THE DAILY NEWS emrereeereecrmr BOY'S FATHER ASKS A Lom M AGIC READ | MARRIAGE ANNULLED reer — al DTU AY) “coon nomine—nover” | peg arya Lived Together. mn | THE DaILy NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation H. F. MeRAB, EDITOR AND MANAGER ” _ — $$$. ~R, A, Reid HEAD OFFICE om wikia winedinen | Toronto, April 40 cali corning» Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. SIR WILFRID BOOSTING ghee - a action begun at D E N TISTRY | Martin Swansoy TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract FOR PRINCE RUPERT .... ode Hall to nave declared Second A —* rates on application. lnull and void a marriage cere- enewn ime wees Gem r MoBridy a" ae Ottawa, April 12,—In the Com-|,..,. said to have been perform- A SPECIALTY plaiaialalebeleich i 4.1 Tete os Se a ee ee a ae Ball, between Cyril DRS. GILROY & BROWN hy dian trade agent in Germany, to); .. jon, England, and his Cousin, |§ OfMee: Smith Block, Third Avenue E D | T O R I A L S Russia, Sir George Foster Ox dith Bell, under 24, of Toronto | cue Sere | pressed the opinion that after the; ppe plaintiff, Alleyne George | excell aii 4 = = a ee a ——————————ywar Russia would afford a very), ilpy Elwell, wants it declared | py syn ey ye eeEeeeeeep ens eyes | TAXI When al! nations are sinking of timber, waterpower, coal,|large field for Canadian products leh ita valid marriage was not ef-| ; into debt, questions naturally iron, copper, nickel, or other|Siberia, which was like the Cana-|>,.4,4 on May 23, 19414, on the| FOR A TAXI mons, when discussing the send lod by R. A. | DAILY EDITION ate Tuesday, April 13, 1915. Jing of G. H. Just, former Cana-|»..,in Valpy Elwell, aged 16, of| DENTISTS 35 PHONE arise as to who will be credit- mines, taken possession of]@ian Northwest, was filling UP|,.casion of the lad’s visit to To- ors. All men cannot borrow] lines of communication be-|'@Pidly and railway development} nto, and that the license issued | t ALF MALLIGAN : ' ; : y would be undertaken there by the was void. The court is asked to ; from one another. National tween oil wells and oil users ; . ' RHRRHRE RHR Russian government. [In China, expunge all records of the li- 75--PHONE--75 OOO tt bonds, debentures, consols, or between food producers and Sir George stated, there had been]... and the solemnization of : sill and other evidences of debt, do consumers, pre-empted city!a good trade year, and very satis- the marriage; and to restrain the ; PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO | Phone 174 not represent either the pov- areas, or taken advantage of|/factory results had followed the} y.r.nqant from molesting or FOR PLUMBING aND wenn erty or the wealth of all, but monopolistic trade restraints,|Work of Dr. Ross, who had acted communicating with the youth in ARARARAAR ARAN TATRA Rae SMITH & M the indebtedness of some to] who become creditors. They/®$% Canadian commissioner there|,,y way. mee Largest stock of Pipe nom others. It has been said that have no use for the vast|for six or seven months, In Great Mrs. Bell, mother of Miss Mar- Fane Pioes ‘ it to Onder =e even if the issue of the war] * amount of wealth they are in| Britain, the minister stated, it}... Rell, stated that the marriage B ¢. UNDERTAKERS prince Rupert Ore were uncertain, there would be a position to obtain, so it is}Was his intention to group some}, ,,.; place in May, 1914, but that ounanes, emecvens Am Gm. e ; no uncertainty as to who would not brought into existence, |Of the cities under a central com- she did not know anything of it BALMERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- aie » a lend the indemnity. The first} They simply become creditors. | ™issioner. until the following November, ANTEED—OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Bf on oe six months of the war have The whole people sink deeper| Sir Wilfrid Laurier agreed that) 4.) the youthiul husband re- chuse Enne, Pomme Gene wieLiane Walia, BA, Ll sunk the people of the bellig- and deeper into their debt. The|important results might folloW}) neq to England. ; Barri . MANSON erent nations into debt to the} vast fortunes they are sup-|the development of trade with) «phey never lived together at} —— aia Pristers, Solicitors, Gia small creditor class among posed to own have no exist-| Russia and with China. As soon all.” said Mrs. Bell. ‘“‘My daugh- oo me — themselves to the extent of} ence. as the war ended he would like to}ig, wasn't 24 by amy means when Canadian Helgersor k Prince Rupert, 8 & over eight and a half billion * * & see a direct steamship line be-|.4,. was married. The boy was - ania dollars. This means that the Bonds afford a convenient|tween Prince Rupert and Viadivo-|4¢ hut Jooked far more than that, STEAM LAUNDRY oo ~~ children’s children of the pres- illustration, They are evi-}Stock, which, he thought, would/i, was six feet tall, and no one ee eee PACIFIC CARTAGE LMT) ent generation willbe maintain- dences of the extent to which|develop enormous trade. would have thought for a moment Latest and Approved Methode iain ae ingthechildren’schildrenof the} the people as a whole haye| Sir George Foster next spoke/ina: he was so young. Of course Only Skilled Operators Employed eet pa “ creditors as well as themselves. been living beyond their in-|of the waned — of ee a we never wanted the marriage Shenk os mh at wit call LADYSMITH COAL A leading London financial au-| come, or perhaps it is more}lumbia as having = suffered/. ng on with. The boy was a for a trial bundle ®3—Phone—sa thority estimates the cost of| correct to say their income has|through the disturbance of Pa-|, icance. That is the long and ine iia — war for the year at the un-| been kept below their indi-|cific freights. To relieve this sit-| nor¢ of it. My daughter was re- Hote Our Address: alelattattabtatetes. thinkable aggregate of fifteen vidual collective cost of living.|Uation a special commissioner] ....,-ing from a nervous break- 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST 3 billion dollars. It seems im-| Had the income, individual or|had been appointed, Mr. MacMil-| 4.05 at the time.” PHONE NO. 8 C. B. PETERSON possible to imagine the crea- communal, been kept up to the|!an, who would make a tour of ‘iiciitmailaiminatincmiiliaiitesi eins NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 3; EXPERT ACCOUNTANT tion of such an immense dis-| cost of living, no creditor class|Japan, China,~MMmdia, Australia,| EITEL FRIEDERICH tactile | AND AUDITOR turbance of debt and credit, but would be in a position to lend,|New Zealand, South Africa, Chi- INTERNS FOR WAR Canadian Steam Laundry i Phone 900 actual records of obligations and no debtor class would be|®a, the minister added, was prac- ---—— 2 oe tically without timber. Washington, April 7.—Com- issued put the matter beyond forced to the necessity of bor- question. rowing. It is not an attack on Dr. Thompson, of the Yukon,|mander Theirichens, of the Ger- 4.5 wealth or on the wealthy to ex- said that he had met a French|man auxiliary cruiser Prinz EFitel SEEDS! SEEDS! JAMES CILMORE capitalist who had talked of es-]{Friedrich, informed the collector There is nothing mysterious plain the phenomenon of a about the methods by which the] multitude of vast fortunes|tablishing a steamship line from]of customs at New Port News that RECEIVED OUR 1015 SEEDS Architect people who grow the grain, seeming to exist while the real| Viadivostock to a Canadian port|he desired to intern his ship in WE crag . . : alin , . , erry Stee build the houses, and turn out wealth of the world is estimat-|@8 Seon as the Grand Trunk Pa-jAmerica for the war. The com- eae = - _ 2nd Avenue, near McBride Sted goods from the factories sink ed at about four years’ produc-|¢ifle was completed. The estab-|mander said he had been obliged Brigg’s Garden and Field Seeds -_— into debt to the small ereditor| tion. An understanding of the|!ishment of trade with Russia in/to determine upon this course be- class during every era of waste| nature of wealth robs a man|this way, Dr. Thompson said,jcause relief had been made im- Also Pertitinere and extravagance. It is gen- of pride in its possession, and|Would reatly be only a revival of | possible for a dash for the sea. We Take Orders for Nursery CANADIAN PACIFIC erally the men who have ob-| also saves him from being} t’ade which was carried on by| It was announced at the Navy Stock RAILWAY tained contro! of the nation’s} ashamed of his poverty.—To-'Russian traders all down the|Department that the Eitel would May, Grain, and Feed ot — highways, secured ownership} ronto Globe. coast to North America near to|be taken to the Norfolk navy yard Vancouver Pricte ' PRINCESS MAQUINNA San Francisco a hundred years|for internment, and her officers Chicken Feed a Specialty SOUTHBOUND ~ Jago, Sitka, in Alaska, being a cen-| and crew bound not to participate Gee ete Gremey eeeneee FRIDAY 8P.@ tre of Russian trade. Dr. Thomp-| further in the war. Prince Rupert Feed Co 2 PRINCESS MAY s s »sted that a 1 trad Commander Theirichens sent THE UNION STEAMSHIP (0., OF B.C., LIMITED eke eer ae eee ate for Collector of Seetdur Mans eae ne ee SOUTHBOUND rs might be done between Canada ’ ‘ SS. VENTURE and South America, but the min-]| ton, and told him of his decision nt ee ee SUNDAY 5 P. : ister explained that the financial] to intern his ship, and said that ADVERTISE IN 4. @ MONA, ones tet | SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. and banking arrangements were|he awaited the orders of the THE DAILY NEWS Corner Fourth sires ant Tw } unfavorable. There was also the| United States government. _— = — — Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT lack of a direct steamship service, The collector immediately no- a question which would have toj|tified the Treasury Department at . For F ; urther Particulars Apply to be taken up by the Dominion. Washington, and later went into D S.S. Prince George ' PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. pine et tas @ conference with the naval eu. Sails for Vancouver, _ : a AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS POSTING WAGERS ON PEACE. |thorities as to procedure. torts wee —y _ | London, April 9.— Betting on ae a S. S. Prince John eee | {he Cutcome of the war is all the KAISER’S BALTIC FLEET For Vancouver, Sundays at 7:30 P. M. ee rage in London- now. Several firms wednesdays #4 i iwi — A. M. on and individuals, through Lloyd’s| Warships Cut Off From Base by asad ae eee yr eal Winnipeg o = ; ‘ Exchange, have posted the follow- Own Minefields, Says necting with trains for 8t. Paul, Chicago, and all pri" oe ee / ing “book” on the duration of . These trains carry splendid electric lighted Sleep") and Pe Paul. e on e 1S a Copenhagen. Wednesdays @ through Tourist Gleoper (electric lignite’) te S y= e hosilities: MAKE YOUR TRAIN OR STEAMSHIP BERTH RESERVATIONS EARL : Spear That the war will end before London, April 42. The Ger- PHONE 260 ' Anybody who is a registered voter in British Columbia May 1, 1915, 3 to 1 against. man Baltic fleet has been eut off FOR POINTS EAST OF CHICAGO USE THE GRAND : can be transferred to the local list providing he does it forty That the war will end before|from its base by its own mine TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTE™ ; days before election. As the election date has not been an- June 1, 1915, 2 to 1 against. fleld, which broke adrift in a The Double Track Route oon nounced there may still be time for this. That the war will end before | Storm, according to a Copenhagen For Full information and Through Tickets, apply 0 @ TP Tieket ; . September 1, even money, dispatoh to The Daily Mail. A mae Buaese. Lines : Anyone wh >» : to os : : TLA EAMSHIP the ene heihe - ay oe — who to ox mesthe ™ That the war will end before|!arge number of mines have AGENCY ALL A mre ST of Revision will be h ' ‘ona anaee = - ar Court December 41, 1915, 10 to 4 on, floated into neutral waters, See if the Federal fron sg h a i enable him to vote in June That the war will end before The German fleet, returning ——— e en, March 1, 1916, 115 to 4 on. from a Russian expedition, found AS Apply to L. W. Patmore, G. R. Naden, Williams & Man- That Germany will take Paris,|‘he mines dangerously thick and WARE : son, or any other commissionr. 25 to 4 against. decided to retire between the is. FRED STORK’S HARD That Germany will take War-|!ands of Gothland and Oeland un- ae saw, 5 to 4, against. til the mine sweepers ean clear ————— SS ‘ ( ——_$= —— . : es ss | Passage. 710 SECOND AVE . Se . pie 1 aetinniak ae Carpenters’ Tools Sullders’ Hardware 9"'P onandie” Delivered to any part $| KING ALBERT’S SON, Fishing Taek Good | of tows, or can be nea Semmanonn end cc Wire Cable Stee! Blocks ning a so at = =«6Spure’s «= Market, ’ my fron Pipe Pipe Fittings nine ition Pure Knott's Bakery and the — ammun nen aut bo Dunkirk, April 12.—The Duke |}} ®epe Valves metal Milk of Brabant, eldest son of King Al Pumps Hose : ted Iron . —* Ccorrug® SHINGLE, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS Govt, Inspected Cows bert of Belgium, although only 44 Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing “ gest” “WE SELL NOTHING BUT * aA PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO The Best Equipped and Most years of age, has enlisted in the 12th Infantry. He ws are g ° Sanitary Dairy is the was marching A. 4 BURROUGHS, Manager 4 : in the ranks with a rifle on his tet Ave. and eeteiee a. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Prince Rupert Dairy shoulder when the regiment was PHONE Branch Vard at Smithers Phone Green 262 reviewed by his father and the Queen at Broqueville, FRED STORK’s HARDWAR)