THE DAILY NEWS « The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. HUDSON'S BAY CO. WILLIAM MANSON CLOSES AT FORT GEORGE GETS A HOT TIME Fort George, April 10.—A sad| Bella Goola.—A veritable storm event in the history of the West, FOR RENT rok RENT—Furnished house; modern conveniences; good view. Phone 6. 76-8 76-78 modern tf. FOR RENT—Furnished house; conveniences; good view. Phone 6. RENT — Furnished Inquire Demers. FOR rooms. WANTED—Employment by refined young objection domestic service. Apply Box 100, Dally News. 85-tf. Ap- 8itt. lady. No Good cook. WANTED—Two good seamstresses. ply Miss Murphy, Smith Block. FOR SALE FOR SALE—$35.00 baby carriage in good condition. Will sell very cheap. Apply 313 Seventh Ave. E. 77-79 FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. tf. music. Musical Instru- ments Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 3rd Ave. tf. repaired. FOR TAXI | Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert ooo FOR RENT 3 HOUSES, $8 PER MO. Water Included 1- AND 2-ROOM CABINS Furnished $5 AND $8 PER MO. —APPLY— Pattullo & Radford 2nd Ave. ‘ gree BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Good Clean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Triali—That’'s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.00 per Ton—Cash on Delivery Money Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 aN Fjowing to TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL and one which brings home in a marked degree the transformation which is taking place in the one- time frontier, is the closing up of the Hudson's Bay Company post here after 110 years’ trading. This event occurred this week the fact of the pany'’s post being for the time be- ing sidetracked owing to the de- velopment of the city at some dis- come tance north of their old location. The Fort George founded about 111 Simon Fraser, the great explorer, who, as an officer of the North- west established this post when on his voyage of dis- covery down the great river that bears his name. He called it af- ter the reigning monarch of the post was years ago by Company, | period. Fort ever since that date, as a trading post. The first of the post was on the northeast corner of land which is now the Indian reserve, but the location on which it stands today has been the posi- tion of the post for the past forty years or so. Many a sturdy pio- neer has come and gone as offi- George has continued, loeation cer-in-charge of the staunch old | post, and through the days of the wreliminary suveys of the C. P. R., forty years ago, before the Rogers Pass route had been chosen by lthe C. P. R. engineers, Fort | George played an important part. lIn latter years during the survey- ling and construction of the G. T. iP, many an important plan was thought out and arranged within |the bleak walls of the old post. All | through the bleak years of the jpast the of the places” have bartered there with the Indians, and carried on the | work of civilization which the great trading company brought to the West. That the jtually build here one of their men “silent company will even- |great department stores is a con- jclusion which we may anticipate, but the which are on hand here and be- in the meantime goods ing shipped to outlying posts, and point, farther north, the slow wheels of evalu- in’ some other tion are evolving strange futures for the bleak outposts where the traders carry on their business. (Special to The Dally News.) » Nanaimo, April 13.—‘Rough- house” Charley Burns got the de- cision over Billy Soules on a foul in the eleventh round of a fifteen- round bout here last night. The decision was unfavor- ably, though Burns had a shade over Soules. received cloud burst upon the head of Wm Manson on Tuesday evening. Mr Manson talked Dominion and civie matters, and attacked the Liberal party, the Liberal press generally, and the Bella Coola Courier and its editor particular ly. Nothing could induce him to confine himself to provincial poli- tics. Mr. Gibson, who followed, said that he had voted Conservative in the past but never, he said, could he vote again for any man to sup- port the present aggregation at Victoria. Mr. Harris spoke of the pur chase of submarines, the govern- ment’s avowed policy of reser ing a portion of every coal area, and several other matters, and in- vited Mr. Manson to offer an ex- planation of his attitude in regard to them. Again Mr. Manson de- liberately evaded the points raised and only suceeded in arousing the ire of the meeting. At this point a disturbance arose, resulting in a prominent Conserv- ative being compelled to leave the meeting amidst a storm of jeers. After this the meeting was quick- ly brought to a close. Bella Coola Valley never saw the like. No wonder that the Conservatives are “delate -~Bella Coola Courier. sick tum-tum."’- CLAYTON'S SCHEME. Geo. L. Clayton wrote the City last night in connection with the cold storage proposition which he has in view for this port. He expects to use 300 horsepower of electricity and wants it at 1 The water he re- quires he is willing to pay for at The chief nut that cracking, however, is the guaranteeing of his F ads to the extent of $250,000 for five years Council cent per k. w. current rates. needs at 6 per cent. This the Council did not feel like jaws to last night so it was turn- applying their ed over to the Fish Committee and the Finance Committee for re- port. The Mayor intimated that there were other solutions in the air and perhaps within a week they would be ready for presentation. it to the effect that Provincial govern- Rumor has perhaps the ment will come across with some assistance. ——— Mrs. J. A. Thompson, Seal Cove, will not receive today, nor again this season. Safety First—Use New Wel- lington Coal. Phone 116. 67tf. Situatior®wanted by young man. Experienced salesman and busi- High class refer- Daily ness education. ences. Apply Box 133, McBRIDE’S DAY IS DONE —<———<——— News. tf. STARTS Ladies’ Skirts, all kinds of mate Sale Tee eee eee eee $12.50, April Sale ...... Nerve Energy and Eyeglasses. A constant dropping wears away astone. A slight eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort should be remedied at once, This we guarantee to do with eennes, Consultation free. elays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN 223 Sixth &t. Phone Biack 69 La Diva-Corsets, front or back Lisle Hose in tan or black, reg. ¢ Ladies’ Serge Dreses in saxe $10.00 to $25.00........ _A new ship lipment of very prett colors wil be in on the Apri April Sale they will be ... Apri Blouses, all our High Class prices up to $12.00, Aprit eee ewe ewes . $35.00 April Sale Price $18.00 $30.00 April Sale Price $16.00 $25.00 April Sale Price $12.50 eee DEMERS ANNUAL APRILSALE ANNOUN Guaranteed Raincoats, reg. $10.50 and $12.50, April Sale, $6.75 Ladies’ Sweater Coats, reg. prices up to $7.50, April Sale, $2.45 Ladies’ Duchess Satin, Accordian , navy, Ap Perrin’s Gloves, although they are Taffeta Ribbons in beautiful shades, Silk and Lace Coats and Suits at Less Than Cost Ladies Lace Coats and Tunics, reg. price np to $25 ; this April for THURSDAY, APRIL 8 CEMENT rials, $7.50 and $8.50, April Slips, Sethe ctdband's baaaeks $7.6¢ lace, reg. 4.50, April Sale, $2.95 \5e,.. April Sale, 3pr for $1.00 black, regular prices from ril Sale at just Haif Price Cotton Crepe Kimonas in all Sale at Cost. raised in price, during this SPORE eee Ci cevoesbeseses 96 $18.00 April Sale Price $8.50 $16.00 April Sale Price $8.00 $15.00 April Sale Price $7.60 $5.00 erre We Cleanest Lump—Longest Last PRINCE RUPERT COAL co. | lington Coal Most Heat—No Clinkers—P. BLACK, Man ing—Gives ser PHONE 15 ’ NEW DEPARTURE AT THE WESTHOLME imary Pickford in “The Eagle's Mate’ Wednesday and Thursday. romorrow night marks the be- ginning of at rhe Westholme, a series of Paramount” features of from five to eight the first of which will be “The Fagle’s Mate,” in five reels, starring the great movie favorite, Mary Pickford. continued a new innovation reels, series will be rhis from week to week until further notice. In speaking of a series of sietures, it must be understood | | that this does not mean a “se- I but each feature is a com- plete and independent story, the only relation between them being that they are all produced by the which Paramount Company, is noted for its splendid high-class picture plays. “The Eagle’s Mate” is a charm- ing story of the mountain regions it little Mary of her In producing pictures these The Westholme shows great enter- of of Virginia and in Pickford best work. does some very such as management is deserving every prise and success. REPLANKING STREETS. The knotty problem of replank- ing of the city was up again last night. The that would the replanked for the wornout streets city engineer estimated re- pairs for this cost £6,000, year whole and about while be repaired about streets could foundations $9,500. Alderman Dybhavn and Bever- idge wanted the work done by a local improvement bylaw. They contended that as these roads didn't cost the property owners anything, many of them being put in by the G. T. P., it wasn't fair to ask other property owners who for help pay for the re- are now paying their own streets to planking of other property hold- ers’ streets, The other members, including Alderman Maitland and Alderman Montgomery, said that since this was repair work it should be done out of general fund, as all cities do. A general policy must start sometime along this line, so why not .start now? It was decided to lay the matter over for another week. THE CRADLE. Wark.—To Mr. and Mrs. C. Wark, on the 11th inst., a son. B. Rauk.—-At the General Hospital, Saturday, to Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Rauk, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs. G, A, Sweet, on the 12th inst., a daugh- ter. Sweet. 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S OWN RIFLES. Orders by Major J. H. McoMullin, Commanding, April 10, 1915: Parades. “A” Company will parade at the Exhibition Building on Wednes- nesday and Friday, April 14 and 16. “B’ Company will parade at the Exhibition Building on Monday and Thursday, April 12 and 45, W. 8. MARSHALL, Lieut., 84-89 Acting Adjutant. THE WEATHER. By F. W. Dowling, Observer. . 8 4, m., April 43, 1945.) POON obi icik eG 29.792 ee, Ce og 55.0 Be COMI, iia Side coy: 42.0 Guulslepeetithemensnmenheenenntenans Quality, satisfaction and econ. omy, New Wellington Phone 116, Coal, 63tf. For a comfortable room, come to the 8t. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec. end Avenue, near Kighth Street, Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room Free baths, Rates reasonable, EXTRA WATER MAIN. built aeross the Shawatlans Pas sage, An accident might destroy the present one and cut the city’s water supply off. The lowering An extra water main must be |Orders by PRINCE RUPERT CAdEy lay of insurance rates, indeed, de-|Uniform, any pends on this, ; Saturday An offer was read last night}in unifory from Captain Babbington offer Saturday ing to supply the necessary plant] Practice at and labor to do the work § for RO} £5,000, taking full risks of the i work. The former crossing cost LAN the city $18,000, when put in by our present city engineer by day labor. Alderman Kerr wanted to know why tenders were not called for, It was pointed out that Captain Babbington was the only man in the North had plant and as long as his tender they it who a suitable wag reasonable thought well to give him a chance, Lead and packing for the joints with the ends will as connecting main at both cost the city about $1,000, as well present VISITED THE FAIR. Cc. C. Purdy, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has just re- turned from a holiday in Califor- nia, where he visited the fairs both at Los Angeles and- San Francisco, He speaks with the same high of the building that prior visitors have had. He asked the head of the Washington State building as to whatsightshe point to it all at the “See the Canada regard Canadian should make he at his disposal. a see, as couldn't see time building,” was he reply, “and you have seen the best on the grounds.” On all hands among the crowds the heard building exclamation of In the in the reg- Visiting Canada could be wonder at its perfection. column for “Remarks” ister book were continual expres- sions to the effect that it was not only the finest on the ground but the best exhibition ever seen at a fair. é The natural seenery of Canada its In the front is reproduced, showing re- sources and beauty. real trees and scenery are seen, while in the distance the artist carries you away with his im- agery. TO THE ELECTORS. Ladies and Gentlemen: In response to what might properly be called a general re- quest of the I hereby announce my candidacy in the ap- proaching Municipal tion, April 16th. If elected, I will adhere strictly to the principles outlined in my address in the K, of P. Hall, April 8th, and published in The Empir« on April 9th. Thanking your for your past I more bid to you for a trial at your offi- cial helm. electors, Bye-Elec- consideration, make one Respectfully, TAKE emo, fF tends to followin & post the Rigi cine Rai southwe Prince ehains; south 46 rit Trur erly 6rand thence limit of commen 80 acre Dated . Ww Prin rp of Act Ine the on the J livert tary purpos ‘ the it rela licence been f 6. as itr licence and and to coma tic plicati of this « vided sisting propose cence part « tenance v first pe fore wu plans t Comptr fore wu 10 ing sha under dertaki proved, approve Act, 19 11 said ¢ in reap the cit 12 way be plans posed gonstru the eff der th “Water to suct the applica ust, 1 13 and vol ther hereof of Jun Date a 82-85 q GEO, B. CASEY, at exacting. tion has appr dertaki! in of d of March Skeena Land Distriet 4% NOTICE + { app! ® descri Planted ite« W way | Blerly Rupert thence 5 Hor theaste ihe cel . ‘ De cem ne PROVINCE OF BRITigy COLUMBIA, Department of Lands — Waty Rights Branch, CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL, HEREA et title rat 1910, Chay 9 AN authority N AN tion has 4 vi wat ANI if ‘ te AN rls ‘ 4 condit tly ns Any n ment by u Tin t ‘ iit Line shall cor Oonsist and The art 8! ist hereof voller ist The He not the t Corporation | ne ha nor al unde 4 The orporat ect y of rhis eeu i unde eulor et I Act 1} mit Th aw be aj ivi al } Empress Ja Are strictly a B. ©, Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened frui the Fraser Valiey and Vancouver le purest of Cane Sugar. Every step in the producing and ma" turing of the delicious vam contributes prosperity of B. ©, It will satisfy SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-Ib. Glass Jars and 4- THE EMPRESS MANUFACTUR! Vancouver, 8. ©. Ib. NG ee Empress Jats | George L Struction, for the April 17, 19165; Hains, ¢ Apr 119 1945 CORP, eek, Cader Ine } m Dril}, ‘Nd Practiog ra in ™m Dr il hot > Dp. Mm \mbulanes ty Halt ‘T. RITCHIR, ¢ 6 D NOTIOES, ~ ets Hange vivitar ot ee ‘hat William ipation Congest bermission Wot, iy. 1 lands ‘ease ty be Col ty of the Grang mipany, and from Mile about be u Chaing an ora ) Right-of yay w ; 4nd = con . i 0 ining Weg; WILLIAM WATSON ber 26, 1914 iy — poration f the City rporated under @ { Prince Rupen B statues } DY Resolution @ said Corporati Stake Water righy Wark Channel; the said Compan. 4 Waler licen » me River, & trike ATM, for power the sald compan. Hee, petitioned tar raking as fr g application fas bjection ts ENTIFY that the @ rporstion Ino ® application fare ject to te Water Act, (ii 4 mimenced oa @ cos, ad jeposited wih @ Rights of ak f November, 107. part of the undefie mmenced uptil ane ¢ which te @ carry out te & y passed od & further certineatt ‘ Wa snd wo ie — Ter company walt the path day of shall pecome notice ipless 4A red by Cae , ve the , ts 10h we. A <— Minister of —= ms —, Ce ne nae ee ts of island, to ufac- o the e most Tins 00, LT? —————$—$$$—$—$—$— — — $— << $$