THE DAILY NBWS Wed AGG PRIDE, NASH & CO. PIII IA IIIAIIIAI IAI IAI IIA a PRIDE, NASH & CO. REREAD The House of f Quality The problem of New Clothes for Spring and Easter wear is one that many are very seriously considering at the present season, when conditions hav forced nearly all to buy more economically than past years. This store, with a far-sighted policy, made preparations to cope, and meet, these pre- vailing conditions, by securing merchandise of high qualities, but at pricings which are essence of extreme moderation Some of Our F riday Bargains ! DAINTY LACES Plauen Laces and Nets. SWISS EMBROIDERY Just Arrived—New and cunning effects in Swiss | Embroideries in Cambric a Nainsook.. Very fine. er 12 1-2, 15, 20, 25, 35 CTS. Nainsook Corset Cover Embroidery. Very dainty. Per yard— 5 CTS. Guipure Laces. Spanish in Fine Nets. Torchon and Linen Laces. Normandy Valenciennes. Armenian patterns. Shadow Laces. Maltese effects. CREPE CLOTHS Fashion predicts this season will be White Goods Season, and there will be no trouble what- ever in selecting from the stock carried here in this store — Voiles, Crepes, Mauslileline-de-Soie, Swiss Muslins, Dimities, Ratine. Prices— 15 TO 50C PER YD. New Dress Goods i in » Fashions Newest Productions FLANNELETTE, 9c Light colors in Soft OXFORD SHIRTING | 10 CTS. | Striped Fiannelette in a Fast colors in Oxford very pretty stripe of Blue : ee of Stripe Pat- or Pink. This cloth is terns; 27 inches wide. wide, being 34 inches, worth 15 and 18 cts. FRIDAY, aC LADIES’ FANCY COL- LARS--HALF PRICE very desirable cloth to —e * age or boys’ shirts | } ’ FRIDAY SPECIAL, 10€ SKIRTS FOR LADIES ONE-THIRD OFF Do you want a Big Bar- We have a _ beautiful ain in a Smart, Natty, | range of Ladies’ Fancy ell Made Skirt of new Collars, in Cream, Ecru, Paris, and White. Many come in combination ef- fects. We are going to give you a big snap. Re- member— FRIDAY, ONLY ONE- HALF PRICE styles and cloths worn? if so, come here Friday morning and take your | choice of any in this store for less than cost. 1-3 OFF REGULAR PRICE--ONE-THIRD | | | ~ TOWELLING, 10€ Roller Towelling in Dark Ground and Light Stripes. Made of Linen. Soft and very durable. Be sure and get your share. FRIDAY, 10€ SILK WAISTS Friday we place on sale a beautiful range of Pure | Silk Waists in smart styles and dependable silk, colors Black, | White, Navy, Purple, Gold, Green, Red, Tan, | Copenhagen, Bieux Rose. All sizes. ALL SIZES, $2. 95 | Pictorial Review Patterus Now in Stock BARGAIN DAY FOR MEN spuns, worsteds, checks, b!ue serges, black serges; thes» run in prices from $15. ” to $25.00. On Friday you can have - Easter Gift for the Prince Rupert Men. offer you any men’s suit of clothes in our well assorted stock, composed of tweeds home- > YOUR CHOICE FOR $10.00 We | PRIDE, NASH & CO. PRINCE RUPERT COAL CO. . ; Wellington Coal Cleanest Lump—tLongest Lasting—Gives the PHONE 15 Most Heat—No Clinkers—P. BLACK, Manager Gi h L | / et on the List: Anybody who is a registered voter in British Columbia can be transferred to the local list providing he does it forty days before election. As the election date has not been an- ‘nounced there may stil! be time for this Anyone who is not registered and who is six months in the province should apply before April 4, when the new Court of Revision will be held. This will enable him to vote in June if the Federal election is held then. Apply to L. W. Patmore, G. R. Naden, Williams & Man- son, or any other commissioner. —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_ scribe for the‘News’ BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Good Clean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Trial—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE EIGHTH AVENUE AND YOUNG STREET $20.00 —APPLY— PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE MONROE DOCTRINE | FOR THE ORIENT Japan ts Trying to Set Up One, Says the Déndon Daily | News. rhe Even March 24. an editoria London, ing News prints 1 vig rously condemiffing the Japanese demands on China. It says A determined attempt is being made to keep the trdth from the ple of these islands. The Jay anese government, in forwarding its demands to the Allies and the American government, requested that seerecy be observed Appal ently this version omittea ten of the twenty-one demands, and gave eleven far from ac rately. “The British Foreign Office has steadily refused to throw a jlight on the matter, and the « lsors have prevented the prope information from reaching the | British people by eable Ir | the full account in the Manches it is plain why the that the be like unpleasantly or iter Guardian, }Foreign Office thinks » demands would vy to react very I |English opinic “They would convert the pre jince of Shan Tung to a Japanes: sphere of influence; they w make South Manchuria and I ern Mongolia for al practical Ipurposes Japanese provinces jthey would give loly of the vast mine ithe Yangtse Valley, in which would be the px I No rthern from 8« They trol of They we nz of to Japan Japan a monop al wealth of idental t wwer to sever vuthern China would give Japan con China’s war munitions vuuld hand important over the polic- areas of China nuld set experts in control They we Jap inese f Ch i's political financial Monroe and military and they Doetrine op rs except all China t affairs; would set ip a rative igainst all powe Japa They would open the enterprises of Japan's | missionaries. | ‘A scheme of this iried through, wi under kind, if car- vuld put suzerainty Japanese of ourse, it would also imperil the British commercial interest bottom out of the treaty, extensive and An- whieh guar- industrial in China | knock the ialo- “Japane se and} all integrity of China of to lantees the l equality opportunity | powers, “We can understand quite well that the British Fe should be quite une jbut the policy reign Office nbarrassed The abandoned down sooner it is and the the Parliament broken formally are laid before the of finds expression the better for us the better for China bet ter for Japan.” facts country and opinion and the THE AMERIGAN TAILORS We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAIL- ORING for the LEAST _MONEY We have a large stock of High Class Woolens and make good sults for $27, and the best in stock for $35. Come and look over our stock be fore buying and save money by it THIRD AVE and FIFTH ST. Prince Rupert, B. C. BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.00 per Ton — Cash on Deliver Money Back If Not Satis- UNION TRANSFER CO, EMPRESS _ F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) political all China| and} of suppression had | 223 Sixth St. Dr. Price’s Cream | Powder contains no alu: Chemists have shown tha porcentage of the chemicals « alum baking powders a: remains in the food t Glauber’s salt, hydrate of and other impurities, Read the label on the car a baking powder unless th shows cream of tartar. RICH COPPER AND GOLD PROPERTY BEING WORKED NEAR KITSELAS, B. C. » One ed From Page ta angle ib t 30 pel im the d the vein seems to i ve in size and structure exposed y high grad bornite At 10 to fa ver glance ling gold quartz is from i0 per cent pure, and a assay shows 830 in gold, $15 ve and 880 in copper Free gold can be see in the quartz all the way f na col ip to pieces seed ve vein No as large About 3 there is a dyke of is an appl 150 feet abo quartz and porphyry which dips at an angle that would indicate with the eting the its me onverging of veins. Phere Pp . t are ten men working at and they shipment i this property are sacking i trial sent to Granby m While the nade t which will be about erty ec two wee vnuld be ks pay by 100 exposure and ¢ at that bout | feet below the eads operate the system. If the veins persist that far down the of blocked out wo suflicier deavor to strike the level and by gravity amount ore uld be t t | guarantee the existence of a mine The pr the [Corde llera Mining Co., of Wells Jen- jnings are the is owned by Ltd., and T. J ehief pr operty iwhieh J. Db. rmoters | iacsieaigusatinasitien ih xperie need Situation wanted by young man salesman and busi- High class refer Box 133, jness education. ences. Apply Daily News. tf. full | “Loop the Loop” Pegoud. Adolphe Pegoud, the French aviator who came into fame in 1913 as the originator of the feat of flying upside down, has been awarded a medal for war servic McBRIDE’S DAY is DONE Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wears |awayastone. A slight | eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort | should be remedied at once, This we guarantee to do with ‘lasses. Consultation free. elays are dange rous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN Phone Black 69 ‘ral COPPPPOPOOOP OOO OD CODCOD Ona tas “The Daily y News” | [ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS }, ‘ Safety First-——Use New Wel CLASSIF LED ADS, ington Coal. Phone 116, 67tf ee ere +s : FOR RENT a 2 Mahon, of the Canada FOR REN Bridge Company returned today rooms 0 t . an to the city from a tri th WANTED South a WANT! T. J. Stephens, one of the pop ar traveling men who make this PCR SALE i regular place of call, arrived to ror Al days by the George cha . *. s ing ma Mrs. MeClellan, who spent the 2 FOR ALI last few months here with hei in ‘ A. B. MeClellan, left todas fe for her home in Oxford, N. 8 POULTRY > > * For a comfortable room, come Tieden to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 See Rocks, Red ond Avenue, near Eighth Street Columbia Newly opened Steam heat and B. C hot and cold water in every room. nad Free baths Rates reasonable mus! . * . . : TALKING MA AND Rev. J. F. Dimmick left by to lday's train for St. Catherine, Ont., where he has been called by the erious illness of his mother He ha arranged supply for his pu ; | ne his absence ee ee The G ] Ps new Pullman NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION th Carlisk was the subject of PARTNERSHIP nany favorable comments today, The pa M. Gebt this being its first trip out of Ru- | gnor pert. [tis splendidly fitted up and | Bake! March, 101 has an electric bulb at the cornerion una of every seat so that each passen- |**4 ™. ‘ . |iness, All a ger can arrange his own light. | ceived py 1 here is also a large electric fix-| Dated a! ture in the centre of the car. Th ena 4 r= - For those foes of comfort and well-being, family remedy universally regarded a corrective of deranged conditions of the ans of digestion. Present suffering is geben n and worse sickness prevented by BEECHAM’S PILLS Let this wonderful remedy tone your ston _ and Biliousness t is one your liver and kidneys, regulate your , you will feel improved throughout your « stem few doses will prove to you \ for the common and minor ailments of life, Be 3 Pills Are the Right First Aid oe Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, f- Helens, Lance Sold everywhere in Canada and U.S. America. In bos 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools SBullders’ Hardware Ship ‘ jiery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint i iron Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Cor “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE © °!