\pril 15, 1045. TRENCHES ; THE DAWY NEWS. IO ee ea een —— j pe a ee —_ MYSTERY, FUN AND fahnal ORTURED BY THRILLS AT MavESsTic ”_ Ganeang aaa ee eee P ELL CELE LEC A Leelee eess sisters stttrts yt eT a a {L> { “The Black Box” continues to fe CON SIP draw great crowds to The Majes.| | Vip tie, The work of Quest and his ‘) ra assistants is amusing as well as or } ‘ ; ? 4 “E rUit- a- tives” » Cured Paraly- intensely interesting, gis te A Western drama, “The Half Os) tion “ + i bowels and Diges Qur. breed,” displays some of the most oO eae \g SHAWINIGAN, : ‘ OF ns a mn iL 198d daring feats of horsemanship 7 “at Yay D a } 6 6 ioe! sure to me to laform yee ever secured, while “His Royal { 3 Vv *) 18 ‘ , ronic ” 4 ‘ lh A, @ that Alter ot 2% $e ars, Theo bees Pants” is a seream from start to \ ‘hs ft ! POUNDERS You will find it just as wholesome, as con- poem rait-a-tives’. While I [finish. The “Animated Weekly.” Do ee, r cured b) ne herthie College, I ney limated Weekly, | ’ ’ ie. venient for you as it has proven for the many - : . fofesd to leave the which is up to its usual high | . 4° ' " 60 families round about you. There is so much eee) ere 18 acrol . atoe : q== potest ~ 2 fortured meand Joomowe’ completes a tip-top wy hee Bounces absolute goodness and purity about B. C. MILK _ ooint when I could not | Program, . ° ys ; a t all, and my Digestion i ‘ f Hipikle Vern, 24 that it is a really safe kind to use. per. paralyzed: © me one advised \ ; a’, ing” . + take */ertit-aetives’’ and at once 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY’s ‘ ee , OLD SOLD BY ALL GROCERS felt a gt mprovement, After I OWN RIFLES. | *. ;;, ee see Ita r five boxes, I realized | M . (/S- INCH at | wa etely cured and what ——-~ Pe GUN; Made in B. ©. by bade ¢ : ir cami ae Orders by Major J. H. MoMullin, | LORRIES 88 AMMUNITION PA. HOSPITAL east wels, those whe Commanding, April 10, 1916: | =) &) <) SEA PLANE . rf oe eceagie aod te om ae 3 MILEY The B.C. Milk Condensing mane § f exompee ana take i TI s tk or they are the ‘ Parades. | ate Co Ltd negli “AG ' a iS . pedici Re _ & Company will parade at the | Canadian and German Trenches With Supporting Field Artillery. oa Exhibition Building on Wednes- | The above ‘ iti . ie . Factories at Chilliwack and Ladner, B. C. «penit-a-tives”’ are sold by all dealers 4 : 1e above plan of the disposition of Canadian artillery be- se. ne ae $0.50, trial olen, nesday and Friday, April 14 and hind the line of trenches oceupied by the Canadians, also show- or sent postpaid on receiptol pete | 46. ing the varying distance between the trenches, was sent by an oI ’ Frult-a tives Limited, Ottawa, “B" Company will parade at the officer at the front. -—- Exhibition Building on Monday er meena, e oT. } JUIUIIUOUUUUULUALU UOC COCO CII Cg a and Thursday, April 12 and 15. PRESIDENT HAS NO ONE HONEST MAN Certificate of Improvements. W. 8S. MARSHALL, Lieut NOTICE. 84-89 Acting Adjutant, OPINION TO GIVE AND WHAT HAPPENED 3 ae te a ON WORLD WAR] ass, apsr ts — what Ramsay's * se Divis ( Cassiar District, Salvation Army. cae loge che SD I a een broker, wholesaler or merchant, e Bby Bay Bonanga and Falls Public meetings, Tuesday, Washington, April 14.—In a in selling a box of strawberries on E - xorice that 1, George R. Naden,| Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m.|SPeech before the Maryland an-|the representation that it con- mpire ream as aineh’s cate No. 50853B, aét- a at 7:30 Zz m. al ¢ xe of the Methodist i 7 i nual conference tains a pint measure when in as Ag homes MecRostie, Free ‘ : ws Certifeate No. 80348B, and James Episcopal Church, in session|reality it holds more than a pint, pa : = . oa on an on 31 Pcs Older Than The here, President Wilson said it was but is sold at vs additional cont, In 2-Ib. Tins hereof, | oye eee - Dominion of Canada his belief that no man was wise i saree og om al os a me te pernees ee enough to pronounce judgment]. pare ve -s enya 7 Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior arrest, is 48 yhic Dor « above elaims, ; S the name implies, ial ila el wth doatedbe gee ante msctaa lige re quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- 4 furthe k. notice that action, un Th n uropean war at this time. Judge Gordon will have to decide. . of such ‘Cortieate Of Improve: N © Bank of British | gu. ne added, “we can all] TY ti in the case Se ee ee ee eee at certificate of Improve- orth America was ’ a ’ é 1e@ question arose in e cas Biscults. , f March, A. D, established long before the hold our spirits in readiness to|against Benton F, Pearce, mana- "a “ng Provinces united d [accept the truth when it is re- ger of the Produce Distributors They are made in B. 0. and your grocer gets his supply GEO. R. NADEN. Dademe the Fi 1 e : an vealed to us in the outcome of this|COmMpany, of 63 Madison Street, frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means ICE TO DELINQUENT CO Ganats ke bees = titanic struggle.” who was arrested by J. P. Wor- oe = . ec soun a , : : » inspec i > wei OWNER. . . The President reminded the|4¢", 49 inspector in the weights Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. progressive management , a hi hh delegates that in transacting the . which has made it a power - 2 rjerwus «) wholn ou, map Reve in Canadian finan Tas tee ins sche te Gece ce ; Y T Ei rent, Tate nottee : Cie a MAKES | wore like the men in charge of the |V!sions of the ordinance which RAMSA BRO CO L D. ¥ _— -— ee - i e an Or your |nation’s government, in reality, |%0Verns the weighing and meas- S. & °9 ngs” M laims, snases at the) account. uring of all commodities. and measures department, on charges that he violated the pro- Manufactured by of Hastings Arin ar handling “the phases of the day.” Vancouver, B. C. ie the beach, in ’ : fer Mining istriet, | inte, Shee: THE BANK OF The President said, in part: Alpheus Byers, attorney for : r work’ On tap an ee Mr. Pearce, contended that if a * fof Work on the above mentioned British A Sees ideal Beneath It. : PIAA IR AA AAAAIAAA IAA AAS SASSI AAAS ASIA SAAS AINA AI AS ASI AS AA IH I urde ' “* ee wy orth merica “These are days of very great merchant wanted to oe ngs _—_—_——— . - = "00 days a oe + 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. perplexities, when a great cloud tomer & little extra measure he you fa refuse to contribute; CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. .|was not violating the law. portion of bh expenditure, te- of trouble hangs and broods ove! s ," sik os . + el eee, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH the greater part of the world. It Worden contends al, ale ed cto tat es eems as if great blind material though the purchasers are not hened sec . seems ‘ a : Pt Amendment het ee SQ P. MARGETTS, Manager. .;., being swindled when they receive T. BH. COVERT, forees had been released which " " “Co-Owner. aes an excess in measure, the official d at Pr Rup January had for long been held in leash my a oo m : sanction of such a_ propositioa e and restraint. Yet, and under-|" - : : : will result in there being scores neath it, you can see the strong 4 of different sizes of boxes on the impulses of great ideals. market, with no set standard, 6 9 “It would be impossible for men Se ee ee : : ‘ tt a ileal a elt which is in violation of the law. ” . rhe > rO- . o go through what me 8 Pearce said that he was acting ., » . s of —_ Creagh on he GaMimeie © as a local distributing agent for Europe and struggle through the 7 s ; . ta Texas firm. His boxes are present dark night of their terri- PEERED eee FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CIROUIT NO, 1. 12—Sth St. and 8rd Ave. 13-6 St. and 8rd Ave, 148th St. and 8rd Ave, re uncon Of 18, Mud and bié: cteuamielé: 0 Gites “at thet 3 3-10 inches bigger than the lo- ' 10—19: Ave, mecwnsn Oth Gas Sines’ aie ta Ghai eet. cain cal standard of 37 cubic inches. Circulation Guaranteed m Sts. (knox Hotel.) ree , , —_—__— the Largest in Northern 17—1st Ave. and 7th St. (Cen the broadening ov light where the PRINCE RUPERT CADET CORPS. . Mis Soned morning should come up and be- Beitich Columbia = CIROUIT NO. 2. lieved that they were standing | @pgers by George Leek, Cadet In- = a Ave and 8rd St. each on his side of the contest struction, for the Week Ending 23-—ird Ave and MeBride St. for some eternal principle of April 17, 1915: = ist Ave. and McBride 8t. right. Se ee 26204 os = = = Tribunal of World’s Opinion. Saturday, 9:30 a. m.—Drill, not 0. t. 2 “Then, all about them, all/in uniform. CIROUIT NO. & about us, there sits the silent, Saturday, 3 p. m.—Ambulance S1--5th Ave. and Pulton 8. waiting tribunal which is going}practice at City Hall. ‘i 2 e re = Mm oe. to utter ultimate judgment upon ROBT. RITCHIE, C. CG. Largest Circula- THERE Three quarters ‘ Ave. and Pulton §t, : %—0th Ave. and Comox Ave this struggle, the great tribunal ER NOTICE * : €7—A1) Ave, aud Dodge PL a wat tion means the § |S } of the local Ad ‘Ave. and Thompson 8t. of the opinion of the world; and Use and Storage. ‘a ae l fancy I see, I hope that I see, TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington Best Advertising A vertising is done I pray that it may be that 1 dO} Water Company, Ltd, whose address is . Z ‘ . ‘itual forces |*17 Granville 8%, Vancouver, B. C., will e Medium ° REASON in the DailyNews truly see great spiritual egoiy for 6 to take and use one and CIRCUIT NO. 4, — ‘so Ave. and Emmerson = = ‘ve. and MeBride St lying waiting for the outcome Of | one-half cubic feet per second and to store “tO Ave. and Green 84, th th » to asert themselves 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham es = , ‘| Lake. The storage-dam will be located at ‘th Ave and Basil st. 7th Ave. and Eberte. 141—7th Ave. and ¥ vung St. and asserting themselves eVeD | me outlet of Cunningham Lake. The oe . rhte ~ j pacity of the reservoir to be crea’ now, to enlighten our judgment ee SL tae oe ae hen teek “oink and steady our spirits. acres. The water will be diverted f1 7 ON a _ | the stream at a point about § chains below - = No man is wise enough to pro the said outlet and will be used for Weter- ne Lever Simulation | The siiine and fragrance of nounce judgment, but we can all] works purpose upon the land described as LD WATGH FREE | Baby's Own Soap have made it hold our spirits in readiness to ALE, AB: i A stralghttorwand ® a ares = ae wee & accept the truth when it dawns ON] copy of this notice and an application pur- Prin ce Ru rt’s straig’ y « “| "We ane ee _— eee us and is revealed to us in the ys a. pad = = ace am P e ' ce Watehon tot? string, a . et * ” —— a oan i ieee outeome of this titanie struggle.” | water Recorder at Prince Ruperk Objec- I Leading Paper ! Rirertiannen No ——— tions to the application or to the petition Tianatlin de wat sot Shanee ——_—_— - Te }mentioned below may be Gled with the now, "tale a|said Water Recorder or with the Comp- (eahlonatae eogiget %| troller of Water Rights, Parliament Butld- Gente Aap eat IP (0 OF. B.C, LIMITED C., LIMITED ings, Victoria, B. C., within thirty days arviage ‘pald'th Some THE UNION ” after the first appearance of this notice in vith To “auch, which ——_—_—___—_——_———— a local newspaper, The territory within ea Whose watches are %| which the company desires to exercise ite e should “you Geeene $5 VENTURE powers is described as the townsite of wad t yoo to eit a ou Tarvel . Port Essington, A petition to amend the . _ ‘o tll your friends AT 9 P. m in D the bonutilal SD vate SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS . m. the Certificate granted to the company “ 7 © 0 true bat en wend T avs aT respect of its former right so as to in- r4 9 ‘ * LIOYD, Whoteate i head panharerale Sailings for GRANBY, cimpeon AND NAAS SUND clude ine right applied tor Rasen ea be a mIDNIG i ligation at a date to be Axed by the Comp- trolier, The date of the First Publication For Further Partioulars Apply to coke, Se GS ee PUBSCRIBE FOR PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. “PORT RASINOTON WATER CO, LED.” NOY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS “Wilson & Whealler,” Agent, E DAILY News |t oo Sia 2s