to Submit and Called His Bluff president of the Turkish chamber |Green, aged 22, tried to suicide ator, was killed at the Panama- —— at Sofia, offers Adrianople to Bul- last night by leaping from the Pacific Exposition Sunday after-} Vaneouvey March 11.—The|open revolt on the floor of thejelection day may. mean that the! .. anq also to return the ter-|* th Story of the eo Rooms, on noon in making a sensational|provincial political pot is now/House, in caucus and dissention|g¢overnment has decided to live Hastings Street. She struck a perpendicular drop boiling to an extent never before |rife in the Cabinet, and because of |OUt the full term of office possible aah add wv re i roof sixty feet below, breaking ee ee ittained in British Columbia Aifear that lesser seandals un- to them, which would be almost vor a cae - be : ner right les and injuring her SOLDIERS ACQUITTED | two years more, rather than take and occupy Greek Macedonia. head. She was clad only in a night OF nunTen’s DeaTH|Pattic for supremacy for thejearthed may divulge some SUG-|, nance with the electorate at al "® Premier's reply is non-com=14,444 she will live. eae re reins of government, not only be-|sested larger similar operations time when. there te no teeth mittal, Canadians Found by Welland /tween the two political parties pene ean teevetndedtvcng3 dissension, coupled with se a TURN OFF ORATORY TAP, County Jury to Have Been Jus- |iut between the leaders of the|broken, When the —" the widespread feeling through- L. D. TAYLOR WAS MR. STEVEN’S PROPOSAL fied in Shooting. |' onservatives, is evidently being|members, led by Bowser, “er out the province that the present RE MAYOR i launched. The MeBride-Bowser |against hiia in caucus last week, government has outlived its use. ELECTED Would Limit Speeches to 45 Min- Welland, Ont., Mareh 15 Che partnership seems to be on the McBride is said to have attempted Cchianai --— utes in House and 20 in bill charging manslaughter |voerge of dissolution and a fight pull off a colossal bluff by pub- eon ae ai it (Special to The Daily News.) Committee. igainst a Provincial police officer} so» who is to be master is wax-|licly announcing the election date She Satins’ Aid of the Dtecha. _ Vancouver, aren 15.—JIn the a a and three Canadian soldiers, who | ing hot between Sir Richard and | without consulting his colleagues iidieds tacnentioune taakiinaae a na wirle elections on Saturday, L. D. Ottawa, Mareh 8.—The limita- ast fall fired upon two American | lowset An announcement was/and to have afterwards stated that Seleditite’ lied: ve Wedanilie Tayler was re-elected over all op- tion of Parliamentary oratory is duck hunters, Walter Smith and] ade last Monday by the Premier|unless the members decided to MA PRE TG Re 3 pone by a substantial majority. sought by Mr. H. H. Stevens, of Charles Dorseh, killing Smith and]tnat the election would be held on|Stand by him in the additional - Kirkpatrick with par edage number - vere secured by | Vancouver. He has given notice wounding his companion, Wa@S],Aprj) 10, nomination, March 27,|Subsidy vote for railway policy he mode tdin & ie ‘ feel. etnenl rugiee wore 6,898; Hepburn got/of a resolution in the Commons dismissed by the Welland County]; jxe q bolt from the blue comes|Would carry his case to the coun- ic tna ee ah ene a oil 1,656, and Whiteway only 85. providing for the appointment of grand jury, The men who were]¢he announcement today from the | try It is rumored members have | sas deci : ‘ ict 61-2 ea es a special committee to consider named in the bill are Police OM-}.ame source that the election is!given McBride till today to back|"© “°° °™® oe COPPER CABBAGES. and report on the question of lim- cer Thomas ©. Delaney, Corporal | jpqefinitely postponed rhis|down from his position or else go Ladies’ Blas Milde: Mulls, 08. ie siadin: toa ae oe iting olf speeches to forty-five Archie Mayo and Privates Lesli¢}epange of plan suggests the|is alone. The Bowser faction evi- Minn tateuedl sient alle bath dl itthiseiatehadetT i sniaaliinahi minutes al regular sessions and Kinsman and E. McIntosh strenuous war being waged in in-|dently is in the ascendeney as an good as the $35 kind. -Wallace’s. | taken eo the authorities to pre- apes ennaiies br apes arngmlg Phe shooting, which resulted in} po, political circles Owing to/announcement was made today tf. ad Fe a eid Ae “ie in committee of the whole, ex- diplomatic correspondence _ be- 2 ithat an election would be post- ee . nang . “icepting in the case of movers of tween the United States and Great | # 4 4 a a ae HH HHH HR DOned indefinitely, although ru- 0660000066haeneeel" to belligerent nations of goods a bill or resolution and the reply Britain and the paying by Canada|* THE MAYOR'S TRIP *! mor says May 10 is the likely new|* SHOWING WHITE FEATHER « °°! & contraband of war, it) thereto, or in the case of a min- of $5,000 to Dorseh and $10,000) % */date. Besides the Cabinet up-|* iad | bas been Giscovered that large] istop of the crown and a member to Smith's relatives, oecurred on|# The mayor and Alder- */heaval the government's over-|* There is nothing that eee oF enpece a. ae replying to a ministerial speech. the Niagara Rivet Smith and|# man Morrissey have re- *)whelming majority has brought|* nerves ones arm for the oi to Berlin concealed in at a SL OD SA Dorsch were said to have ap-|# turned. They went as far */about dissention in the well or-(@ febt eo mush en to ens y | loaded with cahbages. Chemie INDOOR BASEBALL. proached the Canadian shore,|* as Montreal and it is safe */dered machine and everywhere | # your antagonist showing a ais Terminals vs, Catholie Club at whieh was being guarded by sol-|* to say that they accom * there is a seramble of party work- \* the white feather. This is 4 Ne oe , the Auditorium tonight at 8:15. diers against a possible invasion|* plished nothing that could” */ers for plums, with the result that}* true both personally and *}| — of Canada by Germans from the|* not have been done by *| three and four Conservative can- le politically. The McBride *| American side * mail. It is also a safe */didates are fighting for the nom. | government, triumphant in *} The soldiers, according to their|#* rediction that they got no */jnation in many ridings. Several | the past number of years * S e 3 own statement, fired when the two}# money but that possibly *) present meiibers are being ousted|# because of the indifference * ft Patric S Concert men failed to obey an order not;* the Bank of Montreal has *\by the machine, while others are | of the voters, had cf late * © Lo come any nearel * agreed to defer the pay- *)retiring on account of old age,|* decided to come out from * * ment of the certificates */ some from satisfied ambitions,|* their den and try their * Wednesday Evening, 8. 15 ‘ip. m HELEN KELLER IS ILL. * for what else could they */eold feet, and other disabilities,|# chances with the people. * —== = . * do? It would also be a *)|jneluding revulsion of feeling ow-|*# No sooner, however, did * AT THE WESTHOLME _ THEATRE The Girl Who Overcame Lack of ‘| . Senses in Danger of Pneumonia. * safe bet that the cost of * ling to the autocratic attitude of|* they meet the outside air | r : 1 50 2$1.00 * the trip is nearer two *)}owser on all matters political.|* than they noticed an *| ickets at Orme's 3rd Ave. Drug Store. ickets, c. an Austin, Texas, Mareh 13 MisS/*% thousand than one thou- */Rumor has it that the machine|* alarming change in the * | Helen Keller, in this city to deliv-|# sand dollars rhe mayor */has to provide many of the faith-|# atmosphere. instead of *| vy er a lecture, was taken to a hos-|® will of course present a *! ful from Vancouver with plums,|#* the former balmy and *) pital yesterday suffering from @j® detailed statement and *las there are not enough to get|* friendly breezes there were * severe cold Physicians saldie iuatify this waste of pub- *| round on the coast. Many politi-|® chills and frosts. As a re- | > pneumonia might develop i* tie money He made this ¥ eal aspirants are to be sent to|*® sult, with tails in the air *! * ‘emand of a former oppo- */outlying districts to win their |* they the cows turned *| MONEY TO LOAN. * nent and he should be con- *| spurs, Amongst other rumors, it}* and fled for shelter, and, «| a ii e500 for short loan or|* istent, ? Site said that the Provincial Con-|* acvording to last reports, «| Any local person who is on the provincial am be sesainen ef-emveomeent {01 sake | eee eee ER RH Se * ** . servative machine has delegated|*# had not recovered suf. * a poumeren pa pie = shy era j rf If : T arr ou » ask sia o be ¢ te é . peTore le rece a 0 ce e uv v SLO UI sHou - apne Ben. M Dally Nowe ? | ves WER we cm Sis pain np : > al Ben mediately apply for change of registration. Suits Pressed—-5O cents. Guar-| By F. W. Dowling, Observer, lriding for the MeBride govern. |* atmosphere appears to be * Forty days must elapse between the change of registra- intee Tailors, Sixth Street, Phone 1. m,, Maroh 15, 1945, ment, With the rapidly changing|* getting more chilly it is * tion and election, and as the date has been deferred, there Black 69. bf “31, POIMOLOR cere eereneeees 29.864) political events there is a belief|* doubtful if they will come | may still be lots of time, Get busy! Apply to any commis- Flower and vegetable seeds Max. t@IMD. cascecsseuene 52.0 gaining ground steadily here that|*® out at all. *) sioner or friend of the party. Wallace's |min LOMP. .eeeeereedeeser 38.0 possibly the postponement of #*#*### eH HK RHR HH