: THE DAILY NBWS . ay, Ma °, (te CORDILLERA PROPERTY |" Troe tate wineo _|REV. H.R. GRANT GIVES LOOKING EXCELLENT ROOTERS CHEER HIM ACCOUNT OF HIS T | ‘ager ow | a , t evidently does Mr. T. J. Jennings, who is ins! Continued From Page One H.R. Ora ' . | a : like the eg if terested in the Cordillera Mining | 38 of this bill, in which not ne | ive ' ’ , ; n he eil of the ;|Company, operating at Usk, re-' dollar was mentioned in any pla \ vith “the v t er j and his fel turned to the city yesterday after,ao rate of interest annout 1 iter ee” betwe him and hi i I deed, it would Visiting the property He reports|nor any intimation as to how| passengers. Indeed, it i hI nate | to see hin ith jthat the farther they go into the|}much money would be availal itural t him w briar pipe in his mouth out ; lead the better the ore looks | for this purpose. Let ‘ ‘Sunlight” he boys’ in the sm He brought down with him a In discussing coal mines, tl mand - ate a seemea t large piece of copper glance in| government was heartily attacked 0 dian «cadboe den t} MORNING SESSIONS AT whieh the free gold can be visibly|for the way it handled the « ive Oe ee aad Ge Dis el th y ‘ 1" , ry one he s ‘ his x The i New - OTTAWA—END OF THE seen. They have about sixteen|strike and shot down the miners of thee d: "? rar P c ‘ ; S SESSION IN SIGHT | "OS Of the ore sacked ready for|At this point, half of the “! CLASSIFIED ADS. vie shipment and in a few days they/guns” from Prince Rupert were| Last night, instead of preach oom Continued from Page Three expect to have a carload which|pbrought to bear on Mr. K es - egular serm he gave a ° 2 gin ie. A eved member who finds his morn-|*ey will ship to Granby Mr@but the heavy fire was returned v of his trip and it was full . —— eta the sky will be black with them|°"° ®* Work on it and church of-| 4 Voice: “Who were they?” where the subject of conversa oe. BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING EGGS, ‘ ficials say every effort will be : i ‘ WS ‘3 erant or impurity in this Breeding Cockerels, Barron’s Leghorns presently. Sir Richard McBride . ’ Mr. Kenney I might shame/t both in Canada and in th k ¢ . ; ade to restore as soon as ; ‘ cake o sonce at Rocks, Reds, Geese, Ducks. Catalague.|has already consented to post- made ¢ = tore it a8 SOON 48/you if F told you. states he passed through. Mr : concentrated i. et ae ear pone his election in British Co- possible. The pipes, made of na- Name them.” Grant is certain that the three cleanliness, » & thie en. Bhal a sevelee thet. tive woods, before a railroad en- They were inmates of the seg-|Prairie provinees will ¢ dry | music. or even a partial reverse, will not tered Utah, are intact, but the/regated district of Vancouver within a year and a half and all . : echanis a » raenlare *” } TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL|Prejudice the verdict in the hig-|"" chanism must be replaced. Name them. Canada within five years e ee ee ee ’ rer ¢ » s ¢ “ig ‘ I don’t associate with that Somebody in Alberta had said Musics! tmetru-;eer conflict. As a trial balloon : ments repsired.| British Columbia is not what it h REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S ass of people.” that the prohibition movement} Bows rebaired. The/Used to be. With only two oppo- OWN RIFLES. Mr. Kenney left the platform injhad cost him $150,000, of m Prince Rupert Mu-|Sition members in a local house a storm of applause and after ajother words, his hotel was only) 0 . ‘ sic Store, 345 srajOf forty-two, any gain there is a po oo Sn ieee, debts questions from the|worth 50 per cent of its former} Ave. w.jconsiderable victory, not to men- mmanding, March 27, 1915: floor, Mr. Manson's meeting was | value Another replied Well, iti tion the fact that a great reaction brought to a close s only a few years since I knew) > alae —— - is about due in the Pacific prov- hoe Puremee. Many expressions that the sym-|you as a waiter on the C. P. R Sold by all grocers . A” Company will parade at the pathy of the meeting was decided. | diners; if you only have #150,000 ince and that Sir Richard's differ- The partnership between B. Knott and Exhibitio 3 zy on Wednes-|; M. Gebhardt, trading under the name of|ence with his Right Bowser. so to| — nae oe ee | 7 seinst Mr. Magson were heard| left, surely; you have no kick with Knott & Gebhardt, as Confectioners and speak, is doing a lot to help it nesday and Friday, March 31 and] ytside of the hall. so the “Prince | Canada.” Bakers, was dissolved on the 19th day of March, 1915, the business will be carriead|@long. Another sign of the times on, under the control of B. Knott, and the |j. tho i] 9 j April -- Rupert Rooters” had to return t Mr. Grant also related some se | ‘B” Company will parade at the] Prince Rupert quite disappointed|rious and humorous arguments said M. Gebhardt is retiring from the bus- : nguistude of the Conserva- Exhil ; iy } | iness. All accounts will be paid and re-|tive organizers in Quebec, who|**"! yition Building on Monday|with the result of their tr p. with fellow passengers, ineluding | ceived by B. Knott. ~— aie ‘ A, i ar,.ia@nd Thursday, March 29 and} The only co sliment theyv|the old stage Where did Cain | Dated at Prince Rupert, March 19, 1915. Cont like the way things ar April 4 : oe ee 7" em ~ Tt (Signed) MARTHA GEBHARDT, |Shaping in a part of Canada pril 4, in pay to Terrace today is on the|get his wife? Mr. Grant kr ows | Witness:—A. OHNESORG. largely addicted to admiration for Transfers. vonderful climate and the fine|and he told him and if there was Sir Wilfrid Laurier. he following have been trans-|townsite a little of the modern idea in it, THE AMERIGAN Th Finance Minister White also ferred from “A” to “B" Company: Notwithstanding the fact that|it was also Biblical Another | ILORS contributed his share of the evi.|COTPOral W. R. Whitley and Pri-|there were fourteen “stalwarts”| didn't believe in home missions, | ; / SESS dence when he introduced certain|*#"® J. L. Evans ifrom Prinee Rupert, no one but|>ut was dumfounded to know that} eC on eC 1S : We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAIL- easements i 6 tariff? ; W. 8. MARSHALL, Lieut., | Williar Manson attempte< {the Presbyterians of Canada—one} ie ie teaser sonny. asemen n the tariff with a see ! a: n 4 1SOI ittempted t ‘ os We have a large stock of High Class view to pleasing the electorate.|‘/?-"' Acting Adjutant. | speak. The people of Terrace|0f the generous churches—only | : ' Woolens and make good suits for $/For example, patent medicine is “—Iwere greatly surprised at this,|#@ve five cents for every dollar| Anybody who is a registered vol ! $27, and the best in stock for $36. | : to 4 al. both . ante ie a -— | ean be transferred to the local list pr ¢ Si seer out stock be- llet off with a 4 per cent tax in- - As usual, both sides are go-|which compares very badly with | spent in Canada for chewing gum ' “ fore buying and save money by it. jstead of 10, so that it won't cost|'@% * Win. The Liberals expect|the showing made by the Liberals,| The total amount raised for all Gags before Ceetiem. Se the elect! ty | 75 ounced there il be time for this THIRD AVE and FIFTH ST. 3 {© poor man so much when he to sweep Quebec, make. gains in |who apparently have an adequate | Purposes was $2.75 per capita meet Gor ee ee Prince Rupert, B. C. i calls in his favorite doctor. Im.|© "trie, do considerably better in|supply of speakers. | He also had a word with the moral Anyone who is not registered and foonted whiskey is taxed 7 1-2 per Manitoba, better their position in| pans jaan who “was not far from the the province should apply before Apri! 4 iplus the Canadian excise duty the Prairie West, and capture FOOTBALL. | Kingdom.” Morality as practiced of Revision will be held This will enab BEST QUALITY DOMESTic } ‘"'y. thus giving the home dis-|°°°°" * ats out of thirteen it —- } was largely a matter of geography if the Federal election is held then i 7 ‘ ae é British Columbia. e govern-| . siastic soda yt a final standars as neces- tiller 7 1-2 per cent advantage ‘ nbia The govern An enthusiastic meeting of the|@nd a final standard was neces Apply to L. W. Patmore, G. R, Nad over the outsider The govern nent relies on good old Ontario|Merchants Football Club was held/S4ty which was to be found only F % d‘ac | . | . son, or any other commissioner. pone does not wish to kill the and ‘a considerable landslide in|on Friday last, when it was de-|in the Church. the Maritime Provinces to pull|cided to enter a team in the City Mr. Grant enjoyed his dis- oor tie glag pe gsoose that lays the golden egg by Delive kh discouraging the demand for the out a working majority. With-| League, and the fo lowing officers |Course so much that it was about -_— Money Back If Not Satis- jnative product to an extent that out posing as a prophet, my guess | were appointed for the coming |*®topping time when he came to UNION TRANSFER C0 will interfere with the revenue.|'® that the opposition has a fair|season: Honorary president, F.| home mission matters, with which . |For the the fighting chance. H Mobley; president, T. MeMeek- business he was called to Toron- LOCAL NEWS ITEMS f time being govern- 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Nerve Energy Eyeglasses. — in; vice president, F. Clark; sec-|- Last year, 8480,000 was jment is not taking any more falls jout of the Demon Rum—the idea There is at least this to say for retary-treasurer, H. Smart spent on home missions, put this a t Ter: lin @ song, o errace, ct eto being not to seare the demon un the gold-fish: It doesn’t try to ; z year they were compelled to re ‘ ‘ ‘ \ we wi own on last evening 8 train &> BLUE POINT til money is easier, ow Quality, satisfaction and econ.| duce it to $280,000 in view of the * y * ; | } \© RESTAURANT Coffee is put on the same basis oe yarn senerdenen a omy, New Wellington Coal | hard times. Riis ile eee weed | del Wel-| MA ; : ere is no happiness like that| phone 116 ac se i e _ : as tea, because there are several lone ». 63tf iii > . a | tid ‘ everallot a fat wome a le lington Coal. Phone 116. 67tf, ant a million people in Canada who like : 4 - ” in when she begin pe es ‘WOMEN WILL MEET se a A a \ Good Clean Meals From a a te te Dies 0 lose flesh. McBRIDE’S DAY 18 DONE away 4a : Gente Up. _—_ te & | fee for breakfast, even if they IN INTEREST OF PEACE Mrs. ©. H. Sawle, of New Ha- eyestrai! ‘ a Triai—That’'s Ali. jo take tea for supper. Bananas ’ Age zelton, arrived in the city last] because it "s ause | gap cg + yr A vepeaaaaa ? also put on the exe mpted list Truce to Be Urged Among Bellig- evening and will spend the week] strain w land wil i, edible berries from erent Nations at Hague. here. itself as a Newfoundland—partridge berries ae : —- te should | they call ‘em, because no decent ew York, March 27,.—The : . ‘ ’ aus ( 2 : For a comfortable room, come! This we § partridge will eat 'em—so that if {n BAPTIST CHURCH ee for the great woman's to the St. Elmo Hote!, 836 Sec- las — Canadians have ; kering international congress in the in-Jond Avenue, near Eighth Street. Rel: : ay i FQ R R E N T — . wv > _ Sel hankering The following high-class program will be rendered in the lterest of peace, to be held at Th as oanand } Pete heat and elay or a light fruit die ey can go tist Church on Tuesda pomwe, WO DS ROG t eT : ee 5 Bap y, March 30, at 8 P. M.: | os hot d cold water in every room “ to it right away ; ae Hague next month, just received |20* 8nd cok ; ight away and the tariff Orchestra: March—*Greeting to Bangor”........ k. B. Hall lhere f : Free baths, Rates reasonable Look for Loop won't stop them. Platinum—and vane Mrs. Beattty, Mrs Woodland, Mr. Lee. Flute: pape from Holland, showe that the . 3.9 TICIAN ere’a 1 id Mr. G. A, Woodland. Pianist: Miss Bro first moveme o be made . oP MODERN HOUSE here a bright augury—may PART ONE. ba larcene Ce 4 a " rer eee ore enemy OF Tipe. Seen 3 Sixth St Phone west a rome into the country without let Double Quartette—Selected ................... 8 will be an effort to bring nee Miss MePhail), is in the city 22 x . EIGHTH AVENUE or hindrance and since platinum Messrs. Davey, Clapperton, Davis, Davies, Evans, — j#bout peace between the warring enroute to Vancouver on a_ visit is three t +8 a8 valuable as g Harris, Jones, Lancaster jhations, Women of practically all sooeennaeererereree YOUNG STREET oe . pane 1 , iluable as gold Violin Bolo—“Humoreske” . o.oo cicccccccccccea.. een laatiens. bathe dine . , re ; to her parents She will remain ; MS iat do we care if the gold stand- Mr. Sheinman. ’ ding those at war, |inore till June, when Mr. Tateliel! MAJESTIC R00 ard is shot to pieces? Milk food NNR oy cei eee a are expected to attend the con- will poin her for a short holiday TRALLY LOCA aTed 00 for babies is also admitted free : : Mrs, Paterson. gress. Exercises will be in Dutch. pie Ce ee ee iy Lil CEN j—~All Conver ° ; ° VYoeal Solo—*The Voice of Home” .. H. Lane Wil Enel Steam Heatee-— fe that being the only infant indus- a tere . Lan ilson nglish, French and German. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. niences—Very Mode try which doesn't need pr ti Piano Solo—-Selected ..... | Kach of the belligerent na ate Price —APPLY— A protection, Shige’ Brown TTT TTT thet teen eens re : —e rut rhese are the straws which Mis i tions Claiming that it is not an] NOTICE is hereby given that @ sitting PECIAL RATE mon show that an election's flowing. PART TWO | 4eeressor, but is fighting in sel{.]of the Court of Revision for the purpose Be eennnesesetl PATTULLO & RADFORD fnew is witt be, nonody knows, uf yest ann, salestion #F0m “Lucia Di Lammermoor”... f}efenee all are asked to publicly Manne cman eran te aay |" - oc’ POLO MOCI@CUOG ....46. . . ments 4 made for t ear 1015 wi e SECOND AVENUE will depend largely on the news John EB. Davey eee ne jGefine the terms on whieh they ahd a eee metal ‘aie City Hall, poonncocoooooor rer’ from the front. Some time when | Reading——-Selected ........ ° <0:m ecieke ue jare willing to make peace,” says Prince Rupert, B. C., on Wednesday, HARRY ATKIN the casualty lists are not ¢ | Mrs. Paterson | the program It is proposed that] April 7, 1045, at 10:30 a m H HER ——- — ’ 00 Vocal Solo-—“Gypsy Love Song Victor tl , , FAMILY a heavy and Ganada is thinking Mrs, MeMilia ictor Herbert ¢ Women demand that all future Any person desiring to make complaint pork sauesdt "? y s e f Pp e < ' iass ' M Salvation Army. more of the glories of war than! Double Quartette—Selected . ; international disputes shall be re oe ouaie a te Loaatialine ‘nol Van ae | 0 ” ; - of the a : : | Violin Solo——"LL Trovatore 1 Tee 4 iferred to arbit atio » powers cause, at least ten (10) days prior to the Mea i Public meetings, Tuesday, it 6 tne it brings, the wise} vr eh . achtbceceny weed Cae a : itration, the power > ©. a bee oe ys prior to oe ae and men ¢ i “ing & to bring pressure to bear ; , v Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. - . 8 tlawa eal spring it,| Please Bring This With You. Admission 25c $1., ne pe ure to bear Dated at Prince Rupert, B. ¢., this 94th Corner 3re ” an Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Pemper paratus-—that's the mot. jon ONY country resorting to]d@y of Pebruary, A. D. 1045 Phon arms P, LORENZEN, aeeneenttt 55 -62-69-76 Assessor | peweeeoerrrrrr™