ine waILY NBWS i ate Nh EE EE 2 | ee oe Pe te) ' : BOARD OF TRADE ' SOLicIToR’s REPORT ON POOPPPOD + res “The Daily a * FRISCO EXCURSION — MAYOR AND MORRISSEY PRI NCE RUPERT C itt CLASSIFIED ADS. ba cisiitenins la lla a OAL Co | Rett aii a ae |Pacifie International Expositin tt e gton Co FoR RENT to be run under the auspices of ; sa f al FOR RENT — Purnistes bousenrening the Board of Trade is rapidly as- , r Cleanest Lump—Longest Lasting—Gives sen bapa Somer Te dees? salad * ' on Most Heat—No Clinkers—P. BLACK, m, a HONE js “i OE es, ; j vas nNager , We eon ids n . WARTED Ty right, f f th ind now It was eens. ) oe _— |Roard. reports considerable en- ve : nee eee tebe ree! WORK WANTLD—Giri wants work i 89 gyiry fy 8 slnel ' aii . e ? ~ —s hotel or private house. F Box 360.| — : : : om | oe fa act Se Ee siand a 4 alre iy « — ee . : ; al M aaey | yevert - “SS WANTED—Nurse maid by the day. Ap- "ified tt f taking tl higher tribunal tt piy Mrs. C. H. Orme, 923 Fourth Ave. W./trin A — » jensen a highe yuna ' K’ § H 69-74 ' s tr gz his eignt WARH WANTED—second-hand camera; postcara | *°TV*4 , - : t he defied i size. Apply P. 0. Bos 822 71-3 of booking ia { ling - a. javell Gemssives of We ' i adi ” 710 SECOND Ave | t act ‘ jn esthie sh th wit! ht as. 7 Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware ship oh Tt SALE—-Range, 2 bureaus, 2 beds, olay t the asc . ; . ee chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash . : eart as any of ae +a mma Fishing Teoh fag teathies, etc. Cheep. Apply even abs ' a Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Sir, e ings, 216 Ninth Ave. West t.lpy doing s a Rope Valves nd Shotgun FOR SALE—four-roomed hous Section ‘ " Pum _ 3 furnished ofr unfurnished walks * 4 a abe . : tere wees guresenes, 90,000. |P 92 ‘ . ‘ Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing on small monthly payments wner! mente as to e ante g t 8 ' had J41e4 Iron ales tok. &. 0. Box 768 75-7] ‘ - “WE SELL NOTHING SLUT 4; EST jJquired number. S a ‘ lIheing anoted a The ty bs POULTRY. eS ” ! gets a salary of . — Gin athietnnggnttaeeneenanmsnenioaes nae nareon. passage @ BABY CHICKS, INCUBATING £668, aid, ca . , i Pe FRED STORK’S H ARD Breeding Cockerels, Barron's Leghorns, . :; 2 ! juet a tax s as _o ARE hocks, Reds, Geese, Ducks. Catalague.| Sanfrancisco, $69 : . ‘iatieiieaiasie Columbia Pouliry Rrench. Steveston,|) (ne person. passage ¢ ast DSSS a <¢, 45-71 | , ta i i be ji —<_- SS music. San francis “7 vaxpay ake that uy ercrece ial i ; Amr e guilty than he is, eve _ 1 a OOOO fs ners 4seag ; ‘ities phemine, Yueeime Amp ALL | + he hes. a technicatits. of tie THE UNION STEAMSHIP CC. FRI vy LUMITED Musical Instre- P . ’ ‘ ) lag a ae sanftre '" eas: Launching a Superdreadnought side . Bows rebsired. The Tw persons passag Phis pressive Dow vit , . attacked the city clerk $8. VENTURE 2 nee ‘ Besides getting vig sal fror Prince Rupert Me-| meals trip and < : i i th 7 ia it alary SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS ATSaP m ic S francisc Si4i - , “pe _— att e ofty, he had collected $89 of Saili sic Store, 345 3r@ et ceil ae hig The Pennsylvania was id tax last year and t ngs for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAS SUNDAYS AT ave. . ee Ae! ' da elie wit Bi ta 6 ae? oe MIDNIGHT ———_______—— | meals on trip andr m and — . ‘fs “lin SanFrancis e174 at New; N Va t When I was discussing the For Further Particulars Apply to THE AMERIGAN TAILORS In reward to the rate in ling ° od 8 i s, t eduction in City Hall pay last fall PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent. Scorn AVE iano only berth in Sanfrancisco, brea Eliza : , , ne cn AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHiPS We do the FINEST CUSTOM T fast or other meals can be ot ee , ° , or ae Gate, Noms) : 7 9 AIL- : . ; PPP OPEPP DOS ORING for the LEAST MONEY tained as required on the boat at : —* : iy _ Bosse: | ian ees cay cake aunt “ain te ordinary rates, viz.: Breakfast ; Below is a pictur oa on -_ wen ! | pe - oole or ais | oan? , m $27, and the best in stock for 638. 75 cents; luncheon, 75 cents Miss Kolb and the bottle of charg i} a Come and look over our stock be- dinner, #4. | hampagne she broke or the When I get through speaking | fore buyipg amd save money by it ees ' bow. aie tlemert | shall hand in myj| THIRD AVE and FIFTH ST. REPORT ON RUMORS. | resignation but T want to say] Prince Rupert, B. Cc. tele em — ins iidtaapaetncnaatiaanitiesitlamaliails }! ght here that when the city so The city solicitor reported last | srerreereecorooss licitor sn <—menenen ) ! treserecosovecess te well and safe The ere | licitor was asked to report, he was night on the rumors abou sacocd LOCAL NEW ’ Ei) is ; : i . ley W asked sas piahded he tate Sikaoel : SHINGLE , MOULDINGS, SASH. DOORS : ae elained by snowslides , : , — ? BEST QUALITY DOmeEsTic }3|'"*! ©'y heads of depar linea ue ; 7S [Several days ago his report was| PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0 and aldermen used their influ- ee jout in the } | : Safety First—t New W Phe anoual Deffodil Dance|°%* ™ Me streets and I believe be! A & GURROUSNS, Ganegw Cc O ence in favor of certain business]. a. nd ob te “4 . zive der the auspices of the|*™' t out of his way to make an} Ses GO. ane Gearon % PRINCE RUPERT, 86 A | houses. ' hone 67 kn eit) nw. {attack upon the Mayor and my i PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithey oe #4 e f the Empire will not f $9.00 per 7 Ton — Cash oa One merchant had told him ak niin 3 l self.” | - ee] i eve ‘ e he 1is year | several of hs customers hie left : - nN 4 - I r th @ 4 i dermn Montgomer was e Money Back Back If Wot Satis- him and made the excuss ' r ™ oe - ’ " : : ‘ : ; ‘ c - Hall —— M D Morrison received |2¢*! speaker and proceeded to de eooeee - . yw fol as ot » ie : "Ty | 333 2nd Ave. Shene 38 city they felt it incumbent to dea i The < (rant { the . sroth Fohn French a tee citor, whom he thought hhd re-| . with the parties in power. Ther a ' th A r Vig a rted as he felt in the matt eC on eC ist ; wvidence prions ' 3) Beach, Cali 1. He had been|? : e felt 1 e matter, | / was no evidence to show that any ed last ght t Martin & a | some time | He was in favor of protecting city] body threatened workingmen if eee: for $3,235 er ard Meials in the discharge of their} Anyl > BLUE POINT they refused their business Ii 6 | duts sans 10 the ‘ : ; | Anybody who is a registered vot: , - \ Lhe { , was unchec ! el e city clerk di ms : R T UR iat ie Minaith tes oitinenas » ts ae a i as ila hed | tall at ds dadiall ie ™ i can be transferred to the local list p us final payment!a ie drydot today, this mak POLESIOE AC S FECUCHION Ih GRIAFY ays before elee ES A ANT solicit business from city em-|for planking Fredrick Street se la i Nn ei Beate aah ni days before election. As the election d = ployees, although very indiscreet,jordered held u eis, ‘eniadl ro - } 1 in the ae Cher: len x £6 whe pesoeitad so Ald | nounced there may still be time for this Good Clean Meals From i ractice » eC ‘ Lats ete ; > to be launched | : ee aes Cents Up. ot mae as : practiced. The city solicitor,|the planking ere driven intoland they are already under way.) "" Fdge. Anyone who is not registered and co soe All. i ne - not been able to lo-|place. Alderman Edge reported! The steel wings are being ona Acting Mayor MeClymont ntadet the province should apply before April 4 -BUT' cate an¥ evidence t as ce i 0 Stary : ; ’ ’ , i 0 2 T Third eee ¥ V : nee - at was direct ” n me day many f “the ed also and before the middle of 7°?" effective remarks about the | f Kevision will be held, This will ena! oe TO BUILD eorraae were s.sntetane "a, Sagngn an inch. he sur ie! the entire dock discord shown in the ( ouneil| if the Federal election is held then ° ° 7 ‘ . : ‘ tn iiiitiactitin | se i eee oi a hould be ready for business. poee h had a tendency to lower re-| Apply to L. W. Patmore, G. R. Nad h party from Pacific Ispeet fo e ¢ . ade al — Another cottage will be built at}which went out t . ' Be ae I for th ity He made aj son, or any other commissioner. F Shawatlans. One of the em-|Holliday it tt cate cotty Quality, satisfaction and econ- plea for the aldermen to try to} ) a) ere successful in fine n" ex a : see eye to eye e ' i ployees has to live in a log @abin, |ing hin H j part = ! . ene OT er ee ee a ' oe if Mtn 1@ a his partner were' Phone 116 63tf past. | CER ee Ok avery vnsatisfactor. Ph ———IEaQVQQVn="""- a - a i : — Alderman Maitland could HN HA AS : money to build a cottage costing | geeeeooooooroe rece | oe" nee’ 7 ’ MODERN H Bay aa ee os 4 ‘ eeee recerevecoerssccceerooerrocsceesertorecceece:,| See Why it was that the city of JO DYB VN W Nerve i “nergy abo 9 s on hance n 1e | OUSE electrical department and it was fi fl Creer ee eee APPOINTED PRESIDENT Eyeglasses. FIGHTH AVENUE AND) {)""¢ 80t 2220U8 proreed rOUraMME Of ofall a oe oes es " the work. The Board of Works | vere these questions taken up Mr. John Dybhavn returned YOUNG STREET has the matter in charge. In BAE APTIST CHURCH ow more than then? He was in jlast evening from Revelstoke, — —-- clined to think that there as| Where he had been attending the | The following high-class program will b . ceo . ! wa pis epnctaars | . $20 00 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S|} Baptist Church on Tuesday, Marci 20, ¢ rendered in the 3) Nothing dishonest in the transac. /Miiue meeting & eee , Mare ns dge o e Sos ' ‘ , OWN RIFLES. it aiochenten:, Magchin?denbdl ee ae riet “Lodge of the Seandinavian | 4 constant dropping wee - | V cs, Becta, lave. & - ‘diand, Mr. % bam B. Hall %| Alderman Edge moved the ac-|#"4 Fellowship Society of Ameri-| gaway a st A slight | : ‘ ; oodiand, Mr ee lute: cel . e : thet aAPPLY— Orders by Major J. H. MoMullin.| Mr. G..A. Woodland, Pianist: Miss frown ‘ ptance of the city solicitor’s re bow which convened there on eyestrai Commanding, March 27, 1915: Sill aii a ore ONE sort, which was seconded by Al arch 22. | because it ; PATTULLO & RADFORD ita Messrs, Davey € lapt arton. Davis. ovias. | cess $F derman Nicol rhe vote for nom-| Mr. Dybhavn was*elected presi-| strain W a, é yt nh, a 5 avies t s a : : i [ Parades. | Viol Harris, Jones, La caste: a inations to fill the vacancies was }dent of this society for the ensu itsell i : SECOND AVENUE “A” Company will parade at the | tO: O10 en areene aptresseseseeeeseeeess Dvorak also set at April 6 and the election |'"8 Year and was also named as should | - a Exhibition Building on Wednes- | celia teas Mr. Sheinmas for April 9 City Clerk Wo ods | jdelegate to the grand lodge, which This we § » free _— nesday and Friday, March 314 and| y aie” ee was appointed returning officer jis expected to meet In Chicago! glas " Nit ocal Solo—The Voice Hor rhe resigns |this c slays - CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT April 2. , ice of Home” ........ H. Lane Wil 1¢ resignations of the Mayor|*"'* Summer elay . | Miss Ran a sane son } ay t : s | N “B” Company will parade at the| Piano Solo—Selected ..... are jand of Alderman Morrissey were| Emil Carlson, of Phoenix, was £ = ; teeteeees Peak vs vids ad uo a Kits PGi eniet” aeons "no ol . of in notes . raiein ter te panes Exhibition Building on Monday Miss Brown rend GER anodes. een SerHans The district Look ror Loop of hearing complaints against the assess- and Thursday, March 29 and PART.TWO | _—_— | lodge will meet next year in Phoe- opTICiAN ments as made for the yer 1915 will be|April 4 | Orchestra—-Selection from “Lucia Di Lamme | CADET ORDERS. | nix Bi eld in the Council Chamber, City Hall, , Vocal Solo—Selected IE: ft one Se 223 Sixth St Phon 7 rince Rupert, B. C., on Wednesday W. 8. MARSHALL, I * "John . oo. ee ee huesday, 7:30 ‘ 7 7 —_— , . 8. MARSHALL, Lieut. John EB. Dave y, 7:30 p, mA and By} April 7, 1915, at 10:30 a. m. ay foul, | iitnn ” y THE WEA Any person desiring to make complaint ahaa Acting Adjutant. | Reading--fatasies .. "Mrs. Pater + ‘eeumied Companies, drill in uniform. | ua anesnncoonoccosesentet against the said assessment must give no- . a. a pelos lame a2 | (Band practice wa tied in writing to the Asseasor, stating the me : a Vocal Solo Gypsy Love Bong” . be Victor . ‘ ' ‘ ss By F. W. Dowling, Observer. STIC ROOMS cause, at least ten (10) days prior to the a comfortable room, come | Mrs. MeMillan +++» Vietor Herbert $|Saturday, 9:30 a, m.—Drill, not] 0 cakes 40 tee taid Court. to the 8t. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec. Double Quartette—Selected | in uniform Shooting prac-| a’, Ma. ( ; CENTRALLY LocATe Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 24th ond Avenue, near Fighth Street. | Violin Solo—"“Il Trovatore” Oe RT eee Oe ee tice prac. 5 a.m, Mareh 30, 1945 Steam Heated—All Conver day of February, A. D, 1015. ew opened. Steam heat and | Mr. Shei rage owe evombestes Verdi ’ CO a 0 570 ee Very Moder >, LORENEEN, ed ee ee ee Please Bring This Wi : inn sunday, 10:15 a, m.—Chureh pa- | Mé te s 55-62-60-76 (onal ry room g 8 th You. Adm : DD Fane GOURD. 05.0 0 oe Ueeese 60.0 ate Price ssor|Free baths. Rates reasonable.’ rasten Ste “ngs GEORGE LEEK, | Min, WMP. cee eceece renee 42.0 RAT Cade uctor. | Rainf . SPECIAL adet Instructor, | Kainfall sabes ba deeeancae 3e PPPOE a EMPRESS F. G, DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRI BUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS)