THE DAILY NEWS Gv—__e_—e—e—eoeeOoO,_,_,__OOOO a ere YT RUSSIANS PLAYING re uraome OEE, DAILY NEWS |, |e TOGeL. : NOBLE PART IN WAR Published Daily and Weekly i a Sails for Vancouver, vi. toria and Seattle on Fridays Guaranteed Largest Circulation A note to the Russian budget at 9 A. M. = MAKES PERFECT BREAD Wot od (old Water in Every bill furnishes a remarkable illus Stateroom Excelent Cuisine, and Every Modern Appliance for Pass S. S .Prince John vere’ Comton i. F. MecRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER ; tration of the soeial and economic HEAD OFFICE advantages which sobriety—even Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. DRESDEN SURVIVORS compulsory sobriety—brings to a For ae Ps P.M. on Sunday, March t141y 28th , ; etc., arrives in Vancouver followi ‘ ’ TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVI RTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract TELL DIFFERENT STORY ee i Steamer PRINCE JOHN also Seiten coms inn weds “monthly ser Naas Rivero, Queen Charlotte tsiands, eto. "CO tO Stewart, G. T. P. RAILWAY In referring to the effect of the jwar on industry, the Finance Min rates on applioation. ——— eer ere Valparaiso, March 18. Ac. t that t listrict Passenger trains carrying Electric Lighted s\ jister says lat except in ais 8 ; - nities 7 5 or ’ “| Germe . Prince Rupert for Winnipeg at 10 A. M. on Wea DAILY EDITION age Saturday, March 20, 1915, |cording to the wounded Ge weneet i divestiy affected by the war there connecting there with lines for St. Paul, Chi mo, 7 aye from the cruiser Dresden, who] F treal, New York, ete, Ring up No. 960 for si enna nyeneee presser , jhas been no sensible diminution | have arrived here, three of the The| E D I T O R I A L S crew were killed in action. The|'" che negeterl outpu aceite ere eeeerernemeemraateeperee pinlnntiiini reason given is the = inereass commander of the Dresden and For All Pointe East of Chicago use the GRAND TRU . 2 the DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE “WAY Sy orem for Full information and vr Tickets, apply to @ Tp + hird Avenue Net OMice, AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP (ines | 330 officers and sailors were un- The Mayor has a very lame | Bride’s projects for covering of ee eee 4 P.0.Bor 60 jproductivity of the worker iuttie| | : to the suppression of the sale harmed and are now at Juan Fer- on ne| the peovinge with « network of|nandez. A transport will be sent ees ee arr eeee Br - | MRS. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, j | itw f reache wa) 30 to oO] wasted $56,000 on his Mont [Uviy Sas feagnes from lWife of the World's richest man, MUSIC | jper cent, ang compensates large. | at 75 years of age on who dee @ 1) ym 7 Teacher of Violin and All railways built upon Provincial|to bring them here. treal trip. He even tells us | bond guarantees, has at last According to the account given ly for the diminution in the num APERHANGING that all that is done so far is been forced into a position of}here the Dresden was obliged to! hor of workers due to the call ,,,|Mareh 12 at Pocantico Hills wy au AINTING merely a “basis to work from."| hostility to his leader, The last|*@ke refuge at Juan Fernande? ling colors.” | 452 Eighth Ave. Gast ULLSHING AND But in his report to the Coun- straw was the proposad to ad- island, because of damaged me- Assuming that Russian humat WAR OFFICE A MINT ria tn “ee | WALL TINTING ‘ | ehinery and lack of coal. She cil he says that he had closed vance seven million dollars, by ' ' [ nature does not differ materially a +.) Was anc red about a quarter o way of loan, to the Pacific in, ees. See = from our Own and judging | FOR THE CANADIANS - the deal. Let us, however, take a mile off shore on Sunday morn- ; “aste ; rocess : ; aw 1 7 1 ‘ o s itesial Hie word, The “desis Great Eastern, now in proce ine shee the Deiliel ctuiese Reith Mr. Stuart Deacon's remark send London, March 19.—Hion. Wal- DE N TISTRY Martin Swanson “4 of construction from Vancou- . ‘s work in the Police] ain Fa a of renewal is that the treas- enteted oO one side, end the Glas. his morning’s work ir f ( er Long, in & long. criticiem of Second Avy Me Bria : ‘ ver to Fort George. The credit ury certificates shall bear in- f British Col bin tas béen trict the War Office methods, generally CROWN AND BRIDGE woRK ) ritis ‘olumbia has bee : — ractically maatoind.| terest at 6 per cent per annum | , of Cumberland Bay. of drink is practically unrestri lasmevcnted the employantal ot A SPECIALTY ana ‘that ta Oddiiion to this | pledged for Canadian Northern ; 5 ed was a nightmare because of il ici Adtene el Meiek DRS. GILROY & BROWN -s ‘ ssues to the extent of The British warships opene . sis nein the . 4, |proressiona: = : (4 “somewhere around 2 per cent bond issue 0 e € ‘ the number of cases having their lbuvers and~ recruiting agente DENTISTS almost fifty million dollars.|fire at a distance of 3000 yards. etnies th eanecsive drinking—thte | Omce: mith Bicek, Thive Avenue Court of a city where the selling gow and Orama on the other side ” ot . A: . : a iv <4 ae ‘@r e an The proposal to increase this The Dresden was not prepared bieneinaditedubtstel activity tm Canadians had told him that th Phone 484 —— . . Cee! ” - ’ } itia ar e as { 0 » Brightest, “ ns aa a ; h r ong | dangerous load by a cash loan|for a fight in neutral waters and|,»,..ijq is certain to be accom- (British War Office was a gold — —— * ~~ * . ni 4 sn of millions to a rival coloniza-|did not reply immediately. She panied by a decrease in crime, ac- nine to Canadians by the way in| ~ ” Sa ee be: | NEW WELLINGTON COAL 00, pay “2 per cent,” but if they) ; which they were buying horses BAAMBGRGUUGUR UB ERR | Rogers & Albert, Agte tion railway,’ the bonds of|replied feebly within a few minu-|igent disease and mental weak- £ | Second Avenue Phone 1 sell for less, which is very| t prices out of all proportions | # ; hic ara _ > guare ed | tes. dies jat pri u a I I likely, it will cost the city 2% | which are already guaranteed ness. a FOR A I AXI 3). 37.5 The ‘esde . “Lis to their value Officers were to the extent of $37,500 per The Dresden hoisted a parlia- : fil e _ - tussia never did a braver thing ; om os7 or perhaps “3 per cent per an then lowered boats \the best buyers, and there were a ame —y ’ | ” “ y ae aye t } “ rit ) ' | num” extra. At “2 per cent per | or achieved a finer triumph than] ough of them in Caneds sad FOR PLUmBina ano wantun ; the citizens of the Pacific prov-|and sent a protest against being ; ihe eile annum” extra, the city will) | pa : nine when she abolished the State sale she States buying horses to officer 7 PH lose $81,000 on the deal; but | ince, but thinking people alljattacked in neutral waters, to a iieih i ene weed hl : 5-- —_ SMITH & MALLETT ™ miles, may well alarm not only|mentary flag, . . e British co i or, ac- la division of the army | Largest stock north the city expects to lose more mi wera ee He apa innge lems ied Gear, who Rte siways, been » et Why could not civilians be al- ; tags, Pinte ex of er tod ni ee saa Ser prenrew ae In a letter which appears in replied that he had adie to enn Ene GaGhese Qqvecete of Seaiper- r wed 1 I th it purpose and set PRINCE RUPERT AUTO co — we ion _— paar 6 apeeten.. Seem ” another column, Mr Arthur{the vessel wherever she was maoe; Geergee Toes never more free the oMeers for the work of te @& thee eRe e Ree AAR ERR A Sena e a £100,000 to cover the loss, . Se dre {should the unrestricted sale of] | a ; ee ; Hawkes very aptly says that|found and let the diplomats ar- aiid abet tales eines tin bis vast fiehting ? . poe eee en aneee Alex M. Man wenn neve noe ie Sapeee “the East is only less serious-|range the matter later and that ee ; | The War Office, he declared, LB feels about it. ty interested in British Colam-|he would do so unless the Ger- Empire. lned been gravely remies’in ap WILLIAMS & MANSON ee bia than British Columbia is|mans themselves sunk the ves- Wee the: boldasas of © right. pointing amateur soldiers to B. C. UNDERTAKERS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, If the certificates sell at par mhacested in itesit.” A continu. |ée?- eous cause, the Czar swept away! ang brigades and tanlog punenas, onaneee - MONEY TO LOAN ths city will be Borrowing 6 ation of the rule of Sir Rich- As a consequence the German |*! ® strone 6 Mints income of som over professional soldiers who ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ities : tailtion and s heif at 6 per cont ard McBride will inevitably|commander sent the crew ashort peasy po pounds 8 year, and, of! nave given the best of their lives | 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 2 perannum. That is the rate at mean the imposition of a debt and blew up the Dresden ‘Teel the Chancellor of the Ex- to the work of the army ee ee eee weer | ottieg corner ¥ aod Srd Avenue which any local business man burden so great that the prov-|casualties numbered three dead chequer had to find this else-| ‘ | . os ) can oe money oo a ince will not emerge from be-|and fifteen wounded. eg did wo royal FITZSIMMONS TO i roe +4 PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED local banks, although many 0 : i is Ngee Le i Se Mia, ek ilmost all taxes, from land ane (Successors to Ps f IE es sae] SO 8 re ae sr ae sachet em aureus] = Tamew wave seami{ = Canadian = fj ""'—.. should the city pay the same iain niehel apt’ wad FINE OF $100,000, '°)""* and on the liquors sold! Nawark N. J, March 19.—Rob- | STEAM LAUNDRY anevemrri ones rate for a much larger sum? There are still great areas of - under comprehensive FOIEIOUONS | 654 Fitzsimmons, former heavy-| } 3 on . eafe aa-aap thet there is the public domain unalienated London, March 20,—Because|‘t0m three to six times the for-| weight champion, applied for a| Latest and Approved Methods | 5 no city in Canada where a rate which, if conserved, would far|the inhabitants of Lille, a city in mer duties have been imposed |marriage license at the City Hall} Only Skilled Operators Employed JOHN CU RRIE like that is paid. But that is more than meet all possible|Franee occupied by the Germans, Vodka selling price has been|here yesterday, announcing that | omni Contractor & Builder not the charge that this paper obligations. The McBride gov-|™ade a demonstration in honor of raised to 15s. a gallon, as against|on Saturday he intended to marry Phone us and we will call ieee teen Moving Buldiag. made against the Mayor. It is ernment, however, has been as|/@ sroup of prisoners of war about 6s. 3d.; and the malt excise |Mrs, Temo Slomin, divoreed wife | ~s ates quer h Biack 294 bad enough to lose $81,000 that culpable in its alienation of the brought into the city, the German |from 3 s. 7 d. a pound to 19s. By lof Henry Slomin of Portland, Ore. | Wote Our Address: | oo ae See _ = sould Rave been saved if the heritage of the people as in the| Military authorities in control}means of these increases a great As Fitzsimmons did not have|$ 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST eoecceececesenit Meyer ‘Gnd Alderman Morris- incurring of financial obliga-|imposed a tax of 500,000 franes |portion of the deficit is wiped out,|, certificate of his own divorce | re didn't inetet © yeor ago on) tions for the benefit of railway | (#100,000), to be paid by the city ;some little margin being left for|the clerk refused to grant the|} WOW oan ton menace C. B. PETERSON holding our debentures till promoters. The candice hes by tonight. The people of Lille|the economic gains that always|ijicense until it was produced. | a: EXPERT ACCOUNTANT they got 90, andturneddownan been burning at both ends. If} also were forbidden to leave their follow when drink money is spent} Pitzsimmons said he would re-| . AND AUDITOR offer of 86, but when the Mayor) gi. Richard McBride remains|houses between 5 o'clock in the }on better things, jturn with the evidence later, He! Canadian Steam Laundry came back he told the Council in office the day of reckoning evening and 7 o'clock in the Whatever Russia may have|was accompanied by a young wo-| oo oes ~ igre ges mes \ must come soon. Toronto | Morning. been in the past, she is now shin-|man. Fitzsimmons lives in bun-_| st r ~