jay, April 28, 1915. Tuesdé vue MAD FROM 1g MAD ee TEARIFIG PAIN rohant Thinks His Life « Fryit-a-tives ”, Jun®t 15th. 1913 storekeeper at the «« and on account of the - . I bi ave € sperienc ved from great BP I recommend Prominent Mé Was Saved By DRrysDALl, OnT., [ am pgenene ahove it-a-tives "6 pga ustomers. They were a thems to s to me, I can tell you, for gree ye ura ago, 1 was laid up in show ub vou niting and a terrific pain oy hase of my skull, The pain a trove me tl Doctors feared wear j ort to Inflammation of the jon bet 1 took ‘ Fruit-a-tives ”’ 5 until | was cured, I have Hear eteoen pounds since taking me e-tives ind I verily believe a caved me ‘from a disastrous ill- or" J. A. CORRIVEAD, ene. a bow, 6 for $2-5%, trial size, je gent postpaid on receipt of at Limited, Ottawa. vale ———WINERAL ACT. of Improvemente. NOTICE. estake No. 4, and Sun- situate in the Skeena ¢ Cassiar District. on the North Shore Certificate starlight, Hon jse Mineral claims Mining Division Where locate 1 ranby Bay between 4. “he sovcr us ocr ms moa! PEARS CANADIAN GRAFT. a ee a Miner’s Certificate No. 50353B, act- | ila oe a8 Agent for Thomas McRostie, Free Gncteenmes | Toronto , . i . i Mert cate No, $0848B, and James nto, April 16.—RKead the flatch, Free Miner's Certificate Na Ottawa, April 19 Revelations recent sworn evidnece about the . ty ys from the | 996 B, intend, sixty days ar ihenen ; ‘ Government's shase of horses te hereof, © apply to the Mining ne- j°! war purchase if boots, ban- ‘ anes purchase f horse rder for & Certificate » ain 4 dages, binoculafs, and bad horses |-°' ““@"@e!an soldiers at the bat- nw, for the purpose 0 a) tle-front Every Canadis own Grant of the above claims. apparently have crossed the At- : mneGian Wie and further take notice that action, un- good blood in his veins should - wetidn 37, must be commenced before lantic. It looks as if the British read that sickening story of issue of such Certificate of Improve-|~ |. ' : i : ” ° o Government had begun to sit up!/crookedness and criminality, told pated this 16th day of Merch, A. D./and take notice. with a cynicism that itself was 915 GEO, R. NADEN, Soon after the opening of the|#!most a crime, There is no use STICE TO DELINQUENT CO) war the British Government en- waxing wrathy over the gross of- ‘ fences of the men who so 2 OWNER. trusted the Canadian Government I 1m : BOR WHS Clee we }) HENRY JOHNSON, or to gay per- iorses. Kestitution and punish- or persons to whom you may gS. with the purchasing of some war : sererted your interests, Take Notice ment could scarcely miss them in I, the undersigned » Owner with +s Canads e use ‘ { tg the “Gold Ring No. i" and the supplies in Canada for the use of any country where Christianity Mineral Clatr mated at the , , ' Fae hem aoe a war- | * British and the Allies’ forees.'is not a mockery and justice a (amile from the beach, in the Skee- | ,,, . Sirer Mining District, Stovinen of | The British Government was to Misnomer, The blackest crime is | fish Columbia, have dope the required | , , ‘ ‘ } nt of work on the above mentioned | pay the bills, It is understood that theirs who bought old and spav- De ta order wb lat ,Moune under within the last few days the War)" © RetaRR ES. CRETDEENN Gowen oo 94 of the Mineral Aet, and if ; — ’ . iin 90 days of the publication of this | (i)... the British Gover oon SES VI OP Oe ce you fall or refuse to contribute ice OF Ve ritish Government the Canadia! _ th t of if portionof such expenditare, to- hs i salte i Abadian ariny in 118 Lime oO ther with the costs of this advertise.| 28S cancelled the buying commis- eas t, your interest in the said minerel . os ‘, ptt ims ‘will become the property of the} S!0n8, whi h it gave to the Can- What shall be said of the re dersigned under Section 4 of the Min- adian Government It ler : ? a ¥ } Act Amendinent Act of 1900. ee ' ll tant sponsible member of Parliament TH vent, stood that this does not mean an tted ' s Deleee Rene - : who permitted such crimes in fils ane at Prince Rupert, B. €., Jenuery/end to the purchase of supplies ; C 1a} own constituency? What shall be Se pga | San aGa Dy the British Govern- said of the Minister of Militia ment, but the War Office buyers . _ FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ] eens who commissioned the crooked- are on their way to Canada and that yielded th rienen? 1e@ss Me ieldex ese ¢ nes? the United States, and that hers CIRCUIT NO. 14 : What shall be said of the Govern- after the British Government wil! Oo: 125i) St. and Srd Ave ae: , , ; ment that accepted responsibility Sor 13-61) St. and Sra Ave Geal direct with the producers in Parliament for the conduct of Om 16-50) St. and 8rd Ave. and manufacturers on this conti- \ > What 6a 1B—Junction of 1s1, @nd end this Minister of Militia a ord Aves : nent without the intervention of shall be said of the Prime Mini- On 16-151 Ave, between 8th and Ottawa. | ; me : Ot Sis. (Knox Hotel.) ster who chose such Ministers ist Ave and 7th St. (Cen el Howl OCIROUIT NO. 2 Ou 2-Srd Ave and Sra St. (Post Office Bor 23 arg Ave and McBride 81 Orr 2615) Ave. and MeBride St Or %—2nd Ave. and 2nd St Bor 26-200 Ave. and 6th BA Ou 276. rp OROVIT NO. B. > 35th Ave. and Fulton St. - €—Borden ana Taylor Sts. - %—Tt Ave. and Fulton St. -> 9th Ave. and Comox Ave. 87—8th ave. and Dodge PI. Bor 981m Ave and Thompson St CHOUIT NO. 4. bor ay > 4) Ave. and Emmerson » 42--5) Ave. ana McBride 81 -. $b Ave. and Green St 6th) Ave and Bast 8 Bee 4574, , ve. and Eherte. ~ A n1%1—7h Ave. ana ¥ “ung St TH ttre Rick bens ste MATHIBUS NERVINE POWDERS « nen cna cot Renin Why Endure Headaches? he tria! will convince you that Safe remedy for an any as sure and he ts at your service in vine ee 25e. Sold everywhere, If Metta 8 hot sell them wemat) 4, Scelpt of price, 256, LMATHIEY CO. Props, HERBAOOKE, re. 6-6-9 TE AMERICAN TAILORS We © @ bee ann. ohng > FINES? CUSTOM TAIL. We | oT the LBA e St MONEY. On a Be Block of High — tae oe “ake good sults for - $ . Dest in Stock for $a5, ~ Ravine > r our stock be- Thing ‘ave Money by 4¢, AVE and FIFTH s8T. Prince Rupert, B. c. OPC nee, at ae | Pooanee and Pal | BRIT ISH WAR OFFICE Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTTED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA iinet) BME Ube: ca Yo (Cis Mi dh Ta T Baby's Own Soap have made it beneficial to a: Albert Soaps Limited, Montreal, he purity and fragrance of Its use is 4at3 rite, skin. universal fay. THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED $8. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P.M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 668 JOHN BARN AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS ve } THE DAI FIRST AID FOR BRITISH WOUNDED BEHIND ve FIRING LINE. (BLACKEST CRIME IN jand still keeps them in the Gov- ernment? | But read the evidence, and, in} the light of the waste of Canada’s war money and the peril to Cana- dian soldiers on the tield of bat- tle, judge of its crookedness and lits criminality.—Toronto Globe. WATER NOTICE. Use and Storage. TAKE NOTICE that The Port Essington) |Water Company, Ltd., whose address is 617 Granville 8t., Vancouver, B. C., will apply for a license to take and use one and |one-half cubie feet per second and to store | 400 acre-feet of water out of Cunningham oD) | Laxe. The storage-dam will be located at | the outlet of Cunningham Lake. The cé- | pacity of the reservoir to be created is | about 400 acre-feet and it will flood 3.98 | acres The water will the stream at a point about 5 chains below | the said outlet and will be used for Water- | works purpose upon the land described as | part of Lot 45, Range 5, Coast District, being the suant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1014," will be Sied in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, Objec- | tions to the application or mentioned below may be fled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comp- troller of Water Rights, Parliament Bulld- lings, Victoria, B, C., within thirty days lafter the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. ‘The territory within which the company desires to oxercise is |powers is described as the townstie of Port Essington. A petition to amend the } the Certincate granted to the company in jrespect of its former right so as to in- elude the right applied for herein will be heard in the oMfice of the Board of Inves- tigation at a date to be fixed by the Comp- troller, The date of the First Publication lof this Notice is March 28, 1015, “PORT ESSINGTON WATER CO., LTD.,” Applicant. | “Wilson & Whealler,” Agent, iGHT SLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. be diverted from) townsite of Port Essington. A) copy of this notice and an application pur- | to the petition | cal LY NEWS. “A Dollar In Time, Saves Nine” VISIT to The Bank of British North America for the purpose of depositing part of your earnings, becomes a pleasant and profitable habit, when once you have acquired it. The dollar you use to open an account in the Savings Department in turn saves others, as the habit of saving grows. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000, PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. Ship your F R E E F UR Our Trappers Guide Susely Cotpins end Seve orie Write today, address ro JOHN HALLAM LimireD PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Department of Lands — Water Rights Branch. | CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. i. WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert is incorporated under an Act entitied the “City of Prince Rupert Incorporation Act, 1910,”"—B. C. Statutes 1910, Chapter 41: ? AND, WHEREAS, by the Council of the said Corporation authority was given to stake water rights n the North Arm of Wark Channel: ; AND, WHEREAS, the said Corpora- tion has applied for a water licence to livert water from Thulme River, @ tribu- tary of the said North Arm, for power Resolution of purpose: ’ AND, WHEREAS, the said corpora- | tion has, after due notice, petitioned for the approval of its undertaking as far as jit the said application for a licence; AND, WHEREAS, no objection has been filed to the said petition 6 rHIs IS TO CERTIFY that the un dertaking of the said corporation in so far as it relates to the said application for a subject to the terms “Water Act, 1914,” relates to approved, the licence 15 and conditions of and to the following additional terms and | conditions ; . ¥ Any licence issued under said ap- plication shall, notwithstanding the issue of this certificate, be subject to adjust ment by the Board of Investigation: 8 rhe said undertaking has been di- vided into two parts, the first part con- sisting of the surveys of such of the works said application for a li Comptroller of Water Rights onsider necessary, and the second nsisting of the construction, main- and operation of such works, required under the first part shall be commenced on or be- fore the ist day of June, 1915, and the plans thereof shall be deposited with the Comptroller of Water Rights on or be- fore the 1st day of November, 1917. 10 The second part of the undertak ing shall not be commenced until a bylaw under the provisions of which the said Corporation propose to carry out the un- dertaking has been duly passed and ap Proved, nor until a further certificate of approval under Section 83 of the ‘Water Act, 10144,” has been issued, if The territory within which the said Corporation shall exercise its powers in respect of the use of the said water is the City of Prince Rupert, i2 This certificate shall not in any way be deemed to be an approval of the plans of any works covered by the pro posed undertaking or to authorize the construction of such works, but shall have the effect only of a certificate issued un- der the provisions of Section 81 ofthe “Water Act, 1014," and shall be subject to such provisions, and to the rights of the Continental Power Company under an spplication fled on the 18th day of Aug ist, 1908 13 This certificate shall sud vold without any notice unless a fur certiNeate as required by Clause 10 be applied for before the 1st day of June, 1017 Dated at Victoria, B of March, 1016 proposed in the cence as th shall ¢ part cx tenance, v The surveys become null ther hereof C,, this 10th day WM. BR. ROSS, Minister of Landa, (Sed.) ‘“ . a = ———— —— a FREE Why Not Try B.C. MILK You will find it just as wholesome, as con- vénient for you as it has proven for the many families round about you. There is so much absolute goodness and purity about B. C. MILK that it is a really safe kind to use. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Made in B. C. by The B.C. Milk Condensing | Co. Ltd. Factories at Chilliwack and Ladner, B.C. PIAA IIAIIIIIIIIAIIAA IMAI eee oe 7 - = — noe ees — cea DEAE A I a Ramsay’s Empire Cream Sodas in 2-Ib. Tins Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- wife insists upon “Ramsays Empire”.when buying Soda Biscuite. They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means crispness. Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. Manufactured by RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Vancouver, B. C. SEIDIRISISISINIIISISINIDIIFIAIISISIDI IIIT NICER IIIT OIRO TIS ISS SI IASI SAI PIII IIR RII IAAI AAAI AIK ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ Circulation Guaranteed the Largest in Northern : British Columbia =: Largest Circula- tion means the Best Advertising A Three quarters of the local Ad- vertising is done in the DailyNews THERE IS : Medium = 3 REASON Prince Rupert’ s Leading Paper! Read ‘THE DAILY NEWS’ —_