THE DAILY NEWS M — THE DAILY NEws $0 LRAREIG GEWEPArER 0 HORTUERN baITIN COUN HEAD H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. : ‘rness towards TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVFRTISING—50 cents per inch, Contract|""!) Uiued billernes® Towel Fates on applicaticn. missioner in London, that each} ——_—=_=== SSS => =lwas jealous of the other's activi-| DAILY EDITION - BS Monday, March 15, 1915. |ties. An unmistakable “personal” il ee —______. touch, therefore, runs thr ugh | a lthe whole of the volume. It gives r _E A T T oO Ro I A iL 5 the shady side of many things, of = ——— {lives and events. The chief good] . - ¥ | » “acte “oy a le >s is} : President Wiison says that; low the war. The best “ting be extrcted 7 aa aa Pte.cack Davis ote Serpst./t of Hamilton no nation has the right to the United States can do is | he author’s part sometimes = ilies, this baton ot wartare be- recognize that Germany and/ tending oul in the facts chre on FIRST VICTIMS FRO™ FIRST CONTINGENT. cause the methods of war have her allies are besieged, and) nied ok aitine titi So) ater] The first casualties reported the main contingent fol- 4 changed. No doubtthere ought} ®Pandon all mores to trade political purity in Canada lowing their baptism of fire in t trench ire Private Jack to be due respect for law. Also with them. This will shorten Mr. Preston says toward the] Davis, of Renfrew, Ont., and Sergeant H. 8 Hamilton, of the the law must be modified from the war, and facilitate the re- end of the. volute: 5ist “Soo Rifles. Both are members of the 2nd Battlion of the time to time to time according turn of normal conditions of “No country can afford to have| 1st Brigade, whieh is e sed letachments from Ontario ; to the conditions in which it] Dusiness, whieh will greatly). 1 nti. interests overshadowed] regiments. Both men were w led by shrapnel operates. International law ie a ae sane a by the active influence of a great et TL — cannot be exactly the same; O°Cr Reutral countries—?0-! orporation. This is particularly| a thing today as in the days of| "ute Star. isabiiaiien oak a corporas DIFFICULT TO GIVE CITIZENS APPOINT howe and arsows and mAl-c88] gyiey eyLey BowsER |!" bas developed under bounts| SOLDIERS FRANCHISE STRONG OFFICERS knights. oa ‘ drawn from the public exchequer. i fe os * STRIKERS IN EVERETT Corporations have a proper POS!-|qj Record of the Place of Their Boyd C. Affleck Is the New Presi- | The use of submarines MOB NONUNION MEN (ion in every country bot their Enlistment—Now Zealand dent and a Strong Committee . against merchant shipping in- place as corporate bodies, is not System Unsuitable. Was Elected to Assist Him. ; troduces a new question. The| Attempt to Wreck Auto Carrying at the ballot box. The ballot is a law and custom, as explained Employees From the Shull personal ‘possession, not corpo- Ottawa, March 13.—How t New Hazelton—The New Ha : by Mr. Asquith, is that a cap- Shingle Mili. - jrate or collective in its character.) work out a scheme of conferring n Citizens’ Association held ' tured merchant vessel must be cteinatinmnndis It is the nation’s “pearl of great| tne franchise upon soldiers of the|a reorganization meeting in the brought before a prize court. Everett, March 13.— The first| price." The rich and poer must expeditionary forces in the event|Assembly Hall on Tuesday night where the regularity of thejserious trouble since the begin-|/stand upon a_ perfect equality of an. election occ ng whileland there was a representative capture may be challenged, and|ning of the dispute between mill) with the ballot and at the ballot}; ., are at the front has been se-\gathering. President W. J. Mac where neutrals may recover|men and shingle weavers in this|pox. There is no liberty of ae- riously considered by a special| Kenzie occupied the chair and af- their cargoes. The sinking of|city occurred Monday, when a mob|tion when a powerful corporation, committee of the House ter opening the meeting declared { the ship is to be resorted tojtried to block nonunion workmen|pither secretly or openly, at- “If we could find a way of giv-|that the first business was the , only in extreme cases. Mr. As-|who came from the Shull mill, the ttempts to dominate elections:|._. every soldier a vote eveebees I lection of cers for the ensuing ; quith proceeds: only plant in the city now operat-|Sueh corporate monstrisities faoad of qualifications, there woul slyear He announced that as he , yr ne. must be throttled. be considerable to say in favor of|h ud been president for the past , “It is upon this basis that all An attempt was made to wreck “If the genius of statesman-| ,, .. duniated: on M: Doherts Sd »and a half vears that he wish previous discussions of the law/the automiobile used in carrying|ship has not discovered a way to| * hawt mode inGuiries at the Mi.jed tn votive 1 and desired that for regulating warfare at seajemployees to and from the plantlenast legislation, punishing With | tia Department, and find no ree- la new president be eleeted. C. H have proceeded. A Germanjby tearing up portions of thelutmost severity all possible at-lo wi at tha pines where they en- |Sawle, the secretary for the same , submarine, however, fulfills tramway. No serious damage re- tempts to interfere with the lib- listed trons, and eli siened ab Val_|length of time, made a similar an j none of the obligations; she|sulted. erty of the subject, the sooner it le artier.” | rouncement. The following of- P enjoys no local command of One man was struck over thelics done the better If it is eeti : j oe were then chosen: F the waters in which she oper-|head with a lunch pail and oneldone now. it will be done later,| M* Doherty alluded to the New Sréotdent B. C. Affleck ; ates; she does not take her|man arrested. and then ‘vested interests’ wil \ze aland system, where the wd i = Pai ees : rithi jurisdicti “i Nie aves his envelope marked for the Vice President—G, O* Graham capture within the jurisdiction ——_---- - suffer. The Dominion Legisla- Secretary—E. B. Tatchell of the prize court; she carries WOMAN oc DRIVER ture is a parliament, possessing |sove Pape: OF. SAE cppHEmeE Treasurer—James Richmond F no prize crew which she can 1S LOST IN NORTH |, parliamentary powers And | sig iow eam nen — Z Saotdbive Committee—F. C 6 : a dissolution ime in anada Siscrtiainaling between a nev.| Aeviet’s Team and Gearch- aT Ne : _ | Opposition. Wen eee malas de Hodgins ers Can Find No Trace. ts way. . The solution of this}: re George Wall was re-elected fire tral and an eneniy vessel: she problem has long since been set- The commission finally decided hint. end ht. Rabe ont Rie does not receive on board for Nome, Alaska, March 13.—Mrs.|tled in British politics, but it has to kt Cap waatler wand ayer for @ MeDonald heed" éhevied lieuten- safety the crew and passengers |Emma Dalquist, proprietor of the|yet to be solved in the most im- while and ponder about it. ants. It was decided that a fire of the vessel she sinks; her/roadhouse at Safety, twenty-two | portant colony of the Empire. alarm be erected in-the lower end methods of warfare are, there-|miles east of here, is lost in a| “The general public had not/prevails in the minds of the of the town and A. M. Ruddy was fore entirely outside the scope|blizzard and no trace of her can|time nor opportunity, amid the|masses of the Canadian people. swihopiséd to beddee same’ end of any of the international in-|be found. Mrs. Dalquist, driving|struggles for home and family, to|The lives of men like Brown, have the fire department erect it struments regulating opera-]a dog team, left Safety for Nome.|watch too closely the actions of|Mackenzie, Holton and Dorion}, 9 eyitable place. se tions against commerce in/Soon after she set out a terrific|those who so loudly claimed to be|more properly represent the char- The fire wardens of the town| times of war. The German dec-|plizzard began and has been rag-|patriotic. Canadians as a class/acteristics of this people than the] in see that all business places laration substitutes indiscrim-|ing ever since. A. A. Scotty) Al-Jare actuated by high principles.}record of those, living or dead.!ong residences in town provide a inate peeprantion for regulated }jen, the racing dog driver; Joe|This heritage has fallen to them|who have caused other consider-|jaqder long enough to seale the _ “i Sheldon, Mr. Dalquist and scores|from the noble bands of English,j|ations to prevail in high places.” | wal) of the building, and also a| Os a acne ticle Se —_ dog teams have eater eens _ a . Fherein is a message for Orne ladder on the roof. 3 ee is dantins 4 ea - 3 — the lost Oma, er A a. a ee citizen of Canada, Liberal or Con- The executive committee wilt ie ob atned. “te tm te : mee ae ” Sonneee, The cee ae e “% a an . ing perrenree in color. .Both political |consider the annual fee to be law is in force, Germany has no ae ie ae we sea, a vd . Ae ee wy _ ep Teoetine have sinned in political|charged for membership and re-| a a. aie ge ne » is feare A at } ~ Dal- ies oe e. 1 people ™ pte bee resend Each promises better port at the next meeting, which ; ang quist’s dog team was blown off the|ery reason to believe that the/things but does not perform. The] will be held the first Monday in =e ¥ required, the only ques-|trail along the beach out onto the|standards of honor and honesty | non-partisan public, which is now]April, unless announced other- tion is how to make the nr ice field which covers Norton|that prevailed in the ordinary | growing to respectable propor-|wise. The executive was also au law as humane and convenient Sound. walks of life were finding expres-j|tions, has been disgusted, but the|thorized to aet on several other as possible. The British pro- niaatiaaegiitiiaantediaiiiiiin sion in the administration of gov-|time will come when politics will] matters of importance to the wel- posal is not to sink the ship Bachelors Called to Colors ernment. That the Parliament of|have to toe the line. Canada has|fare of New Hazelton Omineca that is under investigation, but} Havre, March 8.—A decree eall-|the Dominion of Canada should |little, if anything to learn from| Herald, : to carry it toa port wheve therejing to the colors all bachelors |be the medium of creating private|the United States of political oe ea i is a prize court. rhe poliey|between the ages of 18 and 25/wealth is a8 repugnant to them |tricks. The soul of Canadian McBRIDE’S DAY IS DONE tends to save life and to saveland all men who have married as it is to the electors of Great | polities is largely in the pockets — ; property. It tends also tojsince November has been signed! Britain. They believed that the lof Canadian breeches. At some Stick to the tasks whatever they shorten the duration of the|by King Albert of Belgium. It|British ideal existed in their own \future time, polities and the peo-|are. John Bull shows no signs of} Re an eee et in West Fian- manner and form of government. | ple will reason together.—Mone- |weakening on his—Monetary : ; - i wee and Great Britain,|No other conception of public life |tary Times. limes. Qe | DEMANDS PURITY IN ~ COUNTRY’S POLITICS One gathers from a perusal of W. T. RA. Preston's “Life and Times of Lord Strathcona.” that that the author of the book had a the late peer was a selfish man, Excotient Culsine, and Every Prince Rupert for connecting there with lines for 81 treal,- New York, ete, Ring up Nx For All Pointe East of Chica: the DOU For Full Information and ve innipem at 10 A Sails for Vancouver toria and Seattio on Frig at oA. Mm Wot ad ‘wld Water in ey. Stateroom Modern Appiiance 5S. S .Prince Joh» For Vancouver at 7 P.M. on Sunday otc., arrives in Vancouver following Ty, Steamer PRINCE JOHN also maintains semi Naas Rivere, Queen Chartotte Islands, etc. G. T. P. RAILWAY Passenger trains, carrying Standard use the GRAND TRUNK p LE TRACK ROUTE ih Tickets, apply ¢ hird Avenue AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHip LINES 1 v “G8 Comion Mare h 14th, 28th =e one Viee to Stowar, M LWway SYST em, a ‘ Ticket OMtee, MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments A. PESCOTT 452 Eighth Ave. East Phone Green 327 DENTISTRY | A SPECIALTY DRS. GILROY & BROWN DENTISTS Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue Phone 454 PERE EYEE EEE EE ER EH oe — > PO Bag CKHANGING TING ISHING. AND ALI — Martin Swanson Secor ir McBride New Wet an Cy | The fe 4 senold Coal Clear en teat, Best ts iereinctagtpmccnnemntns new WELLINGTON OAL & 75-~-PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EmM- SALWERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEED..OPEN DAY AND WIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHOWNE 41 BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director RRREREAAENA EEE Canadian STEAM LAUNDRY- Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed Phone us and we will call for a trial bundle Vote Our Address 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST | | | } Canadian Steam Laundry | ' | | }FOR A TAXI} i = ess, — FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING SMITH — ' | } i 5 | } } ’ , PACIFIC ©: RT & MALLETT Largest Pipe north @ Var valves and Fip tings, | rder Third Ave., Mead of Second tired Pr * Rupert — — Alex M@ Mane BA wt ame, BALL WILLIAMS & SANSON Barristers, Sollcitors, fe mOnEY TO LOAN 5 | Helgerson Block Prince Rupert & AGE LUMI snster Om Office corne ‘a Geners Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 03-—Prone—ba JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Estimates « Bulag Phone Slack 294 — ecrcocrcerere cc cententtttte C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE HANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry's, Steele's, Brigg's Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mail orders promptly atiended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Phone 68 808 Third Ave. Hay, ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEws | Phone 318 coceeccesette JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenur icBride Ste Sie J CANADIAN pAciFic RAILWAY PRINCESS MAQUINNA NORTHBOUND FOR | ALASKAN PORTS ) Scoop Will Need Help On This Job SCOOP-IM STARTING A ON earn “COLUMN- OUR SOB WILL BE TO PUBLISH ANSWERS TO ALL LETTERS ASKING MEDICAL ADVICE — LOOK THOSE QUERIES A_ BUNCH OF ANSWERS FOR OVER AND GET ME UP TODAY, HERES TH FIRST MEDICAL QUERY- DEAR DOCTOR- MY LEFT KNEE CRACKS WHEN I SIT DOWN- SHOULD I HAVE AN XRAY TAKEN — USE OF TOBACCO-OR A SIGN OF \s \T DUE TO Drawn for The De MON Y MARCH & PRINCESS ">! souTh BOUND unpay sh. & J. @ mMeNAB, General es Corner Fourth sire and Third a —— a by Hop” @ Hie-iT-Std -Bacre-mp . LDLiKe TO GET Wl WHOLESALE PRICE ON CO DOC -T MAY HAVE A5 © FIFTY THINGS WRONG WITH ME A DAY -