2 ; THE DAILY NEWS ; Nuesday Apri) 9 ", 1945 | THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation j H. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. PRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING——50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. a RGrre Tuesday, April 20, 1915. DA ILY EDITION EDITORIALS Robert excuse the Senate, but the war and the war-graft. An election will divide the people of Can- ada when they to be united in the common cause. Toronto Star. oe S06: 6 Rogers has found early for the country into an election in the midst of the war. The Senate has amended a bill providing some the an plunging ought for the appointment of additional senators for Most people are surprised to Borden govern- West. The amendment is to think that the the effect that the change shall ment would take any chances not come into effect until after with an election just after so the next election. According to much corruption and army Mr. Rogers, the people of Can- scandals have been exposed. ada are wildly excited over Ordinarily one would expect them to wait till the odium had There is these Western senators and the Senate generally, and are ask- somewhat blown off. ing “in tones louder than thun- a very good reason, however, der’ for an early election. for their haste, for in spite of a. * he amter to the als have already unearthed the It will be was handed on The excuse is worse than none. Not one man in a hun- worst is yet to come. dred was even thinking about noticed that the operations of the Senate until Mr. Rogers the public accounts committee made his farcical speech. Not were stopped short by the clos- one man in a hundred cares ing of parliament. If they had whether there are any new been allowed to go a little far- senators from the West now or ther they would have been able at any future time. The West to show up transactions that itself does not care. The new would “stagger humanity.” senators will be of no more The government apparently saw what was coming and they decided to call for an election value to the West than a new earpet for the Senate chamber. If Mr. Rogers wants to abol- ish the Senate, he will plenty of people to agree with before the worst was known. find There is enough known, how- ever, to turn the people of this him. country against them, and if an - 2; 8 election takes place they will in But what the people are all likelihood get the reward of | thinking of at present is not their deeds. fg * mh -Empress Jams Are strictly a B. C. Product. Right from the delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island, to Ye purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. It will satisfy the most exacting. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS In 1-ibg Glass Jars and 4-\ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. : NO ALUM ace HUGE SUMS OF CASH IN CANADIAN BANKS: Savings deposits in Canada’s | chartered banks in February to-| talled more than a year ago. 830,000,000 | | Demand | 8671,000,000, | and after notice deposits exceed-| ed While that} total reached in months, a February has not pre- £1,000,000,000, has been other viously had such a record to ~ credit. These figures “are an-| other indication that a_ vast! amount of money is_ being “saved.”’ Everywhere savings are accumulating. Prior to the war, this dence in e@vi- the tendency had been for a long time, and events of the past eight months have accentuated it. Not only has but have been accumulating, for been reduced in number and nar- money channels investment rowed in character, as a result of the curtailmentwof enterprises of all kinds the spirit of economy. When events Europe take a definite favorable to the Allies, they must do in due course, mon- and widespread in more form, as ey will become restless for invest- Heavy calls are being and for but there is a respectable ment. be loans, will made on funds war surplus after they are answered. The chief difficulty later may prove to be, not the finding of funds, but the finding of channels That there is an unlimited demand for mort- for their investment. gage money in Canada, for in- stance, is a wrong impression. There must be real estate and building activity, a good volume of immigration and homestead entries here in order to create any great demand for mortgage funds. Those factors are lack- ing, at present, consequently it will not be as easy as in the past years to place funds for invest- ment in that direction. Taking municipal bonds as an- other example, these securities are already scarce in Ontario and the buying is extending to West- The bond seem to think that when the in- ern Canada. houses vestment movement begins, there Empress Jams Subscribe for the‘News’ ____ A Lot Of Us bs N — POLICE STATION ) 1 AULRONT CAME WALKING— IS SNEAKY-LIKE AS THOUGH HE WANTED TO GIVE UMSELE UP —THEN CHANGED tS MIND AND RAN OUT— may be a searcity of sound mu- jnicipal securities to meet the de- | mand. High prices and good de- however, induce mu- to various mand, may nicipalities finance and com- jmence projected enter- prises, and thus stimulate gen- eral activity and increase the sup- jply of bonds.--Monetary Times Se z Would Be In Jail If They Pinched ee a The Bank of British North Amerie Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1840, PAID-UP CAPITAL, $4,866 ,666.66 RESERVE FUND, $3,017,333.33 Seventy-Ninth Annual Report and Balance Sheet Report of the Directors of The Bank of British North Ameri Procented to the Proprietors at Their Seventy-Ninth Yearly Gana Meeting, on Tuesday, March 2nd, 1915. The Court of Directors submit the accompanying Balance Sheet to 30th November last It will be seen that the profits for the Year, including $108,437.55 brought forward te November, 1913, amount to $6 15,014.27 of which $194,666.66 was appropriated to adi yid eee 29th October, leaving a balance of $450,347.61 out of which the Directors propose to declare a Diy eee {Os. per Share, payable, less Income Tax, on 8rd April next, leaving a balance of $167 .0x| 69 eke carried forward. The above Dividend will make a distribution of 8 per cent. for the Vear. The Dividend Warrants will be remitted to the Proprictors on the Ist April next During the Year that closed 80th November last, Branches were opened romhend, Sash and Prince George, B. C., 4 Branch was closed at Paynton, Sask, and a Sub-Branch at Uy pee Sneath Avenue, North Vancouver, B. C. nsdale The following appropriations from the Profit and Loss Account have been made for the benefit of the Staff, viz. : To the Officers’ Widows and Orphans PUMG.. i cccccees § 7,862.77 _ " Pension Fund........ ++. eacesedsevesce 63,600.88 “ “ Life Insurance Fund............ bald wee 0 2,920.00 These amounts are for the whole year and include those already set forth in the Statement to 30th May, 1914. Donations amounting to $24,333.83 have been made to the Canadian Patriotic Fund and the Canadian Red Cross Society. London, 18th February, 1915. General Statement of Liabilities and Assets AS ON 30th NOVEMBER, 1914 LIABILITIES Capital—20,000 Shares of £50 each fully Pald. ...cccssesccees $4,806 666.66 Reserve Fund... ccc ccc ccc cece cece e ewer eetee ee eeeereneeeeee 8,017 333.83 Dividends Declared and Unpaid. .....0cseesewereeeerreeneees ° 4,931.85 Profit and Loss Account— Balance brought forward from 29th November, 1913.. ... 803,104.21 Dividend paid April, 1914 ...ccsccsceeseeereeeereeecnes 194,666.66 108,437.55 Net Profit for the year ending this date after deducting all current charges and providing for bad and doubtful Gabe. 6c ccinc cadeesed ceeds cevegodccscvosnt tousdeges 536,576.72 645,014.27 Dividend paid October, 1914. ....ccseeseeeereeeeeeeeeees 194,666.66 Deduct : 450,347.6) Transferred to Bank Premises Account...... $ 973.33 Transferred to Officers’ Widows and Orphans Dredd io 0cceins 000k cogs s stcesccsesste cee 7,862.77 Transferred to Officers’ Life Insurance Fund 2,920.00 Transferred to Officers’ Pension Fund...... 52,609.83 Canadian Patriotic Fund and Canadian Red Cross Society. ......scecseeeceeeeeenees 24,333.33 88,599.26 Balance available for April Dividend. ...........++++ $61,748.35 Notes of the Bank in Circulation... ......-+ceceeeeeeeeenenne 4,427 423.53 Deposits not Bearing Inter€st........seecceereeeeetsereneeee 16,967 685.36 Deposits Bearing Interest, including Interest accrued to date. 26,307 647.48 Balances due to other Banks in Canada.........seseeeeeeeees 173,003.68 Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents in the United Kingdom and Foreign Countries.......+0e+0++++ ° $14,776.56 Bills Payable... .....scccecsserevesesccecencs eeccee eececoeus 2,124,504.54 Acceptances under Letters of Cretlit.....ssecseeeeeserereeers 1,669, 200.10 Liabilities and Accounts not included in the Foregoing......- 1,369, 058.91 Liability on Endorsements. .......00-0+seeeeeeeeeeeeeneneee $614,663.23 Liability under Guarantee in respect of the Sovereign Bank O68 Comedies. cas. cccretcccccece ebvoncveserececcesose eves 300,000.00 au $60 604,993.30 ASSETS = Current Coin and Bullion........-scee cece eer eeeeeeeeeeeees $ 3,083,877.86 Dominion Notes..........++ 060 60 000100805068 6hb00 debicsecece 7,538,168.87 $10, 622,046.73 Notes of other Banks.......ceceececcecceeeeereeeeeneneeeceee $77,653.59 Cheques on other Banks. ......ssceccccceceneesseeneeeeeeees 1,733,655 .87 Balances due by other Banks im Camada........-+sseeseeeeees 8,154.83 Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere ants Wen DOs in oss oon sascbcndgnsccnseseh ots a veebnss ‘ 2,041,835.78 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities not exceeding Martcat Vabee. «.+.0+r+cccscsnsensansscerorcscgpcnredess 2,992.79 Municipal Securities and British, Péteign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian—{includin, Exchequer Bonds £310,300, @ Cost, and amount paid o/a Allotment, £100,000 War Loan).......+ wie Enaben iowa 1,599, 151.13 Railway and other Bonds..........++++. weebiesduanes eseecte 98,615.16 Call and Short Loans in Canada on Bonds, Debentures a OM BOOCKS. 600s cccescccccccccscccocsccccesceseoeoscoss 1,828, 649.73 Call and Short Loans elsewhere than in Canada....... ssoke 9 2,819,900.96 Other Current Loans and Discounts in Canada (/ess Rebate GB TRIM: oo osc oon vec bbdwesbsansaarsescacctcssaccteds 26,179,121.01 Other Current Loans and Discounts elsewhere than in Canada ; Wess Rebate of Interest).......ccceccereccseceeneeeecees 6,057 821.94 Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit gs per contra.. Bs 1 669, 290.10 Real Estate other than Bank Premises.......-..+++ a ahnddead vs 11,993.70 Overdue Debts (estimated—Loss provided for)........+++.+++: 210,588.81 Bank Premises at not more than Cost, Less Amourits Written off 2,184,139.72 Deposit with the Canadian Minister of Finance for the bu of the Circulation Fund— Dominion of Canada 8% percent. Bonds, £250,000 @ 98. 1,192,833.33 Caml. .crccccccccccsccvecs once perareeatanaseaenoeseestes 232,248.08 ; $ 1,424,581.41 600 0 00 it in Central Gold Reserves. ...... er Assets and Accounts not included in the Foregoing.... Stock Suchen Sosesiting have been valued at or under prices of 27th July, 1914. Tererieeerererr ween $40,721.66 Se $60,604,995 30 = ARE, J. i. BRODIE, Disecton’ FB, A. HO. oe , and the Certified Returns from the . tt at in our nations we have required «od 5 requir H. B. MACKENZIE, General piaangee. We have examined the above Balance Sheet with the Pooks in London, we report to the Shareholders that we have obtained all the information and expla i opinion, the transactions of the Bank which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the Bank ked the cash by Section 56, Clause 19, of the Bank Act of Canada, we visited the Chief Office (Montreal) of the Bank and ch \ thereto. We gas verified the securities and found that they agreed with the entries in the books of the Bank with regare view of the rther report that, in our opinion, the above balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and cor: she wo by the state of the Bank's affairs according to the best of our information and the ex lanations given to us and as sh0 books and returns. N. BE. WATERHOUSE, FRANK 8. PRICK, Auditors, 4 London, 18th February, 1915. Members of the firm of Price Waterhoyse & Co. Chartere —— Ac suntants. uD WNW cr CRIME PREYS ON OUR MIND ~ THAT VOLUN TARILY THEN Ger . SCARED AN RUN OUT WITH QUTA WORD Us For Our Looks IF “OU PLEASE SIR. IM TH’ | Bt NEW POLICE REPORTER - AN’ “TW NEWNESS OF BEEING (IN “TH” SHADOW OF TH MATESTY 0F TH LAW HAS GOT MY G04 eee 7