-_ el ypnne's DAY 1S DONE — — ~~ ,. VI NO LOYD EO PRINCE RUPERT, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, B, ¢ 1915. “| THE DAILY NEWS A TOO Ts te ee ge GRUNTY GRUNDY Says. A man who has visions of a ‘menagerie of monkeys, coyotes, cockatoos and poll | parrote” ought to be Siwashed. j AeA et Pp dy PRICE FIVE CENTS tive Lib *risla me VE ODDS FOR PEACE LAS T OF SEPTEMBER T ALY PREPARING TO ENTER THE WAR-~GERMANS SHOOT FRENCH WOMAN WHO SC SOLD NEWS ITALY 1S PREPARING FOR WAR—~ FIFTY MILLION WAR CONTRACT ITALIAN GENERAL IN NEW YORK PLACING ORDER ADMITTED N/A SCOTIANS ARE READY TO KNOCK STUFFING OUT OF HUGHES LT TO NOVA SCOTIAN OFFICERS CARRIED TO FLOORS OF PARLIAMENT—SAM HUGHES IS FORCED TO DENY THE STATEMENTS. (Special to The Da ly News.) ; , There were| The original trouble aros House of, the treatment of the Nova Scotia ing the Highlanders at Salisbury Plair tia esti-|"* appears that friction arose be itween the commanding officers : nembers land the officers of the Nova Seo hes for'tia battalion with the result that Nova Seo- | they were discriminated g ; during their stay there tl Guysboro, |commanding officer relieved of his n Novalecharge and the battalion al { I ling allied {| ps at kick the jinto other corps This has ere tac xe Constant pl He is bir ated such a storm in Nova Scotia and of the forces con ed having |that the Minister of Militia’s life posed f Australians, French irds or No- | would not be safe there for allow troops from Moroes nacive & r province. | ing such a state of affairs Egyptian and Senegalese land- a. Ce ~~ | @d on both sides of the straits VANCOUVER 8084488888 HH Ho aNd Making an advance toward TOO AMIABLE * Constantinople. A rep THREE CORNERED FIGHT» * *| that some Canadians be . Prince Rupert owns the *| included in the force (Special to The Cally News.) * Warks Channel power the *| , 5.—Stuart!® way the holder of a sec- * ea ond eet owns” a #| 250,000 IRISHMEN ith Vancou- |» property. The Continental * NOW IN THE FIELD ala ist nights. i* Power Company have been @ given a preference in spite ¢ i\John E. Redmond Says German ilready been|¢ of the protests of this * Emperor Did Not Count on ul, so thatig city, W hy didn't William *| United British Empire. be the rep-| Manson insist that the city *| ee Independent | » be given the whole power? #| Manchester, Eng., March 25 l® The fact that the Conti. #/20%" E. Redmond, leader of the le nental Power Company ay ren Nationalist party, in 6 CTING THE le staked this property did *| speech to 5,000 persons here, FRENCH INVESTORS , mot maké it incumbent ®@| pointed out that he had often ad- “ . oma upon the government to * + co A ag anata rH = ‘ i*® grant it. The law spe- #)"" ; , : , puties on the}, siftcally states that. the . @| issemblage of Irishmen and Eng-| of owners | , government may refuse *|! lishmen “firmly united in a com-/! wane erie any applications not in the *| en oe of Freneh |, inleréste of the people. | “Ireland has been admitted t rmans devel- ut the McBride govern- #| her proper place in the British ne ment cares more for the ee Se re —e ” ms corporations than for the *| dy ai OTe people. Wm. Manson is *|! ngland, Mr Reiman “ er came tramping ; WES | H0 l, M British officer « _— oe ' - land the Empire is united on the ————_————_———- was found and there stunned, his ERA Once ee ae : ’ ie h sur foundation of liberty. _B R. H, Williams, ex-Mayor Of|pody being thrown into the pool. ser’s equipment, ren he reac : tie . Menainn Sete i ee ih : as Nie Op ER 4 H ee equipme ‘og haee ge | igh ne for the Empit ™ hmen)| Regina, and the owner of a larg Deceased at the time be disap- OUS ad the top [saw that % wae ive fighting for Ireland. department store in that city, ac- ; . . ws jpeared was wearing his uniform, TONIGHT ree eet ene now S | eee companied by J, B. Brown, also Of!) 4 the body when found was in % apanee: to one oy ae ermniee. ent | MoMORDIE PROMOTED. phat city, are spending a few days | ivitian clothes another cireum- Drama in like all the staff, is kept busy from) — here, Mr. Brown is a brother 0° ; re Parts “s nn I saw! ? 8. P. Me i ee ’ stance which lends itself strongly ‘ toni \NY Spy” morning till night. When [ 58W/ priends of Captain 5, P. Me- tho tieutenant Governor of féés TE as ot . } } » ory oO 0 y, A Fay him yesterday he looked in th) ypordie were satisfied when he katechewan, They are today be- a — P | Authentie a : . ‘ anc am ‘ : xine f Lienten. ’ . : - aa 8 fr Huropean very pink of condition, and I an t here with the rank of lieuten ling shown over the city Dy Ga. tt. THE WEATHER. SOMETHING © the War. jtold that he is perfectly hapPy>) ant that he would soon be pro- Maden end-F.G. Dawach. ae sees WORTH for he is sharing in the actual life moted f the rank of captain, Tals $ By F. W. Dowling, Observer. Als ; of the soldiers in the fleld Ito place in due time, and Cap |i ae i ae ee eR ee Khe ; ae ls on) ee “PF met him again, later in the|tain MeMordie is now in charge |* END OF WAR * 5 a. m., Mareh 25, 1915. ALUCKY ELOPEMENT” afternoon, walking down th the Companies at The|* *! Barometer ot ae « . aol | (Special to The Daily News.) * 53.0 CHOCO. muddy road, swarming with 5 \\ tiie ||... cee eeen 63. ATE diers returning to their billets | MeMordie was one of )* London, March — 26, *) Min. temp sce DYNAMITE” get their tea, The Prince was 6 nal lieutenants of Karl | Lioyds are betting four to * i ibe ing back to his car, which was |i Own Rifles and is an ex-|* three that the war will be * INDOOR BASEBALL. ( | : ; 4 Littl ily capable oMeer. * over by the end of Bep- #* cuiagne ta r by the roadside, a cel : > (AUSE OF A HAT” : ae . : i whieh | -_— le tember. * Catholic Chub vs. Terminals at arther along, ane ‘ ae : fe me 'N PRICES ; BANISH BULLY BOWSER ls ***# 8 ee 8 eee ee eH He we Che Auditorium Lonight at 8:15, **e0ercccoccooooee “Vives himself ' ' Italy COUNTRY PREPARING FOR CAMPAIGN—TWO MILLION MEN READY. (Special to The Dally News) New York, March 2 General Dechaurand is returning to Italy after placing $50,000,000 of vy contracts. It ttrat preparing great 5. is admitted for Two million men is a campaign. are prepared for war, and 800,000 of these are of the first line. Fears Bulgaria. London, March 25.,—Athens re- ports that the Turks are fortify- ing near Adrianople, z a Bulgarian attack. Deciding Battle. March The battle positions fearin London, 25. of f the into the most important fighting on either front One hundred and ninetyi-‘thousand Russians freed from Permys! have been sent to reinforce the Russian forces in the Carpathians. It is felt that the fate of Hungary hangs on the result of this fight, WORLD’S HOCKEY. March 25 hockey team wins the championship by defeating Otta- wa by 8 to 3 in the second game played under East- Vancouver, Vancou- ver world’s of the series, ern rules. Carpathians bas dev = leeneeveesebebecon (Special to The Dally News.) Athens, March 25.—Two Brit- ish destroyers penetrated the Dardanelles for twelve miles yes- terday. Turkey's entire fleet has sailed for the Black Sea to attack the Russian ports. ATTACK. (Special to The Daily News.) London, March ~The Ger- man forees are massing near the British front and preparing for.a new attack, 25 Harry Lauder to Gather Recruits. Harry Lauder, the Scotch come- dian, has organized a band of pip- ers which is to tour Seotland and the North of England to stimulate recruiting. The band has received the official recognition of the War Office. Mr, Lauder has issued the following appeal over his signa- ture: “I want a thousand men. Anything we can do let us do it voluntarily and without foree. Your country calls you.” Springtime is here, and with it house and carpet cleaning. Fritz does it right, at right prices. We call for and deliver free, Phone 583, 69-71 GERMANS HAVE SHOT FRENCH WOMAN SPY (Special to The viten Geb News) Luneville, Mareh 25.—Margue- rite Schmitt, a French woman, 'was shot here by the garrison ‘troops. She edmigted having en- ‘tered the French lines and selling information for 200 francs. PORCHER ISLAND NEWS. On March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, Mr. Mike Sullivan, owner of the enter- tained his many the Porcher Island public hall to cele- brate his recent marriage. I[n spite of the bad weather, which prevented two parties arriving by boat, about forty bled, some of whom walked from distant pre-emptions in the in- terior of the island. A most en- evening was spent, . the dancing being varied by singing by Mrs. Sullivan, songs were much appreciated. Porcher Islanders are hoping that more of the bachelor population will speedily imitate the good ex- Sullivan has set the popular Shamrock, friends in guests assem- joyable some whose ample which Mr them. BOXING NOTE. (Special to The Daily News.) New York, March 25, Pelkey was knocked out Rich in the third round of a t& round bout here last night Arthur Al by LIVERPOOL CUP. (Special to The Daily News.) March 25 { Cup macoc fl London, h won the large field. Liverpoo! om Situation wanted by young man. Experienced salesman and busi- ness education. High class refer- ences. Apply Box 133, Daily News. tf. e They are busy knitting for the soldiers; you ought to supply the cash to buy the yarn. Any amounts grate- fully received, Leave at McRae Bros., Lid. Sixth Street