oon “The Daily News ” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT—Bedroom with situng room aitached. Close in; rent $10 per month. tron 420, News. w. FOR RENT — Furnished housekeeping rooms. Inquire Demers. 7-tf. WANTED WANTED—Nurse maid by the day. Ap ply Mrs. C. H. Orme, 223 Fourth Ave. W 60-71 work by the day. 66-60 WANTED——Woman to Phone 16 SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work by day. Apply Box 126, The News. tf. WANTED—Young Woman wants chamber work. Apply Box 117, The News. t. $15 WEEKLY PAID MEN EVERYWHERE to distribute circulars. The Co-Oper ative Union, Windsor, Ont. 6 2-67 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. w. FOR SALE—White Cross Medical Battery, in first-class condition. No reasonable offer refused. Box 132, News. 66-72 POULTRY. BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING EGGS, Breeding Céckerels, Barron's Leghorns, Rocks, Reds, Geese, Ducks. Catalague. Columbia Poultry Rrancb. Steveston, B. CG. 45-71 FOUND—Key to Eagle lock on Fifth Ave-. Apply Box 128, News. tf. music. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Musical Instru- ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 8rd Ave. ww. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Bylaw No. 228.—Contract No. 6. SEALED TENDERS will be received by E. A. Woods, City Clerk, up till 5 p. m., Monday, 22nd March, 1915, for the con- Struction of a 16-foot Plank road on Elev- enth Avenue from Albert Avenue to Sheer- brooke Avenue. Plans may be seen and specifications obtained at the City Engineer's office, City Hall. The lowest or any tender not sarily accepted. neces- W. McG. MASON, City Engineer. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. NOTICE is hereby given that a sitting | of the Court of Revision for the purpose of hearing complaints against the assess- ments a8 made for the year 1915 will be. held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Prince Rupert, B. C., on Wednesday, April 7, 1915, at 10:30 a m. Any person desiring to make complaint against the said assessment must give no tice in writing to the Assessor, cause, at least ten (10) days prior to the sitting of the said Court Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C day of February, A. D. 1915. ? P. LORENZEN, 55-62-69-76 MINERAL ACT. Certificate of improvements. NOTICE. Starlight, Homestake No. 1, and Sun- rise Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar District. Where located Granby Bay between Creeks. TAKE NOTICE that I, George Free Miner's Certificate No. ing a8 Agent for Thomas Miner’s Certificate No. Bonanza and Falls) R. Naden, | 50353B, act McRostie, Free L. Hateh, Free Miner's Certificate No 79306 B, intend, sixty days from the | date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re- corder for a Certificate of Improve- ments, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action, un- | der section 37, must be commenced before the issue of such Certificate of Improve- ments. Dated this 1015. 45th day of March, A. D. GEO. BR. NADEN. LAND NOTICES. Skeena Land District-——District of Coast, Range Five TAKE NoTIOR that Wittam Watson, of! Contractor, in a) post ps of- Way yr of the unk Pa- & a and about $6 chains | un Certificate granted to the company in | ee ee from Mile 84, east from/|respect of its former right so as to in Pr Rupert, B. C.; mee north 80/ clude the right applied for herein will be - s, = ae, moons jm ard in the office of the Board of Inves erly limit Pag Bignt of Way of the/ '#ation at a date to be fixed by the Comp Trunk Pacific ey, Company ; | trolier The date of the First Publication thence north as are rae aed of this Notice is March 28, 1945, a ontalaing” about |"PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD..” acres, =e ots less. Applicant. WILLIAM WATSON, “Wilson & Whealler,” Agent Dated December 26, 1914. 25-85 69-75-81-87 EMPRES {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotei, 836 Seec- end Avenue, near Fighth Street Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. Situation wanted by young man. Experienced salesman and busi- High class refer- 133, ness education Daily tf. ences. Apply Box News. a. 2 and with it Fritz at right prices. We free. Phone 69-71 Springtime is here, house and carpet cleaning does it right, eall for 583. and deliver © The question of a reduction in salaries of the City Hall Staff will be taken up again on Thursday. The Mayor the matter anxious to go into 1s and a special meeting is called for Thursday night to thrash it out. : S46 The million dollar editor of The Empire has changed his tune since 1913. Apparently the for- mer trip to London is nov all right since Sam and Dan got a look-in, too. Circumstances alter cases, don't they? * * Massey the shortage * Fred 8. McLeod regard to They left the end of and wrote city with a in wages. a couple of days before | Stating the} , this 24th/parties in charge | ket Assessor | ducers. On the North Shore of | 80348B, and James | ie lost considerable money in the past through this channel WATER NOTICE. Use and Storage. TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington Water Company, Ltd., whose address is 517 Granville 8t., Vancouver, B. C., will | apply for a license to take and use one and one-half cubie feet per second and to store | $00 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham The storage-dam will be located at | the utlet of Cunningham Lake The ca pacity f the reservoir to be created is a ! 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.293 acres The water will be diverted from j the stream at a point about 5 chains below the said outlet and will be used for Water works purpose upon the land described as | part of Lot 45, | be ine occups | which the me for permission to lease the ited ste be bok my :—Commencing at the 2 perthorty limit of} p< r the month and were reduced about $9 per day. The Council decided to pay them the full |month's salary. . > s The Board of Trade are hold- ing their regular monthly lunch- eon at 1 o'clock tomorrow on board the Prince George. It takes the form of a complimentary luncheon to G. W. Nickerson lehairman of the fisheries com- FUNDS TO BUY YARN Safety First—Use New Wel- i itch Cie eens 616, . OPE.) Pome of Me. loc! ladies Have x 29 got together and organized the The city weigher will get all the|Queen Mary Knitting Club. Here- fees he collects in future. This|tofore the ladies have been doing was decided by the Council last|considerable knitting for the sol- night. diers Without any organization tee AO and also securing yarn by private The fire chief's quarters will be| means. It was suggestd to them moved from the second story Of|that when the ladies did the work the fire hall to the first. This willlit was up to the men to supply be done at the city’s expense. the cash to buy the yarn, Every eee man in the city is therefore invit- ed to contribute toward this yarn fund be left at Me- Rae Bros., stationers, Sixth St., rhe following the of the Queen Mary Knitting Club; President, Mrs John McRae; Mrs. Shelford Darton twenty Funds can are ofiicers secretary, About ready joined and others can do so The club from 3 to 6 ladies have al meets at mem- on application. on every Monday the the bers. houses of various MAYOR AND MORRISSEY MAY BE DISQUALIFIED Continued From Page One. he The incorporation of his mpany had elapsed some time igo but at that time he had trans- rred it to his wife. He had never used his office to get businéss for himself and had let the advertis- ng go to all the papers in the regular way. Montgomery, last said Alc ber of Committee, the Mayo porated and lan as a Finance understood was year's he r’s company therefore men incor- entitled to city patronage. He was satisfied the Mayor had hand.methods in getting MeClymont the Council not used under- } business that the Alderman said when he entered city clerk told him he would hb t his busines » incorporate s drop the ied. He surance Mayor surance¢ he ¢a city decided to Why Was not se drop the it that the He was informed? took no responsibi ter as Mayor's compa was rated. Aldern incorpo- Mort he ill sale t& issey told Ww made a sme jmittee for his part in securing the “free bait.” BONDS FOR AGENT. ~ee lkwa Board in future The Te wants the of Trade to put all of the City Mar- bonds to pay the city under pro- It appears that they have District A Range 5, Coast the townsite of Port Essington copy of this notice and an application pur suant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914 will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec ions to the application or to the petition mentioned below may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp troller of Water Rights, Parliament Build ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in 4 local newspaper The territory within company desires to exercise its rs described the townsite of wt Essington A petition to amend the powe is as the « #30 without his He business, knowledge had never sought city nor induced employee to of the to his firm was endorsed by but his city cheques through boat His partner any his cheques g ity ive him trade. One city him, got interest which the had told in question was one partner frequently an he has in a city him hires. the cheque E istrong THE DAILY NBWS | KNITTING CLUB WANTS —_LIST OF EXPENSE FOR MONTREAL TRIP Che Ma matter of th following last night, Allan lerday Oil | fre ields ae up fr ithat another they w ipelled to go ‘|pair a brea jwill start again as soon as he | turns bids repairing « shewed tha than it that the Hart Cd iW. i Ste ym the was yor itried to mislead the statement, wart ee and ill hundred feet AK received last night f the t it wor Committee therefore offer be 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S | OWN RIFLES. Orders by Major J. H. MoMullin, | Commanding, March 20, 1915: cost of his trip » Quee borings. str south in order in his drill SELL OLD scow. would has apparettly in the rh present a public amounts to only 8740 20; but that is only the Mayor's share, and, as the whole trip cost about $2,000, it must be that it was Dan who bought the win: The Mayor is certainly ascetic—at least, away f home, His living expe amounted to $8.50 per day ind] an additional $4 per day for bh room, STATEMENT OF MAYOR'S EXPENSES Boat Expenses | P. Rupert to Victoria $2 Victoria to Vancouver hight fare ‘ s24 Train Expenses Vancouver to Montreal $73 Montreal to Vancouver 72.7 Berth (going) 17 Berth (returning 1¥ #189 Room Rent Victoria (10 night at #3) ¢ Vancouver 3 nights at $3.50 10 Montreal 19 nights at $4 7 Toronto (2 nights at $4 8 $124.5 Living Expenses January 31 to March 14 clusive, 43 days $8.50 $3 Telegraphic Expenses Manson, Victoria $1.2 Russell, Vancouver 3.00 Act. Mayor, P. Rupert .. 2 Act. Mayor, P. Rupert 15.45 Act. Mayor, P. Rupert g Manson, Victoria 8 31.15 Telephone expenses $3.0 Typewriting Exper City’s statement to M Bride - $6.75 Letters and telegrams at Montreal 5.50 a $12 Total expenses of Mayor e74 Be Drew on City Treasurer $85 Total expenses $743.21 Refund to City $108 QUEEN CHARLOTTE OIL. came over yes- n Charlotte reports that a stream of gas is being sent He ike oil inside of lle believes is com- to re- Work re- for old the city’s scCOW cost more The Health recommend- of $30 from F. acceptd. This th. Parades. | A” Company will parade at the | Exhib tion Building on W ednes- | j\day and Friday, March 24 and 26, | ” 7:45 p. m, B” Company will parade at the | Exhibition Building on Monday] jand.Thursday, March 2 2and 25, jat 7:45 p. m | W. 8. MARSHALL, Lieut., | 67-73 Acting Adjutant A dirigible balloon made a new lrecord for height yesterday at | rurin, Italy An Italian dirigible ascended 10,763 feet. | these. All the aldermen appeared to be opposed to criticising the matter: and although they would likely} have to comply with the law in the matter, they were inclined to} be charitable as far as possible It was decided to have the city solicitor report on the matter at the next meeting It appears that there is a heavy penalty attached to a mayor or ilderman doing business with a city while he holds offiee, and, be- | sides this, becomes thereby dis-| qualified if the charge is found true. Alderman McClymont asked that the city solicitor also probe certain rumors afloat to the effect that certain aldermen were using their influence merehants Alderman for interested Morrissey seconded this, as he said otherwise the jcharge might reflect on him. He courted the fullest investigation Pierre Loti, the well known French author, has asked peru sion to rejoin the French nays and serve in the Dardanelles, to secure business NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF Prince Rupert, B. C. THE AMERICAN TWLONS | w ; PrINEST CUSTOM TAII RING fot the LEAST MONEY We have a large stock of High Clas Ww ns and make good suits for $27, and the best in st ck for $36. " and k over our stock be pane buying and save money by it THIRD AVE and FIFTH ST. i 4 I} | | 333 2nd Av LUMP COAL $9.00 per Ton — Cash on Deliver Money Back If UNION TRANSFER CO. Phone 36 BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC ot Satis- “== FRED STORK’S HARDWARE] Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Stee! Blocks F Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifle Rope Valves a Pumpe Hose P: 710 SECOND Ave Builders’ Hardware Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing « Chand ery Tackle 8 and Shotgung INitlon ‘ vated Iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST FRED STORK’S HARDWapr} sent Cents Ub. Thi COPS OE LEE LODE OL PA LOLELOCPOOCLEODOLS i Nerve Energy and | POPOL ELOEE EOE OODLE OBOE PEELE OOEEE ES BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Good Clean Meals From 26 Just Give Us a Trial—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING rd Avenue Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wears away a Stor eyestrain i because it i strain wl itself as as should be This we gu: Con isses. elays are f ©. A jures tl Ss constant. lich first manif light discomf remedied irantes¢ ammenerits Gangerous. < light » health The ests ort at once, todo with ultation free. Look for Loop ° 223 Sixth St. PTICIAN Phone Biack 69 | / SECO ND AVENUE FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE EIGHTH AVENUE AND YOUNG STREET $20.00 —APPLY— PATTULLO & RADFORD a % ne ea a “Old Fashioned Clea ae wi aa4 wm DP Fe 6 = ad r e") } ‘ \ i : 6 Ay 5 (PIE AGG A ‘re Ve is ~ Waa tle UPR TNO Nes BNE tn, | ‘y te _.. Y 1 cost our mothers many a “* day. The “new fashion costs only the price of a ca Soap. This purest of all laund gentle strength thot mov without rubbir,. Anda: sroves there is no adulte: in it to injure the finest the daintiest hand. For the thonsand and « around the hous:—there i “Safety Fin irst” is the Slogan of Business” VER the Bank America. strength, safety and service of The of British North The history of 75 years Banking i in Canada, has demonstrated security ’ of this bank for over three- quarters of a century has been one of progress and and consistent growth in the regard of the developn world, THE BANK OF British North America BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,554,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. 78 YEAR 1ecnt, Ss IN of business PARTNERSHIP. rhe partnership between B. Knott and |M. Gebhardt, trading wader the name of | Knott & Gebhardt, as Confectioners and} Hake Was dissolved on the 19th day of | March, 104 the business will be carried inder the control of B, Knott, and the id M. Gebhardt is retiring from the bus- | All accounts will be paid and re ved by B. Knott Dated at Prinee Rupert, March 19 1015 Signed MARTHA GEBHARDYT Witness A. OHNESORG Salvation Aomny. Public m eetings, Tuesday, | | Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m. | Sundays at 7:30 p.m. For sixty years Dr. Pr Baking Powder has of countless housekeep: relied upon it for healthfu! food. be Dr. Price's contains no : is never any question abo lute purity and healthful: food it raises, F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) S COFFEE