THE DAILY NBWS ' ’ LIBERALS OF OLD | MINERAL ACT. | an ’ | TOWN ORGANIZE Certificate of Improvements. o c? a } | ae ee u n | . eras } The Hazelton Liberal Associa 4 | tion was organized on Wednesday vineral Claims, situate in the Skeena inight amid a good deal of en Mining Division of Cassiar District i —s . | Minne Divieet of User Bea Dainty Garments—Fine Linen ==" ithusiasm., About thirty were nby Bay between Bonanza and Falls Th —- present. Howard Campbell occu- ok ese are surely worth your : = jpied the chair and Stewart Marti am va Sete ng Se * best care and the use of noth- ; « ‘ ‘ ‘ . . = jwas elected secretary. The foi-jing as Aw Thomas MeRostie, Free ing but the soap that Cannot - = . i » | Miner’s Certif te N 80948B, and James . t —- ea officers were chosen fo nee I ; Miner's Ceetheate No hurt the finest fabric » =4 the ensuing: I tend, sixty days from the , c . | f Honorary President—Sir Wi " Se - nae ia : eee vs paniight a ota Lautiee 1 Covtificate of < rove First, soap thé garment; then roll | | ‘ ‘ oT, purpose f aining . t ; 0 soak. hile. ris i |} Honorary Vice President—H. | \ ant of the above claims it up t After a while, ris | \é ‘ tak tice that action, un well and the dirt practically drops | Brewster must be commenced bef out. No wearisome scrubbing, } 7 . | President—H, F. Glassey tr . ee no hurtful rubbin oe 7 . ‘ g—the gent]: a} | Vice President——H. Campbell | Dated th sth day of March, A. D strength of Sunlight does the work ( | — { | Seeond Vice President—Hughj|'*! end. a. RADE almost without — * = faylor. —$—$— $$ effort and en- tan | TURLEY Secretary-Treasurer Stewart] LAND NOTICES. : tirely without = = ' Martin. : k a Land District—District of ¢ , \ Skeena an is PB ‘ ‘ bk ” | 4 Executive Committee—P. Nel- Coast, Range Five ‘ cre aeecale i} i ‘ : you ind it’s \ a ==| |son, Kispiox; W. Sproule, H TAKE NOTICE that William Watson, of hind to th ' A eee |Boctgon, D. Hart, Dick Qusic, P.| RM Foci, Por 'Rermission to lease the At all hand ~ 7 Le hee 2 eo following described lands;—Commencing at 8 ands, too. i" ~ Corrigan, M. Jol I Bodir b mA j s an, M. Johnson, A OGID. lq post planted on the northerly limit of y ego ; : ar the Right-of-Way of the G 1 Trunk Pa 2 ar 7 4 G. C. Harvey, H. Johnson and D. | cine patiway Company, and about 3 chains s poupeall si a - Harris southwesterly from Mile 84, east from — ———$ ——— Prince Rupert, B. C.; thence north 20 ~ . > Delegates to Convention 5.15 ath af ‘chains, oare ‘ : hess, to the owe , SSS an Neunhenn in erly limit of the Right-of-Way of © the | Martin P. Corrigar as Gias Grand Trunk Pacing wnallway Conmpany ; FRED STORK’S HARD se Ys she , lao thence ortheaster! long the northerly y, H. Campbell, P. Nelson, W. | thence northena Right-of-Way to pout of WARE / “SY | Sproule. mmencement and ntaining about . |80 acres, more or less e / It was decided that the dele WILLIAM WATSON > i jy" | ates A eatin tie fin Dated December 1914 25-85 710 SECOND AVE “ | on structed to support Alex M. Man-| CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Carpenters’ Tools Buliders’ Hardware Ss) Chandlery Jo — ison as Liberal candidate | ce Wire Cable Stee! Blocks F Q Tackle ‘4p KY | ; as na er NOTICE is hereby given that a sitting . f > } | W. J. Ma Kenzi wa Pp ent r the rt of Revision for the purpose tren Pipe Pipe Fittings n and Shotgung / \\ ; Ai |from New Hazelton and address-|of hearing complaints against the assess Rope Valves A inition A | tt) ds , ed the meeting.<*Omineca Het } me my Poe for ae a 19015 —_ be Pumps Hose p t , i he le in ve Counc Chamber city all, ie BEF - m ald Prince Rupert, B. C., on Wednesday Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing © gated Iron a Zs eats ti ti i ieee April 7, 1915, at 1 )a. m ~~ = : Any person desiring to make mplaint “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Se ti 2s ad (6,000 ALIEN ENEMIES FREE swainst the sald assessment must sive fe P si a = ee IN THE CITY OF LONDON '% (6 writine & the Assessor, Stating the = — Te. a Fs ause, at least ten (1 days prior to the 9 Te" - . , sitting of the said Court j Bs <. ae ee London, March 13,—Six thou- Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 24th FRED STORK S HARDWARE Ete: i ear ede die a }sand alien enemies are at liberty lay of Februar A. D. 1045 | - aoe 7) lin Londo This st P. LORENZEN, | Seep ia iat ay a | ondon 1is statement was |55-69-69-76 assessor (ee —— : , i s- made in a discussion in the House ee ee ew eps) . ' CORPORATION OF TH * aead ¥ Le a jor Commons on the subject of PRINCE oleae ory oF | * #98 SRT EEE E SD COPD OOPEOOO OC OR RODD ++ +*NN+NN | German spies. Home Secretary * NEW HAZELTON NEWS * BLU “WAITING FOR THE FERRY.” —James Fris¢ iia intial to than” a . Bylaw No. 229.—Contract No. 6. oT eee ee E. POINT OC ooo eee eee . — eee = : . : nna stated | e course <« haar } \ the diseussion that Lord Kitch SEALED TENDERS will be received by His Honor Judge Young is in RESTAURANT nis . lone 7 . ‘ E. A. Woods, City Clerk, up ull 5 p. m “ « ” jener was responsible for the ad-|Monday, 22nd March, 10915, for the ¢ town this week at the Norther = | iIministration of regulations con |*tuction of a 16-foot Plank road on Blev- | Hotel He is holding court ‘ lear ews | i ae : is holding court in th Good Clean Meals FromB xX jeer ing aliens and suspected per- |, on rom Albert Avenue to Sheer: | ai ci riot Cents Ur Just Give Us CLASSIFIED ADS. isons ao a a : ik acai 0. B. Wallac a Trial—That's All oe btained at th i nnede me "7 t mony abscess LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Editor, The Daily News: so lame ac to be ridiculous, Their} - ee ag Hall eago that he is touring Eastern Third Avenue FOR RENT Sir Please allow me space for |endeavors to ple afe | abd NO TRAWLERS TO SPARE. The lowest or any tender not n cities in the interests of New Ha- | Seeoeeoooresoscocecoccooss ao . —_ é alio spe 0 endeavors to place a safe blanket sarily accepted saltns - — lg Ww . . . . ¢ . wy a< )ze1 1 mining FOR RENT—Seven-room house; moder; |* few words in answer to a state-j|over the movement is amusing St. John’s, Nfid.. March 42 os ae s, Mrs. MeRae and the M M N > | . yr an See cree rere ae ané ‘ ases Mc ! a . ; Se te aoe boy eek tan $20) ment which appeared in The Daily Watch the next play when they Che attempt by the Newfoundland - Rae wh hav I lant ery c ergy ei y Seventh Ave. W. _ wao nave Been sidents ae a few days ago, i. e., “A few {see they have failed to lead us ir fishing firm of Hatten & Forsey to How Will You Protect he for the past two years, left Eyeglasses. FOR RENT—Large furnished room; close|/tellectuals and laborites being to heel, secure steam trawlers in England Y . Phursday morning for Vancouve os ao sau bon or two gentiemen;|jed around by the political ele- Thanking you in advance fo: arin: H the Grand Banks our e where they will reside in future Se a a 57-61 | nent.” I will admit the fact in|this much, I am codtiahery the coming summer and the child hould Prsen Bene t Vanoouyer ee | . 1am, > children should you 1 , aera FOR RENT — Furnished house. 108 gjh| part: sh to. define wus! a ee has failed, the British govern- : y ain lecti ;, Seiaie Wieas, aan, tebenen, - part; but wish to define it rhe Yours respectfully, n fall ill or lose your employ- | Bows selection as Conserva |political school, no matter whieh | W. SHAW ment refusing to alllow any =_— P Have you money in (tive candidate for Omineca Dis FOR RENT— ; ; : trawlers to leave British ports, as i : i ; pametans cathe og on kn with sitting room/of the two factions is in the lead,| The above writer, who infers ; boawe British: ports, a : ~ Bank to tide the family jtriet, passed through here Wed A consta » Close in; rent $10 per month. |) they are being used in , over until you are “on your ‘ Box 129, News. y., tas beeome only a corps of|that the Liberals are out of the| canine " os or again P jnesday night on his way to the) @Way a : jrounders for covering the trail of|race in British Co 6. cou) weeping operations and other : | Bulkley Valley to line up his sup-| Cye 1 POR RENT— Furnished housekeeping) 1. wa nitalistic regime. T tolumbia, could| work around the British Isles Every married man should |, ' beca rooms. Inquire Demers, 7-t. apitalisti regime. They|not have attended the recent Lib- open an account in our | orvers a -_—-- ——___ -- seek to work their way into every eral meeting, over 5 alin dain ee Savings De . Barney Halleron spent se ;| Strain Ww ’ yjere . ‘r 500 strong: BANISH BULLY BOWSER - epartment and put i on sper everal | * , WANTED social function and lead it safely | neither does he know the move- by a part of his earnings every |“ays in New Hazelton this week It : to heel, benevolent associations,|ment that is sweeping over thi tiers Duetiine a ott : D week or month, jand on Thursday morning returt _ a | W WANTED—Waitress of experience wants}labor organiz: , " oe ee ee ee ee Such a sum, earnin ' his alin Gk cite es Waal ue te aie, labor organizations, and religious|provinee in favor of that party ries.— Wallace's. tf a welcome onaaetien ee ye to. an Hosker oo Boule smjee rla tre Prefer hotel. Write Hebert, “112 | denominations which hold to the|When he speaks of the labor un cae oe A pany Account may be opened jwhere he will remain for some! Bel Richard St., Vancouver, B. C. sth Lenmniiinns . iain te . , . inl with one dollar, i ela) ~ 7 ver 61 cgpeennrpe of private property forjions controlling the City Council There will be a splendid eon olla | months | \ ary aoa. as the foundation of theirjhe is amusing. Three of the so-|°°"t the Westholme Theatre on THE BANK OF f Cherles Biggart and Mr. Ris f Loop + Eater Se an ee code. They also seekjicalled “labor men are well St. Patrick's Day, March 17. tf British N th Am iwart returned on Wednesday last | Look tor work. Apply Box 117, The News. |.” pip in the bud any conseious|known hidebound supporters of ? 2S or erica ifter spending several pleasant OPTICIAN awakening to a new economiec|the McBride ¢ . Our new shoes are stylish ;¢ 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. nonths in the § ‘heir $15 WEEKLY PAID MEN EVERYWHERE , economic {the McBride government, and to a tylish and! casera ap ou . nths in th uth, Their host |}223 Sixth St Phone Blatt ta ditteinate sivtuiens, ‘The Co-Oves jcode. Hence labor organizations|suggest that they are acting in- comfortable and the wear is ab RPLUS, $7,584,000. f friends were glad to welcome | — ative Union, Windsor, Ont. 6 2-67/0f the craft union line are made |dependently for labor is a huge solutely above reproach Cal PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH them back err eet atneeepenioninatt amma j the subjects of their most active} joke. They may be laboring met a ep et them.—PECK THI P. MARGETTS, Manager. Rh. L. Ramsey, of the Depart __ Pou ; any . hile labor organiza-|but they are Tories first.—Edi. SHOEMAN 61-2 | -——— ment of Agriculture, with head/| FO R REN ions 0 22 new economic code |tor.] sl ah Bg. ” iflice at Telkwa, spent : i Av pel severa BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING £EG68,' receive the . . | For a comfortable r one Breeding Cockerels, Barron's Leghorns, | : we Sp Sa mo 5 Sele mens 9 to the St. Eimo Hotel 936 ‘i THE AMERIGAN TAILORS pays taad week im this seetion and! Rocks, Reds, Geese, Ducks. Catalague.|Virulent hatred. Therefore it is a|Editor, The Daily News end Avenue. near F Bee ree delivered addresses in the schools} Columbia Poultry Rranch. Steveston, hard task for the cls . . a ; : : » near Fighth Street i B. C. 45-71) 1@ Class consé sous | Dear Sir,—Permit me again to Newly opened. Steam heat and We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAII OO. Gprseitaras synpente jelement to exist and keep a clear|intrude on your space that I may hot and cold water in every room ORING for the LEAST MONEY Rev. Dr. W. T. Herridge. of Ot- | FOUND. ii shining on the confusion. Welassure the worthy editor of The Free baths. Rates reasonable = aan o tres “ ck om Class tawa, moderator of the Presbyte ° é » we ad 0 7 . | i ens MK mke good suits for | lave gained a point in British Co- Journ al that he deceives onlyling in the Dominion ates $27, and the best in stock for $36. rian General Assembly, acecom-| FOUND—Key to Eagle lock on Fifth Ave-. lumbia unique in the history of|t self “ , = Come and look over our stock | anie : rill Pr | Apply Box 128, News tr y of/himself. T can quite understand |posure and the Price Ellison cat fore buying and ee B) panied by Rev. Mr. Pilkey, of Fort , . -\Canads ; i | ‘ e son Cat. ore buying an save one ) | Canada. Where one of the line!that your contempoPary cannot|tie deal, is utterly i ' money by it George, passed through here last | nti ¢ a5, §5 er disg@ustec | LosT factions has been completely ab-|realize that such an anomaly as I have never tal ' | ane any, eee pewes Oe FORETCRY RIGS ‘Aine wiiEg ie sorbed or clear ocked 0 , ' ' ave never cast a Liberal vote ) LOST—Black slipper, between Central : ed on learly knocked out un-|an independent Conservative canjin my life, but hope to be or el Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Rupert, where Rey. Dr > ap sip , . » ’ , +e] > one oT} school and Postoffce. Return to Ber- | der their own rules, And adher- exist in British Columbia. That|many d ( a Herridge held a publie meeting nice Palmer, phone 209. enih ak Uhh. dou contiiesia code tis “hiak s ‘ any doing so next mosmth. J he} o rh cone ode jis jus wha one would expect | political | : iy were inet at the local depot , : 7 | al life-blood of British Co i 510 held the opposition chair with ad- {from a man tied hand and foot to|lumbia must b purified, and tl | GSev QUALITY SommeTIO by Rey. D, Rh. MeLean. nih g pADFOR . Pe — , © a, ane t i Mu ‘ion d eredit to themselves. W e| Bowserism,” ean only be done by lit uP Kh. S, Sargent announced last PATTU! LV aS VIOLINS AND A ave i | one BY @ political) ' TALKING CHINES, mee LL oo now an individuality and) Let me assure that gentleman |operation which Will remove tl t| C O A | veek Chat he would he @ Consery — a usica nstru- ; i i T > ag emove li ; tru ; ignity to maintain There has | that [am neither a “dyed-in-the-|malignant growth termed “B a anve comendele 1B saukt got the e “0 . » mare | ar . » ows. ! oe oo . n ose a ome talk of organized labor | woo! Grit,” a “life-long Liberal," lerism,” $9.00 per, Ton — Gash on nomination, He will have the sup ennenneee ows rehaired. The) dominating in municipal affairs./nor yet a “GC ~ ; j ver —_—— 4 . ) , a t serve , ater Aas “> o a @ . : ee on eee ee oe sree B30 “ s, y meas itive hater, Again L truthfully deseribe my-| Money ne S ot Satis- : ch from this end of the district Sa rince y he 80 “nn give op- |b simply an Ontario Conserva-|self as a ¢ of Be continues in the runnitig un sic Store, 345 3rd| portunity ‘ > fon the Be a , ae - " po ae lead off for the Pro-|tice who, after experiencing two DISGUSTED CONSERVATIVI UNION TRA SFER CO. til convention, He is now feeling Pub! . .| Vincial. gut sir te sone bon “ ai EH | pons f their attempts are jyears of “Bowserism,” culminat- Prince Rupert, March 45, 1915 |$ 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 his way in the valley towns iienad | eveee Omineea Herald, Sundays EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) COFFE | is prince aurent