ds ALATA ATL A F BANISH BULLY BOWSER PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1915. —_——L—— | PRICE FIVE CENTS il ERI © ‘ANY BEGINS TO FEEL THE FINAL SQUEEZE se ——e MORE BRITISH SHIPS TORPEDOED--MORE KOMAGATO MARU TROUBLE IN VANCOUVER )BL00D STILL AT WORK TACKED LAST NIGHT IN VANCOUVER—ONE MAN KILLED AND TWO INJURED BEFORE ASSAILANT WAS ARRESTED. temple STARTED BY KOMAGATA MARU wos OF HINDU WHO ASSISTED | AUTHORITIES WERE AT- {Special to The Daily News.) jties at the time of the Komagata i” , Maru incident the | Constables Lefler and Wat As alarrested Jagit Singh, who pointed irder-jtwo smoking guns at them. but @ t in thei failed to shoot. Jagit was loaded ed at.) down with atormunition d had a 1 Hindulkurki, or short sword, it its rT Street.' sheath concealed in his vat ed on a This incident is the result of} ibad blood over the Komagata Ma nds of;ru affair and which also caused nem-ithe recent shooting in the Hindu ' thori-! —oy | Eee HOW BRITONS HONOR A FOE—FUNERAL OF THE BLUCHER’S CAPTAIN. REPORT | * WAKE UP! * The funeral of Captain Car’ Erdnann, commander of the German cruiser Blucher, sunk in | FRENCH SHIP SANK * *| the famous North Sea battle, was celebrated with full military honors at Edinburgh The pro- \* Imagine y self the *! eession started from the castle, with a German flag draping the gun carriage. (Special to The Dally News) * place of that Montreal ~ ‘ a rca | h 19.—-It)# banker who had t yanke vhe ! ) puzz French ® his brains out for six */QSHOT BY Hls OWN GUN THE PRINCE RUPERT ‘MILAN PEOPLE : yes * weeks j attempt *| ’ | 0 . aie 2 ee etonet er en ee A PILGRIMS’ PROGRESS SHOUT FOR WAR oO explain a simple prob i cmnaiiitalinn la crew ar met t are ateme ; 7 7 fem ia arithm a (Special to The Dally News.) Being a More or Less Truthful) ome, Mareh 19.—A statement * coupk of fina I *| Va March 19 Cha s| Account of the Great Journey made here on good authority ve * from Prince Rupert and */,,. ;' bt watchman ' of Sam an¢_Dan to the states that within a fortnight jo Confirmation. * then after having put lr, C.F. Railw conn stank th oh Far East. Italy's attitude will be changed. M There is aaa ef init” Seus — - " , ' a — . * everything in writing lthe body at 3 a. m. today by ai niall jAn imposing popular demon- ie ae eS! inknown Italia He had arrest Contributed. stration urging intervention was ple e. be . daw . : > ' ae h © wire asking him what h¢ ” ed the man, who was stealing p- tehold, it came to pass, that, | held yesterday in Milan. Huge "i eship ged — j j aan - a — aang o _ * really meant Would * per from the tracks at Oak Street, |during the first year of the great crowds gathered in the cathedral A wee-1@ you get the impression *) 4 nad handcuffs hime when|war, Sam, th chief citizen of the|square singing patriotic hymns s { says there . : nat r iy , le g ne “a a # that Prince Rupert was a *))) poiian « him with his|City of the Great Warrior, who,and shouting “Down with Aus- yeen (he # little Siwash village away od ose euff and then drew Paint-|was called Rupert, accompanied tria! The troops and police hips pro. os | | . . se : ' = * in the woods and still ur m" a atin tial ale him by his keeper of the shekels, Dan, | were powerless to disperse the , rs. Some) invaded by the whites? vl | proceeded a hazardous jour-|crowd. A few Socialists, who repor’|@ How long will it be before * ‘TWO FISHERMEN Iney to the far eastern country. |shouted “Long Live Neutrality,” mee Nee i@ Prince Rupert will wake © WERE LOST ON BANKS, They tarried by the way at/ narrowly escaped lynching. ae ‘*. up and elect men to office * « jthe City of the Great Queen,| Signor Chiesa, the Republican \* eee ee eeeee wens " rhe fishing boat Skugaid, ofjand there they took counsel | deputy, addressed the citizens. He MY PERISCOPES I? inspire confidence in the * the Cold 8 ie Company with |with Sir Riehard of the Big Mitt.|said the time had come to deliv- | , PLANTED IN NORTH SEA \* city and who would know wh aptain Selig i command, had|The pilgrims diseussed the af- jer Italians from Austrian rule and} he whether they were paying */ the misfortune of losing two of !fairs of their city with Sir Rich- iwiden the country’s boundaries. | Y Germans to Terrorize. > GS commission of 657,000 “1 ts me the reeent trip to the ard, explaining how the city was The police repeatedly charged the | Shipping Seen. \* or $81,000? It costs money */ ashing esiies plentifully supplied with water, jcrowds, but were unable to pre-| i*® to have “dough-heads” i: * rhe Skugaid arrived back yes-| power, and hot-air, but that there |vent a procession marching to the | 19 The |* charge of our affairs * terday after n with its flag at}was a great scarcity of shekels, |offices of the newspaper Popolo in here |™ Wake up! . half mast and it was s , learned, They told him of their intention |Italia, where the editor delivered it dummy Xe ee * | wh at the trouble was to journey into the Far East toja speech, He said Italians want- inted al : Iw f their men, J. Iverson|interview some of the wise men ed war against Austria and Ger- " mn is be BERNHARDT ALMOST i M. G. Chatwind were fishing regarding — the bérrowing of|many, and no negotiations would | - an { i ere ! ~ nan plan ENTIRELY RECOVERED » one of the dories, when a squall shekels, and Sir Richard saw that |prevent it as the people were de- British came up and capsized the boat it was good, and they departed | termined to impose their will. | peeennis, Maren 49 om As soon as Captain Selig saw th with his blessing. phe speech was greeted with F) dition of Mme, Sarah Bernhardt quail he proceeded to the as- The pilgrims turned their faces |cheers, which continued till mid- “ COAST s $s o. whose right lew was amputated f the boat. but before he|to the East with light hearts and | night. | . ‘ : umoe SUMMER SERVICE some time ago, has so much in { th t had gone over and bright hopes, for, as Sam said, | Following a canference at the ; » me at Sir Richard is for us, who can|Royal Palace between King Victor “ PD proved that her doctors have de here was no sign of the men. H If Sir Richard i ru »¢ th ( 5. S. Com. egg nd for some time, ex-|be against us? Emanuel, Premier Salandra and cided to issue no further bulletins j}crutsed a Lire , : : mmene. | . man might have In due season, Sam and Dan|Minister of War Zupelli, it was on her health, ee that th . ; have a le ntangled in the tackling, but} arrived at the city by the St, Law-/announced that an extraordinary Prince a ee 2 | { sap tment renee, which is called Montreal,|session of the entire Cabinet will . Raincoats, $6.75. Demers. 65-6} was d ed usaDP “ity of Be rhe 8 id went out on Sun-|but the wise men had seen them|be held at once. | ( the run 1d onjafar off, and murmured amongst _-—-- E WEATHER. iday and the a lent oceurred « | rrive on ve lM nday about three miles east of} themselves, and smiled, saying, NEWSPAPER RAIDED. ine on the ag | » eate Stre “easimoni.”’ Now Sam and Dan, ee By F. W. Dowling, Observer. Danger Hecate Biren London, March 19.—The paper ; experienced| being meh of great renown In , Both of the wane ; their land, did not heed the|°#!led The Irish Volunteer, which | MONEY TO Loan So wm. March 10, 1015 flahe Ivars was a Nor-|their own land, did not heec é sok knees hidhenieninis -anaala . : a i Chatwind a Neva Seo-| murmuring, as they could not im-|"° | . MMPOMOIOP. «2. icc c cess O.135)} wegian an , . enlistment in Ireland, failed to} ve $500 r cident is the first|agine it applied to them, Was not ort loan op] Max. temp, .......+++++> 47.0 = [tia Me. SO"! ; ; appear last week, as its offices ' tf Mi ‘ ,0 |that has happened among the}S5am a great leader of thought ' or sale in. > es Cheer eeees ? - a . re re “ e gove ; . Y Box kp X F eale. A ” ; a 2 aon from Prinee Rupert and moulder of the public mind? were raided by the government Ows OP. PERMIT OLE occ gece nee O- sons . > — Phe Skugaid brought in about Was not Dan a merehant famed Quality, satisfaction and econ-| 56S Re : for his s sity? ‘ Je le Yoal. | Ti vValue—the| Silk and serge dresses just ar-| 40,000 pounds of fish — anew my. New Wellington Goel. a Now, it came to pass, that they| phone 4146 6st. | alla, ‘ree suits|rived, Special, Friday and Sal ath mite. welsh, thie ale, anaes 5 e oO , . rise . qn manne we Uf. “urday, $12.50, Demers 65-6 |LASSEN BUSY AGAIN: ee , aa rereey . cS | EIGHTIETH ERUPTION [explaining that the supply of|shekels per centum to cover - **rre , . ’ p aes renee peereeees : Ishekels in their faroff domain hadjecosts, Again the pilgrims heard} RINCE RUPER co Cal, March 48 Mt./gone short, and that there were|the phrase “easimoni,”’ and Dan T COAL ° La htieth eruption was |many requests for them, The wise|smiled on Sam and said that. it Welli mm here early yester lmen considered amongst them.}was so, but it was not so as he ngion Coal . ater emitted dense |selves and then told the pilgrims jdivined. Pleaness Lump—te and some ashes for|that they would help them, if they Now, in speaking of the charges p-—— | . . t Heat. One Lasting—Gives the PHONE 15 rhe last previous erup-|received in return 6 shekéls perjupon the treasury of the City of ers—. : TN etecsee. P. BLACK, Manager erved February 42 jper eentum per annum, and | Continued on Page Four. ALLIED ARMIES BEGINNING TO SQUEEZE ALL GERMAN FLANKS HINDENBURG FAILS TO REACH CH WARSAW—RUSSAINS AGAIN IN EAST PRUSSIA—WITH HEAVY WESTERN PRES- SURE GERMANS CANNOT MOVE. ° government is enrolling women to take the place of men willing to go to the front. The forced, and have resumed a strong offensive in Bukowina. (Special to The Dally News.) March 19, — The ure of Von Hindenburg’s attempts to London, fail- reach Warsaw and the reap- Austrians have been rein- pearance of the Russians on the frontier at Tilsit, together with the allied offensive Fast Prussian in the west, it is declared by ex-| HEAD OF WINNIPEG COLLEGE. perts, will tie up the Germans so shift a force the east or the west. Winnipeg, March 19.—Rev. Dr. The| Flint, of New York, formerly of next German move is a mystery,|Uxbridge, Ont., has been offered though it is expected to be against | the principalship of Wesley Theo- the meee front. ‘aa German |! logteat College, Winnipeg. * TWO MORE SHIPS they dare not either in ee ee ee ee * NOTICE. " eae *| HAVE BEEN 1 TORPEDOED * Our patrons will please * * take notice that the Prince * (Opecial to The Bally News) * Rupert Transfer Com- * London, March 19.—The Ad- * pany is no longer selling *|miralty announces the torpedoing * New Wellington Coal for *\|of the coasters Hyndford and * us. There is only OWE *)\pinejacket near Beachy Head. * NEW WELLINGTON *)n1or6 was one death on the Hynd- * GOAL, and that comes */ro-4. The Bluejacket, with a * from Nanaimo. Don't get *) argo of wheat, is still affoat. * confused with Ladysmith * eae * coal, sometimes called * * Wellington. Take no * JAPANESE PRESS * chances. Order New Wel- * THE CHINESE * lington coal. Phone 116. * * NEW WELLINGTON COAL * Yokohama, via, Tokio, March * COMPANY. */19.—The despatch of Japanese RRR ERE EER EEE garrison troops to Manchuria and Northern China, which has been confirmed, has centered the at- tention of the country upon the negotiations for concessions from China. The newspapers express SPAIN SATISFIED WITH CARRANZA EXPLANATION Madrid, March 19—(Via Paris The Spanish government has jcepted in principle jico City of the Spanish minister, lace consequences red if the belief that these military movements are in preparation for eventualities in ease China de- clines to accede to Japan's de- mands. It is their opinion that the old garrisons will remain un- til the negotiations are conclud- ed satisfactorily. The semi-official press charac- published a note saying it has ac- explanations offered by General Carranza con- jcerning the expulsion from Mex- Jose Caro, Carranza, the note requested Spain to send to his capital a confidential agent to General said, ‘ : terizes as dangerous delusions popes CORP, Wr BO 2 — “the idea of the Chinese that jexpelied becquse of the exsite- Japan is not determined to in- ment and passions of the popu- sist on ite demands and that they and the fear of disagreeabie lack the support of the people.” if he remained.” Manuel Walls Merino, to some time ago, but never present- who was Mexico GIRL DROPS 1,400 FEET. appointed minister March 19. — Brig. P. Seriven, chief of aeronautical corps of the San Diego, his credentials, probably will Gen. George the be named as confidential agent. Indemnity to Spanish subjects , ; United States, yesterday witness- for their losses resulting from ’ ; ed his first demonstration of an the revolution is promised by : 5 . aerial life preserver Leaping ‘arranza, the note gays, when ; . : peace is established out of an aeroplane from an alti- eace is es s % ° tude of 1,400 feet, the 18-year- THE CRADLE old daughter of Charles Broad- fs wick, inventor of the apparatus, MORRISON—Born, to Mr, and|made a safe landing. Irs. W. R, Morrison, March 19, ——— a son, Wonderful value! The blue esnbiddienattiensimmbamtiaentlia serge, satin lined, suits for $15 at McBRIDE’S DAY IS DONE tf. Wallace's. VOTERS’ LIST ‘ Any local person who is on the provincial list elsewhere in British Columbia and did not have time to get transferred before the recent announcement of the election should im- mediately apply for change of registration. Forty days must elapse between the change of registra- tion and election, and as the date has been deferred, there may still be lots of time. Get busy! Apply to any commis- sioner or friend of the party.