— — — an BRIDE — pp. Vt. NOM cf these facts sink t th * * minds of the people who °* TAL BOARD i® insist on electing bra * MUST ECONOMIZE , less individuals t fliee? > | a There is no other cits * yesterday | the land where those m« - rant to}, could get a look ard had| yet Prince Rupert prefe . Coun. |» them to mea of prov ° . much | » worth and ability. Surely , hOW-/@ this intolerable stat r 8 1 three-i® affairs must” soon be * ; beeed broveht to an end. W sh the | % up, Prince Rupert! * x Lis DOtle eee eee eee eee eee " f three - - —_ the city i «twas MEXICANS MAKE RAID ‘ y for the ON AMERICAN TOWN hey in levelop a (Special to The Dally News.) 5 business Sante Fe, New Mexi March he 18.—George Tidewell, Lafe Jus ‘S veryitin, Albert Tidewell and othe y | should Americans were killed by a band 'Wo Va-lof Mexican bandits in a ra IM q Chis} the town of Dwyer Tuesday night neil INi phe Mexicans robbed the stores 1 Mont-lof money and ammunition, and at advan-lrode south pursued by a poss ceive, The Americans were killed in a More-) punning fight. The pursuil pital @8-/tinues to the south ' vi diree dhe alesis Baie ~ , ol mem. ‘MONEY. To ‘LOAN. Din os This carried a Have $500 for short loan o! Ba uurchase of agreement for sat MOH BULL y sowsern |. : tf Apply Box B, Daily News neererer® RUPERT COAL CO. Wellington Coal Cleaness Risens Clinkers—p, Longest Lasting—-Gives the PHONE 15 BLACK, Manager —= ‘ERMAN PRINCES FELL AT NEUVE CHAPPELLE—MEXICANS RAID AN ‘AMERICAN TOWN A CANADIAN MECHANICAL WORKSHOP ON WHEELS NOW AT FRONT IN FRANCE. IRELAND'S PATRON SAINT WAS HONORED BY GRAND CONCERT NUMBER OF LOCAL ARTISTS @ GIVE A DELIGHTFUL EVENING, WITH SONGS, DANCES, RECITATIONS AND GOOD muSsIC. England has her St. George,¢lrish people upon having attained Scotland her St. Andrew and Ire-|to the ideal for which they had St. and au- credit to the longsightedness of the British Patrick; long contended, freedom, but Canada night the citizens of Prince Rupert turned Patrick. There audience present, al- } though the night was wet, but, as|the world’s greatest war. | Father put it, “The lonly helped to keep the Shamrock|was true to her national instincts land her has and last tonomy. He also gave out to honor St. statesmen upon the pacification iwas a large of Ireland just before (he dawn of Ireland Bunoz rain |having now secured her demands, | green.” by showing a willingness to for- | After a choiee selection eines the past and show the world the Westholme orehestra, Mr. J.'that the Empire is united and that ©. Brady, prineipal of the High |Irishmen are willing to join the School, and an excellent type of|ranks of those who are ready to the noble Irish race, gave a short|lay down their lives for their but snirited opening address. He | home and country. He looked for- congratulated the leaders of the! Continued on Page Four.) ITALIANS NOTIFIED | +e eee ee ’ * SPLIT STILL OPEN * le ‘idiot * GERMANS TO LEAVE ALLIED ARMIES ARE ALMOST READY :.-= =.=; os \* Bride government an- * (Special to The Dally News.) nounced that they had #| Paris, March 18.—The Ger- HUGE PREPARATIONS ARE BEING MADE : * been dissolved by the #|™ans in the Italian Riviera have \* Lieutenant Governor end # been notified to leave. This ac- would appeal to the people * tion was taken by the [talian gov- ; - 7 1s cant. Britain’s New Army of a Million Men is Almost Ready. ois enacncteaneet al The Riviere ie a summer tor France Will Also Have a Million Fresh Troops Besides —* was mace that the elec #/ i" the northwest comer of Italy. : i* tion was deferred to ar- * or Present Army; Also Many Guns for Artillery + anu the Voters” List ana _*/MASSETT WOMAN LOSES * they denied their former * ‘ ; 8, March 16-—Pré a ations | * statement that the House * SUIT AGAINST G. T. P. sed ipidiy being « pleted for \* had been dissolved. * REUTER’S REPORT uh boos completed ©" MAN SUFFOCATED had been dissolved. Ifthe 9] og es tene moe KARLSRUHE. BLOWN UP s. Er is quantities of | IN TACOMA FRE List. why don’t they adver- # Vancouver, March 18.—Justice ns of war are being as- tise what they intend do- # Morrison has dismissed the ac- s ' ily News ed in Northern France and (Special to The Dally News.) l* ing, and announce when #/!° of Miss Dill, of Massett, I M {8 te nes of railway are being; Tacoma, Mareh 18.—In a $90, | the election will be held @ against the G. T. P., arising out Coy i t it to facilitate transportation.|000 fire At the Eagle Macaroni|y ‘The absence of any such # of the wreck of the Prince Albert. the Karls as Huge Armies. plant, on 27th and Pacific Streets, | announcement or attempt * bl i f the being rhe new British army of a mil-| five houses were burned and An-| to fix up the Voters’ List * NEW COAL COMPANY. Phe \ s ha ne is almost ready, and/ drew E. Wilson, aged 60, was suf- |» convinees the public that * S ecy France has an additional army of | focated. i*# the real trouble is a *® The Prince Rupert Coal Com- i million fresh troops besides the oncnnenipiineiinionrs * split in the Cabinet which * pany is the ere - = sa i army at present in the field le whic « nok sealed. competition in that line. ey wi FRICTION BETWEEN are also thousands of new GERMAN CONSUL | ee ae ee * handle Wellington coal, which is ITALY AND GERMANY eady to augment the artil- AT SEATTLE ARRESTED . to see the eldetion tenes. O noted for being a clean lump coal, brigades * nitely deferred. Defeat * with excellent lasting qualities Ma { | I iN Geneva reports that the Ger-} (Special to The Daily News.) eS speiian them in the face. and giving a more than average : ‘ \ has ‘ heavily fortifying all Seattle, March 18.—German * and they may decide to # amount of heat. Peter Black is if | 1 Largue, between |Consul Muller and his assistant, | % hang a for another year. * at the head of the company and b irrels to the!Saint Louis and Loerraen, near’ gehultz, have been arrested on ale # # # # # # # # # # @ # @ # # #/the Prince Rupert Transfer Com- ; & Kast Lausa | —_—_— pany will do the delivering. There f the | \ - ohange 06. gentphety Gen 88 Si. are offices at Third Avenue and \ = apeinet the Its DIDN'T STEAL BOOTS? ee ee . . ANCHOR LINER CHASED Ninth Street and at the Hotel Cen- : am company for the theft of papers. BY THREE SUBMARINES tral. says that Ca Pp b is more con-| An effort will be made to prove - It i scated |, | than ever after hearing the }a breach of neutrality. The Ger- (Special to The Dally News.) They look as smart and are as TOO sa if sable defence of his solicitor, W. EB. | mart embassy protests against the London, March 148.—The An-|well cut as the $40 kind—the $15 Germans that the Williams that he didn't tga streers: chor liner Cameronian has arrived |blue serge suits at Wallace's tf. } ' har sithose boots from Louis Tromer. anne at Liverpool from New York with : - - -— vas suitable|The magistrate dismissed the ‘STRIKING SERIAL AT a $5,000,000 cargo. She was The Coquitlam arrived last f tl ‘ exp! case today for want of evidence | MAJESTIC THEATRE | oj ased en route by three subma-fevening with 200 tons of coal for and Carmine can go ahead and | a rines, but managed to eseape. the Prince Rupert Coal Co. “ vet a mate for that boot or for} There wasn't a vacant seat cinetientiilindiiti nein a fecnatilindi nae ten - COIN MACHINE TO himself as far as the law is con-|in The Majestic last night, when INDOOR BASEBALL. Wonderful value! The bine RECORD TRAIN’S SPEED opp jod the first two reels of “The Black eee serge, satin lined, suits for $415 at | Box” were shown. This serial, by Catholic Clubs vs, Colts, at the |}wWallace’s tf. City Solicitor Peters, however, ee es \ in ha vented @lininks that Carmine may yet be|! Phillips Oppenheim, is a sure Auditorium, Thursday, March 18, enw . aa whine to en- lwinner. The acting throughout|$:15 p. m. 64-5 McBRIDE’S DAY |S oes jproven guilty and he has reserved . enue an —— - d na train to}in, pight to bring the case up be-|!# superb, and there is some- what speed he ht Sein.” Dnata idinkbes thing exciling happening all the ’ pend will be placed against time. OTERS LIST Pi inet sasattieihs “Oten temenl mystery is “OQhanged Lives,” in three reels, L o tl Bargain Counters sooner eolved, fn! the tebbatina levewnee ike title. The heroine rds | “ts as a “slave and thal " oe ne “ Louis lost his boots. oo - Sr va ae wt Any local person who is on the provincial list eleowhere Re ee ee hearts In the first reel, there is in British Columbia and did not have time to get transferred Quality, satiefaction ang seon- ) ar before the recent announcement of the election should im- e dresses just ar loms ee Wellington CGoal.|® wonderfully realistic wal ef Friday and ®at-| prone 116 air, Scene, Showing the shelling of a mediately apply for change of registra . : Demers 65.6 | iFrench town, with scared women Forty days must elapse between the change of registra- | Now styles. new fabries. new | fleeing from thei tumbling tion and ejection, and as the date has been deferred, there irkable value the}, Mg te ae children's |Homes and wounded soldiers be-}% may still be — as a busy! : Apply to any commis blue serge suits nae ad ing rescued from a hospital, while sioner or friend of the party. a jraincoats and eat Wallace's, Sei ees an bah the pool | tf. |