w " . iia THE DAILY NEWS, — ™ == rye Fa ovecedon NEVRS 16IA Orr rr oy — Ln U ocll cu z : ’ P urn | eal Ke VP jul Ih HLA LI i iui ur ot from ouffering bie true he { ‘ piness, The trouble due to indi- : — Wo Relief From 7 ie wh biliousn eee, be removed ane ociaten She Ti Fr . and safely. by CAMPRELT nO ' t peak { ” | t ered { ' ‘ ' Pres pation, « 4 | The Net * i | od fT took | i i A ™ Ff | ; ! t} Ser eeicins on te World ) ' proved f ' by giving ne \ i om y 3 Smeiter at Great Altitude. | t for ; : A copper mining company mi] of i} ij th hn } Peru operates a ielter 14,000} is let r | Per Day i ly as “} feet above sea level, the hichest | ovat Mr altitude for such an industry in| | At BS ; the world, | | D. Casley by Fruit-a-tives — ong ; LAND NOTICES. | ; a ee . a Skeena Land District—Distriet -of | 5 le | Coast, Range Five. $1 Per Day fe ip PAs ; | a as Ye) fi TAKE NOTICE that Wiliam Watson, of : PROVID f es ae” : B. ¥, occupation Contractor, in- a. ER OF 81 ends to apply for permission to lease the rel i 4 SILVER BULLETS NSPECTS DISPENSERS OF LEAD following pn ribed lands { Commencing at | op ~ Ca n . eauer nent Ps 4 post planted on the nortieriy limit of o ~ > Chancellor of the Exchequ accompanied aed Right of Way of the “Orand Trunk Pa- | > Owen ho 4.0m: apection o e , cite Kailway Company, and about 35 chains am Heated Se e™® rhomas, on an inspection of the Lon- southwesterly Tron Mile 84, cast. fron A ce a2 Prince Rupert, B. C.; thence worth #0 ny + . = chains; thence west 20 chains; thence QUOR CO. ; SEP ~ , oo aaa po 46 chains, more or less, to the north- i ts i ; " . B ‘ erly slime of An Right-of-Way of the M k M 1 I * D 4 =< ' Gran run acifie Railway Company; % 5 “S oa j thence northeasterly along the nortwerty a e on ay roning ay x — yy” Unt of the said Right-of-Way to pomt of ; go mmencement; and containing about ‘tyres 7 eet. ein ila ET Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon- RTING co. Si]. ; f DEFERRED HIS ELE TION Dated December 26, 1914 25-85 day morning and you can do the light . ironing Monday rnoon. ud Bit 1 osheneve ‘ MINERAL ACT, The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place : G : rocccsenaed| 1 j 4 D THAT HE MUST REPLY TO CRITICISMS ABOUT | ——— in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part a : JUNK SUBMARINES—WILL KEEP 2 of washing cut out you'll feel like making it a | FOR ¥ HIM BUSY Guciaght, Seuatans Bo & ene ten good day’s work by doing at least part of the | ee . rise Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena ironing, ! : : y sion of Cass 5 # | it’ Sir) part t of the Naval Service re- wanes — 8 of b ae ae Follow the directions that cut your work in half and ) Be EWS ; at vere located: On the North Shore of cas ah HE VAIL $ lel it Ottawa jn ee follows The federal|Granby Bay between Bonanza and. Falls | remember there’s nothing in Sunlight to injure fine fabric £ P heseae or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs this statement. iin ; | government purchased two sub- sory NOTICE that I, George R. Naden N - Z i? i EE . « » o . TICE Qu | ‘ ‘ ative irines at a cost of $1,150,000.|Pree Miner's Certificate No. 50353B, act- R l§ 4 . ; ing as Agent for Thomas McRostie, Free tx ae en shall t Ho V { ri < ’ . $ £4 y g ; . lon. M1 ain—Is it the | siners Certincate No 80348B, and James ° , pe | } | | i ecti but ij -;sovernment of Sir Richard Mc-|L. Hateh, Pree Miner's Certificate No. | 7 may have ] e Wh ' — alt Bride that bought them? 79396 B, intend, sixty days from the | ~ ke Notice i; , ’ ’ date hereof, to apply to the Mining Re- | 3 yaad the lorized, pur- Hon. Mr. Lougheed—Oh, the|lecorder for a Certificate of Improve- sted at th ' ‘ at a st | zovernment.” ments, for the purpose of obtaining a ee- quar Leal to Wend Crown Grant of the above claims. e Sk Aged in od 1.1 it ‘ ink in But there will be lots more And further take notice that action, un All oer equired 8 Years Seattle I ere it the questions asked in the two houses |“? Seetion 37, must be commenced before sell and tioned before bottling : the issue of such Certificate of Improve- recommend it aug t f they i er built for f parliament about those two | ments. ue Under) GUARANTEED BY THE Dated this 15th 4 f Maren, A. D.| ‘ aud if! GOVERNMENT of CANADA Chilia t a ed submarines and Sir Rich- seen? ~ tee oy Of orm, A. D. ‘ mf i af this . ntribute h than Si ird has to remain in Ottawa to GEO. R. NADEN. sdvertise nent a the B ? hard paid I het is nk, inufacture replies to them. a ier Tr ee - - — — —— t sid miveral Lhe - , tine — ey . th Phat is why he is unable to give WATER NOTICE. bits _ Satins mens sate im the we ital t fer some time at any |4pply for a license to take and use one and t t t gr ‘ assiar Dis ; . ‘ one-half cubic feet per second and to store ir Ss us ra e a a 0. ue a oo-cilastibe i ali pra 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham a bas ‘3, from the , i o as. 1 _ Lake. The storage-dam will be located at I y, H. D ] 9 15 ig i Allee Arm and | ASK BOWSER the outlet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- n our ome uring s* ar Minera! cla j i + - pacity of the reservoir to be created is ~ — = ~~ wee — Saunas, 8s a : i. trip to} oa about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.23 a, Free Min : 7 ; Bc. 7 version of “Excelsior.” acres. The water will be diverted from As a medium through which you may select gifts sultabie for every : No. 603008, peor a sa od ani 1 = — wy ae poy $ er occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. « date hereof, i fixe f the rr shades f night were falling fast; ne Said outiet and wi e Use or er- ecurder for 6 ” | and the street a poor man passed;| Works purpose upon the land described as Birks’, Vancouver, ie the great gift store of the West. Our Mail Order roe ae "tee election i muttered, “When's Election Day?” part of Lot 45, Range 5, Coast District, Department and our Illustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue iead- jrant of the , , 2 ' rhe heard somebody nearby say being the townsite of Port Essington. “J ing to a selection from our immense stocks. iat action, gt aansard the ma ASK BOWSER copy of this notice and an application pur- cA ae ad “~— ‘ ' he H e of Com- 2 suant thereto and to the “Water Act, — — ee peng sigs MATHIEU'S March 9th, when Mr,|/!s Drow was sad, his eyes were red; | 1#14," will be fied in the oMfice of the WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. ptember, A.D i wae wet Dominion Trust broke me,” he said; Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec- er “ee Nervine Powders Roch Lanetot I aprar e-Napie! . | ere no Way to get my dough?” tions to the application or to the petition — Khu BALINAS everywhere. If . ' i } 4 whisper came then, rather low mentioned below may be filed with the . - ‘ s y dealer dong not sellt wemall Ville A speech in renen on ASK BOWSER. said Water Recorder or with the Comp- H B co S t d "RAIL ‘coupe een receipt of price. 25¢ Budget said } troller of Water Rights, Parliaiwent Build- enry 1FiRS ons, Limi e ‘ . A MATHIEU CO. Props, In happy homes he saw the light: ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days babasca Rail ee Someone has spoken of dread-| i. nad no place to sleep that night; after the first appearance of this notice in | JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS for an Act -~ I vould speak Why should this be?” he loudly eried.|@ local newspaper. The territory within! } ley out. omn- noe ie a answer then, a voice replied which the company desires to exercise its Granville and Georgia Streete wing nes Of gehts, and would ask if ASK BOWSER. powers is described as the townsite of | Geo. &. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C at 4 polmt on the «cc y would not have be« 4. Port Essington. A petition to amend the} ead of kitimat' -—— Can't | get land to build a home, the Certificate granted to the company in| ~ ' tn walt ‘be oneal we had accepted the! xnq must 1 o'er the country roam respect of .its former right so as to in- | we in @ por : ht proposit id W are things so, in this great land?" | clude the right applied for herein will be. valley of the , " At once the answer came to hand heard in the oMce of the Board of Inves- | ey 7 Keene Kiver Tom “e f Britain is} ASK BOWSER tigation at a date to be fixed My the Comp- | dge and ove! | ‘ ndit » tol etorious 5 troller, The date of the First Publication uiiway with Why do railroads prosper so, of this Notice is March 23, 1915. } 3 é 9 rth-easterly seas today with those} whe poor men must to prison go “PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.” | ikaicm iver mmit of . 4 j rdnoughts vet to be} Why don’t Sir Richard say a word?” Applicant. | wing the , < And in the distance, then he heard “Wilson & Whealler,” Agent. oximately one Best x Best man ASK BOWSER 60-75-81-87 by rom | th om js a yr Mr. Bellema Will the hon- ; * —$———$$____—_—_—_—__ — ae aes =—= ; liver, with 2B aby 4 : 3 i g oll Why can't I get a timber claim, « tn course | of wy — | ible gentleman permit me alsince 1 out to this country came? + suUthe ” ‘ a iver ence : The poor man muttered, with a sigh; slaneanest Tver ? juestion? Does he pretend. that) due Poor mit ue te realy ° FEISS ISIS IID IIS IOI IOISIOIISISISISISISITOIAISIOICIIOIIOIISISITIOI AITO IOSD ADO SD II p the Skeena fs i ~. N i d uld be richer oday ! a /SE ; Niece ase . , / inada would | her today 1f| \Sk BOWSER. = t . t I rarine isted? - nth day of ' x ¢ Lauriet arine existed And in the House, the members there, m } ; se = Mr. Lanetot: Tam pleased to| Why don’t they wy to do their share; % { vy alee . = 3 Why do they sit, like wooden men?” * $ tlie Appl o. wezeans The i ‘ | ' wer that question If the Lib Then came the answer onee again ¥ + +11 en Baby's Own Soap have it il « ie had remained inj} ASk BOWSER . ¥ FIRE ‘ - at real lis use is , 8 7 ‘™ SYSTEM ° alae , ais powe ind presuming that the The poor man now was growing weak: THE aero : } @ ‘ / . : oO speg : | ‘ ’ massed in {910 had) tn fact, ‘twas hard for him to speak; * 3 Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal, ' ; ,| “Who runs B. €.?" he feebly cried. * i NO. 1 : ut, and that we bad He started, a8 a voice replied or rince ate a { t . Ave : wae So today three « four eruisers t ASk BOWSER, x ; Ave > ® , : » would not e. x 14 + protect our coasts, we would ROU! sng as ne fell, with gasping breath, ' Ave ° ' 4 , home in tnd) and : “A D llar Saved 1s have be bliged to purchase two} He faintly muttered, “Is this death?” N E W S The Daily News goes into nearly every $ 0 pink” biel dhaie And from the sky, serene and far, Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of j { a9 | subma Walch Bad mee “1A voiee fell like a falling star : : | Ge p P e iable. It has al! ta Dollar Earned Site 8. thy auoeiemeneal Sane ‘an arene the city because it is clean and relia ¢ th as. (tea @ ss sala r. Wiedetmann is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events e i nd t : & (00,004 nore for | . he . : DOLLAR to your credit | “"' ‘ :. sl . | and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- : a . this ; } contrac rive | 6 z in the bank, is yours, SS a PROMOTER PRINCE GEORGE SAFE bia. It treats these subjecte with moderate opti- { ad tate You don’t have to |, between the builders | TOWNSITE 1S ARRESTED sane ism and reliability. ] . work for & A — ts ane ie ee The Daily News is the most valuable paper to | side 8 ain—as you do for the dollars i atime arines a7e .z, March 30.—Sewar ‘ ; aoe \ “s - _ eae woh ( rh ubmarines a Winnipeg, March eward SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public. } ce at have { ‘ atever, canse |) TT, St. John, secretar n- : ; i . ond af * , i whatever, beeanse ) I t. John, secretary and ge . IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in ib @t ~ How many dollars have you y were not made according tejeral manager of the Transeconti- the city. It is read by the class of people the 7 W h pty - oe = I ind specifications,” nental Townsite Company, Limit- INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to, { » ly not Start an acco | . eh +) our Sav ings Department and rt { was bronght up injed, head office in the Sterling INTELLIGENT aaa + : 7 » oney you 3 n Mareh t6th, by a) Bank building, Portage Avenue, . ate » save a part of the m j i oe eae % earn P A few dollars s ived : by Senator MeSweesney.| Winnipeg, authorized agents for ———-_- ———_——_--—- THE i ; mon Ave each week, amount sghundvens the cost and other|Grand Trunk Paeifie Railway i a i i »¢ rse u w years. ‘a = % in the course of a teow | irs of the two submarines | towns and townsites, has been ar- DAI L 1 NEW { wpson St | a 4 THE BANK OF | by the British Colum-|rested in Chicago on a eharge af { buamer sou s B N A nt, ov by Sir Richard /operating a contidenee game in { ” al > rr a ritish orth merica Mol rhe party leader in the }conneetion with the sale of Grand ‘ = os 7 . , 2 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. e fo the aid of sir|'Teunk Pacific Railway Companty's t 4 een 8 lie : well St 3 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,554,000. th a bucket of white. [town lots. ~ a @ “sul vase oe 8) PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ind says: ISDE INTIS ininnnnrn enone eintns tinnnintiininniinininin inns iii hha Yung St 3 ‘ = , *tnhenee . Vir, Lougheed——The De. McBRIDE'S DAY IS DONE ’ <*RORA KARO | PP. MARGETTS, Manager. {