THE DAILY NEWS ~ a a, a hing Oualtity, Satisfaction and ean; Settesee a ’ . : s wis . . SO 0+ bee, . er T ould probably iat m New Wellington vores “THE CRUCIFIXION” oe a ee. ae Oc 8 ume are req ted ) ew ellin Coa + e64 ranefer their vessels a tive Phone 116. 63tf : FO at ft La is ‘ ae . ‘ BY METHODIST CHOIR: ‘sess resists av ade tae ; FOR Tay anentiy operate the ‘ ’ ‘ ‘? i . tN ’ i lo Mr. E. V. Ling, leader of the! prince Rupert id The Brightest | ‘ yorkinge ’ anit Methodist choir, belongs the dis ; rhe special committee ap ' " Ph , « ' tinction of having been the first’ ed from the New Seattle Cha ’ Women Fi d ione ° a) mer ©» eall themeelves to attempt anything in the life of of Gommerce to lay the facts W we di ‘ “ n ' ; ens © lis or al ‘ ; a musical oratorio in Prince Ru-' garding the injury to Seattle of fre tizer sometimes that they are dull in ; . Methodies oe Bo ry submit to such out-| mind, depressed in spirits, and that Stand H pert Last night the Methodist the new tariff before ( gres bi ‘tical| they have headache, backache ote] Rupe | choir, augmented by several sing-| February, spent two weeks - ae sad ,| and sufferings that make |ifc » wil e crus ou SOOO Mb ey ers from the other churches, pre-| Washington. and while the ' ' Ss will they et : seem not worth living. But these - Peres. - sented “The Crucifixion by Sir bers of the committee «« ‘ f from this fair provinee) conditions need be only temporary ent that has institut They are usually caused by indigestion Nerve Ener «and the man! oF biliousness and a few doses of 7 was a very ambitious undertaking! heads of departments, Cone , vile practices E ‘eyvlasse “The Daily News” | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS fon tie pave ot Me. Ling but the reuned to asteCharies Font tt has supported sack er , y s y results fully justified his confi-}in Seattle P..I ent in every one of these CLASGIFIED ADS. John Stainer This f course, sympathy and co-operat ft S | W. 8. Fisher left yesterday by dence in himself and his choir a ' 8 ther ' at there are | the Prince George for Victoria the several singers showing care- DESPERATE TACTICS We rather think tha —_ ‘ PIL S a ee Sas ful training and perfect contro! of OF THE TORY MACHINE «(|| seitlers in these valleys who “ FoR ‘RENT busiemeiias Mrs. Hazlett was a passenger |their parts. j mee " dependent ' é : will quickly, safely and certainly Aco YOR RENT—Furnishea nouse; modern this morning for the Interior The choruses were splendidly Continued From Page One t thets , : oe eo name, oe aM convemences; good view Phone 6. 2 ©. rendered, the choir showing intel- | Soliciting votes for his ect ‘ vor und Wm. Manson is doomed es a em santutes te ade ey j 76-78 a a nions defeat) '% » liver, » bowels. | ; » a f an aif down t inom ‘ : a Pp “ t For a comfortable room, come/ligent interpretation, and an in-j|the Legislature and : go dow Beecham's Pills cleanse the system ‘ FOR _ housek: ; : on @ I pol ) ; ato um eae to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- .;, neous response to the ba-jhe gone than the above notice ay they get an opport ty (0) of accumulatin yisons and purify str rooms. Inquire Demers. 7-tf. . , tantar Is res] to the t ' « Pp y jend Avenue, near Eighth Street. Loh Whiek tefl mo redeed ents. 10eert.. Tile eotice. if it eans|go to the polls the blood. Their beneficial action it N , opened. Steam heat and : oy = ni ; alee i ; ; : WANTED ' ae 4 ae re . Fling Wide the Gates” and “Is|anything at all, means that an; Phanking you f th pa in| shows = brighter looks, clearer S lata hot and cold water in every room ale alee. 1 om | complexions, better feelings. Try TI . aa nee WANTED—Second hand rang apply | Free baths Rates reasonable.|It Nothing to You?" were espe-/|settler who wants a road ty pully pay : € | them, and you also will find that they ‘ > WC} 10 with | urs f P. 0. Box 272. 78-80 = 2 cially fine The quartette Godin a claim for same_by a ihe , i t fy : ’ > KENNEY | —_ WORK WANTED—Girl wants work in an Mrs. C. E. Bainter left by this|s» Loved the World was quite |Kitsumkalum Vahey ( sé itive | L. H i e Ciay TOUS, > | : ots ee oy FO. Ben a morning's train on a-visit to her| good, but, with such a fine choir, |Assotiation and decia g his i rerrace, B. ¢ Mareh.30, 1915 . — former home in Ohio She ex-| would perhaps have been more ef- |tentions at once go they may know | A Guinea a Box Look bow Loop FOR SALE pects to be away a uple of | fective as a chorus The soloists, their friends fram the ene ies HOLIDAY ATTRACTION Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. OPTICIAN months. Mr. C. D. Jones. tenor. and Mr./and make use of them in th AT MAJESTIC THEATRE Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents, 223 Sixth St Phone Bact FOR SALE—$35.00 baby carriage in good oe. Meth Davis, bass, performed as if/tng elections. j a ee ' + ndition. i heap Apply hief ite The Majestic 200 nn : 313 Sorenth ate. — 17-79 Mr. and Mrs. James Gilmore they had been singing in oratorio Is this not machine politics J | | powerf | a. ee = ' ad grat 5 i ‘ ' it FOR SALB—Renge, # burceus, 3 beds left this morning on the G. T. P.. fo, years In the declamatory|the most malignant and di sp ' a. ' titled “The 1 PRINCE RUPERT COAL C0 ’ . : " , . . f eel dran entitles vw Ir chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash-|for an extended holiday rhe passages both were very fine kind? Are not the settlers who] | ne hich t ‘ ing machine, ete. Cheap. Apply €VeD- | axnert to visit Italy before thei , ' of tha arcs need roads practically told t se ee ee eee a, 660 MEE Ave. West a. | } rhe second part the program |need roads practica id I stslia’ dail: atinaiie: Waciadibisienss e on 0a return. A number of local people | ..,.ened with a Chopin “Nocturne” |up and support Mr. Manso1 - POR SALE—Four-roomed house; Section . ‘ : ° ‘ . lay prominent parts in ir P $; furnished or unfurnished; water, Wee at the train to see them off the organ, by Mr. Easor In|so without a road? 3) ‘ Cleanest Lump—Longest Lasting—Gives th electric light. Price furnished, $2,300, rete this, as in accompanying the solo-| Another notice that has appea eee Most Heat—No Clinkers—P. BLACK, Manager PHOWE Ij on small monthly payments Owner The regular Thursday ‘train did girl ’ ’ » leaving town. PP. 0. Box 749 76-7 ' —— — ™ ists. Mr Eason showed greatied since Mr. Manson's departure Susy} Character ind woeeeeee eeeeerten ot ¢ ive about 6 o'clock last epic 18 acters i - FOR SALE—L. F. Solly, Lakeview Poultry not arrive till al . ’ - ability is one for the settlers on the other! Bill Has ' p ; . —— , ing 24 he « ; s ; Bu Ly Wout sucerl en Farm, Westhoimt, B. C. Breeder of night, being 24 hours late It i ' Out of the Deep ates. (ide of the.rives It is to the ef-|, rs “—_ Reavy laying strains of White Wyan- | understood that a bad slide took aughter-raisers of the froadest dottes and White Leghorns Hatching Lewis was heard to great advan- | fect that a meeting of the Lakels¢ ty] In the latter ¢ : y ; S$ toc “ sale lace ¢@ abo le 250. T > ire . PS ~_— 7 eu ’ _— > ow" eges, $10 per 104 tock for sale. plac at about M 0. The train tags, She hase carefully trained| Valle? | Comservativ: lata I } Write now for illustrated catalogue had a number of tourists o1 : puncher tries to produce a nov 78- 82 : soprano voice of remarkable will be held at a*certain place her with di t I — SS ibhoard and the Prince George was : : , 1 piteher with 18as , quality a certain date for the purpose « . music. held over until its arrival. sults to the camera, scenery and Aihiasaiecar-ciihplensdesiataiaalitititesititiatiaiananeennnemans a * | “He Was Despised,” from Han-|*"rolling any new members that players SHINGLE”, MOULDINGS, een, coe DOORS TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL l’s “Messiah.” was magnificent. |™may wish to join. ore . | The Iadies’ Aid of the Presby- |4°!'S “Messiah,” was magnif |: PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0 Musical Instru- | hol y y rendered by Mrs. Scott Be. | This may be interpretd as fo Mrs. ©. H. Sawle, of New Hazel ’ : ‘ terian Church wi old : iolet ' , ; : ' ments repaired. mm Caures © ae.6 sides having a wonderful con-|!0ws: Mr. Wm. Manson having|ton, who has beeu spending a / Teen, Menege Tea in the church hall, Fourth ; te Ave. and MoBride 4. PRINCE RUPERT, a¢ Bows rehaired. The ; ; ‘eat , . tralto voice Mrs. Scott showed|@ nounced that government road|week with friends in town, r¢ ~~ . = : oe enue East, on Saturday, or . PRON = wee : Prince Rupert Mu- arom : 1 * a splendid dramatic powe of| Work is about to start in the La-/turned today to her home ; 3 rom 2 to 6 ere | , sie Store, 345 3ra\”’ from 2 to 6 p. m sere will terpretatior Mr Davey ex- nas e be a g00d musical progran ’ ’ - , 4 . celled himself in Comfort | Faster novelties Home cooking a i with special attractions for the Ye," also from The Messiah } : hei ain 4 2 Behold, the Lamb of God id| =| men. 76-79 THE AMERIGAN TAILORS ¢ "se se oe | choir kept up the high detiteed| at A pleasant little impromptu set in the first part We 40 the ‘VINEST CUSTOM TAIL- qnaee wee’ given. on TBureday With such material at his com- ORING for the LEAST SOmSt night in MeIntyre Hall in honor We have a large stock of High Class : mand, Mr. Ling should have no Woolens and make good suits for $/of Len Bell, who left this morning hesitation in going on to produce $27, and the best in stock for $36. Come and look over our stock be- 3) f0r the East. An orchestra con-| such works at “Elijah” and “The fore buying and save money by it. sisting of Messrs. Pescott and | Messiah.’ THIRD AVE and FIFTH sT | Stillwell and Miss Nauman fur-| is amie Prince Rupert, B. C. nished excellent music and a very | SEATTLE DEPLORES LOST pleasant time was enjoyed. Mr.| TRADE—CLAIMS PRINCE Bee Rees RE | Bell expects to return when bus- RUPERT TAKES LEAD jiness brightens up again. wishin BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC * 2 * (Continued From Page One. | The girls’ chapter of the I. O | withdrawal of the bonding priv-| {|| 4=Hiia Alen. =| | D. 1 are arranging to give a | ileges extended by the United C O A L dance in St, Andrew's Hall on}States government. This would t HE cutaway froék ||! $9.00 per 7 Ton — Gash on April 16. This organization has|force the business to this port,’ is imperative now- ||| been formed recently and is be- said the same fish packer, “but j Boney Back it hot Satie- ing taken up eagerly, The offi-|we might as well bay at the moon a-days. We design 1 UNION TRANSFER CO, jc" oe: Honorary resent, Mtr [as expect that it wil be trough J] and tailor ic as is |) ops | 233 2nd Ave. Phone 36 Eggert; regent, Miss Elsie Tay- —— at the present time. trated, Just look at it Mh): Ma lor; vice regent, Miss Sylvia rhe American business is not, once more— it’s worth co TORONTO | ———______. |Jenns; secretary, Miss Walker;|nor will ever be completely de- while as an example itreasurer, Miss L. King. ‘The | ™oralized. Many vessels will f ; lori BLUE POINT funds raised by the dance wil! be continue to bring their catches to OF art in tailoring. } used for patriotic purposes this port. But it is being demor- Atk for bookler— it’s Free. RESTAURANT | collier areciarntietearctacii lie att alized, as far as we are concerned, P? : ———S}>} | in the markets of Chicago and - ————— ood Clean, Meals From 25 cities east of that point.” Favorable Location. Gents Up.” Just Give Us § FOR RENT a Triai—That’'s All. - ene LAW-BUTLER BUILDING : The order points out: rhat Third Avenue : | Prince Rupert is several hundred | I miles nearer the fishing grounds 3-ROOM HOUSE than is Seattle, and that since the OOO See? SG —~t J ft tts mi LAND NOTICES. Section Six Grand Trunk Pacifie railway is = now operating so that fish can Skeena Land Distriet— District f $ Coast, Range Fiv: . 10.00 | readily be shipped to the Eastern | portion of the United States mar- wetan Br Cr. petupation Covtractor,” tn: 5-RM. MODERN HOUSE |kets from Prince Rupert Ba from \ WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS oes | Sez » , “ § aller a post sited om : orem! % Fifth Ave. and Bowser St. Ss attle, if such boats and smaller ; t-of - | rand Tr P ~ssels re per , o o cine Raliway ay ee i = te $25 00 ive els were permitted to go t southweste from ‘Mile 84, east from , |Prince Rupert and sell _ their Prince Rupert, B. C.; thence north 20 chains i, menes West 20 chains: | thence i j catches, which would in turn be ant om an e y . orth- men erly Mmit of Right-of-Way of the PPLY shipped in bond to the United Gere eet beer sant PATTULLO & RADFORD States, and if such vessels or SIXTH STREET, PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. ning about boats were then permitted to pur- 80 acres, more or less, SECOND AVENUE WILLIAM WATSON. chase supplies for their fishing Dated December 26, 1914. 25-85 operations from Seattle to Prince EMPRESS .» G@. DAWSON, W HOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR gE: | ie (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) ;