THE DAILY N EWS PRICE FIVE sidicunioaeai ERI ANS DROPPED BOMBS NEAR LONDON REMIER i: IRDEN AD — RMAN SHIPS MAY REPLACE THOSE SUNK BY SUBMARINES | NCHMAN SUGGESTS THAT GERMAN SHIPS DETAINED IN FRENCH PORTS BE GIVEN TO ALL WHO LOSE SHIPS BY ACTION OF GERMAN SUBMARINES. (Special to The Dally News.) April 1 M. De Meseau- ident of French yowners Association, sug- s that the nister of marine h ship of the Allies submarines with size de- aris pr the ace eat k by G rresponding » the ships led in Ft h He iuse the collapse attack mer- TR rerman ports. be- on ed in ports of the lifferent class ac- t ternational law from the high sidered as ict of the uld h they seas, prizes. French this as in- mer- permit may eady broken sinking do, il law by of Toronto, travellers who fre- s city, arrived last G. T. P. one e popular n the itisfaction and econ- Wellington Coal. 63tf. ality, New e 116 s seeeenseeesess EEP GOING, ROBERT. * a * Bir R t Borden has ap- * rently made a start in # aning the grafters in * P government. Dispatches # y that he “practically read * tof the party” two of its * mbers Parliament who * re found guilty of graft- # 1 ection with mili- * Y supplies. If those men * Sullty at all they should #* mp ed or shot. It is * t punis ent enough to * 1 them out of the party. * a s Sir Robert Borden * ‘inade a start perhaps he * ll keep on. It is said that # rland, M.-P. has been * Mpelled to potlateh back. #* S quit order then to # ta | bate on the pur- * ais ‘he local Postoffice * ile. Everybody should be # ated and it is to be * ped ‘hough hardly ex- * led) that Sir Robert will #* ‘PON with the good work. * * eee eee ee POPPI OPODOO OD OOO OTS SPECIAL! SPECIAL! djestic Theatre IGHT AND TOMORROW BROADWAY STAR ATTRACTION _,. THE SILENT PLEA i - bien play with Edith | Photography; elabo laged MAN OF PARTS Heal Come “ The wean er a BANDIT— OPH ma With @ puneh . cnANOES HER MIND A ‘* Comedy Admission 10 and 150 1 750. CHANGE MAY BE MADE IN LABOR }OR CANDIDATES her old and precious civilization, | —— MITS TORY GRAFT--BIG STRIKE OF C CHICAGO CARPENTERS | rages that have vice since the Borden Governr standing Mr. in which he said: | is altogether | Record of Borden Govt. Statistics submitted to Par been committed in the Canadian Borden's prior e “To use the power of filling positions in the public service as a reward for regard to the character liament show the appaling out- Civil Ser- nent took charge, and notwith- lection speech at Halifax, N.S., party service and without and capacity of the indi- TWO TORY GRAFTERS GET MILD REPRIMAND } vidual selected is a gross breach of a solemn pub- lic trust. A private trustee so dishonoring ° (Special to The Dally News.) | his office would be subject to punishment by the | Ottawa, April 15.—H, R. H. the Vancouver, April 16. Great | criminal law.” }Duke of Connaught prorogued dissatisfaction has arisen over | Yet this same Mr. Borden, now a noble Knight, in the first | the fifth session of the twelfth the choice of labor candidates by | three years in office dismissed 5,094 Civil servants, compelled | parliament today. Before the the Trades and Labor Council of | 7,994 to resign—a total of 13,093—and replaced them with jooneyeeiee fe Sern ae his city, Ac 6 recut it te expect. | not an equal number—but with 25,613, and that in a time eee Borden, Prime Minister, Si cee 1d Unie pbeiatis beteee ms! when Canada should be retrenching and not increasing ex- | abartergen: rege eres A. D. | penditure. The following shows where the dismissals and | Foster and W. F. Garland out of election is announced a change | appointments were made: 138 were dismissed from the De- the Conservative party for being of candidates will be made. The | partment of Agriculture, and 579 put in their place; Customs §|Connected with transactions in selection will be made by a refer- | lost 465, and gained a help of 1,649, increasing the cost of | waten the Government were con- endum of the unions. collecting Canada’s revenue from $2,187,600, in 1914, to $3,- tractors. emma pap ane 849,000, in 1914; 145 immigration officers were dropped, and Shriners to Come Here. PROTEST AGAINST 343 put in their place in spite of the fact that immigration In connection with the Shrin- GERMAN HATRED | has dropped off since 1911; the Department of Justice dis- R\ers’ celebration in Seattle in July a. missed 142 of their staff, and appointed 258; the Postoffice 3]it jg interesting to know thet a onean, April 15.—A protest | “fired’’ 772, and took on 3,312; 4,495 postmasters were dis- large body of them will pass — OrMas Cul-coteem and | missed; in the inner service of the Public Works Department through Prince Rupert. There are against the prevailing spirit of} 125 replaced 28, going some even for Bob Rogers; in the outer a large number of Shriners in hatred for England is made by| service 1,208 were got rid Of, and 1,877 put in their place; in this city and it is likely that Stimmen der Zeit, the organ es the Inland Revenue Service 292 replaced 122; the Finance something will be done to enter- the German Jesuits, which as- | Department dismissed 29 and hired 199; the I. C. Railway, jtain the visitors. Many local serts that each nation has a spe-| supposedly out of politics, had 1,132 fired, and 2,076 put in Shriners will also visit Seattle. cial mission to perform in me their place. } - Zi a world. The wish is expressed that Surely a government that is guilty of such corrupt prac- | #* HREHHRHREH EHH HE HHH HE the rich talents and gifts of the} tices is not worthy of public confidence. This also explains ‘a THE CRADLE. * cool, calculating English may be- why Canada's expenditures sprang from $88,000,000 odd in |* Born—To Dr. and Mrs, L, * come a blessing to mankind, and 1944 to $127,000,000 in 1914 and $140,000,000 in 1915, which \* W. Kergin, a daughter, April * that for France there may arise apart from the cost of the war. '* 16, 1915. * eR RD GERMANS NOT SHORT OF COPPER SUPPLIES tells “When anyone you that the Germans are short of copper them the command lie,’ writes er of the to you can give Colonel Currie, igth Highlanders, France, in thirty-five pound copper which dropped into Capt, MeGreg- or's room when the regiment was | under fire for the first time. At. the time Capt. McGregor was ab- sent, but Frank endeavoring to have a bath in the had a narrow ese on torn 0 droppe | pound | Perry, who was next room, clothing pieces. rhe Germans thirty of the thirty- shells into a space of ground 2 Toronto Sta! and his was five 200 feet in diameter. tee Remember the 68th Regiments concert on the 27th of Ap! il, Pro buy and to- Prince First lickets 260, and cigarettes Ruperts ceeds to for Contingent. bacco 50e, Colonel J. F. Michie, Col, Currie, sent Col. Michie the head of a} shell | Batt, London, April 16 (3 That great activity exists at p.m. the German airship bases of Emden and Guxhaven is reported from i Holland. Spegjal police were call- ed for duty tonight. Three Zeppe- jlines were seen over the Dutch Is slands in the North Sea flying |westward. Count Zeppelin is conducting the movements of he ne craft at Cuxhaven, Aimed at London. April 16.--Two man aeroplanes at dropped bombs at Herne Bay, Sit- ‘Two London, Ger- noon today ltingbourne, and Faversham. Zeppelins raided Sussex and Es- this They bombs miles morning, dropped thirty-six 'from London, No lives were lost jee x early and little damage done. Malden, They als attacked | Heybridge, Southwold and Lowe- | : stoft French Reprisals. | paris, April 16, Official. \s reprisals for the recent Zeppe- lin attack on Naney we dropped bombs on the buildings containing the imperial staff at Mezieres, ' Charleville, and Freiburg in Btes- |" A fleet of fifteen ae roplanes | the German All returned suc- jlau. | dropped bombs on lpuildings at Ostend. and with complete A brought down in front of the Brit- ish lines at Ypres. French Bombs. Basel, April 16.—French avia- tors dropped bombs at Villengen safely German aviator was cess. and Donaveschingen in Baden. ELECTION Topay. The bye-election for alderman to fill the vacaney existing took place today. Up till only about two hundred yotes were cast. The B, Casey and ex-Ald, George Leek, elec. noon candidates are George There have been so tions of late that the fused to be aroused over the mat- many people re. ter. For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec. end Avenue, near BKighth Street. Newly opened, Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. GERMAN ZEPPELINS READY FOR RAID-- BOMB DROPPING NEAR LONDON TODAY HOLLAND REPORTS GREAT ACTIVITY AT GERMAN ZEPPELIN BASES --LOOKS LIKE BIG ATTACK ON LONDON--SPECIAL POLICE WERE APPOINTED TODAY IN LONDON “THE SILENT PLEA” AT MAJESTIC THEATRE The Majestic will screen a great three-reel problem “The Silent Plea,” leading tonight play entitled, with Edith Storey in the part. Two great comedies, “A Man of Parts,” and “Sophie Changes Her Mind,” and, ‘The Heart of a Ban- dit,” a drama with a punch, make up a program which will delight everyone, Seeiieting Laws. Regina, April 15.—The Regina tMe Sas- to take action to secure the standardiza- tion of the laws of the Western provinces. At the present time there are many variations in ex- isting laws affecting the conduct of inter-provinecial trade, The Canadian Bar Association is also olution calling katchewan upon Government Free baths, Rates reasonable, Siving its aid to the move. \ CHICAGO CARPENTERS GO OUT ON STRIKE TODAY STRIKE INVOLVES 100,000 UNION MEN AND TIES UP WORK UNDER CONSTRUCTION VALUED AT $100,000,000— WANT INCREASE FROM 65 TO 70 CENTS. (Special to The Dally News.) Chicago, April thousand union carpenters walk- ed out today, throwing out of work 100,000 union men, and ty- ing up $30,000,000 worth of work. If the strike is extended it will af- fect $100,000,000 worth of con- tracts. The strike was ordered by the labor leaders after an in- crease from 65 to 70 cents per hour had been refused by the con- tractors. BASEBALL GAMES. (Special to The Daily News.) The following is the result of the games played by the Coast Baseball League: Los Angeles, 6; San Francisco, 3. Portland, 5; Venice, 4. Salt Lake, 2; Oakland, 1. oe OE KING OF GRAFTERS. The Borden Government has dismissed 13,093 Civil servants since taking office, and yet The Morning Journal has the audacity to say that they were “careful to avoid the dismissal of Liberals.” But when it says that it is the remnant of Liberals in the Civil Service who are re- sponsible for the recent graft in military matters it makes a joke of itself. Was it they who ordered the sol- dier’s boots, bought the horses, and purchased the submarines? Indeed, it is common knowledge that the patronage list was sent to all persons making purchases for the Government. It is also said that Borden “prac- tically read out of the party” M. P., and “Windy” Foster, M. P. This “prac- tically’ means that they were “lectured” — not for their corruption, but for be- ing caught. If the Premier were sincere he would dis- pose of Bob Rogers and Sam Hughes, and a score of his other supporters besides. All governments seem to have considerable grafters in their midst, but the Borden Govy- ernment is the king of them all this Under them, Canada has been able to give “eards and spades” to the States in this regard, eH ERE HEE HH Garland, in respect. SKE HEEE KKH HHKHHEHHHHHHHHEHHHEHHHHRHHEHK EEK EE HH * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * « * * - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * | Board of Trade has passed a rec- | ; ELF CAFE OPEN FOR BUSINESS oeeeee WHITE DINING ROOM A WHITE KITCHEN WHITE HELP sooeee Next Majestic Theatre Phone 553 be.