ota Degen sear teenage jthe employ of the G. T. P. tele-|niked to Hill’s ranch last Friday. RESTAURANT | throughout the whole country. He Slogan of Business” —— jgraph service in the Interior, has Upon returning they were enter- | ¥48 the first Canadian to volun- = | severed his connection with that tained to tea at Mrs. Marley g | teer his services, he was the first | VE R 75 years of “Good Clean Meals From 25 jconcern, and left this morning for | residence Mesdames Mare 4 j| to shed blood in service of the | Banking i in Canada, nts Up. Just Give Us ee eed has de a Trial-~That’s Ali. Seattle, He was renewing @¢-|Maniey were hostesses to the tired| British forces, he is today a pris as demonstrated | i | LAW-BUTLER BUILDING quaintarices with his old pals IN| bevy of trampers, oner in the hands o fthe enemy the strength, security, Third Avenue Prince Rupert last night. z |The Minister of Militia honored safety and service of The -_—_—_—_——— —— Barrett & White, butchers, this | himse If and honored Parliament Bank 4 of Br itish North > hnegeameamae — For a comfortable room, come | week purchased the lot and build- | When he appointed Hon. Dr. Be America, The history of Sear RAEce’ nece Wickin aineet ing owned by A. R, Macdonald on jland an officer in the Medica! this bank for over three- Newly opened. Steam 5 ied and the corner of First and Broadway | Servis e branch of the Canadian — of . century has FO R R E N T hot and cold water in every room. |A"™ additional story will shortly be jcontingent renewed cheers ee of progress and Free baths. Rates reasonable./added to the building containing | and we know that if he were not} ove opment, and of NGS AE PREP RT —_——— two suites of apartments. jnow a prisoner in the hands ¢ it} connatent growth 7 the 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY’S “i lthe Germans he would be at ous regard of the business MODERN HOUSE OWN RIFLES. Dr. Wallace, of Telkwa, will|curing and serving our own boys | world. Orders by Major J. H. MoMull THE BANK OF : ’ ers by Major viliM, maintain Dr. Maclean's office |at the front | EIGHTH AVENUE AND Commaeiing, Gareh G2, 1916: [hours in Smithers pending his| “Sir, let me say this one thing | British North America YOUNG STREET Parades poliday te She exposition. The| 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. sl , Smithers Sentinel, : 884 “A” Companyewill parade at the ei r BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC | Core See SEER, CREE $20 00 Exhibition Building on Wednes- GENERAL HUGHES’ 7 LUMP | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH e day and Friday, March 24 and 26, BROTHER TO COMMAND | P. MARGETTS, Manager. at 7:45 p. m sammie C O A L —APPLY— “B” Company will parade at the Kingston, March 26.—There is $9.00 per Ton — Cash on | Exhibition Building on Mondayja report here that Lieutenant Deliver Shi our I ms ‘ Py PATTULLO & RADFORD and Thursday, March 2 2and 25,|Colonel John Hughes, brother of | oney ane © ot Satis- j Our Trappers Guide | at 7:45 p. m., Major General Hughes, will eo: Ri tie one AVE = p 8, fie | td SECOND NUE W. 8. MARSHALL, Lieut., mand the Second Canadian Con UNION T SFER C0. lon ny aan Write today, address | 67-73 Acting Adjutant.|tingent. oy am Phone 36 i Desk BE. 18 ELAM LimiTEO | ’ ihnwe ane, eels , : v ‘ THE DAILY NRWS ° 194 - —_— — — ™ — — = = rT | See Ey ESDEN THE ERVATIVE nore exclaimed Mr, Carroll in rrneneneeeee ° CONS toes “The Daily News ” CRUISER DR convention cnooses PARLIAMENT REBUKES jenantlys “These eh "°F PRINCE RUPERT co nl W WASN'T SUNK IN WILLIAM MANSON POLITICAL SNIPER ho would do injary to mer AL Co, eee er ecll NEUTRAL WATERS a | oo ran ite tad Wellington Co: (Continued From Page One.) Cheers Elicited by Mr. Carroll's |). have no more success MN asim ethene piensa \ aign han to the road around the Island, he Stinging Reproof of Sneer the vorthy campaign | FOR RENT twill Show tt Declares Com- ging ° Lump— ; — |" fA itiar Orama— |°XPects to do a little more on it} at Hon. Dr. Beland. the German snipers in. low meet Nethtt ap nl cman on HO} FOR RENT— Furnished housekeeping} Mander of Aux y , iad j a ower and prestige of . CK, Manag if i\E 15 rooms. inquire _ 7-tf D len Ran for Coast this summer; and by doing a littl dalneaniannitns g the pow and | oo. a Demers. . resd @ . POPPPP CFO + >> Ey ac area, a Waters each year, he hoped it would be; Ottawa, March 296—RBy a silence | fritair in the blood-stained ; vere — | aki [finished sometime. more significant than sound, and| trenches of Flanders. . - anneal WANTED—Nurse maid by the day. Ap-! Valparaiso, Chili, March 26. He referred to the Workmen's by a subsequent burst of cheer \s Mr, Carroll resumed his seat POPP} oe. ply Mrs. C. H. Orme, 293 Fourth ra me In the first detailed story of the |Compensation Act which the g0V-|ing from both sides of the cham wa reeted by an outburst of Oe OCC t 6H 44, WANTED—Second-hand camera; postcard naval battle off Robinson ees had laid on the table “” ber at the mention of the name earty ind generous cheering ’ size. Apply P. O, Box 892. ; 71-3}soe’s island, Lieutenant Com- they had no money to put it) Hon Dr. H. Beland, Parliament a}! both sides of the chamber eC on eC a sf / » gr t ‘eae The wa Tne « eS ee eee —i mandet Fielding, of the British | through at present The govern | few days ago administered | 2 5 __.. auxiliary cruiser Orama, denies|Ment, he stated, intended to tax) stinging rebuke to the political | STRONG PROGRAM FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, | (}; at the German cruiser Dresden | indus tries to pay for this and | sniper who seeks to exploit the! AT MAJESTIC THEATRE aes * a 9 rte red : hairs, , h- | ‘ ry ; ‘ » transferred t e local iden dhe Chile. levee ven | was sunk in neutral waters they did not want to do this till | highest things of life and oe aes eae 5 nd rd t fort ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. t.| “The Dresden was about sev- ltimes got good again. ization to his own base ends I Ma tie has another great days before election. As the elect FOR SALE—White Cross Medical pier, | eaten miles off the point of Juan The agricultural bill, he said,! wijiam Meteo) the youns for tonight and tomor nounced there may still be time for tt first-cl CR »asonable as aé@vana ‘ — e ng eo tab ete celeste “Dee 100 News. 06-18 Fernandez Island when we sight-|Was advanced a little farther. It Liperal member for South Cap rhe Shanghaied Baby’ | Anyone who is not register: ed her.” said Fielding. We at]Was all ready to be put into force | Breton, was concluding hisiprovides three reels of thrills the ‘province should apply before A; POULTRY. once gave chase, the cruiser by an order-in-couneil but, this | speech upon the budget debat rhe Man, the Mission, and the | of Revision will be held This rth lis ange —| , ‘oae|too, had to we yon a return of} Fe a ' \id” is a splendid photo-drar BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING &GG8, Glasgow leading, the Kent close]! 7 aa ) nan . as . so {In earnest language he pleaded Maid 7 : , on a if the Federal election is held the Breeding Cockerels, Barron’s Leghorns,| behind, and the Orama_ trailing|/Prosperity. was ImpossiDit | the co-operation of every true Ca- whil Cats” and “Pu ‘ a inate ty 2: Oe my Rocks, Reds, Geese, Ducks. Catalague./ J ichtly in the rear. raise money at present, and the/nadian, of whatever political |\Wayville” are topnoteh laughter | Poe ee semere, G. | { ¥ . St ton, . | ti) rf ir co ssioner — ja Poultry Rranch rar rhe Glasgow closed in to government was compelled to de. lparty, race or creed, in all the |producers son, or any other commissi ee La hort range and opened fire. She fer it. great issues involved in the wa ' eee aaeeee tte — ---—- j fired several shots before the He referred to the split in the | w ith bitter scorn he directed Par Safety First Use New wel | TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL| Dresden’s guns got in action. All| Conservative party and he said he |jiqament's attention to a cit gton Coal. Phone 116. O7Uf. | as Musical instru-/the time the German was running| Was Sslad there was a difference | sent out to Manitoba under th Senta revetred.tin toward the coast. of opinion. It was not a good frank of a Conservative me "| Ne rve Energy and F Indi esti d Bows rehaired The | “The Kent swung in to head thine when a government was too | making a contemptit attac Or on an Biliousness| Prince Rupert MuU-/her off. Before the Kent opened} ¥®animous He believed, how= | the loyalty and patriotisn | By eglasses. | those foes of comfort and well-lx ny ' Se Store, 365 3rd) yp on her, the Dresden's upper}@ver, that the leaders would yet) wiifrid Laurier he referer family. remedy universally regarded t best Ave. .|works were afire, and it was|Set together and that before elec-|was greeted by cries of “sham corrective of deranged conditions of t ins of —_— i : tion time they would be able to digestion. Present suffering . reli rol nptly ‘NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF P!@'n!y seen that her raiding days SE seek a a eed The Offender Named. and worse sickness prevented by | of PARTNERSHIP lwere over. The Kent had fired}PTesent a united front to the “Shame indeed it is,” exclaim The partnership between B, Knott ana|!ess than half a dozen shells when | °"emy. ed Mr. Carroll warmly Sir BEECHAM’ F ute Gouhanie Gi bons Sues an the Dresden ran up the white About three hundred people there is, and I blush as a Ca 'A constant dropping wears | 4 ’ ul ec opers ‘ e . \ is were "Pee . f , 4 » / | P i ‘ «} Bakers, was dissolvéd on the 19th day of| flag. We were ordered to stand eS 7” ent, many of rts Lib-|dian to have to say it. a class « away a stone. A light Let this wonderful remedy tone your sto timulate py > Fay are _ = ae by and take off the crew. With-|¢@"@ls, as one could tell from the politicians in this « ty at the! eyestrain injures the health your liver and kidneys, regulate , els and ’ contre . Knott, an ne | “ems f 7 or wer . o . ae ‘ * 4 , 7 $ said M. Gebbardt is Ahead air dies Salt jin a few minutes flames reached |" marks and heekling all over the | present time who can best be de-| because it is constant. The you will feel improved throughout ‘ ystem iness. All accounts will be paid and re-| her magazine. there was a terrific hall. The City Band was in at-|cerjped as political snipers, snip-/ strain which first n inifests | A few doses _ will prove to you for the ccived by B: Knott. ities ‘dnd. shat keen ail ES eh dal common and minor ailments of life, Beecham’s Pills Dated at Prince Rupert, March 19, 1915.;¢XPlosion, and the cruiser went , er ee ' I "ers who seek to bring down the} its sa slight discomfort (Signed) MARTHA GEBHARDT. [down, The story that she was|P!Ppers, which largely accountéd|pig and the noble and the patri-| should be medied at once, | Are the Ri ht First Aid ae eee sunk in Chilian waters is non-|f0? Many who came in. lotic in our public life. I am not| This we guar intee ti »do with | g LAND NOTICES. sense. That can be disproved by A program of songs, neon onn ona to shoot from concealment. | tlasses, Consultation free. "Weil ovcryettens in tn Canta ona U Po i oe ? erm locating her hull.” and music as well as ‘@ good sup- | name the member for Kings Delays are dangeraus. Sheemse lend Peet cee of German wounded from the ply of cigars kept the crowd in}bert (Mr. George W. Fowler vs : = schemata Dresden, who were brought here, | 8004 humor. Jone of these political snipers. 1} Look f Loo I me. es a non een. ie i the British ship com eid ho pig 2 Ire ad in a pr I t 2 | oe P R Re a denne L., upation Contractor, if raiser e ‘itis : om- < nod ress epor 0 8 vends’ to appiy for permission to lease the |. CER RH ; i following described lands:—Commencing at}manders for their work of res- speech to a Conservative meeting | 223 Sixth St. Peene Biack 69 , ? 1) & post planted on th@ northerly limit of | : * SMITHERS NEWS ny : aie i the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa-|cue, but asserted positively that jSaturday night that he sneered} \ - 9 cille Railway Company, and about 35 chains | RRR HEE HHH HHH *| i |seeneatepannsenartestanens } southwesterly from Mile 84, east from|the cruiser was sent to the bot- at the gallant and patriotic sery el} Prince Rupe » & : : Te i )] haem: aos B.C tenes norte 90 | tom within less than half a mile Taylor, of Hazelton, the goal) ices of a members of this Hou t : i 710 SECOND AVE south 46 chains, more or less, to the north- : . kegper for that t ’ } a . +* » i erly limit of ‘the Right-of-Way of the|©f the island They said the ep or 1a owns: hockey|a member whom we all hold in|} me a |i > a ' , , Rhhir r . omnes cartmecaterty along the ‘Dortherte Dresden was at anchor when she|team, won the diamond ring raf-|highest honor and esteem, Hon i : i} ee en eee rears Ship Chandlery yay , ) . , —— a . . ) shing | i Right of Way fo poiat oF | as fired on, and that her crew| fled. by B. Gagne for a party in|Dr. Beland. (Prolonged cheering 2 { Wire Cable Stee! Blocks F Tackle oe Ce WATSON was ordered to take to the boats.| Prince George. No. 20 was thel/in which many Conservatives ; ; (; fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles d Shotguns ee lucky number lj . f 3 | |i Rope Valves Ar won Dated December 26, 1914. 25-85 Germans Violated Neutrality. y . | Joined He went on to state that *)) ——~| Washington, March 26.—Gov- |Dr. Beland did not go to Belgium ; ; j Perpe Mose R rain | ‘Sieeent cnseged a ananiall ) Sto yrrugated Iron jernment officials—who were most R. 8. Sargent engaged a special |to take part in the war, and added t sii ee Coreueetes We | particulier t6-eay they spoke un- train from Hazelton to Houston | the unworthy insinuation that if] > » “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST a. M ‘ ALF HALLIGAN ; THE AMERICAN TAILORS joffieially, that their names must on Monday night. He is vor ie had been in Canada when the ‘ § d een not be used—questioned the|P@/enne for the coming ce eat broke out it was very doubt. | #&tttteeeeee teen eae eee || Charles Chapmé ‘lent: | We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAIL soundnes of the German case harles Chapman, of Glentan-| ty) whether he would ever have } FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ORING for the LEAST MONEY against the British, even if, as ; Se a made a move to serve the cause of We have a large stock of High Class r : : na, was in town on Tuesday. . J ‘a i MEETEEE Stakes good suits for ihe Kaiser’s officers contended. Next Friday the Walk Cl b’ Britain. (Cries of “shame. HARRY ATKINS : P Next Friday the Walking Club's $27, and the best in stock for $36. English warships attacked the ? 6 : Dr. Beland’s Name Honored. Come and look over our stock be re > , : re hostesses are Mrs. C. Wilcock 8} “None ie t i tt FAMILY BUTCHER : : er ‘ ‘ruiser ~Y > i 1e : ’ 0 s. cor nue . ere buying and save money by at : aa es * nan sy te a f and Miss Violet McLaughlin, at! lvoung Bret pet 4 High Class Pork Sausage waters 6 12 CHhillan isian¢ Oo : . 0 & Cape reton man, “can af- Vaneouver Branch Selects All O THIRD AVE and FIFTH ST. 5 ae " Mrs. Wileocks’ residence. ford t h; E Meats and Very Best “Quality Han. Prince Rupert, B. C Juan Fernandes. They expressed ee ord to pass that by. It shows died. Give Us a Trial , B.C. h suspicion that the Germans had Dr. Maclean left on Tuesday for |Bow small some people can be- Corner pba, and 2nd St. ithemselves been using the island the San Francisco exposition. Dr soos. rhe name of Dr. Beland is Phone 574 as a naval base. Badgero joined him at Hazelton. | honored, worthily honored, not sil ilies aa lonly in this House where we all eng 4 BLUE POINT 3)». w.s. Meraron, who was in| syne Smithers Walking Club|knew and esteemed him, but} “Safety First” is the BAA Baby’s soft skin is the test of BABY’S OWN SOA? and its constant use in thou is satisfactory proof that its helps and whitens the most de! No imitation has all the meri! OWN SOAP. ALBERT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, : LAL EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR CO (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) FE . Pal nce nuPert .