gaturdas 4 1015 minERAL ACT. cert ficaté 10— TU ow Certificate of Bebara 4 Mining 4 ig the Bla i this 21st a) 51545B., + improvements nore and Sun the pistrict th rge A 5039598, act icRostle, ish, Skeena shore of va and Falls Naden, Free and James ertineate No. from Mining Re ‘ Improve buining & lainns nat action, Un the mmenced before f Improve Mareh, A ht. NADEN. NER. or to any per- you may have , Take Notice o- Owner with ‘ i” and the situated at the spout tree quar- sch, in the Skee- t, Province of the required above mentioned 14, amounting to same under rai Act, and if biication of this w contribute xpenditure, to this advertise- he said mineral property of the 1 4 of the Min Co-Uwner, B. C., January improvements. sum, situate in the of Cassiar Dis- About three-quarters r less, from the wad of Ales Arm « Bear Mineral claim Pedro Salinas, 6s vaughan, Free Min- and for niicate No. 80313 , the date hereof, ‘ he for @ pts, for pur- wo dress f the wiece that ection, be commenced be- eruficate of im- 0 { September, A.D. PEDRO SALINAB. 10, PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA RAILWAY NOT 4 COMPANY. Ice ind Athabasca Rati- ssion, for an Act, y to lay out, con- following Unes of og et & point on e head of Kitimat \iimat River im & * summit between , hence Ip 6 hor the valley of the to the Skeena the Skeena River | bridge and over Railway with nce north- easterly Kisumkalem HKiver to the summit of following the hover, at oF hear approxdimately one les; (D) f the kwater River, with wing the course of to the summit be- skeest River, thence © Galanskeest River Sk cin nce uP Skeena bear River approxi- * nineteenth day of BURGESS & COTE, for the Applicant. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM oiRCuUIT m 12-50 a x 13 e a 14 6. a a 16-4 Ave “1? . ciRcUIT 22 at dD. DELINQUENT co- Se nO. 1. 1 Sra Ave. nd Sra Ave 1 Sra Ave. wt ist, 9nd and between 8th 6nd Hotel aod 7th St. (Gen no. 2. and) 68rd. } sud MeBride St } sod McBride St and @nd 84 snd 6th St CIROVIT NO. 8 \ve 78th ave OIROUIT NO. 4, BM 4th Ave Pl m 42 asin PE 4B 50h Ave on 44 Dn Ay %—Tin Ave, or 14) WM Ave ot Cloth Pp, 1° Of Mistak, our Dre ae ohawoe fs snd Taylor Sts lors ANY KIND thee SAME ee. + and Pultoa §t 4nd Fulton St, and Comox and Dodge PI, sod Thompsea 81. Ave sod) 6Emmerson and MeBride 8t and Green 84, sod Basil St, and Eberte. aod Yung 86. Phen eae ththrnnbertetant Se — MIRACULOUS CURE OF ASTHMA Tried “Fruit-a-tives” D. A. WHITE, Esa a1 WALLACE Avn., Toronto, Dec. 22nd. 1913, “Having been a great sufferer from Asthma for a period of fifteen years (sometimes having to sit up at night for weeks at a time) I began the use of “‘Fruit-a-tives”, These wonderful tabiets relieved me of Indigestion, and through the continued use of same, | am no longer distressed with that terrible disease, Asthma, thanks to “Pruit-a-tives’’ which are worth their weight in gold to anyone suffering as I did. I would heartily rec — them to all sufferers from Asthr which I believe is caused or aggray at 4 by Indigestion”, D. A. WHITR Por Asthma, for Hay Fever, for any trouble caused by excessive nervousness due to Impure Blood, faulty Digestion or Constipation, take ‘ Pruit-a-tives”’ soc. a box, ¢ for $2.50, trial At all dealers or from Limited, Ottawa. Size, 2§c, Fruit-a-tives A Real Lever Simulation J OLD WATCH FREE. A_ straightforward generous oe from en entablished rr We are giving eway Watches to thousands of inghionable Ladies: | ed Onarte, or Gents’ Alberts, Gent carriage paid to wear wie 8 whieh wel . Pr. thee ww @osrant aould vantage « lous offer. We expert roo to & . shout us and chow them the bes So Don't think this offer too ead & : 235 cents today ~! oe . . wit! be amare WV Liia™ ? de -- ont. 14 9, Ricannnpraiatiine Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA | CDE CD LUE bd dia MATHIBUS NERVINE POWDERS. —One tria! will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache ts at your service in MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 ina box, 25c. Sold everywhere. If your dealer does not sel! them we mall box on receipt of price, 25¢. J.L. MATHIEU CO. Props. SHERBROOKE, P.@ 6-5-0. The purity and fragrance of A Baby's Own Soap have made it a universal fayorite, Its use is beneficial to any skin. ors Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal. | stances }untrue. SUBSCRIBE FOR Sa THE DAILY NEWS, NO MEANS 10 COMPEL THE TAKING OVER OF THE G. T. P. Suffered Terribly ‘for 15 Years Until He GOVERNMENT Has suPPLIED Excuses FOR COMPANY—PpROB- ABLY WILL OPERATE ROAD IN CONNECTION WITH INTERCOLONIAL FOR A WHILE. Nego Pronk tiations Pacifie ind the govern. vith the tak- of the National mpany Caster \ f the nol expect- r some con- It has been stat. ny has ed ' present- to the oad at pres- f these ob- official- government, the pjections, however, pare obvious, and certain of them aiready been touched upon Some of them are it vernment will take at the carrying out almost is action press for the present to of the igreement mmediately, Road imvemplete, Grades Changed rhe main objection probably is |that the road not completed. San Quebec terminal will still wee some time to complete, and oo company is not bound to take over any section of the road un- til the whole has the is finished, though it privilege of doing so if it pleases, In addition to this changes in the grades and curves instituted by the present government were strongly objected to by the com- and Mr. dent of the complany, the pany, Chamberlin, presi- plainly told that if rectified a strong objec- government such not would constitute changes were they tion to the taking over of the sys- tem. Mr. Chamberlin’s letter never received a satisfactory an- swer, and the changes were pro- ceeded with as though the com- munication had never been re- ceived. Changes were also made f the Quebee ter- of the if the proceed- location o to the Canadian Pacific. took ings against the G. T. P. to force it to up to the contract it would be met by the company with in the advantage In fact, legal minals government live which the government it- to the company a case self ready made. Government Furnished Excuse. “Up to the time the late Ad- ministration went out of power,” Hlon. P. Graham, late Minister of Railways, declared in the House on Wednesday morn- ing, “the Grand Trunk Pacific had not one excuse for not taking the When this gov- ernment came into power it pro- ceeded to give excuse. Chey did not even stop at that. rhis government hired two par- tisans at $100,000, to make out a case for the Grand Trunk Pa- Without discussing that re- let me say that there never proy ided George over road, them an cific, port, was a more misleading document the mis- placed before Parliament or It not but it absolutely country. only was was in many in- and willfully leading, }a “What the done for the Grand Trunk Pacifie? It has had a report made out by has government its own commissioners, showing that the National Transcontinen- tal cost $40,000,000 too much, and the company now hands back its own case to the The G.T.P. make out a case, government, to This govern- does not have ment, in order to give two par- tisans a job, has made out a brief for the G.T, P.” Govt. Admits It Has No Case. In fact, Hon. A. Meighen, for the people, speech coun- contended last in effeet the government had no with the It obvious, then, that legal proceed- especially at the it would be inadvisable sel in his on Wednesday case company. is present, to disclose financial conditions, are vut of the question. May Operate Road With |. C. R. It is understood that of the government will during the next three years undertake to the road from Quebec to Winnipeg with a limited service in with the Inter- colonial Railway System through the Maritime At the conclusion of that time the Que- bridge will be completed and conditions all have resumed their so that negotiations ings, when In view above circumstances the two or operate conjunction Provinces. bee financial will in probability normal state, can be entered into with greater facility. Quebec Bridge Not Essential. It is to be noted that the com- pletion of the Quebec bridge does not constitute a condition of the taking over of the road, since the late Mr. Charles M. Hays of the G. T. K. stated that the road would be considered completed if constructed. When negotiations are opened in earn- there is little doubt in view of the ferry were est, however, that the company, ease which the government has provided it with, will make stren- efforts favorable terms, No Means of Enforcing Contract. The company has never been anxious to take over the section east of Cochrane, but it was held strictly to its agreement by the Laurier government, and no pos- sible excuse was given for a re- fusal to take this section over. During the past few years ex- cuses have been provided to such an extent that the Solicitor-Gen- eral on Tuesday night declared: “We are now faced with the posi- tion that while during all these years we handed the keys of the to the G. T. P., we means of en- uous for more treasury over have no adequate forcing the contract against them if they choose to resist the taking ever of the road and the relieving of this country from its opera- tion.” Don't be in a hurry to accept a bald head as an official badge of wisdom. .TARNOW > w, PRIEMYS opti *DUKLA - tin, a aN Se EQ eKow © BARY FELD Hines JNGVAR.« lr. oMtve am DO RussIANS | § GERM. ALLIES j Galicia” sSTRYI Q THE FAILURE OF THE LAST SORTIE. Phe position of the fortress of Permysi, which recently sur~ THE DAILY NEWS, vondered, is Shown in relation to the main battle line in Galicia, TC __- SADDLES FOR RUSSIAN ARMY ON MONTEAGLE It Canadian Vancouver, April 1 the of manufacturers that the prineipal is a feather in eap item in one of the largest cargoes the C, P. R. liner Monteagle shall have taken from this port will be a consignment of Canadian-made The Monteagle, saddlery. Captain F, L. Davison, is due to sail from this port for the Orient on Sun- day at midnight. This shipment is for the Rus- sian government and is valued at $1,000,000, It was manufac- Eastern Canada twenty tured chiefly and ineludes complete sets of saddles for at the front as weather and more in thousand use soon as warmer rapid develop- ment of the advance permits of the Russian cavalry getting into its gait. The Monteagle, which arrived here last Sunday after having performed a lot of valuable trans- port service for the British gov- very longshore- been loaded the the average of cargo having Her cargo will ernment, has smartly, despite men's strike, handled day been about 1,700 tons. include 800 of wood pulp, 500 tons of flour, 550 tons of fish, 600 tons of cotton and 225 tons of aluminium ingots. In short the Monteagie will take her 6,500 tons of cargo. per tons amount of ni- Because of the trogen they contain more nearly like animal food other vegetable sub- mushrooms are than any stance. The local paper that advertises itself as the one that tells the “straight facts’’ a few days ago had a liner placed beneath this advertisement which read, “Don’t be sarcasctic.” immediately WATER NOTICE. Use and Storage. TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington Water Company, Ltd., whose address is 517 Granville St., Vancouver, B. C., will apply for a license to take and use one and one-half cubic feet per second and to store 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham Lake. The storage-dam will be located at the outlet of Cunningham Lake. The ca- pacity of the reservoir to be created is about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 2.23 acres. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 5 chains below the said outlet and will be used for Water- works purpose upon the land described as part of Lot 45, Range 6, Coast District, being the townsite of Port Essington. A copy of this notice and an application pur- suant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914,” will be fied in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objec- tions to the application or to the petition mentioned below may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp- troller of Water Rights, Parliament Bulld- ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The territory within which the company desires to exercise its powers is described as the townsite of Port Essington, A petition to amend the the Certificate granted to the company in respect of its former right so as to in- clude the right applied for herein will be heard in the office of the Board of Inves- tigation at a date to be fixed by the Comp- troller. The date of the First Publication of this Notice is March 23, 1915. “PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” day morning L* ironing Monday The rub, rub, rub at ironing. Follow the directions Make Monday Ironing Day T Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon- and ae can do the light in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part of washing cut out you'll feel like making it a good day’s work by doing at least part of the remember there’s nothing in Sunlight to injure fine fabric or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs this statement. unlight Soap | rnoon. ‘ee board has no place that cut your work in half and All grocers sell and recommend it MAKE SURE Birks’, Vancouver, is the great Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 As a medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. Department and our Illustrated Catalogue forme @ convenient avenue lead- Ing to a selection from our immense stocks. WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. TT YOU HAVE A gift store of the West. Our Mall Order Henry Birks Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Sons, Limited Streets oe ~~: Subscribe for the ‘News’ RAAT * NEWSPAPER Prince Rupert. and topics interesting to bia, mism and reliability. The Daily News is the the vity. for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events It treats these subjects with moderate opt'- advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger cireulation than any other paper |!" It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. { It has all Northern British Colum- most valuable paper to