yoeneer o| Directory ers Association —1- 7 ” | Aid Gelleteoreene al s pe : - { 3 of the|ing the year 1914 the firm of | by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottaws.. in be put in foree| Prince Rupert Grocery Company, LAND NOTICES. | athe t far as | ean see,{Of whieh Alderman Morrissey —— re ecial limitation, W48 and is a partner, had receiy- ee Seok — = See nee Gtentaticn tion under that ¢d at least two orders from the | be nee a TAKE NOTICE th qn y » | OLD WATCH FREE ght There. | City, and T greatly fear that alnemo, B. C., eovapation onesies . ‘ mds t semis : | . a. ets pa ; th reward to things Court would find that Alderman folowing abetted a —Seianoonanne os I] ml 4 fr © ars giving awe t place during last Morrissey knew that these orders tne Might-of-Way of the Orend oak Os e y! aw eo « we is this year, it ig Were being received, especially in soutmwosserty trom ‘hile $a, eset + — n. Wert that | ceeedings under, View of the bills being made out saan: "tenes west 00 ceatahe” ease =) ne rite ‘ : ‘ - sencloning } might be brought. 1,in his hand-writing, and the eriy mit. of "the "Right-of-Way of the | ‘ . . t T -acific . 7 , completely satisfied that Cheques being endorsed by him. | (lence hortheasteriy.” along the ‘northerly Make Monda Ironin Da me on ts would hold that the|In point of fact, no cheque was|tommencements ‘std’ conta moot y ' 2 y sil bee May disqualified. Strong ever issued to Wilfred Kelly for|°? te* more or less. wes . ’ WILLIAM WATSON. I i } e i ents might be used to show| boat hire; any such payment was Dated December 26, 1914. 26-85 "* Sunlight aes alga ey a that his interest in the company |™ade to Mr. Swanson. oe nae ‘ 7 tan Monday — — ~ . , , : 1 . not sulicient to warrant such If these things had been MINERAL ACT. Ironing ‘Onday rnoon. Fit be emared = "h # ; : pea The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place devotion squalification At the same brought to the attention of either : . ‘ ee nena itime IT ft that|of the court r any proper au Certificate of Improvements. in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part ‘ i ils the opinion that;?' ‘#e courts or any proper au- TICE. ; 7. like maki ; lth j t fl ; hat the/thority during 1914, Alderma Starlight, H re ke N of weshing 2 yeas Sool > aa - eeneustainemntes e question is s ine tha 1e ) ¢ , Alderman Starlight, Homestake No. 1, and Sun- 9 . s , aa ood day’s work by doing at least part of ¢ idles bids UY | proper course to be pursued by| Morrissey most probably would!" Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena . : y y oo 7“ ; 1 ete Path: ; ” ial ' shad 1 ‘ Mining Division of Cassiar District. ironing. "4 le ayor is tha 1 should re ave been disqualified last year, Where located: On the North Shore of i i i ei te sad telat maith ta , . leetuhy Sag Seewemn Batons ded tee Follow the directions that eut your work in half and Z |sign his p f ising his own 1 iave had to resign his coulne remember there’s nothing in Sunlight to injure fine fabric | diseretion as to whether or not he} Seat However, things happen-| TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs this statement. ; Will again contest the mayoralty.|'"@ In the year 1914 do not really ie. tans ‘te ae naan oven a Agen or mas cRostie, Free | I discuss this subject with |@ffect the qualification of an al-|Miner’s Certincate No. 80348B, and James s great diffidence, but I am sure|@erman during the year 1915, and snake ak ae P ged ons ae eon : ’ 5 . ntend, sixty ays rom wt that His Worship the Mayor will | if things had stood without going] date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re- uU n | Oa ° be properly advised if he takes the |40y further having happened|°°"der for @ Certificate of Improve- of Qualit ; di. ' ~~; ments, for the purpose of obtaining a y course that I suggest. nothing could be done this year|crown Grant of the above claims. Aged in W This cit % » present|to disqualify Alderman Morris- And further take notice that action, un- groce 8 Y ood lis city is at the present] : ; der section 37, must be commenced before a a el a time engaged in negotiations of |*¢Y, because his qualification or|tne issue of such Certificate of Improve- sell and ore betting very large proportions: namely,|4isqualification clearly ended at|ments. recommend it SeSaTEeD OY | Te for the renewal of its tres ry |the time of the dissolution of the Soe GOVERNMENT of CANADA Le ee ee ee ‘ Be i L — vemamiummanuccmmmnmmmummuys {°C ificates. Too great importance | 14 oe but or “ae GEO. R. NADEN. . cannot be placed upon the suc-|W4S8 a further sale by Kelly in {Demand the Bratid) ii , NO Se — Ds CLE GT TAM bE Tle . tions In order to insure the amen! Prior to January 31, 1915, the ‘> ————————————— | Soils ‘ess of this venture every sug-|Prince Rupert Grocery Company, Use and Storage. ae |gestion of doubt must be remoy-|through Mr. Wilfred Kelly, sup- i TAKE NOTICE that The Port on MAKE SURE YOU HA v E A 7 a oe a. | Ps . yater Company, Ltd., whose address is NERVINE POWDERS ed from the minds of the people|plied and afterwards received|517 Granville st., Vancouver, B. C., will 4 , For Headache ant Newraina who are taking up our renewed | payment of $16.40 for goods sup-|4PDly for a license to take and use one and B k Ill t t d @ l l o Ces otitiiake The Sadie ied bo the city tall. @ie-abe , | one-half cubic feet per second and to store ir Ss us ra e a a ogue jee rtificates. ese certificates | plied to the y jal. e Cheque | 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham will have to pass the close inves-|Was issued on February 18, 1915,|Lake. The storage-dam will be located at i 1915 7 a ae the outlet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- n our ome urin, porno of Alexander Bruce, Esq | Previous. to Alderman Morris- pacity of the ae to nn -eoented is a —— 2 c a if Toronto, whose word as a law-4 sey going on his mission to the]about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.23 jyer has a great effect upon the | I ast he stated in open Couneil ie aneianlh eo mache omelet garth ~~ ee are aes aaa om oo Oyeeg occasion, Catalogue Qreatest value. late or non-sale of securities of|that he was very loath to go be- | the said outlet and will be used for Water- oe ae cup Why Endure Headaches? lthis kind, and, if it was suggested|cause he had a growing business MOSED PUNEERS HENS the tune CaneeeNNs Bs eee eae Se — cen Sovellinay thas Sel tei oe | Set G, and, ss : _— =e ; ““|part of Lot 45, Range 5, Coast District, Department and our Illustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- = 2 ty X — lto him that there was some and although he had a good part-|being the townsite of Port Essington. A Ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. h oan het hae , a loubt, as has , been s rest lner he felt that the business] ‘°°? of SRS nen ond an CReeNED pur weadache ts at your service |' oubt, as has now been suggest-/| ! f . suant thereto and to the “Water Act, a MATHIEU’S led, as to the validity of the May-|would suffer by reason of his ab-|1914," will be ied in the oMce of the WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. on | a Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec- Nervine Powders jor s position, who would in the | sence, and, therefore, it would Gens te the mie as a oem ras 18 in a box, 25c, Sold everywhere. If jnatural course of events have tojaeem that Ald. Morrissey lefttohis eee, naam in at ae . * . your dealer does not se!! them we mail - — tea » vitelnar ap » earryi Sas ¢ e corder or W ie ip- os Ss dis Sete vign those certiieates, the city/partner the carrying on of his|ithegt'wans Maus reas sae tt ~Edenry Birks & Sons, Limited J.L. MATHIEU CO. Props. |might find itself absolutely block-| business, and must,I fear, be held|ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days SHERBROOKE, P.@ | A : fit aE iia nied . she att after the first appearance of this notice in Ww . J 6-5-0. ed on this teehnicality. . This|responsible for his acts in regard a local. mewapeper. . The territory within JEWELLERS ANI) SILVERSMITHS |point IT consider of so great im-j|to such business. It is not nece-| which the company desires to exercise its Q@ranville and Georgia Streets portance that I have no hesitation sary that the alderman should Sos ten tad ay cee = Goo. E, Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C jin stating that it should not be|know of the transaction; Seetion|the CertiNeate granted to the company in| \% 4 lio . or . 22 of the Municipal Act puts this |"@5Pe¢t of its former right so as to in- eft open to doubt for one mo-/** of the | yp a ee clude the right applied for herein will be and fra rance of The p Baby's Own Soap have made it ritw y a@ universal favorite. Its use is beneficial to any skin. 44-13 Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. ment, and T see no other way of} removing this doubt than by fol- lowing the course above sug-| gested | With regard to the case of Al- ‘derman Morrissey this stands in entirely different position. When this matter was brought) | | jup | before the Council Alderman | | Morrissey made the following statement, as taken from the | jnotes of the city clerk, which will the of the The statement was that appear in minutes meeting: knew nothing whatever of the | he transactions referred to, and that lhe had never solicited any busi- “A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned” DOLLAR to your credit in the bank, is yours. You don’t have to work for it all over again—as you do for the dollars that have been spent. How many dollars have you that you can call your own F Why not start an account in our Savings Department and save a part of the money you earn P A few dollars saved each week, amount tohundreds in the course of a few years. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPLIAL AND SURPLUS, $7,554,000, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P, MARGETTS, Manager. |ness from the city or even asked | for a cent’s worth af patronage| | from anyone employed by the | | city. With to the cheque referred to by the audi- reference tor’s report as being endorsed by him, this had to be done in order | Ito pass it through the bank, and the eheque was paid over to me by Kelly, stated that it lwas his share of boat hire by the that who city. I find on reference to the vouchers that on July 7, 1944, goods to the amount of 815.90 vere bought from Wilfred Kelly, the partner of Alderman Morris- which goods were for ex- lnenses connected with a trip to shawatians Lake of certain mem- hors of the Gouneil, The bill for lthis amount is in the hand-writ- ling of Alderman Morrissey. The ‘cheque in payment of it, dated [July 25, 1944, was endorsed by acy January, 1945. beyond doubt. I am driven to tha conclusion that Alderman Morrissey is clear- ly disqualified. I do not suggest for a moment that he ever intend- ed to do anything against the Mu- nicipal Act, but the facts appear against him. I again repeat, that if we want to negotiate our treasury certifi- cates, the person who is negoti- ating with Alexander Bruce, Esq., and the Bank of Montreal, must be in a position to state that the two most important positions of the Mayor and Chairman of the Finance Committee are entitled to act in the capacity in which they pretend to act in. Alderman Morrissey claims with regard to the bill of goods ordered in January that he knew nothing about the transaction with his partner in the month of Reference to the bill will show that practically the whole of this bill was ordered be- fore Alderman Morrissey went on his trip to Montreal. I, therefore, reiterate my ad- vice, that, in order to serve the best interests of this city, both the Mayor and Aiderman Morris- sey should immediately resign their positions, so that this eity may be enabled to deal upon a sure basis with the important matters they now have to deal with, Respectfully submitted, FRED PETERS, City Solicitor, heard in the oMce of the Board of Inves- tigation at a date to be fixed by the Comp- troller, The date of the First Publication of this Notice is March 23, 1015. “PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” Applicant. “Wilson & Whealler,” Agent. 69-75-81-87 Subscribe for the‘News’ EE = Ss SIRI RARER NEWSPAPER > for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability, The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger cireulation than any other paper in the city. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS i a ~ as bie