M Ma , . THE DAILY NEWS 104s SS — a — a | ay BRITISH LEADERS ARE iia ccots or the wort throuet ND AILY NEWS WHEN BUYING YEAST | Fe ana er ine on tor nee THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA INSIST ON HAVING CONFIDENT OF VICTORY © : s chtaaneg aaerunend aoa Published Daily and Weekly THIS PACKAGE oan purpos ateining a HOLIDAY ir : eee are yrepon j Guaranteed Largest Circulation The Prime Minister in asking 5 '* n i Nea S shee ‘ ie avor of the a “ i wy for more money, representil g@ anjderating fay ’ a _ SRL H,. F. MecRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER expenditure of nearly £2,000,000 intries; but there is a greate | a di . f ; ani 18 than all . HEAD oFrice bag Sr er et ear vt: Ot mec educed Rate aily N m 3 “The ove > are nakinge - 7 : § ¥Y News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. he government at : sth of our cause, and that BETWEEN ALL POIN « arge °c ar demand en i¢ ' TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVFRTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract & large pecuniary demat te in a struggle which in TS ON rates oa application. etew nom nee on eet } ves sacrifnces, suffering and G T P R parison larger than any British th raced ° e . AY SS — = = ~ ~— oo — =—_— — : e for ali jose engearet — - Ministry in the whole course of \ ask entians @ FARE AND ONE THIRD For ROUND Trip DAILY EDITION asf iae Monday, March 29, 1945. our bistory , 3 .« On Sale Wednesday, March 31, to Saturday 4 i : i that has on its sou e ’ inday, Aprij 9 eee — : — - ee j We are making that dema 7. ium Good Returning to Thursday, April 8 | es ) eigit — , = with the full conviction that, aft E D I T O R I A L S - - , rs ' fe - The Ascendancy of Sea Power. For Rates and Full Particulars Apply to seven months of war, tne 7 Pp! ial " me P LIN IgtUuU just as growth from the root G. T. P. TICKET OFF) , eS . DEC TES and the whole Empire are ; ' ao hist ans oe, THIRD AVENUE Chancellor Lloyd George, in er possessed Egypt and Great whit as determined as they wer ; t " below th - ’ d at d ‘ vel f i, speaking about the labor trou- Britain Constantinp| writes WEIRD SCHEMES at the outset—if need be, a face discover great gins in ae bles in England, has the fol-| Mr. J. Ellis Barker in The FOR INVASION cost of all we can demand 5 and events. giving i8tle MUSIC hone 554 P.O Beng lowing to say about the drink! Nineteenth Century While im men end in money, | ee ward licat of their full Teach f Violl d al APERH c ; vont ‘ ——--= - wiliRiesdin sian a he ward in a. eacher o olin an } ] problem in that country: I Constantinople would be use- Gerimnay’s beast that che will imhtec xe cau to al ate ance says the Observer Band Instruments ; AIN ANGIN, have something more to say} less to Great Britain the occu- land an ermiy of $60,000 men fren} Where is much t it is re than possible that A. PESCOTT INTING a as. . if Ke - - na - ae : age and stimulate us what we 1 OLIS ia a g and it i paris | pation of Egypt by an n-Brit- transports, which will sail be- ee Se aie, rm e storians in the future may 462 Eignen Ave, Gast = HING AND ant. Most of our workmen i ish power would je pardize | tween two complete lines of huge hak fi } dge last week to have been the al TINTING ‘very o -e oT streng | rite ‘s positio dis ant ing can sné * our aitl Higt putting every ounce of strength | Britain's position in Indian and submarines, is almost as absurd, Pee a zr . nit ing point of the wa eal one @ into this urgent work for their} her Eastern trade. | ys “Tit-Bits,” as the plan de unbroken spirit of Belg | , " — 8 Speealy country, loyally, patri tically. | ites | pict i by an sid print published eee. eo | a “ae tb r ms Martin Swanso nf picter "yy é ol yr , 8 e . . ‘ ; arp ians the entre —e DE N T S RY But that is not true of aill.| “The importance of Con-|, ee , ., | table Serbia—in the tenacity 4 ee I T | Se ‘ l ion ; | n 1798, which shows a huge|_ . h which our two great | se to have reached the limit \ ear McBrig There are some, I am sorry to} stantinople to Russia lies in!» . i }; resource with which our two eres } French raft propelled by wind- lattes ‘tee » es Die Geet and the less than in France and Fland CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK say, who shirk their duty in this, that it is the door to her| ji), conveying thousands of|,. 4 rl th of the Dardat 7 ouaaeee s gre mergent ear use , ; : jother thre east, hold their far-,¢rs ‘ th of the arcane ' this great emergency. I hear house, that he who holds Con-/ French soldiers. This, however, | : . ' ; : lies has been triumphantly forced DRS. GILROY & BROWN of workmen in armaments stantinople is able to attack nattalaks Géntewveh Ub ered af flung lines, and will conti: mi 1a wee oe . pantiets works who refuse to work a| Russia in the Black Sea. The bei te med a ngenious idea jhold them till the hour mes for |" y on Com See ee eee Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue ; veing termed an ingenious 1dea,/| i_ir { nelude e uee ize T vor it full week's work f the na-| struggle for Constantinople | an irresistible and decisive ad-| w ide the QO n Eliza Phone 454 he Teverite Houshole Cog “ge bs | as steam was not then under-| __ , lett his the newest and) Cleanest, Brightest, Ser tion's need. | ean obviously end only when stood, wind being the best pow aes Rit i i NE j ood, ‘ en ‘ es ow-! ‘ *} ee : our super-dread-} * . . | the city and the straits are ei a j We have no reas be the ght t f ul per rea w WELLINGTON CoaL 00, jer known ; 4 oebts. ia the wondership of oor SASS eee ee eee ees Rogers & albert, 4 “Let us be perfectly candid, sess€d by a first-rate power.} +> : than satisfied with the progress rent ! a : bert, Agu i . j The Germans are apparently | : - The seizure of the first|# & Second Avenue Pen added Mr. Lioyd George It is} That is the only solution, and | taking a leaf out of Napoleon’ - ee ee “es eal ‘ 5 FOR A TAXI : " mostly the lure of the drink.! the only power which has al, ies " ; ae ltl 4 visions. now fully trained, ar section of the lone straits which x . «wil . ere |book, for on several occasions} |. ' . " a . 1ople will be felt —— They refuse to work full time, strong claim upon the posses-! capable—I say it advisably f ad to Constantinople w : Phone 474 ’ “, they have threatened to invade} ' _ . . s 3 sig FOR PLUME fa mh and when they return their sion of Constantinople is evi- thea tie ane ' hall af ‘onfronting any troops in the hroughout the East a a cn i = ane EATING anc 3 ans Oo shallow | ” : he fortunes of the Tripl« | strength and efficiency are im-! dently Russia. att eimenin 6.000 6: 4.206 Geek oe ee ae eaten ad SMITH & MALLETT yowee Cy tee wey in which eerie each, s that the men c wuld te; | Mr. Bonar Law and the Army. [fntente are waxing, whilst those) % Ved paver, ce Valves ‘om they have spent their leisure. “The world will as little tol- “ | Mr. Bonar Law the Com if the Central Empires wane B em, Fine © t to onder i : ashore headin: eat ai a third me PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO ee ee ae Drink is doing’us more dam-| erate a Russian Napoleon,’ it ‘qicsuiebiing of cett af ons sai But there is yet a third thing z : noe Rupert age in the war than all the Ger- | adds Mr. Barker. “as a French ceili iui deh: dablichas natant We have kept to the full thelof still deeper significance \l PEER R ER RE RARER RRA ARR naa man submarines put together.”| or a German one. Hitherto, lines aan te Midkinn Childers tt jcommand of the sea, and have|/sea Germany has ide her last)———"~ ee > * 9 | every nation which has tried to i. ieee ecneh “He Bids oi ™ power to apply pressure to|desperate throw and failed me BA Mr. Lloyd George then re- enslave the world by force has iS the Sands.” tn Which the dn. |} sea power to a greater extent than| Pub Opini WILLIAMS & MANSON ferred to the large powers been checked by a world combi-| nor endeavored to show how men jhas ever been knowr the we aomeenas . nn e. Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. given by Parliament to use in nation. The Russians will cali ils aati Ril ne . ns jbefore ENDORSE MR. SMELLIE. ene aa on HA ~ MONEY TO LOAN emergencies. He said that this searcely be anxious to under-|pivers that flow fri Gern any We Rave als a tne eg SNVEES—-CPGn SAY AND MmenT Helge vt . . ,: oY ifie aince e r bewan an arn "W a power would not be used reck- take a policy which hasiineg the North Sea. behind a field the war began an a Depositors of Bank of Vancouver on oan ak heen a a lessiy, but if the essity ught about the downfall of| singe of islands Phew 'e “hal hich, though sma mpared Recommend Nominee for Wffice corner fod Street and On & erose. Britain was ads Turkey, ancient Spain, Napo- Se a ie jwith the gigantic forces arms Liquidatorship. PACIFIC CARTAGE IN deal with the liqu ques eons France, and moder osetia the Retiioh ne vs 3] the | t t s by far tl ——_——_- y i tf : 1 ' and}, : ‘iain . ' ‘ 4 _ Successors ecif Transfer O. as the other allied : Germany. Whenever a great] wouid slip thr h to Englar ale gest army which has ne va ~ March 27 at a Canadian Genera! Cartage ; . : . nge rises to , -_ | ee ~~ leommanded by a British ge i neeting of depositors of the Bank had. Indeed, it w flanger arises to the liberty of| while the British fleet was crush-| aaa ceed oF serge, sca LADYSMITH COAL surprising to see ] the world the threatened na- led or drawn snother direction | rh ficers cannot speak t f Vancouver, held Wednesday ‘ 63—-Phrone—es business wiped out tai tions combine for mutual pro- the Gorn ee jhighly in praise of the men, and|night in Pender Hall, Mr. G. L.| me with one stroke. tection, and a balance of pow-| ‘There is 5 _ jthe men are neve i of sing-|Smellie, manager of the Canada Latest and Approved Methods re is no doubt that the sug- aS i j e sufficien atecme : , ling the praises of their officers.|Permanent Mortgage Corporation, | Only Skilled Operators Employed JOHN CURRIE i r, sufficiently strong to re-| gestion put forward by the author cy ; : .u , tor the! il tons jnonle’« ture is} s ; ¢ automatic: es e are creating ) mee 1] was endorsed as nominee fou e ” Constantinop! rei train it, i ’ automatically es-|,7 this remarkable book created ale gy Mawr te seit Se pale maak > Si 3 Phene as end Ge wilt call Contractor & Builder now one of the st imterest-| tablished That has been the so emali amount of seneaticn. reeds Ol 1s war, armies which/liquidatorship of the bank ve | for a trial bundle Estimates Give Moving buildiag.. ing questions of the day. “If! lesson of history.” etend. ie wabdibaiios sid 4 even from the point of view ofjendorsement was made on the | cistern Phone Black 2 ’ * ndeec its publication is said to ‘ we wish to compare the relative | _ t led t let t numbers, can compare with Con-|recommendation of a committee | ote Our Address: oat ‘ . | 1ave led to a complete change in : 5 a P s i a ag importance of Constantinople} VICTORY IMMINENT. the British naval policy. The tinental armies now in the fleld.fof depositors, Messrs. Vinsor 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST and of the Suez Canal we need| diag tinea elite: Minak wah contend in cee That is a great conception Cayley, Shantz, Saunders and| PHONE WO. 8 only assume that another pow-| Petrograd, March 27.—The eee coe “Our army has done great|Corbett NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS C. B. PETERSON SE -\Russke Slovo correspondent in- soi a le la ok an work Small as it is, I believe it In the discussion several | qnewetmee EXPERT ACCOUNTANT ed a ove e oriad, ¢ ( ro a- erviewec seneral far- F is not too i oO say at at alspeakers voice > op o i > TOR “A Dollar Saved is jterviewed General Pau in War sol Sa hia: tien aki Bi ti not too much t ay that at alspeakers voiced the opinion that) Canadian Steam Laundry ano auc saw on the fall of Permsyl. Gen- critical hour, if it did not savelit was inadvisable that anyone ” on the River Humber and the], ‘ te : | Phone 318 Dollar iera au summarized his impres- i aris, i events ave elconnected with e ban should | a E ] jeré iP k I tinge pe eae ar Pari at a vents it gave th nected th the } k sh | | Bal isions in one word, “Excellent.” ie oe ; i ‘ aid which enabled the French to|be selected as liquidator | a . > “ons ‘Lec specially ‘ DOLLAR to your credit | He declared that victory in the] 1.5 Germany save Paris for themselves, and scininiiiaamiiaiaitailln | SEEDS! SEEDS! in the bank, is yours. war was imminent. This was his y. broke the tide which seemed to {WOMAN DANCER SHOT JAMES GILMOR sou mes ae & jconviction when leaving France.) ave MOSS, GNAWED be the tide of vietory ON EXPOSITION GROUNDS | RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS ss do for the dollars |*"4 it had been strengthened EQUIPMENT STRAPS Mr. Lioyd George and Our Moral cikiidieatiti | WE HANDLE. Architect awe you Coser ' <<" . ‘2 Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, have been spent. }since his arrival in Russia. “The TO SUSTAIN LIFE Strengtis. San Francisco, March 27 An | ' 2 How many dollars have you | spirit of the Russian soldiers,” he ae “[ have never been doubtfullAigerian dancer, known as the! Brigg's a McBride 8 that you can call your own? (said, “the enthusiasm felt by London, March 27 Four |jabout the result of the war,” said|Princess Turkait, a member of a Garden and Field Seeds Why not start an account in them for their officers and, last-|thousand prisoners, mostly from|Mr. Lloyd George, “nor have I]}ballet in a Russian amusement Also Fertilizers | our Savings Department and y, the military skill of the Rus-}Permysl, have arrived here, says|been doubtful, I am sorry to say,]concession at the Panama-Pacific|§ We Take Orders for Nursery CANADIAN PACIFIC save a part of the money you ee Routes «Mien. ih ' oe . ' ‘' Stock ae earn? A few dollers saved |*'” citizens, which I was fully|eute: ev ussia, corre-jabout the length of the war and|Exposition, was shot and instant- | RAILW AY eachweek,amount tohundreds {@b!e to appreciate after personai|spondent. They give a pitiable|its seriousness. I have always |ly killed last night by her brother, Hay, Grain, and Feed at in the course of a few years. {intercourse with them, all fortify|description of the starving condi-|been convinced that the result|Isaac Lizraki. Lizraki then began | Vancouver Prices PRINCESS MAQUINNA THE BANK OF | these hopes and allow nie to lookjon of the garrison before the|will be inevitably a triumph to|firing indiscriminately at the en-| Chicken Feed a Specialty ALASKAN PORTS . ; into the future serenely.” fall Numbers of the men, they|this country tertainers on the stage and into| Gee erdere gromatiy ettenses to THURSDAY APRIL! British North America : ne SY say, were dropping from exhaus- ‘The natural resources of the|the audience, causing a panic Prince Rupert Feed Co 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. Water Motors Ring Fog Belis. [tion, while other had not suffi-jallied countries are overwhelm The spectators made a rush for 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 PRINCESS See CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,584,000. | Water motors have been de-|cient strength to leave’ thejingly greater than those of their|the doors. None of them was in- 2| —— spa R signed for ringing fog bells to|trenches and ate moss and gnaw-|enemies—in men capable of bear-|jured. Lizraki was disarmed aal a a ous PRINCE UF ERT BRANCH save the expense of employing|ed at the straps of their equip-jing arms, in the financial andjarrested. No reason is known for! AGUBRTIES 4. @ MonAs, ened ae | nm P. MARGETTS, Manager. 'men for the task. ment to keep themselves alive.” economic resources of these |the shooting. THE DAILY NEWS Guaer Gears © A ll Find “Scoop & Co.” Is A i a Drawn for The Da ' : You'll Fin p o.” Is A Regular Firm-—-Now YOU KNOW IVE GOT A » HAPPY (IDEA- FURNISH AN OFFICE AND START SCOOP (IN BIZNUSS Foe. HIMSELF — THEN LET , FORNOURSE (SORE [LL START NOU UP IN BIZNUSS \ uF. FOR INSTANCE \F NOU BANIC-NOU COULD INCOR HAD AYHOUSAND IN TH’ ‘TE FOR + A TWORIT PIECE_ - 4 X 90 ="/20 - 46 Mh S18 HOM-ONE TUTNEY AND Gan a HELLO- DUNNAN E SEND A REPORTER WANT WO GET AN At DA ySTREEM lER-L ] FINANCAY OATINR