O15 : al THE DAILY NEWS. poorennanen THE INDIA BIL : : R EM LIS LEATHER LOOKED LIKE inf ; VETOED BY LORDS; $0 ; pI AKED BROWN PAPER ' Objection jection Taken to the Creation |Interesting Testimony of Officer PRL Vintners Associahon of Executive Council for at Boot Enquiry at Wenders — United Pro vinoes, — Used “Fruit-a-tives” With The Ottawa. woTeL Best of coematititinn winDsor Lond ' + pe ave, on rienth St Results, a M h 18 The Daily Ottawa, March 17,—Interesting we ws. wright, Pree “te { article, says|diselosures and enlivened pas- _ the | ‘ { i . ' ’ Lor irked itsisages characterized yesterday's a iat tt ; : woTeL CENTRE a ' ! before the|sitting of the parliamentary boot an avenue on Pie® , wat 1 vote “the lenquiry The witnesses under yropean @P ect f } } ; f maar wreck, Pro , feared, willjexamination were the Halifax of. r thr } j ahe eu India ficers who conducted the local in — he ‘ anox woTe | I ind the lieutenant.|vestigations, and their evidence ‘ ih ,% ‘ pire AVE $1.00 ! Provinces |supported the findings then made ’ I ! aropear P18 = ! t Imperial gov-|It was brought out in the evidence @ Beerer, Prog ’ tu that pro-jof Major Doane that after the inc? f ; cee cil tolsoles of certain boots issued the s*) +} 1.1. Rochester , t " men were through they put Rese ') or and Phat ews is a}shingles and bits of board in, and mira ave., 8° , Gtonee McKay esa. form d ! if nti-|in some cases bound tl ser n 80 *> cases bound up ie e sever Kirpan, OnT., June 17th, 1913 mont bens F , —— — 1 Per Ony “T have been using “‘Fruit-a-tives AL | ‘ ind it be in bags. - asafamily remedy for many years gs to the heme Captain A. M, Jones, of the 25tt They are the best medicine I have Ss Mliilis he aie bt ee ee aovas # ever tried. ‘‘Fruit-a-tives’’ do me the 7G pine A h Lord Me Battalion, Halifax, told of an en- ‘ most od -— th a ‘ le niti a 4 ectionle aoa gripe end their y initiated The Imperial gov -}auiry on January 5 coneerning ave. 4 ° “T have used th ment d them for In 4 ae - drafted ajthe boots issued on November 43. Pen sieam Meated and Constipation with the best: imat and eat ott I t ; ; ‘ a a heartily Fecomy tend tie te 1 estab ied anjOne hundred and seventy-two OLESALt Quon CO., anyone similarly afflicte: Xe new, Dut before this|boots on a route march were ven wre LimtTED These troubles have left me complete- : clamat ame ‘ ffeet it b ked Tr } i had ly and I give Fruit-a-tives” full cred ee ee eee ade ade “0 perty of te PEDRO SALINAS — How long had the boots been \ 49 ere —_ London, March 20.—The Daily| worn?” VERT T hk - ” “Co-OWner relegraph’s correspondent at About seven weeks. i B. C., January | Petrograd telegraphs Did you wear the same kind of = re ¥: from’ ‘i boots? “gegen oe General Oba, wh f Y the}t t fens Miners! Claim, situate tu the ommencement of the war has No. ming Div f Cassiar Dis-| represented the Japanese army o1 Was the work hard on the ake \nree- quarters , ‘ou less, trom the the staff of the Russian com-|boots? poi wad of Allee Arm 4 ive Black Bear Mineral claim | Tl Whi mander-in-chief, but is now re- Hard on boots such as they Et edro Salinas, es e sky iturning to his own country, tokes | were.’ Wilt ‘eughan, Free Min- ate - - : of Quality back with him a most favorable Sea eR NI Mle y days f be date Bereof,| impression of the fighting quali-|68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S the M * hKecorder for ~4 — the ol a a ties of the Russians, and is very OWN RIFLES. buling « wo Grant of ears : optimistic in his view regarding|g Major J. H. McMullin tak ice that action, before bottling the issue of the campaign ee March 20, 1915 : ‘ cur - > ssue oO » "7 ve rc 3 couhemt # B®"! GUARANTEED BY THE a >. : GOVERNMENT of CANADA In an interview with the wtes Ge eptember, A.D. VO ECE AME Pe Bourse Gazette he said it was his Parades. ——— a cv cm firm conviction that the efferts “A” Company will parade at the ar RIVER AND ATHABASCA | Fishy os mle | ot the Germans had already|Exhibition Building on Wednes- LWAY COMPANY. NOTICE ace 1 Athabases Rail- n, for an Act, lay out, con- s wing Unes of , (tat 4\ & point on : head of Kitimat nat River in 6@ summit between | sence In @ hor- valley of the the Skeena Skeena Kiver dge and over & hallway with sorth- easterly h nkalem River! he sum of 7. f slowing’ the at or near \imately one b) from the River, with course of summit be- | Aiver, thence ‘ianskheest River p the Skeena ar River approxt- _— eleenth day of | iE88 & CotE,! ‘he Applicant, MH eee se eee epee EE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM a: = the CROUIT NO. 4 Su) Bo; > * "\ and Srd Ave Bar 14 — Srd Ave Bn 15, = e Srd Ave in Ave ist, 9nd end between 8th end 7th St. (Cop ee NO. 2. Post Sox 23 Bor 22 tra &, v and . - rm ira BA = - Ave and McBride st Ses re \ Sod McBride 8% MG Ave. and gy ~~ #24 Ave ang oa as a / ot St CiRoury NO. a. - Ave. ang Fulton 8s, 9 4 taylor Sts ve. and Pulton st ; 2 Ay ‘od Comox Ave, > Ave. ana Dodge Pi | bth Ay A a ‘Dompson 84, ROUT NO. 4 1D Aye and | Frrrr eseees © & tuunerson Suh Gib Bos e h 4 Ave Ave ‘od MeBride 64, ‘0d Green st “00 Basil go, 7th oe an a th more, oe Young St “eat "th ithkhen One tria! Ship your to JOHN HALLAM Li MITED MAT? NERVINE Why Endure Headaches? will conv ire and safe rem headache is at your service in MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 in a box, 25c. Sold ewerywhere. If your dealer does not sel! then we mail box on receipt of price, 2 5c. 6-5-0 The purity and fragrance Baby's Own Soap haye mad ] @ universal fa) orite beneficial to any skin. Albert Serpe Limited, Montreal. Desk B. 16" SHERBROOKE, P.@ Our Trappers Guide a v POWDERS {| | ince you that edy for any } } | of it Its use is sats FREE Catalog and ico List, address Write today, TORON jpassed the point of culmination,|day and Friday, March 24 and 26 and that point he conceived to bejat 7:45 p. m ithe operations of General Von “B" Company will parade at the {Hindenburg in December on the|Exhibition Building on Monday Warta. From that time the Ger-|and Thursday, March 2 2and 25, man -tir had been on the wane.jat 7:45 p. m It could already be felt that the 8. MARSHALL, Lieut., Germans were wasting away.|67-73 Acting Adjutant. Even their shells had recently —_ -—_ | been not of steel, but of cast iron, The new Pacific Coast liner jand that clearly imdicated their|Great Northern sailed on her in- exhaustion itial trip from San Francisco to was fully convinced that} Portland, Oregon, March 15. April when the Russian troops assumed {15 she will be joined by her sister the aggressive the enemy would|ship, the Northern Pacific. The be swept away running time of these two grey- Asked how long in his opin-|hounds is ouly twenty-six hours the war would last, General jat sea Oba said he believed peace could — -———_ — lhardly be delayed more than six A faint heart has often been months the inspiration of the rapid - _ a sprinter. THE SUBMARINE WAR. cursemmeeangiochtniiieiaisiiiiieesl - BANISH BULLY BOWSER German submarines are gath- € oe a WATERS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS- ering a considerable harvest of] gp gratuTES OF CANADA, 1906, British freight boats engaged in CHAPTER 115, AND AMENDING ACTS — i N THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY local services in the Channel and} qyg MoNnTANA CONTINENTAL DE- coast waters They are also tak- VELOPMENT COMPANY FOR AP- , PROVAL OF THE PLANS FOR CON- jing the lives ef many civilians.) sraveTION OF A CERTAIN WHARF rhese operations are all con- AND ORE BINS ON WATERFRONT . BLOCK “BEB,” PRINCE RUPERT TOWN.- trary to international law and of] gpg little military value. They will,! 4. novice thet the Montene Cont f course, confirm the British and |pental Development Company, of Butte, | nal jliey of isolating Ger- Montana, has deposited with the Minister French pole; of Public Works, at Ottawa, Canada, and many from oversea commerce.|with the District Registrar of Titles, . ,. | Prince Rupert, B. C., under Chapter 115, The German loss of submarines RK 8. CG. 1006, plans and deseription of these operations has been s@-|the proposed site of certain harbor works 5 se . while |@ be constructed by the said Company on us and will inerease, while) i) oat Block “E,” Prine Rupert itritain does not suffer in a mili-| townsite, according to registered plan of ee the said Townsite dsposited in the Prince iry sense by loss Of slow CargO lio Lang Registry Ofes, and number- his ven in this period Offed 023, the aforesaid works consisting of ‘ . arine ac Great ome Wharf with ore bins, ibmarine activity Great nD PURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Hritain bas transported hundreds | said company has applied to the Governor- f tl inds of men and hun- proposed. works, and pe rovel af ee — as «4 struct the same is of cargoes Of war equip~)"™"DArED at Prince Rupert, B, ©. this 8th hout a single loss. day of January, A, » Pelban a puLeon ' Solicitors for the Montane Comtimasial the- \ \d velopment Co, 3-63 distinction attached to the rank. “Closely allied with the ques- tion is that of the agents-general of the provinces. Some months ago, those who were in England at the time had @ conference at which the matter of their status was discussed and, but for the war, some agitation would have been created. claim that in some phases of pub- lie fecting their more familiar with the questions to commissioner's would deal government, tain tion, matters These questions the different pire which, readjusted war.” LIBERAL ASSOCIATION association was formed Simpson, ton secretary. enthusiastic to land a majority for T. tullo. create a thirst for booze, band is immune, indeed, AMBASSADORS FROM DOMINIONS Montreal, March London 18..The espondent, mast zelie's cori in a cable despatch dated last night, says: “In connection with Premier Borden's recent statement in re. ply to Sir Wilfred Laurier’s ques- tion to the effect that the status of the high commissioner's office was under consideration, the Ga- zette’s London correspondent has learned that an important read-f[ justment of the constitutional re. the governments lations between Imperial and be An effort will be made the into the recognized overseas the to convert will latter, high commission- office At is er’s an ambassador- courtesy ship. present time office by and usage. Thus, while diplo- matic negotiations between the the ernor-General of Canada,the high pass colonial offiee and Gov- commissioner is consulted and made acquainted with what is VIEW OF SMYRNA AND THE FAR BEYOND—PICTURE TAKEN FROM WALLS WHERE SSHELLS ARE FALLING. proposed or what being done If the 18 commissioner were made —_—_ —— would the govern- an ambassador, he nego- tiate directly between Im- and overseas Moreover, he joy the social recognition and the perial + ments. would en- The agents-general matters, particularly those af- provinces, they are than office dealt with the and be high they like to MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 As a medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. Birks’, Vancouver, is the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order Department and our lilustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- ing to a selestion from our immense stocks. WRITE FOR THE caTALoauE—vou WILL NEED IT. ee Heruy Birks & Sone, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streete Geo, E. Tr.rey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C right to Imperial have the with the particularly on cer- directly questions, such as emigra- ete., the their provinces of the inter-relations education, when affect details of large: of Em- are sections of the will be of the it is expected, at the close FORMED AT SIMPSON LUMBER SHINGL<”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and McBride St. PHONE 25 PRINCE RUPERT, 6.C Sranch Yard at Smithers A few ago a Liberal at Port evenings George H. Hamil- president and B. J. They are starting an campaign and expect D. Pat- with Bacon When a nagging wife does not the hus- | | | McBRIDE’S DAY IS DONE ' THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED §.S. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT & P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS + ARIAS OOOO IIIA AAAI A AISA IASI ASASASIAASIASAA a a * * * ¥ THE SS ee ee i DAILY | (or Prince Rupert and Northern B. Cu x * N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in : Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- sare bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- SANE mism and reliability, J The Daily News is the most valuable paper to SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger cirewlation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to. i INTELLIGENT —— | { Aun + RARER ERE REE eR } ~~ te ee ee ree Dp