THE DAILY NEWS THE DaiLy NEWS LOOKS LIKE OIL. BOOM a EAS Dace erica vr woereane eneven colina ||” BETH MGAR FUTURE, | LEARN TO sHooT, TO DEMAND SHARE| (id ASTER reer atts rei ON QUEEN CHARLOTTES,. anungons conn om | WARBKA HOLIDAY ee First Contingent’s Shooting Abil-|Must Seek Now pve z cae c\Fic A S oe eae Mediterranean, Says the il. F. MeRAE, EDIT! : —— Much Land Being Staked on Gra- ity Has Already Proven | PF. MeRAK, EDITOR AND MANAGER “@iornale d'Italia.” ham Istand aod Many Big of Value. HEAD OFFICE Promoters Interested ts, 5 ’ | Daily News Building, 8rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 Ottawa, Mareh 26 Just back Rome, Maroh _ ae ae e uce ate : ——— ' . vaneion for Italy with new do S TRANSIENT DISP : ’ TISIN ; ‘ ’ | Vaneouver, March 22.—Sevent Itrom the frontier and the city of|' xpar " PrRY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract) ’ » Berea a4 ven ; ; ne “beyond the seas, espe BETWEEN ALL POINTS ON rates on application square miles of oil lands on the Toronto, General Hughes ex he Medit { se iw on the editerranean,” mus ‘ Iweat coast of Grahi Island pressed satisfaction with the way , G. P, : l ae at es ben tty : si htained, declares the “Gor AY en ‘ ere staked during 1 past week on ‘ on ane raining are pe ent Barston awe Friday, March 26, 1915 jaccording to information recety ing carried out in Western © ’ d'Ttalia’ in a long article e aac tna ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP hee g f . ' ded here as of @ 88 official n Sale Wednesday, M ed here ina letter from Arthur tario and the Niagara Peninsula garded here a , o wine ¥ March 31, to Saturday April j 7 if , which the present ert Good Returning to Thursday, a , E D I T O R I A L S | Robertson one of the best known ‘I motored to the various ce! , ; tal é' : y, Ap ri ' | i diactssec airy s&s seven ; ; jor the pioneers on the island Altres where the men are asst . savatite the panel For Rates and Full Particulars a - jlarge rumber of sections were|bled,” he said, “and dropped ws a e . f ; G. T. P. TICKET OFFICE, THIRD ave : | ; \ : ve ne os rm ono mily ’ NI Never let yourself get en through the chances pt vided staked for interested parties tn) upon them unannounced At } t ta | n def led : i | ! interests been derenaes a tangled in any transaction that] by polities he, like anothea the East and for Mt K B. Ben ery point I visited I found every t} t ! uired ; —- | N e ; ; inett. M. P.. and associates, of Cal thine satisfactory The weep aes eevee eee an might touch your name with ova Scotian politician whom) : : : , it politieal and military force 4 PO even the breath of suspicion or the ignérant call defeated, ae ind the men: were in fine © s the beginning of the MUSIC ba | mbe 0 residents oO sor oe har = = compromise your honor as al gives to his country the goodly | Warnes ween fjand working hard. the paper says Italy has Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGIN( gentleman!” ‘Phat was the fa heritage of an untarnished |! nines Repert Reve now. gone \re there enough mot red her neutrality only until Band Instruments NTING sie au bP -Raward-Biake, | Aame, And Sir Hibbert is Mk Ithe island to stake oil land again,|/ing for enlistment? sn iilaien Mikeivesty abe te Qpectiel Page wy oy . eir exciteme yweing Causes ) - ” J ee os es econ aa ve. East ii) the Nestor of Canadian Liber Hon. W. 8. Fielding also in th xcitement being ea 1 by We are now starting enlist intendin t xelude ny Phone Green 327 ANd See is 3 Sih U8 ending to elude an ALL TINTIN alism, to Hibbert Tupper, the] this, that in the daily service the reports from the west astiment for the fourth conting neration of her rights and TINTING rising hope of the Conservative| ° his profession he eats bread that an oil strike in the B. ©. well/ and find that more men are off ‘laiming for her the amplest | s minent on accoun e ol tei 4 celal ne fo ‘ e amples party, in the olden days before| by the sweat of his brow imminent on 8 int of theling then we can handl liiberty of action, The forees of 4 M i . 1896. oe heavy gas pressure in the hole.| “When do you hope to con ™ > atl , Odin tte DE NTISTRY artin Swanson . | ie yeilig~erents ar erat f 2.) And those who know at first- Several other companies which|mence moving men to Val t. whil i ri oon, Ave M Peies wees the days when| hand the situation in British hav [ ld land on the west ast| tier? . ietnnahil CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK a Columbia aml ost strong for the past eal are sho a | os ‘ 1eme a A vraft and scandak were running lumbia affirm most strongly ae oe i, ee Phere are still two and a hi if] All have slowly reeognized rate or sg dl teed te those times that it is because Sir Hibbert |S!#"5 of activity and getting) feet of snow at Valeartier We \Ttaly’s rht to have the amplest ee New Wellington seemed to be riot. A new scan-| has not denied Blake's politic al eady to start operations w ith the cannot open the camp there ut tilliy ' f act wainst an n Office lidieae dita th | ai ‘ e st s tod 1 { ouncement the e oneet piperty & Genes any om aoe joen, ird A dei had arisen over the char- faith that h tands today, and aa une 2 it that th pion the season h@s advanced further, |-pny scnaithal ate 3 meen the rd Avenue ae at i | ‘OnSISte »pwe as e rouge j is ore cou es ave se oa! ter-mongering by members of consistently has stood, outside) [has been brought in jand the ground is in shape, How | Cleanest, Brightest , ‘ ; | the cloud ° “7 ae May Have Gushe | I ibandoned the strange idea that ot, Bost Parliament. Many companies ouds of scandal that y — jever, [ intend to get the boys ol |that they would be able | enlist NEW WELLINGTON coa cae Ken dormed in which, as through the past ten years It is coneeded by oil men that|,¢ parracks and under ca as | teal sek wi ; alasiiiiial RRR Ree Teer err eret Rowe i L 00, , | ave been gathering ithe work o e pioneer we an |Italy in the name of sentimenta ‘ce a return for influence and ser-| have been gathering in force |'he Wor > pioneer well has) wherever there is a drill area with |igm like the romontic Knight Er ; FOR A TAXI: : - a viee, shares and other interests and blackness about the heads;Preven the fleld and they expect ja range. In the West there ar rant or in the afd of at power t “ en =“ hn ase not onl te wat ‘ ‘ ane f 0 » ald of gret rowers Z i etn. ’ en b ine or e eat coas " ma —~ 16 Wal whien . * % of ress of evil. He shattered one litieal reputations are blasted il men bound for the, west astitingent was splendidly | al t as lt j Ital rings, Pipes co — SiN ‘har ‘Bride’ “er ¢ d after seeing e indications, | -_. : se Gouls aly ied Av a or two reputations, and ex- Sir Richard MeBride’s sneer at|®4d afte ing the indications, |and have made a name for them t PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO Third Ave. Head of Second Siren ressed nat 4) rupper will have come home to such as petroleum seepages oil | — = frontier problem which fos Prince Rupert i regre vat rumor as-| Ts aie tn th eae ‘j iselves as shooting men already, | ety years has oppressed her like a alk ee cli aol SURNREUECEEER hee o sted thes vett } ila oost. i I e rocks and nature-refin- |jarge ost on y ns | - a s , i y huckster . * . ed paraf™i1 and an examinat f a ly a at ult f th ;a yoke as the result of the unfor a nes |AlCS M. Me ws with th Ame f the s * p ; amination © ne they got at Walcartier before . ain , ; s good fame ia more to belthe: log of the B. C. company's|iney ‘eft | tunate war of 1866, which forced his vetera niag . _ they left Canads ; . of i veteran a Sarde chek aad, caiteh, Sins ma eatin eal” — italy when she took the Neveton BBL. UNDERTAKERS sceagpetireny *- i SC le \ ! Tene s |} witl 1 short time British ¢ “I want the men wifo go from|provinces to accept a confing . Barristers, S tors, Ete 5 .3 was s f . i . Canada to join them to be as : FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- premiership |lumbia will have her ow fleld isiwhieh has been a threat. Now [J SALMZRS — SATISFACTION GuUAR- GOnsy TO Lon : s a yz . | ‘ bevy at ind | deadly with the rifle if net n Ithat the configuration of Furope ANTEED—-OPEN DAY AND NIGHT lel ‘ lee o Brae * ao. What the Canadians did to}perhaps of a great part of the 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 — with s . & 1 ra : thee + es : : } ’ — ym ’ BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director - a a : la , ie russians and the Saxon/world, is about to be decided, we tfiee _ ; Guards who charged th must and will bt - " : . - Is ; ai wi on un py every : aw an eee —[erenchos under the protection of|means a frontier whieh politi PACIFIC CARTAG LMI ‘ shrapnel fire shows at goo ' Cc rie le _ x al ae lads 1ows wha lily and from a tary point of anadian a co ie fle shooting does., Unter th ' ss Genero! Cartage - a : : : ; ‘ W ‘ ; n Ia view is 1 © sense a menace quiet plac W itt ; pes cover of the artillery the flower Her anti-Italian policy the STEAM LAUNDRY LADYSMITH COAL sm not at all « ret the " - . years se ‘ : . Suan POM en wie 63-—Phone—03 ad ected ware . 1S GROWN UP. e - with all a . army got within 150][talian provinces within her bor ‘ a lla s vards of the Canadians. Then the/ders was Austria’s aka Latest and thie teh of Fu : sland. Of ai oo e 1 va u ia fatal mistake = Approved Methods JOHN ’ pers shoulders, | : e George, Mar ik This x mtinis: the in artillery had to stop fir-|It cannot and must not continue y Skilled Operators Employed CURRIE o « ahoulders, booked str: rt : ; gh — oo ali , ; g, and the Canadian rifles be-|These alians s _ we eae ‘ i Ok ieleing meam's eyes 2 . 7 in i i e as do all the met : he gianna gel a pig These Italian must be saved) Phone us and we will call Contractor & Builder j h eis 5 as e resu So 0 es ctio | assured bim of the ge in ‘aidey, sland — that it 18) j.adiy was the st Pete genes ee ear oa ersonal jeasu! — - ; i y a matter of time when Gra-| seg ves the ahesting ‘iat on \ nation of 37,000,000 inhab- s : a asure was t he May 24 th nat ities’ feland. wilt 1 iba a man of the Germans in the /itants bordered almost entirely by Vote Our Address: Phone Black 294 now that th: a esi ee supplying 4) .narge ¢ ; : : TH —_ wrengdoing «Be! tr y May 1 : = po- tion of the petroleum of the |" harge went back to his own lines |the sea, a gat exporter of men 516 Six AVENUE WEST POOOCOO EE EO LEE EEELEEETEATE ; ere e. and it oes laa i “ ; f land not one of ther “wer got fore lanc agric . | nese fail nistet iiaaas oe j pa i ther | world Sun Ee De ae n evel r-jand with agricultural, industrial PHONE NO. 8 i in etna 5 ne r Georg South Fort cS % é » the wire entanglements injand commercial interests which NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS C. B. PI rERSON wig a ‘ ia cadets aa ite hte ces SHAMROCKS IN TRENCHES. | front of the Canadians. The fire|are constantly developing, needs ——_- P snares that are s ine ; tow ‘ rt t : ~ vos so deadly that the whol f } j ( ° EXPERT ACCOUNTANT : nf ee wheit re city is tol The ‘ ; . © ole oflexpansion beyond the seas, espe d St L d x enced politic . usands Di = ' * ie : i ' illed Fort George at first, but Sells Sham ao sraRNNG | the eharging forces was laid flat.|cially on the Mediterranean.” ara tan eam aun ry AND AUDITOR imes set by th a} 3 eT ag at amrock for Soldiers We have a great body of shooting a dicta eee Phone 318 within hi- Ni | ’ 8 row Benefit. : . rewspaper says this slate. | eee ——_—_—— COCO COLE EEE E EE enti: ee | the quest fo naine at aoe jn nen representing Canada in Ku-|ment summarizes the great prob- | _— _ ved in @NY |the first elect wisi St. Patrick’s Me _ jrope, and we are going to always | le ; cial Resin. that a i A mayor and _ Patrick’s Day was not for | Inays|lem which Italy must solve “by} SEEDS! SEEDS! . ha Z _ ae ge : : the te. : have just such men there if tray mmshdid ° . A 1g x will be eleetec gotten in the ¢t ches in Northern! : ron men re if train-j saerifi g blood ¢ one , nih your th 4 mg ! ! rthern |: yp Rea as ip A “4 cing blood and money if ne- RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS JAMES CILMORE an “ a rance and Flanders, aceording rt ae , ’ a “e ecessary It declares the nation WE HANDLE OIL to dispatches fro: » > | ead. a es ca ok aad nust be ‘ ; . } . tec le dies nee ee dee TANKS FOR SMITHERS. | e lispatch from the front.| es % * KR HED must | constantly prepared for Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's : Architect ated *housands of sprigs of shi ny eve i j . ’ | mal ci the G. T. P. round k. f i. a f , t apna posse 5 ~ | eae | orien’ | - FO -lrock, forwarded to the front a few - —- - i2 ' a ee * 2nd Aveu . ~ ' | * i , ae deat, ie at Smithers is nearly com-|days previously were distributed|* Gorps No. 432 a! TWO, CHANCES OPEN. Garden and Field Seeds , ows upper proba-! pleted, and the tanks for the stor-}to British ldier n St. Patrich oo » Week End- 7 Also Fertilizers lf ie ; ji ‘ - soldiers on St. Pi ck's : | biv has not forgotten that early | age os { tea wis of Gee . : ing March 27: *| I think any man who pays $450 We Take Orders for Nursery | ‘ sa IC word from the Hon are map e toes hiv that , i : ; * Thursday shooting prac «|for a vacant lot at Fort George Stock CANADIAN PACIF ake . ; Pete tal are Ww n .London, thousands of men, |* - 4 ; ow , Blak Certain it ° veribe used on this line are bein including many member f the! — P Renens. Ave i 7 gen a the time he May, Grain, and Feed at | RAIl W AY denied that early faith. Other | reeted - hit i a ' : eo ee enue Not in uniform. *| wants,” argued counsel in an ap Vancouver Prices . ons —— LoOoTLILy, ~aded by the Cour tess aa a | ’ ‘ men from among his early as -| ee ee a . , * Parade Saturday morning */{Plication in connection with aj Chicken Feed a Specialty PRINCESS MAQUINNA sociates have gone iy aateaiieins Meamen as : e streets, | % at Agricultural Hall at *|foreclosure on land in that dis- Mai! orders promptly attended to SOUTHBOUND Pt ieieion: he, though out of in the shops, and at the railway |* 9:30, Not in uniform * | trict. FRIDAY 8 P ” stations, disposing of three hun Prince R F d Co. | polities, is not out mind. Publie meetings Puaptey: | * By Order, *) Yes, replied Chief Justice sl | Other men, with far less equip u Vhursday and 8 aturday at 8 p. | dred thousand shamrocks The! * GEO. LEEK i iceested. tenelih eal eUsin 908 Third Ave. PRINCESS MAY vi a : P-|Sundays at 7:30 ». ns m.) oroce lista fee. tani elie del teats Le 4 a | ore whom the applica >) SOUTHBOUND ment and far smaller oppor tu-| De hatlee tab the Mritich Lates Cadet Instructor. em came, either that. or he - — | SUNDAY 8 p*. ity ave ade | He sh soldiers a > 0: ‘ nity, have made fortune s| McBRIDE’S DAY iS DONE ihe rs * 70-1-2-3 *#|should be put in an asylum,” ADVERTISE IN 4. © Boman, conerel samt . ee em Sritiers Se T | | 5 sentinel, HE DAILY NEWS ol Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave ‘CANADIANS MUST Ira PREPARED Scoop Wasn’t The Only One To Be Fooled Drawn for The Dai FREDDIEBUCKMAN \ \FYOUPLEASE Sif? \$ SOME NAME WHY HELLO FREDDIE BUCKMAN— © THOUGHT OU TUST WENT DOWN AW MY NAME > AINT FREDDIE tM 8 ERTRAM | BUCKMAN-HIS - BUT DONT APOLERGIZE + SOME TIMES I HAE TO AST HIM MYSELF \F WE IS D qemiervl - ote”