Ceo: THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN Prblished Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA H. F. MeRABR, EDTTOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—5O0 cents per inch rates on application. DAILY EDITION EDIT O Russian statecraft, when it is faced with the inevitable results of its blunders and crimes, will probably try to sow the seeds of dissension among the allies. The way to meet this is not to oppose eraft with eraft, but to meet craft with straightforwardness and broad, humanitarian statesmanship. There are conflicting interests among the allies. They are all alike interested the maintenance of law and order in Europe. They want law and order, anarchy. They are working for a condition in which a small nation like Belgium will be as safe and as free to live its own life as a powerful na- tion like Russia. They peace, as a condition of orderly constructive development. ee a Belgium the champion and martyr of civilization, of international law, and of pub- lie right. There is no taint of selfishness in her position. She had no quarrel with any Euro- no in not seek is pean power or any nation in the world. She had asserted nothing, fought for nothing, except her own sacred inde- her own right to da to follow the dictates of to pendence, right, her own conscience, and the world. serve * Great Britain stands behind Belgium and the Belgian posi- In all the made by British tothe causes of the war tion, declarations statesmen as and the purposes for which we are fighting, we had not heard one word of any selfish advantage. Forty-five years ago, Mr. “the triumph of our the enthronement of public ing idea of European polities. Mr. Asquith recently defined the idea of publie right: “Tt means first and foremost the clearing of the ground by the repudiation of militarism the governing factor in the relation of states and of the future moulding of the European world, It means next, that room must be found and kept for the existence and the free develop- Glad- greatest time will of the right as the govern- stone — said, be idea definite as independent merit of the smaller nationali- each with corporate Bel- Holland, Switzerland, the Lies, a consciousness of its own. gium, Scandinavian countries, and the Balkan States must be recognized as Greece they having Sa Tuesday, March 23, 1915. Telephone 98. Contract See RIALS a it to mean, sun. And means, finally, or} it ought perhaps by slow and gradual process, the of = foree, for groupings and alliances and a of a real based equal substitution precarious equipoise, European partnership, the of rights, and established and en- on recognition forced by a common will.” ee Ne There we see the declaration of a principle intended to serve not the British Empire alone, but the whole world, a princi- to Belgium with its seven thousand square If one nation has more territory or more citizens than another, its duties ple more valuable miles. it means simply that Under Asquith of empire, are greater. such a system as Mr. the a foreshadows rights an individual in great and he would have equal op- portunity to develop his powers] for the service of humanity. The allies aré united for the furtherance of the policy des- cribed by Mr. Asquith, and they have acted and are acting perfect harmony. They are seeking to bring about a new order, a better government of the world. The hopes of the statecraft rest upon the belief that some lower, ig- noble the al- more of in Prussian motive actuates lies, and that one or them can be bribed and turned away from of duty of the grandest oppor- for the of hu- manity that was ever present- The allies will not be di- verted by any selfish from “the great hope of the race.”’—Teronto Star. the path and tunity service ed. motive EFFECTIVE FISHING BY GERMAN SPY IN FRANCE The latest capture of a spy in how well laid all her plans for the subju- gation of France, for more than four months the spy had fished in the Marne for By accident somebody caught him fishing a telephone wire out of the river, saw him attach it to a pocket instrument and talk—Ger- man! The traced up- stream and across country to the It had been stalled by the German engineers before the retreat from the Marne. Paris shows Germany two hours a day. line was German lines, in- The Pinch of Blockade. Various nations are beginning to show the pinch of the block- ades or France has The gardens of the Austrian emperor of the war. taken off its duty on steel. POWDER QUAND ALD Ss Ww u it Ww ar nt di th st a here of British Columbia, keg ing. them but to ge to the ar able, TORIES LIKE LABORING MEN AT ELECTION TIME ditor, Sir structions, ho he here. th the ved government, f the ted a lef a is hite the same The I was ive brought Men irough who the golden rere they all informed if enforced, t w ac opportunities Ww found opportunities monopolized by the the Daily News: on good authority that the officials of the drydock have been instructed to discharge all workmen that are not British subjects. Such in- would af- fect a large number of Americans heir families ere brought ivertisements of hen they ar- all those fertile lands province had been distrib- mong the t for the nd here friends man eould not make T was nothing of the McBride administration and noth- settler mountains, but mus- a a liv- left for Now where cities. government that has so maltreated them is trying to dis- charge them off the publie works. Such actions cannot appeal to iy when imber bettered land of Uncle not the but some of the ans, tion of Prince employment jects; without Americans. control over the drydock, site on property vineial or rey me build on much about, eould they of their for but there If th Third surely arrangement it the election. Sam. broad-minded consider Canadians conditions sentiments work of the Conservative Rupert. discriminating ey Avenue regardless of was owned by h s and help the few Canadians the that large have in the Such actions of Cana- underhand Associa- It is only right the government should find all are British other sub- ways against have such why not make it an eight-hour day, which would mean more employment; and compel them to pay a fair wage, instead of paying carpen- ters 45 cents an hour, the same wages that the city pays to la- borers? If they bad built the postoffice with the $95,000 they paid for the when they had lots of property just as suit- this Pro- whether the Dominion government, to could ave o they come ployed British subjects that they just commencing to worry so weeks ‘before It is only a short time ago that large aled number o to their conditions f en in our British subjects on Vancouver Island ap- pe safer for mine; iployers the THE DAILY NEWS. ts jt rhe ae or «work TURK CRUISER GOEBEN HAS BIG RENT IN SIDE Pro-German ing@man went out on. Our government ttren called out their militia to protect the men the brought to take the place British subjects, that they are so They went hat mining companies of our today. and sent large worried still further, bers of them to jail, over num young Canadian, 17 years § my absolutely one age, to die there, re fusing to give him medical treat ment, Did the Conservative Associa- tion of Prince Rupert stand up and tell their leaders that the) would not allow them to trample on the rights of our loyal sons? Not a murmur! What a chang: an election will bring Let us hope that when election da) comes it will bring a greate! change, and take from the Me Bride administration the powel they have used to trample on oul rights. A CANADIAN Prince Rupert, March 22, 1915 TOMMY ATKIN’S WAR CHATTER Atkins’ fondness for slang is proverbial rhe official dispatches have told how he dub- bed the largest “Black Marias” Tommy shells “Jack John- but, naturally, a lot of trench chatter found its into the official communica- German and sons,” has not way tions. Wire entanglements are known “Flagwaggers” and for are fairly obvious nicknames the latter’s grin when they hear them that of the members of the medical corps the of “linseed lancers as the “zoo.” “helio-wobblers” signal men and is only equaled by who are known by somewhat : poultice undignified names wallopers” and The been nicknamed the ordnance store corps has sugar stick brigade” on account of the trim mings on its uniform. Tall men in the army are generally referred to as “lofters,” and more often than not a cavalryman calls his horse his “long-faced chum, buglers being “fiddlers” or “wind- jammers.” In ordinary conversation ‘“Tom- my” speaks of his clothes as his “clobber” and the canteen as his “tank.” To be in hospital is to be “in dock,’ ‘while money is refer-, red to as “oof,” “rhino,” “the ready,” “pewter” or ‘shiners.” A reservist is a “dugout,” a re- cruit a “rookie,” and a veteran an “old sweat.” A wheelwright in the artillery is a “spoky,”’ while the long service medal is called the “rooti’ medal—‘‘rooti” being the term for bread, because the owner has eaten most. Puttees are known as “war socks.” MUST CHOOSE SONGS WARILY IN DALMATIA Word has been received in Ven- ice that the Dobrila di Videvio, a member of the Countess of one noblest families in Dalmatia, has been sentenced to one year's imprisonment at hard labor, at Marburg, Styria, for singing the Serbian national air in her apart- ments with the window open. The court declared that her aet was calculated to excite public sympa- thy for Serbia. | and allowed | | | || Young Turks, ‘the Party, Find Position Very Difficult. Paris, March 20 The Havas Agency publishes a despateh from Sails for Vane Mot toria and Seattle on Frig na i Water in Every itateroom Excellent Oulsine, and Every ears Appliance for S. S .Prince John For Vancouver at 7 P. M. on Siinday, ete., arrives in Vancouver following ¥ ouver, Vic. ays Passengers’ Center March 14th, agen ts correspondent at Athens read-| an pe wesdays at 9 p, . mer NOE JOHN Intal . i as foil ws: } Naas Rivers, Queen Charlotte ma telans. ne SOMI=MONthly service to Cem, News reached here from Gon-| G. 7 P. RAILWAY tantinople sets forth that the | Passenger trains carrying Electric Lighted s) até Prince Rupert for Winnipem at 10 A. Mo on Wea : \ : ¢ Turks are beginning to find connecting there with lines for St. Paul, Chicas 1 Saturdays ifn it i re | treal, New York, ete. Ring up No. 266 for Sin AWA, Mot = pookion Guyver oe For All Pointe East of Ohicago use the GRAND TR 1 for flight DOUBLE T TRACK ROU UNK RAILWay verte, preparing for m6 For Full tafermetion’e and Through Tickets, onety wo atpy rhe Germans, a great number hird Avenue. Chet Office, cain dimes AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines f whom have sen el am = to places of safety, continue their SEEGERS eel . 4 | sin forts to convinee the lurks that the Dardanelles are impregnable, MUSIC hone 554 PO but the inhabitants, worried by ; » ns, are showing much un Teacher of Violin and All ERHANGING grccrnen Eh zi Band instruments AINTING easiness Every morning they A. PE - : mount the housetops and sean 452 Eigntn Ave, East SHING AND the waves of the Sea of Marmora oem WALL TINTING und of the Bosphorus to see if} . : von any hostile fleet is in sight ain a Specialty “The Sultan Selim, formerly D E N TISTRY Martin Swanson the German cruiser Goeben, un Retend. Avi = an doubtedly is out of commission. | =n a oun o There is a rent in her armor} A SPECIALTY eighteen yards long, said to have} DRS. GILROY & BROWN been caused by a Turkish mine.” DENTISTS - Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue “a e HORSE RACING FOR ARIZONA. — Phone 464 latin es a the proposed site of to ed 923, yne wharf with ore bins AND FPURTHER TAKE General-in- Council or proposed works, Struct the same DATED at Prince day of January, A Rupe D. 19 Solicitors for the Montan velopment Co the aforesaid works consisting NOTICE approval rt, B. ¢ 15. 4 i that the said company has applied to the Governor- the and permission to con- of certain barbor works be constructed by the said Company on , this 8th PATMORE & FULTON, Conunental De 23-5 they have and shows in brighter looks, The Brightest Women Find sometimes that they are dull mind, depressed in spirits, and that headache, sufferings that seem not worth living. But these conditions need be only temporary. They are usually caused by indigestion or biliousness and a few doses of BEECHAM'S PILLS will quickly, safely and certainly right the wrong. This famous family remedy tones the stomach, lates the liver, regulates the bowels. Beecham’s Pills cleanse the system of accumulating poisons and purify the blood. Their beneficial action backache, make life stimu- clearer complexions, better feelings. Try them, and you also will find that they Are Worth Waterfront Block E, Prince Rupert fownsite, according to registered plan of | the said Townsite dsposited in the Prince | Rupert Land Registry Office, and number. | of | Canadian STEAM LAUNDRY Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed Phone us and we will call for a trial bundle Vote Our Address: | 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST PHONE NO. 8 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS | +} Canadian Steam Laundry SEEDS! SEEDS! RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS WE HANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele’s, Brigg’s Garden and Fieid Seeds | Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices | Chicken Feed a Specialty Mai! orders promptly attended to Prince Rupert Feed | Co. 908 Third Ave. Hay, 2nd Avenue, | oeanilpeatl Phoenix, ‘Ariz., Mareh 22 A | ees Te ~ NEW WELLINGTON COAL 09, eee ne Rogers & Albert, agu bill to permit horse racing in} ; oi Becon venue Arizona under the pari-mutuel| FOR A TAXI 2 Phone 19 system of betting was acted upo | aia favorably by the lower house of} Phee 174 " ‘ PLUM . the Legislature. The vote was 20 Lumsine — wearing to 8. The bill already has pe assed | 75--PHONE--75 3 SMITH & MALLETT ss Largest stock of | rt the Senate i Vaihouver, cra valves one WATERS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS- PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO ees ot cond Siren ED STATUTES OF CANADA, 1906, CHAPTER 115, AND AMENDING ACTS | *®@RRPeeeRaeektehethhakhnn = N THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY| hla i a a a ae Ales M. Mar THE MONTANA CONTINENTAL DE-} i VELOPMENT COMPANY FOR | AP- | BA, LLL PROVAL OF THE PLANS FOR CU STRUCTION OF A CERTAIN WHARF | WILLIAMS & MANSON AND ORE BINS ON WATERFRONT : BLOCK “E,” PRINCE RUPERT TOWN B. C. UNDERTAKERS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. SITE. ITE |i FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EmM- MONEY TO LOAN TAKE NOTICE that the Montana Conti BALWERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- nental Development Company, of Butte, ANTEED.OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Hel ' ‘ Montana, has deposited with the Minister) elgerson Be f Public Works, at Ottawa, Canada, and 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 an with the District Registrar of Titles, BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director Prince Rupert, B. C., under Chapter 115, , ffice corn Aveo ~~ & Ss 1906, plans and description of | - PACIFIC CARTAGE iio (Success General Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 83 Phone 03 JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder ving Building... Estimates Given Phone Black 294 — EEL OEIOOTOION C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 318 JAMES CILMORE Architect McBride Stret —— ance eeemnceccce CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PRINCESS MAQUINNA SOUTHBOUND FRIDAY 8 P. # PRINCESS MAY exactly as good a title as their|near Vienna have been converted they also appealed to the govern- A railway construction corps of | ; , SOUTHBOUND more powérful neighbors into cabbage gardens to feed the|ment for their support, and when|500 men for work in Europe is be- | A Guinea a Box | ee Te ’ more powerful in strength and|people. Holland has forbidden the|they could not get any satisfac-|ing mobilized at St. John, New | soventias i" 4. @ monAs, Generel Aa in wealth—to a place in thelexport of all kinds of meat. tion they were compelled to go on| Brunswick. hagas Oitoet few * nee Se | THE DAILY NEWS Gennes Pours Guess wt pe aint —_————EE SS SS — SE a = a ’ . , 5 News by Hop.” Might As Well Be Shot As Scared To Death Prams tie The Deity * A aN >. iia Mts QO nt- 2d ~(91S* BALTO-mMD> — I DONT Like THIS PAPERS WARL POLICY AN'LM | | EZ - 0 i! OCTOR, | CHILLS 00 -D0C-T KNOW WHERE -@UT > DONT I CAN TM FAINT FROM L055 OF BLOOD~ T™ DYING Doe TH ONLY WOUND » IS A HOLE IN NOUR \_ COAT TAIL SIR! ‘\/ HUH FIND SIR. oy