— . seated mite ae | HE DAI LY N EWS (22225 eters See : ees] yj, NO. 78 PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 19156 PRICE FIVE aes eee ——__—_—_—— NEW ‘COLD STORAGE IS PLANNED FOR RUPERT ——— ————— = = = ss|AN BLACK SEA FLEET ATTACKS CONSTANTINOPLE—LLOYD GEORGE TA TALKS PROHIBITION JOHN MACKAY STRONGLY. po ee DR. SEATTLE DEPLORES LOST TRADE SUPPORTS THE LIBERAL PARTY; H.C. Brewster Issues Platform CLAIMS RUPERT TAKES LEAD DUNCES WISREPRESENTING REPORTS GIVEN OUT BY CON- NEW ORDER-IN-COUNCIL AS SEEN FROM SEATTLE POINT OF SERVATIVES AS TO HIS POSITION — PROUD TO The f wing supplementary platform issued by Mr. H. GC. Brewster, was unanimously VIEW—CONGRESS REFUSED TO RESTORE THE ASSIST IN BREAKING TORY adopted by the recent Vancouver Liberal convention, Dr. Mackay, who was present, expressing DUTY ON FISH. MACHINE. his entire approval of it vakiaie a i \l! contributions to campaign funds to be open for publie inspection at any time, and Seattle, March 31.—By the re-|what it regards as the nusleus of M 31.—Dr.|this convention y are not nom i the to which they are to be put clearly indicated. | f i . a © . eeial as M ss to the | inating for the Liberal party The appointment of a non-partisan civil service commission nade a ceada asics ioe ee ne ee ntion wasjalone but for thousands of Gor ments to both outside and inside service, | matically iad en sidlieeih eat attle packers are preparing to ad- ful one and|/servatives. Thousands are look- The abolition of patronage in every form, all purchases to be made in the open market 170,000,000 pounds of fish, with just Cromecives to the changed it and pro-jing to this convention to nomi and on regular business terms. lits incidental payrolls, outfitting ae ery sen-|nate men of sterifig qualities and i. The publication of a quarterly bulletin, giving full details of all monies expended by | equipment and earnings of the “Unless the duty of 1 cent a | with the}high character whom they cat the government limme xnse halibut fishing industry pound is restored by the United thering. Hejsupport 5. We asgree to ask for a commission to investigate the the affairs of the province that from Seattle to Prince Rupert and States, and that speedily,” said | ty his un- “IT will say to all with whom I the real facts may be known and the hands of the government left free to restore the credit of other British Columbia ports of Arthur G. Dunn, of Ainsworth & i the following | have influence, if you elect men the province and develop its great resources for the benefit of the people. entry. This was the opinion yes- Duna, Ssh packers, “I con see heart and/of this character, that I will throw 6. Wherever the findings of this commission show that the resources of the province have terday of prominent halibut buy- nothing to prevent the shifting of be found|in my lot with the Liberal party been alienated by fraud, to take such steps as shall restore them to the people while protect- lers and packers, when comment- this business from Seattle to hundreds of]f am with you heart and soul. I ing the nocent investor ing on the “order-in-council” is- Prince Rupert. whed me ontwill be proud to be found in th 7. The encouragement of agriculture by loans on easy terms, by making accessible sei- wand by date of March 9 by the Grand Trunk Is Interested. ng his ad-jcompany of hundreds of men who entific information as to the nature of the soil and climate and other conditions of each region, Privy Council at Ottawa, Canada. “Behind this movement in | Dr. M y thanked thelapproached me on the subject of the encouragement of co-operation and by every legitimate means to make rural life as attrac- Pitiine Rupert is jubilant over British Columbia I can see the ndly recep-|becoming a candidate.” tive and profitable as possible. hand of the Grand Trunk Pacific tween the time etait anpetit 8. The development of the mines, forests and other great natural resources of the prov- GERMAN AEROPLANE Railway, which, having completed n and this RUSSIANS JOIN IN ince by encouraging the actual producer and making as difficult and unprofitable the activi- its transcontinental line and with | gave deep ties of the mere exploiter and speculative investor. | CAPTURED AT REIMS little hope of immediate tonnage, to how I DARDANELLES ATTACK ” The improvement of the condition of the working classes by doing all possible to is quietly engineering a plan to he interests ee assure a reasonable wage, fair working conditions and decent surroundings for all classes of (Special to The Dally News) take the “business of halibut mar- ' | have never eran © Vee aly Ma labor, providing for compensation for the injury or death of the worker and taking such steps | Paris, April 3—A German keting away from Seattle. Our Petrograd, April 3 The Rus aeroplane, which attacked Reims,|new tariff laws are wholly at sian Black Sea fleet is attacking | was brought down. Two passen- |fault. Canada has discretionary and emergency powers not vested as shall eliminate the suffering now falling upon the workers in times of financial depression. ' e 10. Local option for the control of the liquor trafiic. d 1 do I feel) c@onstantinople, augmented by a | |gers and a cargo of bombs were nterests of the], ae si aicianit : ii Equal suffrage for men and women. : was there a — : _ 12. The fair and impartial enforcement of law. | taken. in our government, and Canada wae 7 ar «> s are to e ar 4 at ' i much at — oe op anaceie 13. The protection of innocent inveators by rigid inspection of all companies. 200 Prisoners. has by this order-in-council taken Ss SO ati; ‘ 0 sst of Constanti- - Jie + ae . : should give unatiy Rerthweet of eatin 14 A rigid and impartial enquiry into the financial position of the P. G. E. and C. N. P. | Paris, April 3.—Two hundred fulk advantage of its opportuni- | ne » toe he attach The in : ies.” jnople to aid in the attack f |Germans have been captaured in/ties. la forest engagement. The Chlopeck Fish Company management was as positive in Railways and the disposition of the monies already provided, and if necessary the government . . his province to take over the roads and complete them in the interests of the people rather than to continue jouter forts are weak, but the in- } . A oe _ sjtua-| ner forts are strong and require history of} the present policy. j its declaration that unless some- : + ie hpeneenne tend and sea attack | EITEL its declaration tat unlas some. beaatie so a —_ DAVID LLOYD GEORGE \"* i : - aia aii atieantiactintasancttiiiladinidininisinsastipealll REMAINS AT, WHARF | states to offset the order-in- rhis seems ere il, the halibut headquarters, FAVORS PROHIBITION cociiumesiniiailiniiioss eounell, the halibut headquarters Washington, April 3.—Reports marketing and other advantages c= would gradually be lost to Seat- that the Eitel Friedrich escaped tle. to sea during a snowstorm last “An example of what the pres- GEORGE L. CLAYTON HAS PR Me ee ent situation is may be taken from at the wharf today. the reports of December busi- g st t to make, but absolute evidence for my 2 (Special to > The Bal Dally News.) Not the Hardship. London, April 3—Lloyd George nds of stories|'™ @ speech at a labor meeting, | ¢ - » . uo » | ements in cir. | favored prohibition, asking the} g x the negotia-|People to sacrifice drink to war » time did 1)/@™mergencies He praised the Ger- ne Py ness,” said a member of the firm Mr Brewster, |man spirit of sacrifice which City Will be Asked to Guarantee Bonds for Five. Years--Are DESPICABLE TACTICS of one of Seattle’s biggest fish rhe propos ) prompted them to eat potato CHINE packing companies yesterday. a a ae bread. Ready to Start Work Within Thirty Days and OF THE TORY MA “During that month twenty-four Complete Within Four Months | Editor, The Daily News, cars of halibut were shipped out Prince Rupert, B. C.: of Prince Rupert, while only six- I said I would} — nici a aa ANOTHER VICTIM. Dear Sir,—Kindly allow me/|teen cars moved from this city. if there could | cot hake ae aes | Mr. George L. Clayton, who The money for this wnt "leante in your paper to express a Formerly Seattle got all of this wan shea oe m en ap itlbaage cc has already put so much enthu-|jng js all ready but those inter- | ' : few opinions on the political situ-|business. It isn't the mere ship- vho stand £07 | team : : i pines ‘inte: the fab ‘Sustinne Rileciak esd caltes tk snk alee oor jation as we have it here today.|ping that counts, although the ¢ have thaaueaiaanal |pedoed off Devo nshire. The crew thie port has just returned from|eusrantes the bonds on the ania] The resignation’ of Alderman |; ast week we were visited by Mr. | Canadian railroads get the bene- ove Ba Iwas ee Seattle and has plans.on foot|ta) which will be $250,000, for |McClymont has been handed in to |Wm. Manson, who came here for /fit of hauling the goods. When ling to make | ed whic h if earried out will mean) five years at 6 per cent. That is|the city clerk and a special meet- jthe purpose of holding his first} these halibut men go into Prince THE BIG FIGHT. | had believed ty still greater developments for this | to say, should the impossible hap-jing of the Couneil will be held | meeting in the campaign that has ‘Rupert they purchase ice and ed my country | (Opectel to The Bally Hews.) \ ity. |pen, the city will be liable for only |ionight to take action on it. Al- |just opened. He brought along | boxes there and engage consid- f polities of | Havana, Cuba, April 3.—The; He has just arranged with | $15,000 a year for five years; but derman McClymont has decided to | With him some twelve or fourteen jeranle labor. It is a desirable in- ’ ter I was notleity is ablaze with flags in cele-|Eastern capitalists to erect a/it is practically certain that it!) come a candidate in the mayor- ‘loyal boosters from Prinee Ru-|dustry, which should be nop! & r— * into political |pration of the big fight on Mon-!wharf and cold storage plant to! would make money from the start. ality election. It is not definitely | pert, evidently with the idea of Seattle. So anxious was the Ca- s too short for/day. Feeling is veering in favor|be used by all fishermen at rates|This is the only concession the aaa whether or not the ex- jimpressing upon the voters ot | nation government to a = hat may happenlof Willard Johnson is worried) which will enable them to com-|/company is asking. They are Mayor will again be a candidate. | this district the importance of tae ey that it subsidized the big I d not assumelover the outcome. There will alpete successfully with other | willing to pay 4 cent per k.w. hour attinen te th eumeihend tates he onservative party in Prince Ru- | packing plant at Prince Rupert to . 1, . pe . . i » @2 90,000." “ one rien, $150,000 house. |points on the Coast. The cotd|for power, which is the rate al-}.. ajderman Morrissey will enter Ps = rer o riff. ; ay Me Scallawags. . lstorage will be about 100 feet/ready quoted them by the city. the contest. Ex-Alderman John} Goyer! party cayemess mere —en ‘ t th t deal about tie THE WEATHER. | square and four stories high. It] (The rate asked for by the Cana- Dybhavn, ex-Alderman D. H. Mor- held while he was here, and since The same man rE . . : - ‘rete founds an Fish ¢ orage C a a oe |his sparture sever ses |only real salvation of the busi- ind there can’t ——— will have a conerete foundation|dian Fish and Cold Storage Com- | rison and fir. A. J. Prudhomme |" departure several notices |only las this without; 8y F. W. Dowling, Observer. tout the structure will be of wood,|pany is one-eighth of 1 cent per | 5 a. m., April 2, 1945 linsulated with cork. The com-|k.w. hour. . have made their appearance on/ness as far as Seattle is concern- will likely be up for aldermanic | " » loce . One od lies in the restoration of the allawags in penenn snes conbndll tn takes tol! the local billboards ne of|e ‘ ut tam willing to take my Baromoter .++++++++++++s 99.708 ips ny will guarantee to buy all the Mr. Clayton says if the city will develop into one of considerable |‘P°s® notions le to tip.etjnnt thakimer oe * eens per nouns att “* at any time with any maw | Max. Lemp. ceereceeeres 63.0 | fish offering by both American) give them this necenanie guaran-|interest ' ja meeting of the Kitsumkalum Continued on Page Four.) oe a8 the Liberals have, | Min. temp. oe rereeeeeeees 3.0 | and Canadian boats at prevailing |tee they will start within thirty : ae? |Valley Conservative Association r ; emember that in |Mainfall (im, ....+eeeeres #9 | market prices, days and guarantee to have it BAPTIST CHURCH. will bo held te: SPashe’ SR ee To the Electors Se Phey will also guarantee to sell|completed within four months. sumketum op 6 certain date. Bua. nga A a ntetenenen tae Com Semey 46.4 los at #3 per ton and storage, ete,, _—— At the morning worship the iness: “Roads Ong Byams-” Ladies and Gentlemen: SOC TAL eng. tome a + ee os . at prices prevailing at competing| Skeena Lodge No, 45 of Knights | pastor“ will speak to the members events -_ oe me Gueetinns Rempeaies ope hewe.oue be Auamaael oo — = ares . iP eiats of Pythias invites al) mamsbore eflel the. cadet eaves. ain “Are we ving in a white men's ber of ewan. I — ae the Ladies of the Min. p. (as eee | Phe site has not yet been defl-|the order to meet with them on|worship at 7:30, when the “Easter country that is supposed to have sented to offer _ = ie - “fureh Situation wanted by young man initely settled upon but they have|}Monday evening (April 5) at a|Message” will be the theme used, ener ae penta ae ee a jon on APRIL 5th Experienced salesman and bust the option on three sites trem the oupper and social gathering in|Special music by the choir, Solo ers — See "4 ~ - oo ae 'o Cloek Shar ness education, High class refer-|#0'°"' ment, whom Gi Gates Castle Hall, Helgerson Building, /by Mrs. McMillan. Sunday Schoo! ee . ‘ » “ » py , and influence All th, . P | vijy says are Willing to de everything |in celebration of their fifth anni-|rally at 2:30. Does Mr, Manson represent the Your vote an¢ Mow ote Of te Re. um Spoly Bes 139, Dally jossible to assist the fishing in. |versary. 78.79 settlers of this district, or does are hereby respectfully se - mr s ate 8 | ” ; stry here, realizing that it is a — ~ Jobs of all descriptions around eenreent = ae " er JOHN DYBHAYN AMission: $4 man store Repairs of all kinds. Phone 583. |p: | as well as a local) Safety First-—Use New Wel-|house and office, Phone 683, the Kitsumkalum Valley? 7 wteeasecsssassnen Tale 17-79 |asset lington Coal, Phone 116, — 67¢f. | Prita, q200), Baneen pave © viel Revels 77-70-88 pe | (Continued on Page Four.) “a