al pt wpRIDE’S DAY 1S DONE ~* | VI NO) RY TRIAN ARMY HAS BEEN CUT IN TWO WO PLACES ANCC J VER MAY AGAIN LOSE ITS MAYOR-BYE-ELECTION WILL BE HELD HERE TOMORROW pt EO RESTING LETTER TO HAND~- H. 0. CREW WRITES FROM FRONT $ A VIVID DESCRIPTION OF HIS LIFE IN THE TRENCHES _ApPEARS TO BE IN GOOD CHEER AND DOING HIS DUTY. who this ' va was one city ts, has writ- : ting letter to e v1 this city. The on from it, plionally good experiences: : \ ire at the front, have the trenches un- igain in the all day; ind a blanket, fortable | have I have not been { ta « for two days, rest am now bett l expect to be ( The boom of the very ting days. much of and Thursday at 5 o'clock for They put us in for “Wednesday, ‘started trenches. was standing with @ eat holes knocked in it. the windows broken think Every house had in it, and it would be impossible tu the hours so as to let us find out for | ourselves what we have to put up with. The farm where we are is really on the firing line, if the oraf tillery ever trains its guns this | way. Well, we started out so aol to arrive in the dark, as that is| the only time that the relief can| get in and out. § After walking | for about two miles we came to PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, —— > , THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915. THE DAILY NEWS —————$——$$ $$ “SMASH THE MACHINE” a village or small town, and it wi as | the most pitiable sight $ave | ever seen. The church was a) The above most inter heap of ruins, and the old tower) jumper Val Toronto. CANADIANS IN ACTION (NOT IN FRANCE BUT IN CANADA). esting picture shows the infantry of the Second Canadian Contingent engaging in attack movements in PRICE FIVE CENTS eden, BLOCKADE | IS LOOSENING ITS GRIP } ay ia long march, |find one that a shell had not either ty-five pounds |flattened to the ground, or the | eens Cnbietiete xtee : We started|roof had gone, or one or two of} Conds April 8 The Great | let at the farm|the walls. One large house was | Eastern Railway announces that) dal | arrived here at . > panes @ on pepe Four.) farm about & p. m./ and —_—_—= ljtheir bi-weekly passenger service | 1 was all in. We BELGIAN SOLDIERS from London to Hook-of-Holland | ig st Tuesday and MADE GERMANS FLY will be resumed next week. This oe ng steamship service was stopped by | errr ere ree e quem the German submarines and its REAK THE MACHINE” * (Special to The Dally News.) sf teaiitiie td . resumption Mui aves a 1@ Ade * London, April 8.—Official dis- \ ee " miralty has the matter well in is a argument in */patches state that the western), . 4 hvor of the Tory ma- *}side of the Yser Canal has been hing this provinee that #* ' ; ac . completely freed of the enemy by DEPORTATION STOPS berals of Ontario the Belgians. The Germans fled CHECKERED CAREER e als ce in posses. * f ery © in disorder, leaving machine guns = ist ‘aa