—- THE D Al LY NEWS ss NO | PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., TURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS . g ————— + = EE IVE F IGHTING ON THE RUSSIAN F RONTIER—MAYOR NEWTON MAY BE L LABOR CAN R CANDIDATE Wy FIGHTING REPORTED == ’ - GERMAN CRUISER DRESDEN WAS | - es " % . ON THE RUSSIAN FRONTIERS | i , _ SUNK BY H. M. S. KENT AND GLASGOW mL . ° | ETZ 'S BEING HEAVILY ‘BOMBARDED BUT IS FIRMLY | FIGHT TOOK PLACE OFF JUAN FERNANDEZ — LASTED ONLY HELD BY THE PRUSSIANS—DEEP SNOW IN THE : FIVE MINUTES—TOOK FIRE AND EXPLODED—NO CARPATHIANS IS HINDRANCE. | BRITISH CASUALTIES. ee | At Prasnysz the artillery battle (Special to The Daily News.) lasted five minutes, when the " Omeret }continucs London, March 16.—TIt is an-|Dresden hoisted her white flag. eee aia ogi oxy apugade nounced that another naval bat-|The terrific fire from the British dane | in the Carpathians, the deep tle oceurred a few days ago pon eas however, had done such ef- inpanies en-|snow causes the troops to move tween the escaped German ecruis- i work that the Dresden was but were re-|in Indian file, involving heavy er Dresden and the British war-|set on fire and later exploded and loss, their am- losses. ships Kent and Glasgow. sank. and transports | The Austrians continue in a The fight took place off the} All but 19 members of the At nightfall our/vain attempt to relieve the city Island of Juan Fernandez, in the | Dresden’s crew were saved. There their outposts. [of Przemsy! South Pacific. The fight only | were no British casualties. OUVER WORLD WAS (RUSSIANS ADVANCING =| A Siew taken from the opporite tc ot the nce cheers the former Turkish’eapitar ana (LIBERAL CANDIDATE WM. MANSON MAY CHT BY JOHN NELSON) — AGAIN IN BUKOWINA] sextet soon ft uo the bands of Qe Aon BACK FROM BELLA COLA) NOT GET NOMINATION disapproved very strongly of go0- before the Council last night, ask- a vote of 412 (Special to The Dally News.) (Special to The Dally News.) BRITISH WARSHIPS ee DR. M’GUIRE WILL Mr. T. D. Pattullo, the candi- There ‘s a persistent rumor ‘ March 16,—The London, Mareh 16.—-The Rus- HAD GOOD TIME * date of the Liberal party in the|around town that Wm. Manson iay to 4 Delain are again advancing in] DESTROY BATTERIES - : NOT RUN AGAIN|:::tucomins “election, returned] ill not get the local nomination John Nelson, |worthwest Bukowina, in spite of * The city at least got one * ——- last evening from Bella Coola, it is said that the mayor is after inager of the ; (Special to The Daily News.) * advantage out of the trip # (Special to The Daily News.) where he had been doing somejit hammer and tongs. In case ee oem Athens, March 16—Several bat-|* of her financiers: Sam %*}| Vancouver, B. C., March 16.—|campaigning. He addressed meet-|the Conservative Association re- rder of Chief teries of the Turkish field artil-|# and Dan had a great time. * An interesting side light on po-|jings at Hagensborg, Bella Coola,|fuses it he will run as a labor the application ELEOTNO HEATING. lery we.e destroyed yesterday by | * and that’s something. *|/litieal events took place last night/and other intermediary points, |candidate. holders It is ae British warships rhe batteries'* Dan looks fat and satis. * when Dr. G. A. McGuire, M. P. P.,!and reports large attendances Friends of the Conservative the cash payment Phe electric superintedent ier lwere posted above Kum Kale, at\# fied—the kind of look you #*|@"nouneed at a Ward Five meet-jand enthusiastic receptions. party have felt all along that they the balance in|*°"e4 & report to the Counch) ,. entrance of the Dardanelles. |# would expect after a run> #|in@ that he was about to retire} Mr, Pattullo is loud in his|were in a bad fix by having sup- mpa in proe- overing bis investigations re tm - * down to “spud island” in * | from political life. Dr. MeGuire|ppaise of the people of that com- ported the mayor in the past. use of electricity for cooking,| «& + ». waTeR suPpPLY. |« which h put it all over his #|4@S represented this constituency |munity. They are largely Scan-;They know that when he takes the raylor strongly op-|°°etine end other Speer tow . |* former schoolmates by #/Since 1907 and was regarded 48/dinavians and are a sturdy, clean|notion there is neither rhyme nor He threatens to]?°°**: Ehe electric ligat com-/ A hitch has come between the|* telling them about the */one of the most independent|jjying and high minded class.|reason to what he will do. | continue pub- mittee supported his advocating , ty and the G. T. P. re the sign- | prominent position he held * | members in the government. This |'There is not a barroom allowed in Shortly after arriving home last 4 World a0 @ sivall?! Soins into « campaign to ore~ ng of an agreement for water \ in Rupert Sam didn’t #*| Would indicate that the govern-/the whole country. evening, Wm. Manson was closet- ate a general ee of the nee supply The G. T. P. is a very|* absorb so much oil. Nei- #|ment was about to crush the last Mr. Pattullo is very enthusias-|ed with the mayor and some bus- annie It would take $500 to install a city heavy user and has been offered | % ther has he attained to #|!tem of independence shown by tic about ‘his campaign and be-|iness of more than passing mo- IBOR CANDIDATE syuters. That would rr Ml very low rate, amounting tole that look of satisfaction. # | the members. lieves that his election ig, sure. ment was discussed. AT NEW WESTMINSTER ind they favored the ae . something like $200 per month.|* He gives the impression of * ED des Mr. Manson was seen today and Mderman Morrissey, wie | rhey want a clause in their con-|* having walked with calk- # WSSPITAL SOARS. CITY RIGHTS MAY BE was asked if he would again be a ninster- Trades |4U% come back full of the a tract, however, stating that if in}# ed hoots over his old en- e Be ae nail GROSSLY VIOLATED |candidate. “I do not know,” he decided last tude of the financial situation, future any other company gets al@ ‘exiles in Oniatie bab thet *| The Hospital Board appeare¢ Santali: Poids dak taser toll. You | lower rate theirs will be likewise|* he came away before he The city has practically lost its} know our convention has not vet “oe ; ing into further expense. It was | eS i ing that $10,000 be voted to that 7 : eh labor can- reduced i\* had half avenged himself. case to prevent the Prince Rupert} been held.” pointed out that the money was 7 | jinstitution. They wanted $5,000 | at the coming ’ a a ie ne The Council didn’t like this \* Both of them, however, o, 14 Meat Vicia” eet” th te ,| Hydro-E tlectric Company entering Asked about the rumor that he 0 o ac n 1e electric depi - yal efore . a e Ss : ee ) - eos They wanted to be free to give|* appear grateful to the city * 7 lthe city. Of course a pretence is|would be Finance Minister, Mr. ment, whieh by bylaw could be ; llater in the year. They said this} . : : — , iny advantage they wished to in-|* for their pleasant holiday. *} is made of granting the city’s de-|Manson said he knew nothing DEAT used for nothing else, but the 7 : an lwas necessary or they would be , —— : : M LIST. dustries locating here. * Thus, of course, they *| mands. The regulation just pass-|}more about it than what was in mayor said it might be necessary compelled to elose down the in-| (8 tt to tap it The city engineer said there|* made a small saving for | etttnstion ed says that the company must|the papers. It was only a rumor. Spec al to The Dally News.) vGr yea CO Say oe . ‘ * the city. The trip cost - . secure > conse 2c ; slio at | z a ae it was pointed out thet eléo. [wes 8 way of rettine around this e ( I , | Aldermen. Morstasee wanted to|**°!™ the consent of the city by|Mr. Bowser holds the portfolio — even by granting the clause. They|* %2,000; but if they hadn't : ee a ilway of a bylaw but thet bylaw| present. { 29.780 persons |tricity at the quoted price was ; ' . y et a » | Know where the deficit came from, | , 4 ; ’ I 1 at 8 r ton, and that/could give a rebate to industries * gone the city would hav lrunning -expensé or improve- must be subject to the Lieuten- Mr. Manson couldn't say any- rece sarth- ke eoal ¢ 85 pe on, anc i : ; : : expenses ) ve y . recent earth ‘ = be id | sini The Council, however, thought|* had to put two cents on ll The Provincial govern- lant-Governor in-eouncil, or, in|thing definite about the date of its general use oul ye economy * every letter sent to the *| 8. é ei a : ae PUB. ; a si t . . —-- for the people and a revenue for |that the Grand Trunk pbould nos aye ye iment and the city had each given |other words, Bowser, if he is stilljelection. He was look me Bt S a_itie the city dow1 They would|* Bank of Montreal, Sam be : Cee oe lin power. announcement at any time that THE WEATHER. the city, Nevertheless, at the re- & ; Dat iettvaniah the | 210,000 last year towards im | Tt ked f i . ld deeide it ty aa ahi treat the railway company al ant oe Me eee : | provements and that should have 1e city asked for a clause in-|would deeide it. rW. Dowl mmeet of hs anges a . right. but didn’t want to be under|* city’s letters at the gen- *|' Sa ae = m ; He wanted as the serted in the water record which - = ° i as sent to » finance commit & ’ j a yale or em. e é “1 & | wling, Observer. - . ‘ oe ompulsion, The agreement is * eral wicket, thus saving * facts before. supporting the |the company was applying for to INDOOR BASEBALL. , oe ae er Re. nly for a year. The clause was|* two cents on every letter. * iain lthe effect that the company would _—-- y l 5, 1945 . - : . : . Stan. . : ahs Piedios PRESIDENT HAS REPORT was refused, * Well done, boys! Not so #/" 1. out in the discussion |®°t enter the city without a vote) A lively game of indoor baseball ness cea ’ * d. after all* * : : Se ee a nn” weiee : se i in the Audi- 46.0 " ~? , . : ‘e pcs ae that the city has already paid the of the people. This was refused. took place last night ms € es ee 44.0 Will Hold Alaska Railroad Data MRS. ROCKEFELLER n pact ° nll ___ |hospital $36,000 from the start: he water record was granted tor 7 bepumnen the ©. = - : a ’ Until Next Cofgress. HAS PASSED AWAY and Alderman Morissey said they|Without any strings. Instead of a/Terminals, the latter winning by no and Alde le oriss sé ) “ RS 52 ee No a VoreD « pained |did not get value for their money. [popular vote, the City Couneil at|a score of 16 to 12. The follow- MILLINERY OPENING Washington, March 16,-—See New York, March 12.—Mrs. J He was in favor of the city taking|*!e time ean let them in if they|ing are the teams: a : retary Lane said yesterday that)r Rockefeller died at her home on ked the{it over and putting in efficient wish or if they refuse the Goy-| Catholic Club—J. Murphy, Hen- begs to announce|the report of the Alaskan @M#!-Jin ‘Parrytown, N. Y., early today. — os — *t “ a management ernor-in-council may set their|ning, Astoria, E. Murphy, Hanni- ’ ayor last night if he had ar- aw 4 el nillinery opening |Meering commissian Is how iM the While Mrs, Rockefeller has s { tl ’ tl | : t It was suggested that the rea- ruling aside, fan, Fortin, Bowell. ‘ange with ’ rovernmen . es , . i ke “the. Grave tomorrow All hands of the President, but that been an invalid for many months, oe . th , ' ; 7 ' : son this hospital didn’t pay ont ———e oe © Terminals—W. Blythe, Graves, . - ) » gre or » Sec ) " ’ "I . a cadinine evans > ly invited, it would not be made public until it is understood that her death a " ; ; : ~ ; af - " ; private hospitals did was because MONEY TO LOAN. Embleton, Ersman, Evans, Ives, the President transmits it to Con-|oame unexpectedly. Her husband, ee ee the doctors took the cream of the weresree. Boott. 50 ts. G ress at the next session John DR ‘feller, and her son that he had taken it up but that a . aa Have $500 for short loan or| The next game will be between 0 cents. Guar.|sress ¢ SeS5 ' John Rocketetler, ¢ ‘mn government couldn’ ene yusiness by vir contract sys- eared oe i : i ae Sixth Street. Phone| George Rublee’s resignation S| were at Ormond, Fla,, and were val : a é a z a — tem, while the hospital had to do purchase of agreement for sale.|the C. C.’s and Colts, Thursday, 5 _ {that and at the same time go on : on Apply Box B, Dajly News. f. Mare 54.63 {counsel for the commission Was}agyised early today that Mrs. with the work at Market Place, |® sreat deal of charity work. ane =e wd ©. Marge 46, iy Firat Wide Mica presented and accepted to permit! Rockefeller had taken a critical The inference was that a grant to| After considerable discussion it Use New Well-|Mr, Rublee to qualify as a MeM~|iupy for the worse. was decided that the finance com- bi ) ‘: i : : the Section Two bridge could not . Phone 4416 Ee 6atf. ber of the trade commission M rer tis Sot oe Se ited’ She: ghectbaels dmianie mittee of the Couneil meet the >’ Mee Cooe eee immediately engaged a specla nearly so well as day work at the finance committee of the hospital train, which lef} daeksonyuss Market Place. The government, |#"4 report back to a special meet- early today, it was learned, and is ; ing of the Council. f P l 1 : ft due some time tomorrow, Mrs, therefore, will do aurnnn ey ane ose ara oS ae Any local person who is on the provincial list elsewhere ° a TIC S oncer ik. Parmalee Prentice, Mrs, Rock Section Two bridge thts year. The Ladies’ Aid of the Presby- in British Columbia and did not have time to get transferred before the recent announcement of the eleetion should im- ——e | lefeller’s daughter, was the only terian Chureh is holding a BSt, Wednesday Evening 8 15 p.m a. liate relative presnt when neceeY Ol Patrick's Tea on Wednesday, mediately apply for change of registration. = ae ae tek Portland, Ore., March 16,—The}March 17, at the home of Mrs, J, Forty days must elapse between the change of registra- Al THE WESTHOLME THEATRE | ae Vancouver hockey team defeated|A. Kirkpatrick, Fifth Aevnue tion and election, and as the date has been deferred, there Schets of Orme’ : F } Quality, satisfaetion and econ-jthe Portland All-Stars by a score|ERast, from 3 to 6 p. m A domes. may still be lots of time, Get busy! Apply to any commis- es 3rd Ave, Drug Store. Tickets, 50c. and $1.00 on New Wellington Coal.jof 9 to 8 in a lively game here|tic table will be arranged and all sioner or friend of the party. 200eeeean Iphone 146 O3tf. last night, are welcome, 61-2