EERE EEE EE PRIDE, NASH & CO. SAARI IDAAIAAAAIIA IO Ye Licyal oXour Ow? es nae OCCCOOOOOOE * THE DAILY a PRIDE, NASH & CO. RRA IAAI + eee eee WAIST FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY WAISTS! A beautiful range of Ladies’ White Waists of dainty designs and textures, they come in materials of Crepe, Net, Organdie, Lawn, Voile, Dimity, Pique, Linen, have low and high neck in sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42. The prices of this handsome array range from $2.00 to $4.50, and we are offering you these for FRIDAY ONLY, $1.00 SATINETTE UNDERSKIRTS Underskirts for Ladies’ made of fine Satinette Cloth, well finished ; they come in lock-stitch, and colors of Paddy Green, Cerise, Copen- hagen Blue, Tan, Navy. These are exceptional value FRIDAY BARGAIN, $1.40 S! WAISTS! } PRIDE, NASH & CO. “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished house; modern conveniences; good view. Phone 6. 76-8 : 76-78 comfortable bedroem, friends; bath, electric arranged; close to oil drydock. Apply 751 Fifth 87-93 FOR suit RENT—Large two men light, meals tanks and Avenue East. FOR RENT—Partly furnished three-room cottage; het and cold water, electric light; $15.00. 144 Eighth Avenue West, corner McBride. 87-89 FOR RENT—Furnished house; modern conveniences; good view. Phone 6. wu. FOR rooms. RENT — Furnished nenestoentay Inquire Demers. tf. WANTED WANTED—Employment by refined young lady. No objection domestic service. Good cook. Apply Box 100, Daily News. 85-tf. Ap- Sitt. WANTED—Two good seamstresses. ply Miss.Murphy, Smith Block. FCR SALE FOR SALE—Furniture of three rooms be- fe May 1. Cheap. Apply Box 101, The News 87-88 FOR SALE—$35.00 baby carriage in good condition. Will sell very cheap. Apply 313 Seventh Ave. E. 77-79 FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, etc. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. tf. MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Musical Instru- TALBING ments repaired. Bows rehaired. The “Prince Rupert Mu- 345 3rd tf. sic Store, Ave. Phone 99 Stand - Hotel Rupert LAND NOTICES. Skeena Land District-—District of Coast, Range Five, TAKE NOTICE that William Watson, of emo, B. C., occupation Contractor, tn- tends to apply for permission to lease the fullowing described lands: —Commencing at 4 post planted on the northerly limit of the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa- cifle Railway Company, and about $5 chains southwesterly from Mile 84, east from Prince Rupert, B. C.; thenee north 20 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence south 46 chains, more or less, to the north- erly limit of the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rallwa Compony | northerly thence northeasterly alon limit of the said Right-of-Way to pomt of commencement; and contalaing about 80 acres, more or less, WILLIAM WATSON, 25-85 Dated December 26, 1014. = PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Department of Lands — Water | Rights Branch. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. WHEREAS the Corporation of the City ler an Rupert Statutes | 1. of Prince Rupert is incorporated un Act entitled the “City of Prince Incorporation Act, 1910,"—B 1910, Chapter 41: z. AND, WHEREAS, the Council the said authority was given to stake water on the North Arm of Wark Channel 3. AND, WHEREAS, tion has d for a jivert water um Thuime tary the North purpose ‘ AND, WHEREAS, said corpora tion has, after due petitioned for the approval of its undertaking as far as it relates to the said application for 4 licence: AND, WHEREAS, no objection been filed to the said petition THIS 18 TO CERTIFY that the un- ldertaking of the said corporation in so far las it relates to the said application for a licence is approved, subject to the terms and conditions of the “Water Act, 1914,” | and wo the following additional terms and conditions: Any licence issued under said ap- plication shall, notwithstanding the issue of this certificate, be subject to adjust- ment by the Board of. Investigation: The said undertaking has been di- | vided into two parts, the first part con-| sisting of the surveys of such of the works proposed in the said application for a l- cence as the Comptroller of Water Rights; shall consider and the ond part consisting of the construction, main- tenance, and operation of such works. z Resolution of poration rights by of . the said Corpora water licence to River, a tribu Arm, f¢ power applic tre said f the notice, has 6 8. necessary, sec 9. The surveys required under the first part shall be commenced on or be- fore the ist day of June, 1915, and the plans thereof shall be deposited with the Comptroller of Water Rights on or be-| fore the ist day of November, 1917. 10. The second part of the undertak ing shall not be commenced until 4 bylaw under the provisions of which the said Corporation propose to carry out the un- dertaking has been duly passed and ap proved, nor until a further certificate of approval under Section 83 of the “Water Act, 1914,” has been issued | 11. The territory within which the said Corporation shall exercise its powers in respect of the use of the the City of Prince Rupert. 12. This certificate shall not in any | way be deemed to be an approval of the | plans of any works covered by the pro-| undertaking or to authorize the construction of such works, but shall have the effect only of a certificate issued un- | der the provisions of Section 81 of the! “Water Act, 1914,” and shall be subject to such provisions, and to the rights of | the Continental Power Company under an | application fied on the 18th day of Aug ust, 1908. | 13. This certificate shall become null | and void without any notice unless a fur ther certificate as required by Clause 10 | | said water is | posea hereof be applied for before the ist day of June, 1917. Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 10th day of March, 1945, (Sed.) WM. R. ROSS, tt Minister of Lands. — = Good Delivered to any part of town, or oan be had at Spurr'e Market, Knott's Bakery and the Pure Fulton Cash Market. Milk Govt. Inspected Cows The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is the Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 | were | jond Quality, satisfaction and econ- omy. New Wellington Coal. Phone 116. 63tf. For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec-| Avenue, near Eighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room Free baths. Rates reasonable. NEWS ’ pious BILL BOWSER * > ; * + \\ > a refused * * . a body of work . . Sunday in Van * . ve ntly and a bud * ‘ ¢ poet who knows some * * ther things about Bill * \* enned the following * ‘ her e in his honor: * . Oh, I tell you early * * training is a thing to con- o * with, and I tell you *) * ly piety is other thana * . vth: in’ spite of early * * 1ining they'd have sin- * . ed just twice as strong * * For instance, Pious Billy, * * with his bluster and his * . erve never turned a hair * * dividing up the Indian * reserve, but his conscience * gan to prick him in an * early training Way, when * the workers wanted him to * speak upon the Sabbath * day. Of course, it is our * | money that he gives to brother Frank these pickings for the family are | smelling kind of rank yet we ought to feel quite thankful for the early piety that prevented him from bonusing the whole darned family. There's some who cannot under- * stand, and ask the ques- tion how old Prices’ early training allowed him take that cow? But there, we have no right to view this question with alarm; but for his early training he'd took the farm. The pessimists who | have blooming tell you of the “high ups” in kahoots, with thé firms who have been mixing rot- | BLUE POINT RESTAURANT Good Clean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Trial—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC LUMP COAL $9.00 per Touw—Cash on Delivery Money Back If Not factory UNI 333 2 « Satis~ ON TRANSFER CO 2nd Ave. Phone 36 ten methods with bad boots, should be thankful that they mixed up early training with their gall, or the boys had gone to bat- j tle without any boots at \* all. And the horse the army” bought in for one hundred-fifty bucks was * * * * 7 > * * 7 * * * * * * o * * * * . . * dear when he was peddled for three worn out mallard ducks? But for the early * training of those purchas- ers I vow, our officers had gone®*to war astride old Prices’ cow. 86 we must not get down-hearted but keep training up our kids in the way that they should travel, it is what the good Nerve Energy and Eyegiasses. A constant dropping wears awayastone. Asiight eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discornfort should be remedied at once. This we guarantee to do with lasses. Consultation free, Jelays are dangerous. Look for Loop OPTICIAN 223 Sixth St. Phone Black 69 MATHIBEU'S NERVINE POWDERS |* For Headache and Neurely.a ret ty) ed het pewter tll oxliews Why Endure Headaches? —One tria! will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache 1s at your service in MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 in a box, 26, Sold overywhore. If your dealer dc ©8 not sell them we mall box On receipt of price, 25c. J.L.MATHIEU CO. Props. Sriinenoone, ra. 6-5-0. book bids. And if some should turn out badly, as no doubt some of them will, they'll have some re- deeming feature just like our Pious Bill.—-Vancou- ver Sun. . * * o 7 7 * o 7 * 7 * * * 7 * * * * * * * * * * 7 * 7 > * oo * > > * 7 . > * * * os * 7 * * * * * * * * * * * oe a. * * * + * * * 7 * * * * KKK HERE HHH CHEMICALS TO BE MADE IN AMERICA Continued From Page One. Officials are hopeful that the re- sult the of the coal-tar chemical industry it ible to meet German competition, will be establishment in such a position that would be even after the war is over. In this connection Mr, Norton calls attention to the fact that England has already taken steps upon free herself of dependence the dyestulf and that similar steps have been taken plated in Russia. German mills in France and are contem- TO THE ELECTORS. Ladies and Gentlemen: to properly be called a general of the I announce my candidacy in the ap- Bye.Elee In response what might re- electors, quest hereby proaching Munieipal April 16th, If elected, I will adhere strietly tion, to the prineiples outlined in my of P. Hall, April 8th, and published in The 1 mopire on April 9th address in the K Thanking your for your past consideration, | make one more bid to you for a trial at your offi. cial helm hes pec tfully, 82.85 GkO, B. CABERY. BAKING POWDER There is no alum in fh; Ae Price’s f umes of its ingredients, printed label of every can, show made from Cream of Ta: comes from grapes. Cream Baking Powder. The No alum baking powder taining alum is permitted | sold in many countries. Po avoid alum read the label and use only baking powder made from cream of tartar. try id cone hie siety Baptist Young Peoples So hold of thei: skating the POLELLLELESOLETOPTORTO TOC O Hat tiae * FOR REN Gs i will another len) wable parti s at i/Auditorium tomorrow night. | ——_ | The Girls’ Chapter of the I. 0 iD. BE. will hold a dance on ‘Friday, lApr il 16, in St. Andrew's Hall. The 3 HOUSES, $8 PER M0. | funds raised will be weed for pa- Water Included |triotic purposes. 79-80 | Spi mir Ghadeledh { aieabi ete 1- AND 2-ROOM CABIN i leaned. For first-class job see Furnished I Fritz Will call and = deliver.’ $5 AND $8 PER Mi, iPhone 583. 85-87 ee wre eae —APPLY— Situation wanted by young man | |Experienced salesman and busi- Pattullo & Radfal | iIness education. High class refer- lences Apply Box 133, Daily 2nd Ave. | News tf. | | -— “ MBER OO SHINGL®”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. & 4. BURROUGHS, Mansger tat Ave. and Moliride St. PHONE 26 PRINCE RUPERT, 66 Branch Yara a biter eereerret i Hee PATNA } MUU HEMT) AM) i ; WLW MEE a i i) 1h |} Hin | Hh in Hl t nit : Absolute Purity Pure vegetable oils are the || Nature!" base of Baby’s Own soap. | to }4 vnce whit It promotes skin health and | cling » pleasa prevents skin troubles. mak wo FOR G BABY’S OWN SOAP 1S WELL WORTH RUNNY ie In the interest of your skin, send for some’ ALBERT GOAPS, LIMITED, Meee MON Subscribe for the Ne