THE DAILY NEWS ‘ 1 a enes| oil | “THE BLACK BOX” STILL | JOHNSON IS FAVORITE oT “ The Daily News ” DRAWING FULL HOUSES OVER JESS WIL! ARD| CLASSIFIED ADS | The Majestic Theatre last night s Cuba, April 1 I Dri again had diMiculty in seating the no ric tching « a lerowd which turned out to see the neers ' oh Ces 7" ’ | « Willard ¢ y im : FOR RENT lthird episode of “The Black Box ind ° , - B a AM |The doings of Quest, the wonder- 9 Fue ae Reeve : NG POWDER FOR _ RENT—Furnishea fnouse; modern} hip battle on April o eghventences; good view Phone 6 | worker were watched with 76-78 |breathless interest throughout to 5,000 spectators, a lare FOR RENT — Furnished noe The “Animated Weekly” depict- ntage of them women, wit »* Made from Cress roots Inquire wemners, ‘| » a the Sunday sftert “2 UrCan . Binet. St ed ice sports near New York, a pa- of tart q 4 (WANTED | ade the Australian troops gw at the Stadium a | f ! 1 “¢ ry) ae lever cartoons by Hy Mayer. ete spectively rom f +} WORK WANTED—Girl wants work in an . showed at the Palm ; hotel or private house. P. 0. Box 380. ‘Admission, Two Pins” brought Willard N ’ most nd out some clever child actors and Miramar, The cha e __ _ kept the audience grinning, while en oat iruit < ' Lit < FOR SALE ie Wide tebe Aleven dheeinl i es me 7 ae - ort > : Dp 5 } ‘ TY i Mie | ey | h t a FOR SALE—$35.00 baby carriage in go lice en with @ 7 jal low ‘ I © ° . condition, Will sell very cheap avo lice force and fire brigade doing N , — ts su riority i questione 313 Seventh Ave. E is ie atvint rt yere no sparfing bouts ow pe Y i unqu i ned, Knockabout stu 5 . POR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, ; ; : ie the hard hammering his Its fame world-wide chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash-| The management announces a - al 1 ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply eVeM-|ereat holiday attraction for Fri- partners received yesterday He ts use a protectic 1 and . : _—. . m a gu ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. : he ial ar- : iday and Saturday, the chief item finished strong and ¥ ! d tee . a ® FOR SALE—Four-roomed house; Section |— . : yor antec against aiun 100d, 5; furnished or unfurnished; water ,| be ng a four-reel drama entitled inly K electric light. Price furnished, $2,300,)“Tphe Invisible Power. d of on small monthly payments Owner | j ll : ae . leaving town. Pr. O. Box 749 75-7] ~ i sprints If you wish to avoid a d t yur food tee LADIES ARE BUSY. | lol . ho R sins EAD THE LABEI | j ‘ a . i? wi - music. The ladies of the St. John Am- , me pee aa rs a Pe : | . — . ht fast ! ime or u _ nai TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL|Dulance Associati met last 7 io ies and decline to buy or use : pow- Musical Instru-/night at Mrs. MeMullin’s and fin- al ale 1 wi der that is not plainly designate ream g part i i“ whe ments repaired ‘ished the work of making band- : sl of tartar powder | Bows rehsired. The| ages, etc., from the linen donat u ! ran ; Johns “ t} tt Prince Rupert Mu-|ed. Two large parcels containing ve : vd in s the following articles were got g, a z a Six miles aes ; ee ae sic Store, 345 3rd ‘ Sear ss ali . re 7. a ee Tro i Ave. tr., ready for shipment by express on g j Tee ; 5; ig I was the hardest w of the ee — |Saturday morning's train: 9 large lila 3 i . , eee rerereroorvetinm sheets, 20 draw sheets, 4 pillow x and his iit vas | han for the past few day | PRINCE RUPERT COAL C9, THE AMERICAN TAILORS Sicases, 1,361 face cloths, 387 : __ 2 A rene te handkerchiefs, 8 abdominal bind- ® Venture of te Cay was & | } THE TRA eee ; , a ; i ——— SSS ers, 5 nightshirts, 4 face towels, rl j v ener = THE PRINCESS PATMOIAS. iii which President - Wellington Coal re air Spo or ane eX re pons the Slain Commanding Officer rhis sid to W ard’s cami Hy We do the FINEST CUSTOM TAIL- 36 poultice and splint cloths, 1 : H ; \ Hit , : i ! ! any ) re shows er Hove lighness beside Colone arquhar, who enea dm ‘ ‘ ribs Wiiny cer or mon cme nurse's apron, 4 packages fomen- the t nik ieknld * . te : ‘ ee 7 . . Cieanest Lump—tLongest Lasting—Gives the PHONE , a Lhe ne as ilitar secret Vv ) a ike onnaug ° ; ‘ Woolens and make good sults for tation cloths, 60 triangular band- rt ; 1% ; : : giant, although he had pre Most Heat—No Clinkers—P. BLACK, Manager i) $27, and the best in stock for $88. ages, 6,000 mouth wipers, 108 as- us POSINeR BS Pesigued Om Um tbreak of war to command the | wagered $100 on Johnsor He | Soo Seerercceccroererees ee and look over our m9: be- shih saltiee hondiine regiment which bears the Princess’ name. He is the third member was accompa “a % ( soe a ore buying and save money by it sorvec ‘olter Dbandé 2s. . : ae sis ; ’ ' : dlleiaieaetimeendia a ; “ THIRD AVE and FIFTH 8ST The ladies wish to thank ally _°! ‘“® Gov General's household to be killed at the fron [missioner Duque Estrada, who| === z = . who so kindly helped them make placed $500 on Johnson yest y ’ t Prince Rupert, B. C. ; i ’ PREMIER McBRIDE IN fiscal bankruptcy, too. The policy M } FRED STORK S HARD W ARE , onatio suc f splendi day iny wagers lave bee the donation uch a plendid TROUBLE—NO HELP TO Oe a tae: nk phates f) a , i(iiivcttc_—. (One, and also Mr. Leek and the uid, the odds varying from two} ; COME FROM OTTAWA and land grants to privileged mo-|} ; , ; = “Cadets” who so willingly assist- ‘it “eaik hed to ; lelud jto one to three to one, with in : on eeeene ave _ Oly, and jai erms vr delud-| : i { BsEesT ve DOMESTIC }ed in collecting the linen. Continued Fr p 2 ads oull a dak oe _ | son the favorite rhe urgest bet} | 0 nue ror ige One ed sritisi ners ¢ lld ‘ en 1) , ; The sum of 816 was collected |, lumbia. and R ‘ th but , a date is 83,000 to $1,000 |, Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery “a wile an tog 5 Vs ia 1 any vuther way su isca andi } ape . Cc O and forwarded to the Red Cross McBride is h “ : the | stan’ Glue eis Wh ” | i Wire Cable Steel Blocks g Tackle : ; Me Bride s . il he : Dp ical vankrupte en 1e | ) Rifles and Sheteu "A L Society. : | = ) tron Pipe Pipe Fittings 5 } nadiar High ¢ ss ershiy t Feder: binet reconstruc r 1) $9.00 per Ton — Cash on - ey ee wwe-| Nerve Energy and) | go. Valves mmunition Delivery CHARLES CHAPLIN, THE o papper tonal oes tg Eyeglasses | Pumpe Hose Paint eade it iv be porne ome ‘ ° ‘ we TUINST GAN GN Gane : 7 a or : — . ; i (! Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron now Premie sride is vies the that a revaluation is taking ; on Siete " “ 1 THE BEST” UNION CO. King of Moving Pictures Comedies ©! '" some Cons: tive quarters | place in public opinion. In future ii WE SELL NOTHING BU i d 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 at The Westholme Friday here is seen { the f g|moral values will count for mor and Saturday. editorial which ippeared lastithan in the past ’ | a ; —_—_— Saturday n the Ottawa Citize on ersrachne ate petbaninesseate : FRED STORK S HARDWARE | The first of the new Essanay| ,,, nservative) : | Repairs of all kinds. Phone 583 A constant dropping wears BLUE POINT a ee See r Richard MeBric _| Fritz. 77-79|@wayastone. Aslight a a - = SSS ————SS RESTAURANT ees Sener, Se SOT a, seen, eek he cee Meal}, emer eyestrain injures the health | cpeaass jeomedian who made the Key-/ ta Fie ton because it is constant. The | come visitor to wa at an Quality, satisfaction and econ- . rae ‘ SS Histone comedies famous, will be| - ; - pre : ? aes Ca o aiken de a strain which first manifests THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0., OF B.C, LIMIT . une, Di as Premier of Br sh | OM. ave ? gtO 408 : ; ; 7 ; Gene Seem Beale From 25 shown Friday and Saturday at the)” a poe P} . : itself as a slight discomfort Cents Up. ust Give Us : Columbia, the Dominion govern- 1one 116 63tf. . a Triai—That’s All. Westholme Opera House. I[tis| rae should be remedied at once, SS. VENTURE ent would seem to ave good ¢ 7 hatin . rj LAW-BUTLER BUILDING a scream from start to finish and|"- ' "7 For a comfortable room, come This we guarantee to do with | ESDAYS ATSP.™ Third Avenue proves conclusively that Chap re “a to “m —_ ir Ric rage 4 tr @i. Gime Mere, one See lasses. Consultation free. SOUTHBOUND TU j periodic visits i al ing but : m . * a ¢ - ts lin’s fame rests entirely % his}' ; aha ‘ ro lond Avenue, near Eighth Street elays are dangerous. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS sunnare iss ickieeead anti, an ardent desire to kill the fatted Newly opened. Steam heat and MIDNIGHT , : calf. Coupled with his latest pil-|hot and cold water in ever roor | His Ney Job is th > sig fi- : =" ? ne y leant titl f th , ] 7 o grimage to this Mecca of politicea!|Free baths Rates reasonable. Look for Loop SPE a nmeve So's po et ean itle o 1e new play ane Er) ; | ‘ a PHO 568 SECON FOR RENT while the so-called slap-stick ele-|P*TONS6*, there Is a revival of) 4 eeaee Bay us pone Neieta | " ee gale ment is prominent, there ar 1 the rumored retirement of Hon 223 Sixth St. Phone Black 69 AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS ime 8 pro ent, pre are also! Sees Tinie. 5 ; W. J. Roche as Minister of the In- = ooee annennne many bits of humor of a more re- terior and Sir Richard is mention poccronrrer. MODERN HOUSE {|*e4 character. At any rates it ey ey ete now Cabinet tn ee = ; , will make you laugh as you never ee P P 6 - aed died tae tae te dad rogramme of Passion Music EXGCHTH AVENUE AND. |j!s01%0 etre ona tat is toe Te sous auriy be an aston-|f 4 2B f YOUNG STREET had in view and in this they have|'*#iné thing to the people of Can- Good Friday, April 2, 1915, at 8 o’Clock | ada ¢ this time to find the ge | certainly succeeded. Ada at th = . , | In the $20 00 |. Ancthée, pioture-on tomorrow's} oe cuange, Nest thlae would METHODIST CHURCH SHINGLE", MOULDINGS, SASH, DOOM program that deserves spetal nat tant out for aes Prowl Price Huport BO PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0 k mention is a rural comedy en —APPLY— titled “When a Man Loves,” with Figmming and Sir Rodmond Rob PART ONE, tet Ave. end Motirige —— prince nuPEnT, 6 the cclebrated Mary Pickford in lin in Ottawa to take the places “The Crucifixion” PHONE 88 @rench vere bm inert PATTULLO & RADFORD the leading role This eminent o mes. ©. 3. D ere xsi . _ \ Meditation on the Sacred Passion of the enccenennnns actress is justly celebrated for George Foster Sir Richard , Me ne Redec aor . pooner SECOND AVENUE : Bride’s administration of provin y Sir J. Staines on ooeecerere Quartette God So Loved the World edies and in this line of work she efal affairs in British Columbia Mrs. J, Lewis, Miss L. J. Tallander ' / id tainly he . can hardly be said to have done] Messrs. C, D. Jones and A, L. Harris IS certainly has no equal on the social. ict dniinthin iia aonite of | Soloists i ec on Cc 4 . LAND NOTICES. lAmerican stage. & : enor: Mr. C. D. Jones Bass: Mr. Meth. Davies her excellent work in rural com- Canada in Britain or elsewhere | | A new Hearst-Selig Gazette and pa Skeena Land District—District of | “Centainie wherave areas 7 Coast, Range Five. a particularly fine scenic com- Certainly, wherever the Do-| PART TWO, Anybody who is a registered \ fort , . ‘ ” ‘ . olo » a ‘ or a . vaKe, nomice it ween! ale letes the seanenin. minion government has been regan Sol Nocturne Op. Y, ne 7 tebsawendhae ke Chopin can be transferred to the local ' a acce in / ve “ . Kason : Hemo, a for permission 1 lease fa. | dragged into the British Colum Solo Out of the Deep” . - Genet days before election. As the elect following ae ;—Commencing at The Ladies’ Aid of the Presby- | bia arena it does not seem to have Mrs. J. Lewi coe, nounced there may atill be ti for t j D tierly | . a | ' woawe ¢ . S . ay 5 bit o pes Bie: “piante Way" of the ‘Grand Trunk Pa. terian Church will hold a Violet jcome out with a greatly enhar ced | Chorus Behold the Lamb of God” ............... Hande| “ cle alway from. ‘Mile Bd, cast trum lea in the church hall, Fourth! reputation. Now the birthright of Bolo—-“He Was Deepiced fobs ciehaheduds nok bs Gi6 « Handel Anyone who ‘s not registered Coutt P ; “meer, re Avenue East, on Saturday, April |natural resources of the people of i Sol The | ; Mi i . Scott the provinee should apply before \j chains, moi b le _ on ' ; i ue ere is a Green Mm. 046 Web eb eet a adCraeer G I ’ erly mst of ‘the "hot: Way ot tho | 4, from 2 to 6 p. m., There will the Coast would seem to have Mr. J. E. Davey sOUNnOC of Revision will be held This will nrteasterty 2 a ‘hortuenty Pe @ good musical program,|been squandered to the limit, be Chorus——"I Am Alpha and Omega” ................ Stainer if the Federal election is held then \ Male enutnetiennedt and oa A A Easter novelties. Home cooking,|cause a government long affliet- Conductor; BE, V. Ling Organist: J, 8. Bason Apply to L. W. Patmore, G. i ac more or oss. aiel atises . ste , . wee, WILLIAM WATSON. with special attractions for the |! d with bankruptey in publi: Admission 25 Cents son, or any other commissione: Lated December 26, 10914. ate dt 76-79 spirit is at last face to face with alii | eee F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR prince aypemt (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS)