THE DAILY NEWS I \ 1945 SSS NO ALUM in Dr.PRICES \ Sins “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT Front bedroom, with sitting room; suitable for two gentlemen; $12. Meals if desired. Down town; house. Address Box 103, The News. REN T—Large two men light, meais tanks and Avenue East. FOR RENT — Furnished rooms. Inquire Demers. WANTED POR RENT uw. comfortable bedroom; friends; bath, electric arranged; close to oil drydock. Apply 751 Fifth 87-93 hou a it FOR suit afternoons and two Apply Emmerson and Emmerson 95-7 WANTED—Nursemaid, evenings per week. Lodge, corner Fifth Ave. Place. WANTED—Furnished house; must be east of McBride. State particulars apg lowest rent. Box 105, Daily News, 93-5 WANTED—Furniture for give particiiars and lowest terms. 104, Daily News. WANTED—A genera: servant. Mrs. O’Reilley, 722 Fifth Ave. WANTED—Employment by refined young lady. No objection domestic service. Good cook. Apply Box 100, Daily News. 85-tf. Ap- 8itf, five-room house; Box 93-95 Apply Ww. tf, WANTED—Two good seamstresses. ply Miss Murphy, _Smith Block. FOR SALE FOR SALE—New 30-ft. launch, 12 h.p. en- gine; suitable for fishing boat. Apply Edward Sechs, Rupert Marine Wat: 0-95. FOR SALE—Range, 2 bureaus, 3 beds, chairs, carpets, sewing machine, wash- ing machine, ete. Cheap. Apply even- ings, 210 Ninth Ave. West. wu. MUSIC. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Musical Instru- ments repaired. Bows rehaired, The Prince Rupert Mu- 345 Srd tr. sic Store, Ave. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Woodworth Lake Hydro-Electric Scheme— Erection of Cottage. ° SEALED TENDERS will be received by E. A. Woods, City. Clerk, Prince B. C., up till 5 p. m., Monday, 5th May, 1915, for the erection of a four-room cottage at Shawatlans. Plans may be seen and specifications ob- tained at the City Engineer's Office, City Hall. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. W. McGEORGE MASON, City Engineer. 93-94 i ee ee PL LE LOLOL OLED OLE CELL OL LOLOLAOOLEM BLUE POINT ‘RESTAURANT Good Clean Meals From 25 Cents Up. Just Give Us a Trial—That’s All. LAW-BUTLER BUILDING Third Avenue 3 ; BEST QUALITY DOMESTIC 3 LUMP COAL $9.50 per Ton — Cash on Delivery Back If Not Satis- factory UNION TRANSFER CO. 333 2nd Ave. Phone 36 « Money FOR RENT 3 HOUSES, $8 PER MO. Water Included 1- AND 2-ROOM CABINS Furnished $5 AND $8 PER MO. —APPLY— Pattulle & Radford 2nd Ave. modern | ‘|the TELLS OF ALASKA Ww. of Road Commission, Washington, D. C., arrived in this city Seattle, Col. Richardson, Alaskan has April 19. chairman been in for the winter, yesterday and is registered at the en to the ‘Alaskan headquarters of the com- Among the plans for the are included the the and the Seattle route Valdez, mission. coming summer building of a bridge across Chena Slough at Fairbanks, probable replacing of at Nome, destroyed by a two ago. Other commission call for bridge storm years plans of the the repairing and maintenance of present roads in the North, with special attention to be paid to the Fairbanks-Valdez road. Colonel Richardson deplores the fact that for road work in small. “The total inadequate,” he said “The special appropriation made by $165,000, to which will be added in the neigh- borhood of from the Alaska fund.” the appropriations Alaska are so fund last is very night. Congress is but $100,000 CANADIANS AGAIN ENGAGED IN BATTLE Ottawa, April 23—It is believed from received that the here unofiicial intelligence Canadians have been again engaged in the heavy fighting figures the British official reports in the vi- which in cinity of Ypres. the gagements Since Neuve the Chappelle en- Canadians have been resting in their battlefront, lists light. part of the the comparatively and casualty have been Rupert, | It is hinted, force however, that the suffered some losses in the in which they are said to have been engaged. recent fighting south of Ypres, Official confirmation of these reports is expected at any time. REPUBLICAN SUCCESS PREDICTED BY JUDGE April of Seattle, interview Post he Washington, Burke, an 22.—Judge Thomas is the in Washington that candidate quoted in yesterday be a States would not the United next year. saying for Senate The Post interview quotes Judge Burke as expressing for Elihu Root tial nomination. ly of Justice Hughes, but says the highest court of the land should not be disturbed for political rea- preference for the presiden- He speaks high- sons. Further, the judge asserted that whatever Republican is nom- “for the en- tire country is tired of Demoerat- ic control.’ inated will be elected, He declared also that “there is no more progressive party in the state of Washing- ton.” Remember the 68th Regiment's concert on the 27th of April. Pro- ceeds to buy cigarettes and to- bacco for Prince Rupert's First Contingent. Tickets 25¢c, 50c, and Tb5e. 88tf CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. Electrician Wanted. Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 56 p. m., April 30th, 1915, for the position of Electrician, Ap plieants must have good knowledge of both practical and technical electr@jal work Slate experience and give copies of tes timonials a8 to ability, EANEST A. WOODS, it. City Clerk BANISH BULLY BOWSER ROADS PROGRAM | jumping. SQUATTERS AT SEWARD TO FIGHT FOR CLAIMS Rhu Seward, Alaska, April 23. that the Alaska Engineer Commission had to mors ing decided throw open to settlement the six tract government terminal here, ac quired by the the purchase of the Alaska North- y-acre with ern Railroad, caused a stampede of squatters, who have occupied almost all of the tract. Many prominent business men and several women are among the squatters, who have armed them iselves with rifles to prevent claim There have been sev- feral minor quarrels, but as yet no ‘lone has been hurt. | Planned to Use Land for Camp. United States District Judge Fred M. Brown had to obtain the planned as i use of this tract temporary camp for the hundreds of men who are hurrying to Se- ward from all parts of Alaska and from the States as a result of the announcement that Seward would be the tidewater terminus of the government railroad to Fair- Deputy United States Attorney Whitlesey said that the land be- longs to the Alaska Northern un- til the sale of the road to the gov- ernment is completed by the pay- ment, July 4, of the first $500,000 on the $7,500,000 purchase Mr. Whitlesey said he interfere with the squatters un- price would not less the railroad company files a complaint of trespass. First Lot Staked by B. R. Laberee. The rush to seize claims on the terminal tract began yesterday morning. The first lot was stak- ed by B. R. Laberee, son of the former received of the Alaska Northern. Despite a snow storm, has blanketed Seward, the squat- which stampede continued, and ters and clearing their lots. were busy setting up tents GERMANS LOST. —Le position Matin to- to president Paris, April 22. it Herr day says is in a state that Ballin, of the Hamburg- and the president of the Deutsche Bank both deelared a ago that the war was lost for Ger- Le Matin asserts that one these American Line, few days many. of said, German of it.” two commercial kings “The battle is lost and the people know nothing For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 sSe«- end Avenue, near Fighth Street Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room Free bathe. Baise reasonable. SIR RICHARD’S VISIT | DOESN'T HELP STOCK Vancouvel April 23.—‘“The feeling in Canadian Pacific was | od but Canadian Northern were heavy on the debenture default.” | Such was the atatement cabled to} rai PREP OPP OSS PPOPPOPPOD ++ Ey Pees *POo re eee Pee, Social at the Anglican FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL 92 ATTRACTIVE MUSICAL PROGRAM | Collison on, CASH PRIZES for best home cmade from all ladies, Admission, including Refreshments: Adulis a5. Child tt PON, 106 “Indian For particular nh GUESSING COMPETITIONS Church 3,8P™m Manners } i; ; ’ \ } A special ; the | the Montreal Herald on April 14) from London, England. In rr words, the market in the financial ietropolis of the world is not fa-| vorable to Canadian Northern | oer PO MPOROPD + DOES. eeeeeeeeess stock for which British Columbia ee, ig standing sponsor. The item of| news was sent out by the Cen- tral News Agency, one of the most °--nepeeypemguapaapeaasee PRINCE RUPERT COAL Co} Wellington Coal PHONE 15 ve OOP OOOC ODOR aas reliable in the Old Country, and it may therefore be accepted as Cleanest Lump—Longest Lasting—Gives the quite correct. The visit of Sir Most Heat—No Clinkers—P. BLACK, Managor Richard MeBride to England may iui — erererroeors. +. not be disconnected with this condition. Sinee that date no | ger eeoeoooororege further statement as to the stand- ing of Canadian Northern on the London market has reached this part of Canada. DR. JAS. W. ROBERTSON, POPULAR LECTURER Robertson, whose Dr. James W. enemas unaneie! SHINGL’ ad tet Ave. and MoBride st appeal for the Red Cross Society published af the best known and most popular herewith, is one is men in Canada, Dr. Robertson is best known in connection with his lectures on agriculture. He began his public the Ontario Agricul- thirty service in College about years Later, he Macdonald College, and still later as chairman Royal Commission on In- Technical tural connected Mon- ago wus with treal, of the dustrial Training and Education. Dr. Robertson thused over agricultural is so much en- matters that he has almost made it a re- ligion. His appeal to the farm- ers of Canada on behalf of the Red Cross Society will meet a ready response. 5 FOR TAXI Phone 99 | | Stand - Hotel Rupert S the name implies, The Bank of British North America was established long before the Provinces united and became the Dominion of Canada. The sound, progressive management which has made it a power in Canadian finance makes it the bank for your account, THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. naeCe RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. Do LL kinds of Repairing and Alter- 31 Years Older Than The ations neatly and quickly done—Sash, Doors and Moulding. Dominion of Canada No, 1 kiln dried fr. Also all kinds LUMBER , MOULDINGS, an, coe , DOORS PRINVE RUPERT LUMBER (0. weree PO —— CCE, BURROUGHS, Manager PRINCE RUPERT, 8.6 Branch Yard a Bmithers SOO PIELELELEOTEOREEED ID HS Empress Jams exacting. SOLD Are strictly a B. C. Product. delicious, fresh picked, sun ripened fruits of the Fraser Valley and Vancouver ye purest of Cane Sugar. Every step tn the producing and manufac- turing of the delicious Jam contributes to the prosperity of B. C. In \1-ib. Glass Jars and 4-ib. Tins THE EMPRESS MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Right from the Island, to the most it will satisfy BY ALL GROCERS Vancoywger, B. C. Empress Jams | f hardwood, glazing. KNIGHT & HICKEY, Contractors and Builders shop on Fraser St., end of Sixth St. P. O. Box 448-—Phone Green 269 Plate, ~~ . woe. A Real Lever Simulatica eau WATGH FREE. A straightforward generous offer trom om established firin We ars giving away Watches to thousands of people all over the world o wh obtain one. now, enclosing % cents for one of our fashionable Ladies’ Tone Guarda, or Gents’ Alberts, sent carriage pald to wear with the watch, whieh will be given Free (these watches are guaranteed five year”), shovid you take ad vantage of our marvel to tell your, friends the benutiial\? vateh Dont think this offer tco good to be tree, but send 85 cent today » t Watch Yoa will be ermnred eale Jerrellers (Lept, 4 or England ee ee lons offer.’ We expect you about us and show thom before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Demand-the Brand Wi UML, Ii ha Mb bg sheet glass and | TT Al) Wi i | || iit | J i i Absolute Purity Pure vegetable oils are the | Natural! flowe base of Baby’s Own soap. It promotes skin health and prevents skin troubles. G BABY'S OWN SOAP IS WELL WORTH RUNNING | In the interest of your skin, send for some » ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, Mrne MONTREAL Flower wee tsgive s Own oap the fragranu which o ple jsant. OAP .: 1 to Baby | clinging makes its Us FOR. where. on pels EE High-Grade Wor at fair prices 3 ae FORO OIRO ROTOR ROTOR ROR TIAA anne wee ppp ee eeeeeeet 1 Steaming rk neet metal “ k Plumbin and sf Western Plumbing (o., Mi aaantet anne =