~~ -_ ~— —— er — 2. ~ erm | ave’ pAY IS DONE THE DAILY NEWS GRUNTY GRUNDY Says: A new volume is about to be issued by Mutt and Jeff, entitied, “How two Approach Highbrowed Bankers.” wall PRICE FIVE CENTS ———_—__—_——- i a AL FRENCH SAYS THE WAR WILL BE SHORT 50,000 PRISONERS WERE TAKEN AT PRZEMYSL~MAYOR NEWTON LIKELY TO! BE DISQUALIFIED HFTY THOUSAND PRISONERS WERE TAKEN AT PRZEMYSL DESPERATE SORTIE BEFORE : FINALLY SURRENDERING _GERMANS ARE PREPARING FOR RETREAT FROM POLAND. (Special to The Dally News) Official eparing This general of the n tz ta were try- and, Be irrendered NSIVE MINING errr ree ee * * FRANCHISE GONE * GROWTH IN ALASKA « ; . . The McBride govern- (Special to The Dally News.) * ment has refused this city 7 President * protection against the | Ww. | the Juneau, ™ Prince Rupert Hyd *| las « Company, * Electric Company = fore +! * ing themselves on the * mpany B88 — city, According to the ® e h they i0- @ eharter given them by *| f stamps and,# the present government *| mt) ite devel-|# they could enter this city *| * at will. The city sought #| * an amendment to this; but #| WANS CHANNEL POWER. (# this is what they got: *| i'* The company is compelled * Th been given|# to apply to the city { * p secured the|#® leave to enter but if they * Last night|# refuse, the Governor-in- * - eu showed | # Council—or Bowser—can * case. Any | # override it, and we know * a secured are; # from experience W hat that *| mr record of\* is It means that if the * Company,|# ‘Tories are in power our * i s that what|#* liberties are lost. It would *| is useless./# be a good thing for this *| *1,000 to se-|# city to have a big electric * last night) * company at our gates but *| nted a billj® it should be under our ost of the] ® = eontrol. Instead, it is * couple of|* under Bowser’s, which is * will require} ® dangerous. William Man- *} re to sur-|# son didn’t fight for this, * , the city can|* either. There is no fight *}, the govern-|* in him. Let us sendaman * city with-|# to Victoria who can fight. *| * Send T. D. Pattullo * Pare = 8 OO800 9-909" CANADIAN HONORED. a ROAD TO COLD STORAGE. ' . s has seen s long and The site will consider opening but there} the road to the cold storage along was more|the line of the overhead bridg he has re-|from the circle to the watertre { England to|The extension of Bighth Av : Fred, who|is not available, as the G. T. P.| n H, M. 8. | Will require a clause in the agre ich a noble} ment to close at sixty days if nee the recent |essary. Thursday the Coune!ll ' been deco. | Will invite the G, 'T, P. engineet “ O,—Distin. | 80 out with them and look the . Chis is {situation with a view to getting a badges that| permanent road, ana the young REMOVE REPROACH. bi. ngratulated Alderman Morrissey den inced | ‘ NEW WIREL last night the atempt of th CSS STATION, shirking its responsibilily ! the \ plank roadways by putting up 4) ‘ition has been} sign that all used them at their | h 'ngland coast! own risk, The citizens paid their | th ate directly} taxes to get protection and if the) ling 4 yay, thus en-| Gouneil didn’t give it, who could? ut ice between) He thought something sh 1 me thy Which can-| done at once to remove this re) proac be po pececceenn ao AE EEO to} ;the garrison was served with five jdays’ rations and new thir and was urged to make a despe late sortie. Several units refused j Fifty thousand men and 300 of ficers, including nine generals were taken prisoners rhe ga jrison was composed of 80,000 siege began in Sep men when the ; jlember, PRINCE RUPERT COA L CO. Wellington Coal Sleanes: Lump Ost Moat no i Reccce, Pree cr onaest Lasting—Gives the linkers—p, BLACK, Manager PHONE 15 city [ole ~~ jCtTy ORDERED EXCESS OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES | Another storm bi it last night over the elect igbtir lepartment. It appears that last spring when the Couneil had de cided to go ahead with a per | ent building for the e i ght it was thought wise by those n charge to have the necessary l pper wire and appliances secur- ed in advance as it takes consid- erable time to have the order de- livered Alderman Montgomery, is the h i of this committee last year, recommended this to the Council and it went through Shortly after that, war broke mut, and the building was out ol the questior A wire was sent to top the order but it was too late; it was already shipped Now there is a bill of seven or ght thousand dollars due and the Mayor, Alderma Morrissey and Alderman Maitland are trying ake Alderman Montgomery 01 he electric light superintendent the goat. It is reported that they had a neet ge vest day after m over t that t f rh s and last ght broke ut again and rip ped and t Ald an Mont itta “dl th insinuatior if i id izainst himself : { s tendent He was epared to clear the matter up f they y can ul in the open ind sa f there was any fault the vh cil was equally guilty Ald i Maitland arose and in his gers through his white at the back of his head till hey i straight up—and that iw the gnal for war. He ime Alderman Montgom- h as the superintend- t who should know better, Aft they had wandered all ve the farm and broke all the vailal rules of order, Alder- ad broke through the { ind told them in very com- : tary language what he it} ht of them, The storm to an end about as sudden without anything be lished the The city gave ovel amount due fuesday 80th for the cert in Baptist Chureh, McBRIDE’S DAY 18 DONE 7 f fo [was MAYOR AND MORRISSEY MAY BE DISQUALIFIED ght most den. | seen for ast was the the Council. has The and standing room mati ie time audience seats crowded if a premium DESTROYER ARIEL AND HER GERMAN | UNDERSEA VICTIM lies. | decisive vietory SO THINKS END OF WAR MAY BEIN SIGHT; GENERAL FRENCH IN AN INTERVIEW HE MAKES AN IMPORTANT STATEMENT— SPRING FULL OF HOPE FOR ALLIES—GERMANS LACK AMMUNITION. “This will not be a long war. Spring promises well for the Al-} definite and awai@® us at the We believe a end of these hard months of war. Ammuaiti on is a Pres requisite of The U-20 1913 been upper picture), submarine, the “I” destroyer (upper The U-20 is one of Ger- German has sunk by class British ture). pic- } KHKHKHHKHKERHRERHRKRAMREAH RARER HHH RR HR many'’s largest and latest sub- marines, displacing 840 tons, with a speed of 17 knots on the surface and 12 knots sub- | merged. | gen NOMINATIONS FOR KAMLOOPS AND GREENWOOD (Special to The Dally News.) Vancouver, March 23. lick W. Anderson is the jthe Kamloops Liberals and Dr. J D. MeLean the of the Sage saga Liberals. Freder- choice of choice /FeeSeSSSEHSHSSSHS WM. MANSON FAILED * The government's de- cision in the Warks Chan- nel case came through at a very oppor- time to show up the part played by William Maison. He was Govern- ment Agent when the Con- tinental Power Company staked this and he was fond of saying that he turned down the applica- tion he felt the city would need it. Notwith- standing that, the govern- ment has given this com- power tune as * * * * * * * * * * a * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a rhe first bolt out of the blue} ERD eae aes pany the preference and was the report of the city audi- COAL CASE UP. Prince Rupert will take tor to the effect that the Mayor} -_—_— second place to them after and Alderman Morrissey had il-| The old case of Rogers & Black spending thousands of egally transacted business with) vs. the City of Prince Rupert is up dollars to secure it. Where the city during their term of of-|again. This firm got a judgment was William Manson when fice. The Mayor had sold adver-|in the Small Debts Court seme this went through? If he tising while his company was not|time ago for a shortage in priee were representing this nder incorporation. Alderman)of coal. The city solicitor ap- district he would have Morrissey’s firm had sold the city|pealed it and Judge Young, being fought for Prince Rupert. rroceries. prejudiced in the matter, wouldn't Why elect a man who The Mayor related how he in- try it. Mr. Rogers says that he |* never got any protec- trueted the auditor to make his|asked the city solicitor to take it|* tion for this city? Let us eport, no matter who was affect-|up when Justice Morrison was|* have a change. d. He told how he always left|here and later before Justice Cle-| 4 a a 4 4 36 28 ie 8 eR OO the matter of advertising to the|ment but that the city solicitor re- city clerk and the Finance Com-|fused, The case is up today be- TENDERS FOR PLANKING. mittee, and if there was a wrong|fore Judge Calder and Mr. Rog- --_— they were as much to blame as/ers wanted the Council to pay the Tenders for the planking of Continued on Page Four.) bill and stop the case, as his prin- Eleventh Avenue from Alfred ai cena oe witness, Clyde Rogers, is in Street to MeBride were opened CASUALTY LIST. Alaska. last night. The following were - Mr. Peters replied that the réa- received and the Board of Works (Special to The Daily News.) son he did not take it before the}W@S ordered to grant it to the Vancouver, March 23—The first}mentioned justices was that it|!owest tenderer: casualty list from the Britannia] wou'd cost twice as much as in|20hn Bergman-........ $3,571.50 mine disaster shows fifty killed/the County Court. It was decided Terminal Con. Co...... $3,726.00 ind fifteen injured. by the Couneil to do nothing in|D D. MeLean-H. Vale. . $3,229.00 ere the matter till the case was heard |Fred Clark ......+..-. $3,512.00 WORLD'S HOCKEY. in court. J: &. Meeeee. os s%s00. $3,371.36 — A, Walters & Co. ...... $3,417.50 (Special to The Dally News) March = 23. hockey of the Ottawa, The the Vancouver, team, Pacific Coast, Vancouver champions defeated the Ez champions, by 6 to 2 in a brilliant the first of the under Western rules. To between National astern game in match series, will be morrow'’s game six-men teams, under rules, McBRIDE’S oav is ‘bone RUPERT MUST WAKE UP. considering building a cold stor- Martin & McGowan... . $3,234.80 seroaae ae Ce meets so ss vkae ke $3,502.00 It looks as if the New England|City Engineer ........ $3,635.50 Fish Company and the C, P. R. are —_— going to try to beat Prince Rupert For Rent—Furnished house out of’a portion of the fish bus- overlooking harbor; afl modern iness. It was incidentally an-|ce?veniences, Phone 6, 67-9 nounced last night that they are BANISH BULLY Sowsen i (Special to The Daily News.) all progress and the Germans Paris, March 23.— General Sir|need it more than we.” John French, in an interview to cecenenntncemnn iain ithe Havas Agency, says: THE WEATHER. By F. W. Dowling, Observer. 5 a. m., March 23, 1915, merometer ..........+. 30,088 OS We das 6 ok S Fee 52.0 Lo | SUERTE 36.0 TEN OF VON BUELOW’S FAMILY KILLED IN WAR (Special to The Dally News) Copenhagen, March 23.—An announces the of Von Buelow’'s obituary notice death of family. All were officers killed in ten the war. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE. Another little battle was fought last night over the question of in- for heating purposes. Alderman Kerr, of the Electric Light Committee, reported at last meeting in favor troducing electricity head of gettine $500 worth of electrie heaters ard appliances, but the Finance Cornmittee didn’t want to go to the expense. They report- ed that a circular letter be first sent out to see how many would avail themselves of the pro- posal. Alderman Morrissey was posed to it because he thought it “encourage laziness among op- would women,” Alderman Kerr showed how he had offered the cold storage a price that was equal to coal at $1.35 per ton; and at the price charged individuals for lighting, heating could be done at a cost equal to coal at $4.50 per ton. The motion to send out the cir- cular letter first, however, car- ried, HE IS NO GERMAN. Mr. Hoelscher, of the Uiy Band, thinks he has been injured by reports that he is a German. As a matter of fact, a Dane, and his wife a is he says he Belgian. He is taking out his papers, and their son is a Canadian. He wants the city to assist the band by a grant of $25 per month for six months, when he thinks it ean tloat itsel! This was re- ferred to the Finance Committee for report. ge plant 150 miles south of here and cater to the American fisher- men, This will not, however, give them the quick transfer Prince Rupert has, HELP THE !.ADIES They the supply are busy knitting for ought to to buy the soldiers; the Any you cash amounts grate. Leave at yarn fully received, McRae Bros., Ltd. Sixth Street HOw DRY | aM. & Mallett Smith have turned philanthropists. Last night they asked the City Council for the drinking of the side- privilege of erecting a fountain on the edge walk in front of their place of business. They wil lereect it free, but want the city to eontribute the water. Looks as if Bob was Get on the List! Anybody who is a registered voter can be transferred to the loca days before election, nounced there may still be tim Anyone who is not registered and who is six months in the province should apply bef« of Revision will be held. This if the Federal election is held Apply to L. W. son, or any other commission As the eleetion date has not been an- Patmore, ¢ in British Columbia | list providing he does it forty e for this, yre April 4, when the new Court will enable him to in June then. i, R, Naden, er. vote Williams & Man- pretty dry.