ae Satura THE DAILY NBWS ‘a : al aie | FOUR UNIVERSITIES ARE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | ie mie MEDICAL CORPS THE AMERICAN Th 'f- IN THE L SENDING 4 ; On the Bargain Counters— | e 4 ae Arrangments Complete — Several Hundreds of remnants and odds | Onin NO “LITTLE CANADA.” ALD. MONTGOMERY Hundred Students and ad daies Cae : OnING tau ; i ' REPLIES TO THE MAYOR @estere. ae Ws os mo alae Biccnta resdin Ne ee For a comfortable room, come Come : Py Dear Sir—In reading over the/Editor, The Daily News | Ottawa, March 20,— > tinwents from the Uni- : ‘ roronto, McGill, J. Bruce Johnston, of Lakelse BEST QUAL) Ty DOMESTi¢ ined to boost so much. You ac-jlaw to issue $100,000 worth Lake arrived yesterday from! | ir i i UNITED STATES WILL | t . wieen’s, and Laval, The ar=| Lake, . | Lump ” cuse The Journal and the 4 arty | easury certificates to make Victoria en route to his ranch and | | “ ts “Gi or ¢ The Daily News AGAIN SEND PROTEST |": which it is the mouthpiece of|for the loss by renewal of the ak hae 0 hotel at the Hot Springs at La C O A a CLASSIFIED ADS. — sedge ie ng Drege colt Wnts. st with the {With equipment, Were completed | Kelse $9.00 per 7 rereseoeeeseerreesreeseeny = as Se = = iWhich our morning Journal is in Washington, March 16 Ad. | lmahe a “Little Canada” all their Compare that amo “ ene eile,’ aeak Wb feeea-t * *¢ * ; ; Cash on i eetesinettie meme —=tIministration officials were givingjown. In times like this when the/figures quoted by The Em i Pane eH f » ahd oractica) It is reported on good authori Money Bac Not Satis. FOR RENT _____ |eareful study today to the pro-|political atmosphere is rising we namely, $56,000 or posssiblys : —~ os = : ihe ai ty that there was a child born on : FOR’ RENT—Bedroce: oie sitting rommtvisions of Great Britain's order. {expect a little hot stuff once in less” as it is written in the y ] oH eee a aa every day of this month so far UNION TR: iSFER (0, attached. oo iy TOM O10 per “a in-council aimed at the stoppageja while, but just the same that | editorial. " xt ; a , : aed Ba i re pret At this rate Prince Rupert will 333 2nd Av Phone 3¢ wg aan ea gediibieee housekeeping of all commerce by sea to and|was no dream of yours regarding Your peper and myself have] » completed at eh interview soon put on a good sized popula. | ****rrrerrrers so. rer revoooooooses rooms. Inquire Demers. 7-.\ from Germany, which they re-j|a “Little Canada.” aeee Seed we Crime of the M t f Militia won. |B Werroroqoooroccccccccocccsapeey : . j tweeen ie inister o i i garded as unprecedented and as I would just like to bring under|combining to misinform the citi-|"™ : . oe B P I ° I ' th f tal Dean Clarke and Colonel OIN ‘ e ‘ wa . having a far-reaching effect on/your notice a report that is going | zens quo sures | Bock Beer on draught at The ' ‘ : j berts, representing the univer ia WANTED—Woman to work by the day./American commerce, particularly |the rounds of the drydock today.) prove who is attempting to : .. | Savoy. 67-8 STAI /RANT resentatives of Queen's Phone 161. . 66-69 | on shipments of cotton and im-|It would seem that the superin- lead the public rhe regrettable | ' 1. oe. 2 ihad onference with 1 minis . = rk . . -— *T ; ‘ 2e fic Pad act is the » ayor and Alde aa Ne 5 ’ "Ww i ’ e ‘ os ——— — ae we portations of dyestuffs from Ger-|tendent has been officially in-/| fact hat the May ind all aneiantdinnts tan 6 Ai ew styles, new fabrics. n . a Sloan » Pras a oe : keen.|formed that it is the wish of the|man Morrissey returned fi oe ae svete prices in ladies and children's Cents Up /ust Give Us WANTED—Young Woman wants chamber "any. That the officials are ’ nr pital corps from Queen's medical work. Apply Box 117,-The News. tf}. disappointed is evident and/government at Ottawa that he|Montreal and did not know what |P!' ps f . oars raincoats and capes.._Wallace’s @ Trial—That's All, f i ne the same as LAw- Se eeR 8 I $15 WEEKLY PAID MEN EVERYWHERE iii as bh dene be dispense with the services of all|sort of an arrangement they had u“ vy along tl ime lines a tf. Third 2 UILDING that vigorou protest will e I ue to distribute circulars. The Co-0per- t Britis} : . made with the ba! It apparent btain in the cases of MeGill and ative Union, Windsor, Ont. 6 8-67 lodged by the American govern-|who are no ritish subjects on auc © DANK appare : eS so ne a ment against the British action is| the construction of pontoons for|!y did not matter whether it was | ! were agreed upon, Laval | MME, CURIE AT WORK Me cr a pha iat ' ' niversity is also arranging for ON TT | : — virtually certain the Grand Trunk Pacific Com-|2 per centum per week, per month |! y \ a a Ing THE BATTLE FRONT | Nerve I: ner gy and | 4 , ! “ r cerps Altogether, sey FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus beds, Wh: . ‘ ; m_inp f this order should be put/or per annun it wae just “2 per|* ’ ry ' . at erhaps displeased offi. ny If thi ler should be put! chairs, carpets, etc. Cheap Apply P ere’ : : leentum.” eral hundred medical students |\Woman Scientist Has Galen al evenings, 210 Ninth Ave. West #. icials most was the prohibition on|in force, it means discrimination, |Centum land doct " f ( Radi hic Equi t. i . : doctors will go from Gana- FOR SALE—White Cross Medical Battery, \ meriean commerce consigned to| mostly against Americans, as I Yours respectfully , . tograp c Equipmen in first-class condition. No reasonable ; ‘ W. H. MONTGOMERY dian universities to the Canadian ~ —_ " ce ce neutir “ar ies and suspected think they are about 90 per cent ¥ | ; cae Teluaes, Ben, £28, News, 6-79 ro eee . ' Prinee Rupert. March 19, 1015.|bospitals established either in Paris, March 20,—-Madame a f enemy destination. It forms'of the foreigners, many of them| rince upert, Maren : i 7 endian I 3 § } lEngland or in France Sjlodowska Curie, the = sacientist POULTRY. the principal basis upon which|men with families eo | . — : | Mr. Edit 5 Os ek ae VALCARTIER AGAIN. | _— : who with her husband, the late e neries rave me ; in- Now, Mr. E or. do. ne 0 : ‘ BABY cHICKS, iNcuBaTING soos, ‘he American government will in-/ ee -e ‘ Lectin lis probably that all future mebi-|Professor Curie, of the Universi-| A constant 4: g wears Breeding Cockerels, Barron's Leghorns,' + . . b L k f L wice Palmer, D — * ns it se aa rae ; ; , ; ; by the Department of Justice for\ed, but genius is worse than an sito meetings, oa 7 oOo or oop strove y receipt o » rit- | inconsistency regarding the fis day rd & day : music. ‘ . haha i. ey . . jthe purpose of interning aliens, it! untamable brone ho Sundays at 7:20 p.m OPTICIAN et ee fish Order together with informa-j|question recipt ty; Dut if F ob ? : 223 Sixth St Phone Black @ } . TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL/ijon that Great Britain had de-jthis is not inconsistency, then 1 , ’ > = - -— - Musical Instru-)clined to accede to the American ido not understand the meaning of ments repsired.} covernment’s informal proposal the word. We hear a lot of tal — — | Bows rehaired. The) for the withdrawal of Germany's|about the Seattle fishing feet | Prince Rupert MU-icubmarine campaign and Eng-|coming here and making things sie Store, 345 8rd)jand’s ban on foodstuffs for Ger_}|hum But if the government con Ave. €.) man civilians. ltinues to foster such narrow minded principles, I think the Se oS eee “Safety First” is the attic fishermen would be ill-ad- | a a a Slogan of Business” | vised should thew: oumee here. I ound believe before they would be here SEALED TENDERS will be received by VER 75 years of [six weeks there would be a net ge A lage in 5p. m.| Banking i in Canada, tion down to Ottawa to restrict semeating of a 46-foot Plank vend on Elev has demonstrated the sale of fish by Americans as enth Avenue from Albert Avenue tw Sheer the stren th, secu . Bg : elites aad slate: Sthhee. ondte 4 g , e ee they were glutting the market and Plans may be seen and specifications ety an service 0 © {walking all over the place and obtained at the City Engineer's omee, cuy| Bank of British North Hall. : . The lowest or any tender not neces- America. The history of sarily accepted. this bank for over three- W. McG. MASON, » City Engineer quarters of a century has been one of progress and CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. development, ard of lsh consistent growth in the NOTICE Is hereby given that a sitting} regard of the ; Of the Court of Revision for the purpose 8 business of hearing complaints against the assess world, ments as made for the year 1915 will be THE BANK OF er ee held tm the Council Chamber, City Hail, A PONTOON WORKER FROM Rrince, nuperts a co on wears! British North America | 1!" peirisi isies ’ °, : . a. Any person desiring to make complaint 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. Prince Rupert, March 19, 19145 @gainst the said assessment must give no — a tice in writing to the Assessor, stating the| C*?ETAL AND SURPLUS, $7,284,000, LAND NOTICES. cause, at least ten (10) days prior to the PRINCE RUPE RANCE sitting of the said Court. RT B Skeena Land District-—District of Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 24th P. MARGETTS, Manager. Coast, Range Pive @ay of February, A. D. 1915. sendecataie P. LORENZEN, TAKE NOTICE that William Watson, of 55-62-69-76 Assessor Kemo, B. C., oceupation Contractor, in a tends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands Commencing at MINERAL ACT. 4 post planted on the northerly mit of the Right-of-Way ef the Grand Trunk Pa- —— cille Railway Company, and about 35 chains there was no show for a British er. What we seem to want hers ‘Tte sustained pop- ularity and success of 20th Century Brand garments is the work of the allies—style, fit, fabric, and tailoring. New styles for Spring, 1915, now ready for your commendation. Ask for Booklet— it's free. Ses 1 4 —~LETTTt is this “Little Canada” all to o selv@s and none but the true may seek Shelter neath its folds We are afraid of annexatior and th Americans don't want us Thanking you in advance for Certificate of improvements. southwesterly from Mile 84, east from NOTICE. Vee i aa oii OE ta nal Prince Rupert, B. €.; thence north 20 : chains; thence west 20 chains; thence Starlight, Homestake No. 1, and Sun- south 46 chains, more or less, to the north rise Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena MODERN HOUSE arty 7s Mg oe Ri f-Way of the . aranc run racine aiuiway Compan Mining Division of Cassiar District, thence northeasterly along t a 7G Where located: On the North Shore of limit of the said Right-of-Way to pomt of . commencement; and containin bout ey Bay between Bonanza and Falls EIGHTH AVENUE AND 80 acres, more or less. Mg = abou WILLIAM WATSON * TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, nia tein arene as Free Miner’s Certificate No. 50353B, act- YOUNG STREET ated December 96, 1014, 25-85 ing as Agent for Thomas MecRostie, Free qunnteraninia , - Miner's Certificate No, 80348B, and James L. Hatch, Free Miner’s Certificate No. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 70396 B, intend, sixty days from the e date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re corder for a Certificate of Improve- ments, for the purpose of obtaining a A Crown Grant of the above claims, PPLY— And further take notice that action, un- der section 37, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improve- PATTULLO & RADFORD Bryant Company Ltd. =~ SIXTH STREET, PRINCE RUPERT, 8 Dated this 15th day of March, A. D, SECOND AVENUE Joun HALLAM yet 4016. Joun HALLAM Desk cn TORONTO ) GEO. KR. NADEN, _ COFFEE 6 Ff. @, DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR om) (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) Fae ; PRINCE nuPent: