pucsday: Mareh THE DAILY NEWS. Vintners As sociation eaters PRL — | as winpsor woTeL 1 at ot iret ave, and rienth corne’ a6 wright, Prom. MOTEL OENTRAL , seventh at piret Avenue al ee ) Pian guropean #” 4 - peter Gieok, ProP 7 “nox POoTEL pets ‘ » end Ninth pirst Ave ” 5 to $1.00 ropeat ty per 8 gener & Besner, Prope —_— » Casey 7, Rochest ' Empress woTeL 4 ave, Be ixth and rir ile sevens gorepon Pian, ¢ 61 Per Oay u nova. NOTES corey & Burgess, Prove qhird Ave. @ rth St furepeee | Pian Steam Meated ——— ae puaven WHOLESALE LIQuOR OO., Lierrto fecond Ave. 4 lath St Phone 10% pmnce RUPERT IMPORTING 00., LimiTEo preser @ i is SUBSCRIBE FOR ICE OWNER. ' y to any pe may ha lake swher i” and situated at it tree-qua Province Geriicate of improvements. bare Minera ailu, \.assiar less, \ aughan, 15B., ate No the Kecorder for ‘ lice that PEDRO 10, PEACE RIVER AND AT RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE i A for an Ac lo the the Ai lsumkalem to the following ver, at or 4] ‘pro Alumately on b River, wate or ‘ing the the est Kiver, ree ' Bear River approx for the Applicant. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIROUIT NO. 4 » . St. and 8rd Ave, = as 4 jrd Ave _ _s aod Srd Ave i of ist, 9nd end between 8th end Yh 8 kh tel gh Hotel tat A 7 ae * aod 7th St. (Cen os CROUIT NO. 2 > - Ave and)6 6 6§rd8t. Bor ag oe me Ave and MeBride St. ~~ A AV sod MeBride 84, os ~ ‘ve. and gna St - - Ave. and 6th St. CROUIT NO, 3. for 9) = m4 - Ve. and Pultoa sh ~“_ . rden and Taylor Sts. = . - ‘ve. and Pulton st ~~ oe ‘ve, and Comox Ave. - ho 4 Ave. and Dodge PI, 1 ‘00 Thompson 8t —_ ROUT NO. @ a > D Ave and Koumerson Box a2 a > ‘Ye. and McBride st, _ ~ - Ave. and Ureen 81 Re f 0d Best s¢, en ive ene . and ¥ ung St hag thdnhteeee ee situate io the | f Dis ! Athabasca Rati- é Wit H LORD ROBERTS Laid Low With Rheumatism—put ; VETERAN WO WAS. PELGM WIL IN VITAL CONTACT , WITH THE EMPIRE r ve) Notice tbe the r in the Skee of | three-quarters from the) head of Alice Arm ‘iack Bear Mineral claim | Pedro Salinas, es Free Min- aod for my-| Ss0S13B., date hereof, | ‘| its, for the pur- | wo Grant of the! action, | be commenced be- erulicate of lin-| September, A.D. | SALINAB. | “ " Cured By “ Fruit-a-tives”, I cannot say all that I would] | CrATHAM, Ow f \ i : T., ApRrit, ard. to14 i t \ but this much lam a veteran of the ¢ rimean War |I can tel} and the Indian Mutiny, volunteerin g : Phe future will | fr om the Royal Artillery into the Royal ® Canada and Belgium brought | Jogiveers, and served under Lord very ¢ ‘ : 1 3 norte during the Indian Mutin ' se together,” declared Dr. | am @ pensioneer of the British |Charles Sarolea K.0 ‘ . i ernment Fierce hand-to-! md ' H : L., author fighting and continual exposure left | V Belgium Saved J urope” t \ great sufferer from Rhet imatism ind othe \ on the war > | sotiuch so that my les swelled up, o ar, when | mt ng itimpossible for me to walk en by the Star the rooms of | * Pruit-a-tives’’, They cured me of |Mr. Vincent M , o der ) . | both the Rheumatism and Constipation , Dean of Vic~ } Im my regular employment, { walk |' » Pesiat where the dis- | thirty miles a day an o | i health’, y and enjoy perfect || uished t taying It GHORGE WALKER | ——v i! opinion,” he con. 50. a how, 6 for $2.50, trial size ene tinued that there will be a very | At all dealers or sent on receipt of lereat dea oe “ y price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. | emigration from | | Belg to th { itry e | In fact, Belg San act, Belgium will be really A Keel Lever Simulation ° brought int tal contact with a? ae ah eg ith rit Aiba FREE 1¢ British Empire rhus far the ae mien . A_ straightforward generons | ; ms have had very little } ow hy —— — ! intellectual intercourse Any in- | Watehes to thousands of ft | , } people all over tercourse there has been has been jmainly commercial It has not | n been political in nature; i iinly it has not been intel. | | lectual it i Belgium after the war |" Il become the political and in- lous offer. Ww i : ' >. . as oe ond Gee then ee velar ellectual centre of Europe. She Dont think this offer too good to be t ‘ 28 conse today» pd vain & Pree ¥ has always been more cosmopoli- as _eamaaeta _ ‘ “fF itan than any country on the con- rs tinent. Brussels is geographical- Certificate of improvements. ly the capital of it, and in the rll Chance It Fraction, end Black Bear) future wil! be an ideal centre for Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min- ing Division of Cassiar District. nternational schools. Hitherto all Where located Till Chance tt Praction jlocated between the “Lilly Bertha” endjuniversities have been national: ‘Aldebaran” Mineral Claims near head of Observatory Inlet, and “Black w the time is at hand when Bear” Mineral Claim, located one mile, | |more or less, from the northwest point of they shall be international—in- the head of Alice Arm, @ branch of Ob- servatory Inlet. Istitutions to educate and train TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salina, Free| Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., intend,|the mind on iraternational lines sixty days from the date hereof to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate|/ An international mind is the only of Improvements, for the purpose of ob- | : ‘ ,| taining & Crown Grant of the above claim. | ondition of international peace.” | And further take notice that action, | under section 85, must be commenced be- oO ‘ al asec »_look- lf ore tBe issue of such Certificate of Im Dr. Sarolea, « tall, ascatie-look proveumate g t t » ig orehee pete thie 818t Gay of Septemmer, A.D.| man, with the high forehead eta ‘ ’ rre es of at ’ PEDRO SALINAS. | and deep grey ey f a thinker, jseemed to lose himself for a mo- ment in the contemplation of that wrung gg : — aspect of the future which ap- pears to have the greatest appeal for him How is it possible,” he asked, > a es 7 te solve international problems ALLEL d f each nation sees y its own The Whisk |side? How can one train a mind i b y it view international problems of Quality vhen our institutions of learning Aged in Wood ire conducted along lines of ex- 8 Years \« elusive and narrow-minded na- before bottling | tionality? GUARANTEED BY THE rhis war has brought all the } ¢ on GOVERNMENT of CANADA inations of the world together. To | my mind, the most wonderful | demonstration of this war is the ifact of great community and land solidarity of interests that it | has made known. That commu- | nity and solidarity of interests is HABASCA | 4) to lay out, con- | wing lines of | ‘ « at & point on) . head of Kitimat wing hillmat River im @ summit between : sh " thence in @ nor- po © valley of the) Skeena Skeena River | bridge and over Rallway with! hborth- easterly River summit of | the near | ne | from the with course of |” summit be- | thence | Ualansheent River | up the Skeena | 1 nineteenth day of BURGESS & cote, | HE DAILY NEWS TO DELINQUENT co- Alice Arth, | the required) above menuoned | i, amounting to; samme under Act, and ation of this to contribute | penditure, to this advertise said mineral) * property of the} ‘of the Min ivv0 H. COVERT, Co-Uwner u B. C., _ | WORN e ey ee ey a ee ee ee a . Why Endure Headaches? Dne tria! will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service io MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 in a box, 25c. Sold everywhere. If your dealer does not sel] them we mall box on receipt of price, 25c. J.L. MATHIEU CO. Props. SHERBROOKE, P.@ 6-5-0 The purity and fragrance of Baby's Own Soap have made it a universal favorite, Its use is beneficial to any skin. 4aans we er bis | world- wide. America is affected. The Unit- | | fed States shrugs its shoulders land says: ‘Oh, we have no inter- | . lest in this war: it is for Europe. | | | But we are fighting the battles of God forbid it-—Ger- I do not say sufficiently the United enter the i} America. If should emerge, but Canada } many triumphant, not and to dreadnoughts In to of America millions crushed, States would have field of militarism and large armies. order save the countries from militarism, of our European soldiers are dying. My mission is to the United States, not to Canada, I intended Ite isit all the German cities in ithe United States for my govern- j ment, and challenge pro-German propaganda I do believe that the honest German-American 15 open to conversion, if only he has | lent | hitherto an opportunity to hear the other side.” Dr of the proposed international uni- is to be known as Sarolea told of the nature versity, which the British- of Political Seience Isl American University and Journal- which have Canada, two chairs in been promised from though from what sources he is not at liberty to divulge at pres- he have too said, narrowly or- the Newspapers, remained national. An international eanization of the press for purpose of educating public opin- ion would do an enormous amount to help the movement. rhe press has a supreme value for good or evil, Moreover, the university Will have a department Canadian colonization, speaking of the potency of such “This,” of a univel sity, ed 06: I! i speculators, = er _—= ‘THE LIBERAL PARTY AND THE WORKINGMAN —— Editor, The Daily News Sir—-The economical bases of jour social constitution are of va. rious types. There are big land- lords, industrial and agricultural interests, owned and operated on The of transportation and exchange are, especially on the American conti- nent, owned and operated by pow- erful local a large seale, means corporations by federal governments. stock-holders, of all denominations. landed and monied aristoc- subsidized and There are money- lenders, These racies are themselves by a whole section of the social and the the class that lives on dividends and the system, constitute bourgeoisie, profits levied on multiform human activities, they they Politieally, for something to for How the really are cone servatives, have conserve, preserve, themselves and their heirs. can the laborer of our com- munity reeoncile his interests with such a class? Of course, his simple mind sees the bosses who but party hand him the job alone, the interests of the aforesaid The of the miners at Nanaimo, alienation nev- ertheless, lfor the Tory stands ! classes, treatment the of hundreds of thousands of acres if the to pledging of the people's land the private lcredit of the province for genera- tions to come to railway corpora- tions, the Dominion Trust affair, ete., are there to testify the true essence of the party. Next comes the little bourgeoi- sie, who can justly be called the managing directors of the intellec- social machine: professors, tuals, mana- of corporations and mu- ete. are politically andtemperamental- professional people, ers, contractors, employees the State, nicipalities, These classes ly the Liberal party, with an ad- vanced school known as the Radi- To cite Great Britain, David Lloyd George Radical and militates Liberal party as the leader Radical wing. He stands benefiting both cal party. an instance, in s a great in the of the for reforms and the working class. , his The old age pensions, the un- rolea, “was a professors’ war, prepared and hatched in universi- Race down from the German universi- ties to the the whole nation, and the idea of the the monopoly be- jeame the creed of the public. Misguided Political Ideal. “Formerly people had the idea ties, fanaticism percolated very lowest strata of ‘super-race,’ formerly of the professors, that principles didn’t matter. We have found, through this war, that it was economic inter- ests that didn’t matter. This war arose not out of motives of eco- interest; it was entirely the of nomic result a misguided political ideal.” The question of how long it will take Belgium to recover from the effects of and tion depends entirely on the ex- tent to which the country said Dr. Saro- invasion occupa- is as- sisted by her allies, The whole country must be entirely rebuilt, its popula- tion provided with capital, The delicate fabric of its trade and in- lea and dustry will require complete re- construction. Belgium, the most artificial State of Europe, pendent entirely on international trade, with Germany as her most de- important customer, is commer- cially ruined, and it will assistance of the most generous nature to restore previous condi- require tions. Dr. Sarolea arrived here yester- day from Ottawa, where M. Goor, the Belgian Consul General in Canada, gave a luncheon in his honor, at which Sir Robert Bor- den, Sir George Foster, Sir Jo- seph Cook and others were pres- ent. In the afternoon, he had a long talk with Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier. Dr. Sarolea lectured before the Canadian Club at Dunning’s Ho- tel at 4 o'clock on the reconstruc. tion of Belgium, He will return to Toronto in two weeks.---Toron. said Dr, Ba-jto Star. earned ineome tax, the compul- sory insuranee against injury, old age, sickness and unemploy-| ment, are the fruits of his remark | able The will be the personal graduated in- | Yet, and this from people that | should know better—that there is] | activities. next move) come tax, we very often hear between Conserva- no difference tives and Liberals. THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED SS. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. m. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Trust swindle is only a trifle in| comparison. Fifty per cent of the real estate | titles and agreements of sale oie of Real estate values can only be based on population in only mere “scraps paper.” population, and British by come for will Columbia can the The throwing lands open settlement. Liberals do it. Let the Prince laborate, of intelligent workers Rupert co-operate, that at will large, with the and not the corporations and mo- a party represent citizens nopolies; a party that will not ca- that will and ter to the speculators, do away with ‘monopolies protectionism; a party that must perform its mission, indispensa- |} ble to the manual and intellectual | workers to evolve towards a su- perior order of social justice and} guide the destinies of the world. Yours, RERUM. Prince Rupert, March 23, 19145. Copenhagen states that many is building fifteen rines of a new type at Kiel., Ger- subma- The platform of the Liberal party of British Columbia has - planks directly benefiting the|fe* working class; such as the eight-| hour day, the reform of the work- } man's compensation act, and the! land policy alone is the most im. | portant of all. } ; 4 . i SHINGLE”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS The redemption of the good land frem the speculators’ hands | PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. is essential for the welfare and| A. J. BURROUGHS, Manager eredit of the province. The Tory tat Ave. and MoBride &t. PRINCE RUPERT, 6.0. politicians and the land specula- PueNE Branch Verd at Smithers tors are interwoven with double}. thread, and before British Colum- - bia emancipates itself of the ff ~\ heavy tolls it now pays on import- MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A ed foodstuffs the land must be ‘ made productive. The only one Bi k lil d C l who can do it is the bonafide set- ir Ss ustrate ata ogue ee In Your Home During 1915 1¢ land question concerns the wage-workers more than any Cer eee oe ee other class, and they must realize As a medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every the fact that before reaching a} cccasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. superior stage of social evolution, | Birks’, Vancouver, Is the grest gift store of the West. Our Mall Order the resources of the country must Department and our Illustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- : ing to a selection from our immense stocks. he more produéttive. sae Tory party Dee eae ee WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. will continue to do, the reverse. citenieeeiiniatianesiniiiaditaadi The policy of corner lots inaugu- aie rated and fostered by the British H. Bi ry ¢& ee a d Columbia government has broken enry ir s ons, imite the economical backbone of every JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS community. The gigantic wild! Granville and Georgia Streete eat real estate gambling, Kets! Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, 8.C trated under the auspices of the| \e J local government, has plundered | r the savings of the country, and} more especially those of the | working class. The Dominion} Delicious Home-Baked Food. + FR ROI IO ORR RIOR RIOR TRA RIA AA AAAI I IAIASASA ASSIS SISAISISSISSISSISISSISC = > * : * * * * 7 THE ——— ee : * DAILY for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. | § N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of { the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events t and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- SAFE bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- SANE mism and reliability. 3 The Daily News is the most valuable paper to SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city. It is read by the class of people the INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to. i INTELLIGENT — } a Bs - > JOR IOI IIIA ! -—~— ~~ omer Dp ~~