, a THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation ll, F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, rates on application DAILY EDITION 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert TRANSIENT DISPLAY AD\! &TISING aso Saturday, April 3 B.C. Telephone 98 50 cents per inet 1015 EDITORIALS The which tried to make believe that there Conservative the per was diseore beiween the leaders 6f the Lib- eral party will be greatly c founded by the the recent Vancouver tion. All the papers in the were invited to send represent- atives and The Provincegivesa very fair report of the meeting, showing the greatest unan- imity. Dr. John Mackay, was present, took pains to re- fute the insinuation that he was not in perfect harmony with the Liberal leaders. He had refused to become a candi- date because he did not want to become a party and be- cause he felt that his present work demanded his attention. His declaration that conditions in British Columbia are the worst he had ever known will earry weight, does from a man who has axe to grind.” His support is a tower of strength to the Lib- eral party. * = ” Me full report of conven- city who man coming as it “no A few months ago the Con- servatives declared that there was no Liberal party—that it was dead and buried. Of late, however, they were loud in op- what they called the The urse, was to position t “Liberal dent purpose, of co divert attention from own. The statement of Mackay in this respect is con- clusive. He referred to this very fact and said that if a ma- chine meant the organized ef- forts of serious men, then he was perfectly willing to take his chances with the “Liberal machine.” In other words, Dr. Mackay has confidence in the eharacter and ability of the men who lead the Liberal party, while he has lost all faith in the Conservative lead- ers. Every government is in a sense a “machine,” but it is only when it becomes a corrupt organization we British Columbia comes dangerous. rid of it. = * * * * machine.” evi- their Dr. have in that it be- Let us get as The Conservatives who trying to the lieve bogey of a discord in the ranks of the Liberals consider first the state of their own party. Independent Con- servative Associations have been formed all over the coun- try headed by Sir Charles Hib- bert Tupper, who has long looked with scorn on the vil- lainous practices of the Me- Bride government. The reply of W. J. Bowser to this move- ment is significant. Taking his are raise make-be- should organs | nle | Napoleonic cue, he declares in | military language that inde- | pendent Conservatives must be/ put to the bayonet. If there is any Liberal who does not agree with any particular can- didate liberty to run as an without any fear of being to the The servatives, insist on a he is at Liberal put Con- independent bayonet. however, machine with every This kind of practice that made the British Empire freest land ‘neath the oe es The Borden about to pass a bill to enable all the front to cast their ballots at the forth- This is closed man hammered into line. is not the has the sun. government is soldiers at the coming elections. something new in constitu- tional government. Australia and New Zealand, of enabled their soldiers to vote, but they did it by taking their course, declaration before they left home. Nobody wants to disen- franchise the men who are fighting for their country but it does seem to be a very petty affair that the soldier must be dragged of the and hurled into a party the election till the method that the the ballot in out trenches fight, especially when could be left over is finished. The procedure will be wal of sol- dier shall fill in the ed oflicer, Anybody for the careful how he votes; and then presence of a commission- who shall sign it. who looking from government will have to be may be a pension for injury what is to prevent politicians—of scores—to fill in the ballots themselves. The whole unprinci- pled which there are transaction has a flavor about it that no self-respecting gov- ernment would care to shoul- der. a ie 1s A letter has been W. Nickerson, publication, in received from G, too long for which he takes exception to a comment of this paper with regard to the put forth by the Storage Company. To Mr. Nickerson in part, he says: “The of the Cold Storage Company a proposition Cold quote City Couneil requested proposition as to just what in- ducements would be of the city in order to accomplish the objects: expected to be able following “1-—To sell ice at a price of #3 per ton. “2——-To sell bait ton. at $15 per “3—To freeze fish and carry it in storage for one month at EASTER HOLIDAY S Reduced Rates BETWEEN ALL G. T. P. RAIL FARE AND ONE THIRD For ao On Sale Wednesday, March 31, to s. Good Returning to Thursday, ap For Rates and Full Partioujars G. T. P. TICKET OF FiceE. THIRD AVENUE BELFAST DOUBLE-DECKED TRAM CAR UTILIZE D FOR RECRUITING. Photograph shows a recruiting car which is in operat the streets of Belfast, It was-de- Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments A. PESCOTT 452 Eighth Ave. Gas: at BCL System POINTS ON WAY UND TRip Gay, Apri 3 '8 Apply to ——a —, hone 554 "a APEREANGIN AINTING OUISHING AND WALL TINTING | nie tern i way Deeaity Martin Swanson T MeBridg seven t * * 35~-PHONE-35| * * ; | : TAXI } f t “ : z ' : ALF HALLIGAN § Seeeenereseneseneniill signed by a Londoner who is serving with the Ulster divisi Phone Green 327 one-half cent per pound, and CONSERVATIVES THANK one-eighth cent for every LIBERALS FOR HELP a. month thereafter DENTISTRY i—To freeze bait and earry Phere was a notable departure e . > . CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK in storage for one month at 85 from the generally accepted rules MAKES P A SPECIALTY per ton and one-twentieth cent Pitot it dd eed ond f Conservative party meetings DRS. GILROY & BROWN for every month thereafter —— whe the Lincoln County Con- DENTISTS “These prices, with the ex- less than the biggest consum- vative Association, in annual Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue : _ i fiesta’ Ri ; ; Phone 454 en ete ol ers in Seattle play and the only) meeting at St. Catherines, Ont., those prevailing at any other} port on the Coast. On thel concession they promised »n March 6, passed a resolution | —— ewe _ s ey would sell | PEPPER EEE EE ES other hand, various other com-| return was that they would sellin which, as reported by the To-| : modities necessary to the trade| ‘°° ** the same price as other}ronto World (Conservative) “the FOR A TAXI ; will be found higher in price| ee erns on thelwar appropriation passed by the q in Prince Rupert than in other} Coast and at the same time/pominion government was en-| ports, and the committee of maintain their present exces-|qorcedq and tribute was paid to . ‘ee : stor. | hich I was a member, caleu-| “'Y® Pret iy TAS -GRS Sethe bapel SUpyars Of The Veprem 75--PHONE--75 lated that if the lower prices) — tion This fair-minded and gen- | as above listed, could be se- This paper fully appreciates |erous recognition of the loyal co- | cured, it would equalize the the value of the Cold Storage operation of the Liberal party un- | RINCE RUPERT AUTO CO higher prices on other articles, | Company to this city but it der the leadership of Sir Wilfrid) @&e@ttttetttt et rete dette and thus make a common low must not be forgotten thaf Laurier did not at all suit Mr. J —— average for everything neces- they didn't come here to help |D. Chaplin, the Conservative can. | sary to the fishing trade in | us out but rather to make/didate nominated last autumn.| B. C. UNDERTAKERS Prince Rupert. } money for themselves At the After the resolution had been | Dalal _ " ile Di ‘ |] FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND &m- The Canadian Fish and| ame time it is quite in order|unanimously adopted, he prO- | Tl salwans — SATISFACTION auAR- Cold Storage Company, in re- to give them any reasonable tested against the convention [f &NTEED—oPEN DAY AND NIGHT ply to the city, stated that in| assistance to enable them to|paying any tribute to the loyalty | 117 2no ong ey “ . int successfully compete with of Liberals, whether in or out of consideration of the city sup- i plying them with electri pow- | other coneerns on the Coast|the House of Commons, and de- - it one-eighth of a cent tia! but when they come forward|manded that the compliment to Would be enabled to set a price| “it! Such an unreasonable re-|the Liberals be expunged from Canadian of $3 per ton for ice, but they | quest as the one they have just/the resolution. To the credit of maintained. thet the othe: onal made it is time that somebody |the convention, it is recorded that STEAM LAUNDRY were reasonable under thei: | colted « halt. pone mover of the resolution flatly present schedule. Phe trouble with this city as|refused to consent to the change Latest and Approved Methods Ther tt tt iis aocatiiee cx aes is|and one delegate who supported Only Skilled Operators Employed lere is o gx s Tre. ; ee ee that they are scared blue by |Mr Chaplin in his request was ieee “oi ply to call for such editorial re 3 ; aa se ; Phone us and we will call é‘ the big corporations and there |literally “howled down. remarks as the Daily News last tie tn ot lia diana , for a trial bundie oes o seeuil o ” a 15 woody SS anette “ve *« é ed. So ar as ‘ ee . = a ¢. So far a who will stand up and tell them |LIEUT. COL MARITZ, Vote Our Address: we k sir letter was by no , a es ae — 7 - what he thinks of them. 8o REBEL LEADER, ESCAPES 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST means final; it was simply a lo ong as big corporations are cidiniiiate Mian preliminary note and leaves PHONE NO. 8 th ‘ on ail allowed to dictate their own Capetown, April 1.—-That Lieu- NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS we uestion o I 0 P T . a . @ 7 — terms, so long will they|tenant Colonel Martiz, ringleader — 1egotiations. - , continue to erush the lifelof the recent Boer revolt, had es- C li St | 1 What this paper maintained blood out of the cities con- caped and fled to the interior was an. eam was that this company did not cerned. Let us. meet thoselreported in a dispatch received meet the proposals of the city concerns half-way but let us|here from Johannesburg. in a business way. They de- refuse to be bullied or scared ee ii MS ee ! mand that we give them power into giving away our birth- Most good talkers are poor SEEDS! SEEDS! at several hundred per cent right. . quitters RECEIVED OUR 1915 SEEDS dade - WE HANDLE. Rennie’s Ferry’s, Steele's, Brigg’s bs THE LAST OF THE GIANTS’ OLD GUARD. The photo made a few days ago at the the New York Giants at left to right, Fred Merkle, Christy Mathewson, J. J. MeGraw and Fred Snodgrass, the only members of the team who have reported at Marlin every spring since 1908, spring training quarters of Marlin shows, Larry Doyle, Garden and Field Seeds Also Fertilizers We Take Orders for Nursery Stock Grain, and Feed at Vancouver Prices Chicken Feed a Specialty Mal! orders promotiy attended to Prince Rupert Feed Co. 808 Third Ave. Phone 68 ? ADVERTISE In THE DAILY NEWS PACIFIC CARTAGE Mn 2nd Avenur i Phome i174 Ba mi FOR PLUMB) = a warm | | SMI’ rH & “MALLETT | Larges x Pipe ore if i Var ver r Valve tings, Pipe a, my Third Ave. Heed “as Becond tren | Prince Rupert | a Alex M. M ams, BA, WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, MONEY TO LOAN lelgersot pe wtice cor and tn ansfer (&) General Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 63 Prone—08 oereer C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 318 ener JAMES GILMORE Architect McBride % CANADIAN PACIEl¢ RAILWAY PRINCESS MAQUINNA ALASKAN PORTS THURSDAY, APRIL! Y PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND sunpay 8? 4. @ MoNAS, conan hot Corner Fourth sires and Third ——EeE=_EoC_ 5 SHED This OF FICE HELIO-NAS “THIS 1S “SCOOP AND) 40H MR, CO — CHIEF CLERK TALKING— ALUMINUM PIE TINS ?40U BET; Ger ne BUSINESS Ex end STARTED ME IN’ BIZNUSS® SO THAT I CAN WRITE UP MY Tost AM os -_____ _ {Right Nifty Sized Firm - “Scoop & Co.” _ HELLO-YES THIS 16 “TA SALES MANAGER TALKING--WHAT CAR LOAD OF PIE TINS NIFFLED N ) (\ iN % & © 'tie"- in ovine ~ BaLre~ mp - OK MGTER WORM— PL05$0M - TELEPHONE Drawn for HELLO-NAS a PRESIDENT TINS-NO-NO- nu HET rR RON NOMBER: “\\ No WE DONT HANDLE PIE |