rereerren el; Director ¥ t craton a1 Vintne cl bers PBI = —— winpsor woTeL ‘ at ¢ riret AY ' eienth yener ; re r w. © wri ght, Prep HOTEL oENTRA at a Avenue 8 Plan guropean * 1 peter Biact, F ’ anox * th ot AVE 01.00 puropee m4 . Beener * Beener, Prope ae) 7, Rochester garnees wOTE rind Ave., Be sth and ey 1 Per Onay ropean Pie $ ROTA T orey A rope rhird Ave. ® St np Pian eam Heated ver WHOLESALE 1QUOR OO. Lierev fecond Ave st Phone i RUPERT IMPORTING 00., LiMiTED re is SUBSCRIBE FOR Where located Til Chance it Fraction |located between the ‘Lilly Bertha” and ~~ | “Aldebaran” Mineral Claims near head of LINQUENT GQeq/ Alice Arih, Observatory Iniet, and “Black WCE TO DELINQ |Bear” Mineral Claim, located one mile NER. jmore or less, from the northwest point o Ow the head of Alice Arm, a*branch of Ob servatory Iniet, , TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salina, Free any per-| Miner's Certificate No. $0313B., intend, ~»* a sixty days from the date hereof to apply Take = to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate \ woer s iee of Improvements, for the purpose of ob- m ! ; a — taining a Crown Grant of the above claim es oo ot tx And further take notice that action, ' us quer under section 85, must be commenced be ‘ h the Skee {fe re the issue of such Certificate of Im the "requ ired eae the required| . day of Sep nentannd | on this 2ist dey of ptember, A.D amounting to camee undal PEDRO SALINAS Act, and if - a - amen htion of this} ontribute | on ‘ diture, to ape. ‘ advertise P va ; said mineral} : es .- | 4 perty tbe| +" weg? Ni he 5 4 of the Min-| A" - 1900 | a — | H. COVERT, He | Co-Owner, | ‘i B.C, January | . iat 47 } “ ue . | WA MAT 3 Br tad Geruitcale of improvements. bares Minera 4 situate in the) BS a P| The Whisky re a three quarters | li wncerrauerers) of Qua i en ad of Allee Art ack ar Mineral claim) Aged in Wood é tha edro Salinas, as 8 Years am J sughan, Free Min-/ . ‘ b., and for my-| before bottling x aie No. 50313B., ‘i we dave hereof,,; GUARANTEED BY THE Ny wecorder for &) GOVERNMENT of CANADA a for the pur i ut sa wh Grant of the . ; ak that action, } DAILY NEWS) { VETERAN WHO WAS WiTH LORD ROBERTS Laid Low With Rhevmatism—put Cured By “ Fruit-a-tives”, CHATITAM, On’., Aprit, ard 1914 “T aun a veteran of the Crimean War inl the Indian Mutiny, vol; inteering from the Royal Attillery in to the Royal lngineers, and served under Lord ] erts during the Indian Mutiny, an @ pensioneer of the British { riment Fierce hand-t 1 ig and continual exposure left t sufferer from Rheumatism h so that my legs welled ur aah # itimpossible for me to w "% - Pruit-a-tives”. They cured me of both the Rheumatism andi mstipation In my regular employment, I walk thirty miles a day and enjoy perfect health”, GHORGEH WALKER soe, a box, 6 for $2.50, tria tumenced be- erufcate of Im-| « a September, A.D. PEDRO PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE \thabasca Rall nh, for an Act, lay out, con 1 wing lines of ata poimt o in wad of Kitimat mat River iM sulnmuit between | ence valley . to the Skeen Skeena Kive bridge and ove Railway wit borth- easter! sumkalem Rive: in @ hor a t ' bh y t of the) the summit of following the} at or near) Kimately one b) from the River, with! * the course of the summit be t Kiver, thence © ‘ianskeest River p the Skeena ar iver approaxt | Pee heteenth day ot! AGESS & COTE,| the Applicant. PEt ee eee Pee ERE eee FIRE ALA a t2 a 13 a 23 n 24 a 26 a 26 PX 27 a 3 "a2 *% ' 1a ‘a * “*Vteteaeeess SYSTEM CIRO } Ave ad ave ra Ave ist, 2nd and * » = » » ; ‘ » ty between 8tb end t Ave. « ’ i St (Len CiROUIT NO. 2 S Ave a a | 4 McBride 4 McBride ‘10 8nd St ‘ 6th & St St | Fulton 4, haylor Sts : ' Pulton 1 th ‘10 Comox Ave ‘ad Dodge Pi ih Ay \ ‘od Thompson st CROUIT NO. 4 1D ay and boone rson th a » McBride st a S00 Green st th a ; ' 1 Basil at Tth Ave. ang Enerte. sot Yung ge ‘ee size, 2¢¢e- At all dealers or sent on re eipt of pric y Vruita-tives Limited, Ottawa Sent ; pena | A Real Lever Gimulation a tttelehttorward gene 8 awe atchea ‘ ‘ all t the - i , . h . t ‘ is y o- ta . Write now a ' « ' r : . ar . h warn “ ah ! ’ var tae tome offer: We expoct you to y, friends about us ant — nn the bee oe down hh € at TS eee aoe . el THE DAILY NEWS. ae = SIR WILFRID ATTACKED GOVT. INCREASING TAX TO BRITAIN LIBERAL CHIEF _s SHOWED HIS “OLD-Time FIRE—-APPLAUDED i BY FOLLOWERS—INCREASED TAX 18 | Certificate of improvements. rll Chance It Fraction, and Biack Bear Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min- ing Division of Cassiar District oe oe MAT NERVINE POWDERS For Headache ond Newsline Why Endure Headaches? ¢ tria! will convince you that assure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service in MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 in a box, 25e. Sold everywhere. If your dealer does not se!! them we mail box on receipt of price, 25¢ J.L.MATHIEU CO. Props. SHERBROOKE, Pa. 6-5-0 Best Se You f av eX x ry Ve The P and fragrance of Baby's Own Soap have made it a universal favorite. Its use is beneficial to any skin ens Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. the government appeared to take SNAP SHOTS BY JAY HOUSE. the view that Parliament should sit as a mere recording machine of their actions. All would ag The trouble with the man who that the war was still the great uses a safety razor is that he in- ssut But if, in its conduct er- sists on making a full and com- rs of judgment were committed plete confession. then it was the duty of the oppo- The reason a married man sition to ery “Halt.” The situa- hates to wear his good clothes is tion in England, Sir Wilfrid went because he hasn't any. to say, was much the same There are various ways of con- is in Canada. There the rights cealing one's identity, but mar- f the opposition to criticize have rying a prima donna seems to be been admitted He quoted from the most successful. the Saturday Review an article The baldheaded barber nearly n which it was stated that an always knows a sure cure for it. pposition has the same right of A boy's idea of unnecessary eriticism in war time as in peace, |trouble is to wash his hands. A ind that it is their duty to speak | boy's idea of submitting to an in- out \dignity is to wash his neck, The Minister of Finance had} In searching for arguments received due warning, but he de- |against the saloon the fact that lelined fo emulate the prudent | buttermilk is sold in most of them | mat ner. Instead of slacking his | should not be overlooked, | speed he had piled more fuel on The weather is always coal lthe fiery furnace. During the past |enough for furs if they're new, le years the controllable ex Sartorial art finds many forms nendituge had included $85,000,-|of expression, Jasper Ellington's 000 more than if it had been made sea of dressing for a party is to the basis of 1941. However, |button his vest. ‘here Was no use repining devant I confess that I have never been what had been done. But in re- lable to understand what the Judge ard to the coming year the ex- | saw in Maud Muller. j}penditure might have been so re- There are exceptions to every dueed that the country could have jother rule, but a man with a } ived much of the inereased [prominent Adam's apple should not wear a wing collar, taxa sip Wilfrid said that he quite In mixing flattery for the wom- ipproved of expenditures in large |en, use one part fact and three productive and necessary public |parts fietion. In mixing flattery . such as vailways and/for the men, leave out the fact, tnake. However, there was in the —__----- oetimates $22,000,000 for small McBRIDE’S DAY IS DONE jnea of recent times — WHITE MEN POOR EATING. Cannibals Say They Are Salty and Taste of Tobacco. the British yapua New Gui- and unsavory THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED $$. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. m. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT tigation at a date to be fixed by the Comp troller. The date of the First Publication of this Notice is March 23, 1915. “PORT BSSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” Applicant. | “Wilson & Whealler,”’ Agent. 69-75-81-87 sibenoatesicnghiiallib tases | BANISH BULLY BOWSER | 4 | Be A GERM memory—is still cannibal coun- MIDNIGHT AN CONCEPTION. ty The f ’ try. The half of Papua—the For Further Particulars Apply to on . whole being a matter of 90,000 PHONE B68 Bod “fo juarrel over the public works, such as armories| quare miles of swamp land, hard-| JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. ; et ¢ in amend.jand post offices, which eould be | ly accessible jungle, frosty pla- AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS hy Sir W | Laurier con-|easily eliminated for the year.|/teaus and considerable moun- wreeeee the ¢ ' hanges in}They would give no relief to un- |tains, lying a bit under the line er ae futile and |employment, as they were largely |hees not been explored; and what : : Brit ! 1 counter |located in smaller places where |remaine except the patches of itt | { : ister of|few were out of work. Eeonomy|settied country near the sea) is , hallenged|and retrenchment, and not more|not so familiarly known that no ms th case |taxation and more expenditure,| mystery Attaches to its physical ef ef} re Canada should have been the policy of the|characteristics and savage cus- SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS The 1 . ' | e in his! Finance Minister this year t c ae ke im bie Phiaas Minlater thie year. teat PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ; ar Taxes. Provided a man walk circum- th followers Although these new taxes are| , ' . aa t the hicheat «- nous, iebuiiel aie spectly through the familiar) det Ave. and MeBride st. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 . ar ghou abelled war taxes,”’ continued Sir |places, with some small notion of | PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers f riticize i¢ ( or f ™ , are 0 "f nt f Wilfrid, “they are not in reality | propriety in respect to alien | secee ‘ | FT ; ae ned the ,war taxes, But their object is | property dignity, and wives, he| rail taxe bea « too\for the benefit and privilege of need go in no very grave fear of | ——\ heavily on the He dea ; tan i ua Wo ye tne on lters n'a aubtel| Banat ant there wore three SMe eae alee TC i ave, A 1@ taxes oF tters as a doubtful He said that there were three | rap afield, where the law is not | exper lent , hho niet siete sae : 3 | I varieties of taxes—special taxes, and the government's disappro-| . , H vn most effect deal. the horizontal increase in the | bation is unknown, and let om ir S ustrate ata ogue u th the crease of rates tari”. j . Rritic ati " I ’ f rat tariff, and the British preference | prove himself a truculent fellow) ; nae f refers | schedule: e specie c me ver ec '¢ preferential schedule;|The special tax of one per cent.|the while—he may then save him-| In Your Home During 1915 ! ¥ resounding cheers'on banks, trust and loan com-|/geif from the boiling pot and| - ( n } f vers when he as-/|panies and some insurance com- , ef . t | thet the Wade ob ‘Siiimh ddies ama une broiling stones as best his wit and | As a medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every Brit aa that : rm ” ful ¥ moderate.) courage can manage. occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. i \ n ir } may 1ese powerful co orations € ” + oe oa rporetions“had “It is not,” a planter explain-|} Birks’, Vancouver, ie the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order escape 1 subd nes { eac evidern f rien¢ r » @pe ‘ i : ; and reach evident ns friend in the seat of ed, with no glint of amusement, | Department .and our Hlustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- its destination in Canada will fall |power rhe pin-prick seratehed “that a New Guinea native pre-| ing to a selection from our immense stocks. under the taxat scheme of the the epide s, but cause 0 go : - - — — 1 ‘ ee mused N10! ters a white man, for whom, as a| inadian government hurt Liberal cheers matter of fact, he bas naiaidiais’ WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. When Parliament met on Feb The increase in the postage, able distaste.” eee = lary 4 last, we were prepared to Sir Wilfrid thought, was a very Dist : | j : “Distaste,”’ we exelaimed in as-| } i 5 Son cu far with our friends on the doubtful experiment. He doubted ' t , . wide a enry y Birks ons, imited the side of the House in these whether it would result in much capt sen aan 4 w ' tr us times; we were prepar-/increased revenue He pointed “Well, you see,” the planter re- | JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS ite g p a good many of our out that in 1896 there was a defi-|Plied, “a white man is salty. And | Granville_and Georgia Streets wn idea 1 order to meet them: |cit in the Post Office Department naturally, too, he tastes disagree: | Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C we prepared to make sacri-|of 8800.000. The Finance Min- ably of tobaeco. You couldn't ex- AN y es in order to have unanimity ister of that day said that they pect anything else, could yout . f opinion, but we were not pre-;couid not reduce the postage on Norman Duncan in Harper's pared to go that far, and that far account of the deficit. He had not enn reeg | | we shall not eg Today, there-'the courage of Sir William Mu- WATER NOTICE. e fore, we have to part ¢ pany lock, who, after the return of the RAO yates | unli hi Oa with them, and for thes isons Liberals in 1896, reduced the Use and Storage. iT move, seconded by Dr. Pugsley postage, with the result that the TAKE NOTICE that The Port Sestngton | 5 Water Company, Ltd., whose address is That Mr. Speaker do not w revenue rapidly increased, and] 547 nana St. Vancouver, B. C., will | pre ae hana te home sparkle with ive the Chair, but that it be the surplus had grown up in leaps | 4pply for a license to take and use one and clean iness--just ike all nature sparkles 7 one-half cubic feet per second and to store | on a sunlit morning after rain. esolved wand bounds Time alone could) 409 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham h ; This House is ready to 1 vide tell what would be the result of |Lake. The storage-dam will be located at| Sunlig t is the purest of all household ’ i. : : po the outlet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- | soaps—with a gentle strength that 2 for the exigencies of the present this new tax, but his own opinion] jaciny of tne reservoir to be created is | moves dirt quickly but without the i situat and to vote all neces- was that there would be little in-| about i acre on — . “ — ai slightest injury to fine fabric or dainty 2 acres The water wi pe ertec ol P sary ways and means to that end, crease in revenue. oe Siredah at 6 penne eee & elaine ee hands. On sale at all grocers— ‘ but it regrets that the measure Sir Wilfrid further criticized | the said outlet and will be wae Oe ow i works purpose upon the land described as | der consideration duties are the Finance Minister for not plac- pert « ae foe &, Coast District, | mposed which must be oppres- ing an excise duty on liquors to ae Peer, at amet ied copy o s notice “ sive upon the people, whilst yield- counterbalance the increase in a thereto and to the “Water Act, | ng little or no revenue, and that the Customs duty. This failure, | 1914," will be fled in = = 2) , Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec- | the same measure is particularly Sir Wilfrid caleulated, would) tions to the application or to the petition | wbjectionable in the fact that mean a gain of 25 cents a gallon meptioned below may be os oe the | instead of favoring trade, it is to the distillers, or over $2,000,- said Water Recorder or with the Comp- | , , rade, it is ¢ , troller of Water Rights, Parliament Build- | placing extra barriers against 000 in the total production. ings, Victoria, B. C., oe ee aod ’ . . fter the first appearance of this notice in Great Britain's trade with Canada After further reference to other a toe can The seanhinee within | at a moment when. the mother taxes, Sir Wilfrid said the at-| which the company desires to exercise ms yowers is described as the townsite 0 country is under a war strain un- tempt to curtail trade between ee peuinaten. A petitten to Ghend Ge iralleled in history.” Great Britain and Canada was notfthe Certificate granted to the company in " : , |respect of its fermer right so as to in Parliament as a Machine. a Canadian idea, but at best a ons is ahh eebtied ter hanein wilh be rhe opposition leader said that German conception. heard in the oMce of the Board of Inves- THE DAILY NEWS SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT NEWSPAPER on —— EE a for Prince Rupert and Northern B. C The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability, The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger cirewlation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. ~~ ee DAILY NEWS t SRI IIR RIAA AAAI IAA IIIA IA III IAI ISIS ISISISISSIANCM I HA I -——_— = ee > ! RRR RR RRR RRR ARERR EER RRR RRR RE RR } ee ae | pease