THE DAILY NBWS 1B, 1015 —_—_—_—_— a . - r > — “ew ALASKA LINE MAY IRELAND'S PATRON SAINT —_—_—_—o_ HONORED BY CONCER1 : eee E aE EERE TEE : oyol PETEEEEEELE GEES TEESE TEES BE DELAYED TILL S rin Goods A bite 4 anon ac Ow? ; 2 NEXT CONGRESS { { ied From Page Ont af il C ) PRIDE, NASH & CO. Commmssity| PRIDE, NASH & CO. aol othe dey, of posse Abel | >» : i - : » Washington, D. ¢ March {8 | the British Empire a Rit hhh hk FIO III II TO To toi i tot ia Rt aie att eet give 8 “oe . rok the Alaskan |"°™ *"? stenter brotherhood Choice Selection of Crepes, My a no decision of ve wkan| ‘1 ace a brother ° n i lihan it had ever seen; @ br Silks for Spring Dr ; | « res e ratiroad route will be Gnagenced’ wd that would obliterate the} P g , { i imtil Congress meets Then, Mh tier memories of the past and} re iy ar ristratior jis whispered 1 administrati | te all in a genuine patriotism ‘ . % ae reles, the administration w i May next St. Patrick's Day, All kinds of Fancy Kimona i ; | ’ : r . . Toi ie r RERERAER RARER EERE EELS EERE ERE R RETIREE RETIRES IH lask of Congress a large approp the speaker, “show the world| Chiffon and Lawn Waists, in: f 7 ation Tt has been found that the ‘ ; i » united empire, the greatest terns in the latest sty The trade exigencies this year call for Lower Prices. ECONOMY and VALUES have a [Alaska Westheon sialic be| . eink tial i styl deeper meaning, and attract more attention than at any previous seasor wught for $350,000, the first fiz Che entertainment throughout ) This store, with its powerful buying resources, is enabled to place before you New Spring jure named fhe government] very high order here | Goods in attractive and charming styles at prices that should establish a new reeord nsiders the properts wortl , ; nalts tenn Mt We are Agents for Ladies’ H { vere \ maie solos ru ‘ ‘ = ’ ——COME FRIDAY AND SEE WHAT BARGAINS WE OFFER YOL-— imore, although not worth the} i Mr. Fortin, which were Stockings in Silk, Cashmere ar |#4,000,000 asked. Still, with y well received, Miss Muriel Prices, $1.00 and 50c, and 8 —— --— ' ; } igo 5 avéilabie e govet riety © a. : ‘ SI SUITINGS | MESSALINE SILKS 2,500,000 available, the gov Patmore and Mr. J. Roche gave a/@ | Every Pair Guaranteed NEW DRESS GOODS STYL H D i Me E $1 25 | a Pa oe i ee A : . va pit jid exhibition of an Irish jig, ) White French Crepe ...26e uchess Messaline ...9%. ’ . er vie ey received great ¢ wey ” Crepe Premos ....... $1.26 | Colored Ratine a itt SOc In colors, White, Cream wniinite which they t iv reat ap Oriental Poplins ae .$1.00 | Serpentine Crepe ...... 35c Green, ( ardinal, Pink, Rose, dite). tone : . ,|plaus Mrs. Chisholm gave a , Colored Diagonals ..... 75c | Stripe Seersucker ..... 360 (Pur ple, smemyeE, Helio, eee eading illustrating the wonderful ; All Wool Serge $1.00 | Fancy Madras .....4...200 | “rey, Brown. that the Copper River & Nort ' S. 7) C : 00 My FRCS ..-.- ‘ | Fancy Repps ......... 40c FANCY DRESDEN RIBBONS randnds i ; aah. i juisitiveness and talkativeness | 9 : medtord Cords ..:..... @6e | Eponge Cloths ...... , 50c Pretty Dresden and Floral Weswerh Grisso ts covets ; . f a young wife, even varrying Wool Gaberdines ..... $3.60 | Plain Chambrays ... ‘4 . 15¢ Ribbons, in colorings Cream, government. A pur . on t” with ; t - E line W ... $f. Fast Ginghams ...... 2'2c | Pink, Blue, Green, Cham- a aS oy 1 final “pout” v ermine Pte epongeline vol we Prints that won't fade 12'’2e | pagne. These are 3% inches abd elgg satisfactior As an encore, she —" oo a base Mercerized Pongee Linen 360e | wide They are worth 30¢ ment more than is a : peed RN W ; I | t! over nail ATOPOMING .ccsssscecs . White Linen Suiting ...4@0e per yard i : : , ‘ae . wave en ladda ‘lays Tu OMPOOIDD CCC FEF OO + CLL; Lb bIEN Shepherd Checks ...... BOc | Fancy Dress Muslins...15e FRIDAY SPECIAL 15¢ there is a quest Pr - Banjo,” and portrayed the yearn WANTS ALL TO UNITE BEST QUALITY Domestic i te ae ca thates te obligate the gov: ent for a ; : ’ ‘ sum in excess of the existing ap igs and longings inspired there- AGAINST GOVERNMENT LUM S . > ~ propriation, $2,500,000 The At by Mrs Scott excelled herself a orial Keview Fatterns Now in Stoc f oa 7 Kathleen Mavourneen,” and] Editor, The Daily News orpey Genera! is now restiing : with this problem rhe sante pleased her audience so well that Sir It is time for the people $9.00 per T cub af , id fit ey were loath to part with her of this provinee to wake up. They m De y ; a questio ould arise was de g if N ’ ’ } . 2 . ' : oe Mr. and Mrs. J. CG. Brady gavejhave been sound asleep for joney Bac a t Satis ermines oO rile nev ne y LADIES SHOES i LADIES RAINCOATS JUST RECEIVED - : : F; rere n excellent rendering of Shake-|twelve years and robbers have got UNION TR \ NSFER (0 Ladies’ Shoes in best | Best Imported Ladies New shipment of Laé¢es rou speare’s “Romeo and Juliet,’ ind | posse ssion of their property PLN 4 . . ; 1 : , | Raineoats. Guaranteed wa- and embroidery from Ene- rhe Railroad ¢ niss i: i : 333 2nd Ave Phone 36 makes, of Gyn Metal, Ve- | torproof and of: best mate- | land anc nde of the Ga the parts seem to fil them admi-| MeBride was chosen as the fa ee el ‘ terp! f an f t m land and Fra the new- 1942 in its report p ' t that | POOPOOPOEEOLOL OOOO OOO; bO + Ob + HIN lour, Vici Kid, Patent Leath- ! rial — wor aapens Sip: in est designs and t atterns Sabe 7 . : rably Mrs. Hemmel sang a cou | the r of the people but he has not r; lace or button. Reg. 86. | sizes, 36, iO. | worn in Paris and London. [| two trunks were necessary to de ' ' | re ' tt ; ’ Store rcoooceorerserersveoreooreeeen pie recrul zg songs In such aiacter airy or em w as : elop Alaska: one the ¢ er | ? ) FRIDAY $395 FRIDAY BARGAIN $790 VERY NEW ty Als ne up the Crp of erating ants ae aud a them Wee BLUE POINT ©? } ind one up e Susitna thoug j a a oy ! encored aga and «agai Mr.ijbeen fatehing the political game a7 th report of the present engi RESTAI RANT Duffy was good in a mandolintifrom all angles and I find that MEN’S SOX SHIRTS AND DRAWERS —_LOUNGE SHIRTS neering commission in kept mantetin j si L. 1 Netidees that ; 1. [Sele a d Miss Nauman delighted | there is. s mething wrong Wa - . i 8 e Shirts a ot 8 BUlevEN . . a : i ft ‘ - in ‘ ood Clean Meals F Cotton Sox for men, in : FOR MEN re yo re L EAS A hi mad ata : eatliad A AS ‘ iudiens is | ch with = he | ten is good for the farmer hn Suete te ; . ok Blue or Brown mixtures; | D Men 4 merino waists one siideem ee r i. ~ with tior conveys the same lea If eo shness as her ox | whe n there is too much it is a a Trial—T s All made of strong yarn; very } eed cee. Sede ead euffs ss “t es tite ? in Grey . tt + ' besit lent rendering of “Come Back} {ood and does harm. In British LAW-BUTLER BUILDING 3 an yarn; f coast style: ire this is so en the President's | d A - dependable. FRIDAY— non-irritable. They come in | only. All sizes. Very sp to Erit Mr. Peseott gave an}|Golumbia we have had “too much” vawe f _ e all sizes. ' pec ittitude of delay and his plan t POPE PO OL *ONbbb*b NINN 9 PAIR FOR 25C AY B 55C FOR FRIDAY $1 235 ase ate to ( on | OX! lent violin solo—and a smile|MeBride and the country is suf- inf if m eT ) ongress ¢ ! FRID ARGAIN | t! ont come off ering fro : , , | ' j be understood: also. there is ex lat won . fer from it. Nerve Ene ryy and | Ss. rhe comic part of the evening I attended the recent Liberal plained his demand on the engi [2cac ; was reserved for Mr. Oram, wholmeeting and TI noticed that the Eyeglasses. ng commission for furthe ive a comedy sketch, and Ser-|speakers blamed Bowser and Me statistics on econstructior and|~* a . gant, PRIDE, NASH & CO. ac geant Eddy of the Irish Fusiliers | Bri le——-I blame the people, for , ~ Mativihlin at the . enuideesionl” which he gave an exhib tion | they had many chances in the v rt o> et aii: ae adi f hypnotism M Brady, in in-|past twelve years to put them out > A \ eZ ‘ «t ‘ 1 is contemplated this oducing this event, ant unced | There are lots. of good men in} . 0 “ut im mve ” ‘Tel » > ‘ f WANTED af ~ ig, Abe ree? oa ae “ i people of Alaska an opportunity | misunderstanding betwee np ’ married | ha de ' 1 men who have 223 Sixth St. Phone Biack 69 piration of one month from the date of . hs , mSrIELG OX een the Of- life that makes me look like this;|ruined the provines If the Labor the first publication of this notice, the saia-©0 VOte on the qfestion in the No- ficial letter of the Bank of Mon-|it’s indigestior al enlace . pull apart it will hel { epeaaneneaaaanit: : : a mperiat Oi! Company wili, under Section. ee : ” ee my experi- | men pull apart it will help restore WANTED—Waitress of experience wants !7 Or the said Act, apply to the Minister Y°ber election, 1916. It was re-|tpeal and what the ma¥or and Al- ences at the f tI si i the ol ac position in city, or would go to Alaska./of Public Works at his office in the Cy ferred t the ‘al ‘ } wes a 1e fron saved a whole 1e old machine. Prefer hotel. Write Hebert, 112/0f Ottawa for approval of the said site da to the morals and health) qerman Morrissey had ecommu-tregiment; [ shot tl k.’ I Ww f fell t , ndiniemetn : _g {and plans and for leave to construct the |p, a . 208 aw a few fellows the other 1 Richard 8t., Vaneouver, B. C. 61-5 said wharf and approach. ,COr imittee. It is. bélieved the nicated by wire to the City Coun _—————_—_——_——_ - —___- —— . ca Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 84. liquor que at oy ore a “ay discussing politics and (hey |) quyppsmsmpasnss maaan SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work|qay of February. A. D. 1915. iquor question is submitted to a} ¢j; rhe mayor's wires, as welll yocated sending the cit i ded , by day. Apply Box 125, The News. WW. niet : tee WATSON. vote of the people } ; . ’ y ated sending re city socilitor| ended up in a fight We need not Jated December 26, 1914. 25-85) as his report, s¢ the sides gt » bewir g, evel o the ’ , ane A) WANTED—Young Woman wants chamber THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY. | goa, 2 iticha ; ope id that besid along at the beginning, even mak-|do that for we have our franchis MODER! HOUSE > 4 » Senator > ar é i } “reen re ’ ear . ' iV work. Apply Box 117, The News. wt. 28-34-40-47 ; we ubbard and) the 6 per cent interest on the cer-|ing the party three if Alderman|and secret ballot You need not : : $15 WEEKLY PAID MEN EVERYWHERE CORPORATION OF tim aan a. . oo mlative Drisco} intro- | tifieates there would be a flotation | Mor: issey insisted on going. Yes-j|tell anyone how you vote but he sen “Al ra UE AND to distribute circulars, The Co-Oper iced a res tion in bot ouses © of “somewhere oun > o EIGHTH WL ative Union, Windsor, Ont. 6 9-67 PRINCE RUPERT. . Bera he | I i + fe f newhere ar oe ~ periterday he had the justification of |sure you support the Liberal can- AY ‘ aniinialenpilbaiatiaiy asking yr he av ie i oO i [en This oul jj . - ‘ : . : : iw ) s fr , ees oy Bylaw No. 229.—Contract No. 5. se bh : A = 7. Pp aj cent rh would make the in-|knowing that in this he was right |didate, Mr. Pattullo. YOUNG 5] REET s ong eCmork » the ‘esiden eres ‘ : eo : POULTRY. EALED TENDERS wit | : resident |terest for the three years about|for it would have saved the city ALFRED DALSTROM . SEALED TENDERS will be received by Urging him to do all in his power!6.6 per cent provi« : e ce BI 4 ' ; ; i Tl ——-1E. A. Woods, Gity Clerk, up till 5 p Re oho a powe I ‘ I viding th rtifi 4,000, which is the difference —_ le (j {} BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING EGGS,| Monday, 22nd March, 1915, for the con- | a re construction of the|cates sold at par But when the!between a 2 per cent flotation fe« Raineoats, $6.75. Demers. 65-6 be Breeding Gockerels, Barron’s Leghorns, |*'¥ction of 4 16-foot Plank road on Elev- | Alaska railroad. The memroial letter from the general manager und 2 per cent per annum, for neneiistnasli MJ : . . . ,, | @nth Avenue from Albert Avenue to Sheer- | " ; ’ - MELE pealery " Reaneh, Soman brooke Avenue , wer i will point out the importance and /of the bank was read lo the Coun-|three years THE WEATHER. APPLY B. C. 45-71 Plans may be seen and specifications | advisability of railroad construe-|eil it was found that this 2 per en obtained at the City Engineer's cMee, Cit y | ' ' ~ wee ce, City jtion this year at least to thejcent, presumably for flotation, Salvation Army. By F. W. Dowling, Observer. LLO ( R ADFORD — seme ee any tender not neees-|@Mount appropriated by Con-|was an annual charge. In other Public meetings, Tuesday, 5 a. m., March 18, 19145 PATTU oo accepted. aight on S Vhursday and Saturds t8 ; E : : Se gress, The action is due to thée| words, the certificates bore 8 pe : Ay an aturday a P- ™. | Barometer 20 84° SECOND “VENU FOUND—Key to Eagle lock on Fifth Ave-. W. McG. MASON, atl ; eee eee Pe! Sundays at 7:20 p.m VoinnisMinaacce’ Aland cack. $0543 Apply Box 128, News. uw. City Engineer, | Press reports received throughout jcent interest. : 7 i Oe Se Tr ee 51.0 ponecesete _ Alaska saying that the President On Monday seooosooecoes:) soon — ys = ying { s Mond: night, both the|g8th REGIMENT EARL GREY'S OO ROU 5 i cen o ua Bi 3 10.0 omnia ’ N ES. Lost . ad CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. possibly would not render a re-|mayor and Alderman Morrissey OWN RIFLES. IO | oi id's abbas > meahe 1.39 LAND os LOST—Black slipper, between Central ae port until the next session of)|told the Council that the “2 perlo 8 ; , i 2 kee La school and PostoMce. Return to Ger- NOTICE is hereby given that a sitting | Congress cent per annun t he } veere by Majer o. 0. MoMullin, re Gus nice Palmer, phone 209. of the Court ef Revision for the purpose| — Wi Tusk Have beet! Commanding, March 17, 1915: wens of hearing complaints against the assess Several hundred men who have | & Mistake. A wire was accord THE AMERIGAN TAILORS TAKE NOT! ‘ x ments a8 made for the year 1915 will be | hoo aiting athe Remo, 5. i oF music. held in the Council Chamber, City a been waiting in this city to go/|inely sent to Montreal and yeste: Parades. Me Bo bo aps «tt ag i aceai om » a . g ee : ; ollowing des id TALKING MACMINES, VIOLINS AND ALL ve e ee ~ a = Wednesday, westward when the government) day the reply came back that the A" Company will parade at the We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAIL. . post planted i I ”~ we Ir railrog work shi star are |2 per cent certain! as “pe ' o- 0 _ ‘ an as “ine d o eas eta Any person desiting to make complaint vad rk hall tart are | cent ¢ unly wa per an-/Exhibition Building on Friday a wy the LEAST MONBY A wey ‘ 1 _, | asainst the said assessment must give no greatly disappointed over the} um |March 19, at 7:45 p. ™. e have @ large stock of High Class Prince Rupe ontt ments repaired, tice in writing to the Assessor Stating the | new that the Presider t t t Several me mber f th Cc | Woolens and make good sults for chains thes a) © . Ss i : ‘side a Overs 1 ers oO ’ ‘ 0 } are ’ i . 8 oe 80) 6 ch u Bows rehaired, The | ©4US¢, at least ten (410) days prior to the lecia tl b bs . - ] 0 . es BY Company will parade at th _ yrs - . Z oo ab = 7 timit of V8) mipall sitting Of the said Court decide on 1@ woute before the ©! were very wroth over the loose! Exhibitio g on T racks ve ane 0s Over OUFr St0ce Be jrand = Trunk tert] Prince Rupert Mu-| pated at Prince mene 56: aie siete ena . rT ) bition Building on Thursday, fore buying and save money by tt re a. uit sic Store, 845 Sra|4ay of February, A. D. 1915. next Vongress convenes, way in which this business was|March 18, at 7:45 p. m, limnit of the sa , oe 4 Pog ger Os PEED ondueted a , THIRD AVE and FIFTH ST. commenceme! ave. Re oe a P. LORENZEN, BANISH BUL W. 8. MARSHALL, Lieut., Pri Rupert. B. © 80 acres, 0 WATSON. Assessor LY BOWSER Alderman Montgomery had ad 164 66 Acting Adjutant. rince Rupert, ° ° Ta anaes 25-8 = —-——-- EMPRESS COFFEE F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DisTRIBUT sparen (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) anince rupert.