HE DAILY NEWS = r*) : = — LL yo, Vi, NO. 99 ; PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS OUR TROOPS MADE A BRILLIANT ADVANCE USE OF F POISONOUS ¢ GAS FORCE F RENCH AND BELGIANS BACK TO YSER CANAL ANADIA a. "COUNCIL IN SECRET SESSION CANADIANS SAVED SITUATION MADE A BRILLIANT ADVANCE. CONSIDERS “FIRING” OFFICIALS — eee EXPOSED—RETIRED LEAVING GUNS BUT LATER FALLING BACK OF BELGIAN-FRENCH FORCES LEFT THEM | WANTS TO REPLACE ELECTRICAL SUPERINTENDENT AND REGAINED THEM. BY CITY ENGINEER—ALD. CASEY THOUGHT Re : f Sitges.» ence ‘i BETTER TO FIRE CITY ENGINEER. (Special to The Dally News.) of German prisoners, including a London, April 24-—flieial—|ecolonel. ee | A seeret session of the City,the salaries of those who remain- The fight { the ground whiten) The Canadians had many easu ; } | Council was held on Thursdayjed. The first to be attacked was the Germans penetrated at Lan- alties but their gallantry and de- Be j wight, Most of the aldermen were |Superintendent T. C. Duncan, of : ee cated roetiuee. on saved the situation is ; ‘ | willing that the press should be|the Electric Light Department. It —— , Their conduct was magnificent ee j 4 ipresent but the Mayor was ficm|is understood that the Mayor and The loss of this part of the line} iy, cughout. ! ‘in insisting that it be kept private|Alderman Edge were insisti ‘i , ‘ ptp g e ng laid bare the left of the Canadian Fighting With Gas . : land that no reports should be|that he be diposed of and allow division, causing their retire- London,. April 24.—-Yesterday si [given out. the city engineer to handle his ment and the loss of four Cana-|the Germans made an attack on f | Reports will travel, however, | department. It didn't matter dian 4.7 guns They had been | the telgian-French lines at Lan ; land now everything that wasj|that the city engineer didn't even dered veep in touch with|gemarck, using asphyxiating : done is common gossip on the|start to use that “nipple” yet in their right neighboring troops.|gases driven by the wind across E streets, which shows that the}{so far as his experience with elec- Some hours later the Canadiansj|their opponents’ ranks. As a re IE | Mayor's policy of keeping things |tricity is coneerned. It was any- made a b int and suceessfullsult the allied forces were com i lin the dark is of no avail. thing to get rid of the superin- advance, recapturing these guns/pelled to retire on a_ five-mile f | The meeting was called for the|tendent who knows his business and taking a considerable number] front to the Yser Canal j | purpose of reducing the staff of|in order to find a permanent job ; ie — ; ithe City Hall as well as reducing Continued on Page Four.) DECLINES TO ACCEPT Eee | ’ . MONEY TALKS | RHEE HHH EH BAND SMOKER. NAMES SUGGESTED « REAL TRAGEDY * sects —e |* The graft charger which A popular and successful smok- Winnipeg, April 24. Condi-|% have been fastened upon The Vancouver Prov- er was conducted last night in the ght about by the recent/, tno McIntyre Hall in aid of the City Band, The full band was in attendance ince has a series of comic cartoons entitled “When the Soldiers’ Vote.” The Borden government in SSCS SECURE CSTR CST ASC CCST TTR SRR CT CRT revelations connection with the| « connection with the pur- suanering by the government chase of military supplies ‘the public funds in the erec-/® jg sufficient to discounte- predicament of politicians and are beginning to show up in tion of the Provincial Parliament} jance them in the sight of hunting out the voters in excellent shape. If Mr. Pescott buildings hed a elimax when | » all Canada and send them BISHOP OF LONDON PREACHES) } the trenches amid shot has his way Prince Rupert will Lieutenant Governor refused|® gown to inglorious defeat. PER oe CANADIANS IN TRENONES. KITCHENER READY. | and shell is splendidly il- soon have a band of which the Ww accept the names submitted by}® Phis is only one of the eee oe oul I don’t know when the war will! lustrated. Instead of go- city may be justly proud. Premier Roblin of those the gov-|™ reasons, however why with diffiulty was he resiseine’d, end, but [ know it will begin in ing to all this bother, how- Besides the selections from the ernment desired to compose thelg they should be got rid of reported General French. In the spring,” was Kitchener's ever, why not show a pic- band there was a program of COmmission which the Governor |» The expenditures for Can- recent letters Hal R. Gordon, | remark last autumn. He is now ture of one of the Borden songs and recitations as well as demanded should be appointed at] ada in 1914, the last year B.A,, Canadian in First my ed about ready to begin. This politicians seated in a a number of amateur boxing and ihe request of the Liberals to in-|y of the rule of Sir Wilfrid — , ae ee striking picture was taken last comfortable hotel in wrestling bouts. Refreshments Nestigate over-expenditures and/® f[aurier, was only $88,- aos short and to the point. He| month while he was reviewing France fixing up the votes were served during the evening ‘tras already running to more} y 000,000. This year the tengre noed us as eben Se ing | some of his troops leaving for a la Bob Rogers. With and everybody had a good time, than $500,000 © expenditure “ta 0140,008, eg lan a ¢ . France. such powers as the orig- while the exchequer of the band * is considerably to the good. The money will be usea to purchase instruments. In answer to an “8, O. 8.” eall inal bill contained it would be sheer nonsense to take sense a Wnty © ALLIED AVIATORS ARE RAYMOND SWOBODA ent out by the Premier a few} days ago, HH of the war. Sir Wilfrid Kee EERHHHEHHHEHHHRE HH HH HH Nobert Rogers has vf s " he country any chances in hunting wrived in the city to find the gov- : ae banat and Can- DOING GOOD WORK ON TRIAL AS A SPY out the voters amid the Sate a cara ae ‘ment ina pretty mess. He setl, a4, in ake os net savins Se ee die Ny German shells. The blanks BASEBALL TEAMS TIE. work at once in an effort to _ oe 7; : . an oe : re ere i a ae grammed could be filled in just as 8 os to Tus Oe Newe help ‘his forme: selickan nana * of nas 0 by = 1 Paris, April 24——The allied avi- Paris, April 24—-Raymond Swo- well and more to the liking eee spatl Shotone Van- the dilemma in whieh ther Gen * him back into power. ‘ ators are active at Smyrna and boda no wadmits that he is a Ger- of the government a thou- ‘ rer sale ll t defeated eee ; * sides that, remember the * dropped two bombs on Fort Ka-| a ia ea) ae eee eouver baseball team defeate ves. It is freely rumored | » “Laurier Luck,” which #/ | vino many soldiers. They j man ubec and served a 4s sand miles away. At that Victoria yesterday by a score of Sout the city that one cabinet * means good times. Letus *|,, eo . a Sie ship in port year sentence imposed by the Ger distance, too, even the 6 to 5. The teams are now even, minister has threatened to resign * get rid of the expensive * pone eee 4 - ’ % salen “hllione jman consular court at Shranghai, poor fellows who have with two -wins each. from the vernment over thé) and “hoodoo” Borden gov- * and Se P vt hal ‘milion fhe incendiary charge has been given their lives for their ‘ ouleome of which it is predicted) = opnment Make up your *| agg a ‘s é sani j¢ropped and he is now on iris country could be made to EASTERN STAR. Will be the overthrow of the ad- Se aed sind alee sonia ion phere or et ” < o 3 |for espionage. vote. But isn’t the whole indignant Miistration. a ate terete are and the de Ti ; : ee seithieiliilis cemmeeeibigianagn matter not only a farce All those who are interested in nome it ee eeennegeeirn TT RUTH SUBMARINES. but a tragedy? What do #*|the formation of a branch of the Safety First—uge New Wel- guns. you think of a govern- Eastern Star Chapter in Prince Ngton Coal Rupert are asked to meet at the Phone 146, 67tf.| soNS OF ENGLAND HOLD SANK FINNISH STEAMER that would stoop to such KKRKRKKRKRKKHRHRKKKEHRKRHRKR HHH HHH HK HK K KR KR KKK HH Te ae | - PD (Special to The Dally News) | London, April 24.-—-The freight- P correo SOCIAL AND DANCE. methods? home of Mrs. Mobley, on Monday — nee Tone SR SON a (@pectat to The Daily News.) “ Ruth w - eae 1D NO ye ee ee Re ew wlevening at 8 p. m. 95-7 . ‘CHU y ; os . o sei ednesdié Yr crew de sellers aitisiatiiieainiaiaialll nee Phone 583. The Sons of England Society Stockholm, April 24. \ Ger- rth 4 n Ay Le ~ 00000000080ee60e8 95-97 : sis ‘ : man submarine sank the Finnish |¥®* saved and landed at Leith ASK FOR RECEIVER. R held a jolly social last night in} “ aoe . =.= * CANADIAN RED CROSS * a oe . | Frack the Baltic er crew —— ; Quality, satisfaction and econ-|the K. P. Hall. The event was in Fracl 2 : Chicago, April 24.—A_petition|* SOCIETY * ~ New Wellington Yoal. |honor of St. George's Day and in- ot — , ARGAINS for a receiver for the Chicago,|* Needs more finds to care * OL . ; : Ss ‘doe : ; —— 63tf. | stead of the customary banquet a| Rock Island & Pacific Railway}* for wounded Canadigns at * all hist drive and dance was decid- | For the Baby Company was filed in the United}* the front, Will you help? * Geo, mi; ee: - arat part of| E ST H () L M k States District Court here by the|* Leave at this office or send * sa eae ih th | CaO OME bP | ee cp American Steel Foundry Com-|* to Dr. Jas, W. Robertson, * » even g as given over to e , : 7 ’ the evening W ae giv ' pod A HOUSE 9 Only High Grade pany. ‘The defendant company is|}* Chairman Red Cross So- * mpress whist drive. The first prize was OPER . : * ciety, Ottaw tf. * a ec } » and Mr. b Attractions Collapsible Go-Caris Zithe operating corporation, which ciety, awa, . won by Miss Cow \¢ one Mr. ; Three Big Star | eependinay An iiniaaiaananae 0000000808 8000e8 UNDER NEW MANAGE- ——- ” Huge owl silat Next Wess | Almost at the general offices, never be- Mr. Bunting MENT — TRY us Enignihall an ie Monday Only GIVEN AWAY fore has been named in such a weuensccsscegsanminiall After the whist drive dancing aoe Pioneer Laundry ia : i ” } sult, _ ——-{|was indulged in till aboul 2:30 ENOCH ARDEN | To Close Out Quickly We seve -five couples i-hee eature Founded on ; oS a.m. About seventy-fiv up : i-Reel ; - ' ‘tal 3} Ghelt Ofer CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE Third Avenue East rt were present, to whom invitation Lord Tennyson's Tnmorta 3 Only, reg. $12.60 Go- RUPERT, B. ©. a eat et : vd ) Carts, at 8 50 Cleaning-up Week. Phone 118 ESE Eihad been issued. 8, D. Macdon voom ) J 4 Yhe attention of the Citizens is called OPEN , ald and George MeColl were there — 40nly, reg. $14.00 Go- 10.00 to the CLEANING-UP WEEK, which has | We Use the Most Modern ” FOR GUSINESS t nting St. Andrew's So Wednesday - Thursday © ' been faxed for the week commencing April Laundry Machinery Built. e ‘epresen ane “ ” : 15.00 Go- 26th and Ending May tst, 1015, and their i. We handle all & ciety CALL OF THE NORTH 6 oom ree > ll 00 peep eo-apesetion io paanamne tile Come In Any Tuesday or Meat Vis) inde of 5-Reel Canadian Feature all refuse, tin cans, ete, 80 a8 to be easily Wednesday and See How 7 ' and Vegetables — Also 7 Sulk $ accessible by the Scavengers, Help head- ae dae "1 from the producer We will clear your lot and pre wattne .diiinaiins y: aes our we be ceening ue tous iene ic *y re backyards. GIVE Us A pare your ground at a very rea 2-Ree! Chaplin Comedy Reg. $4.50, Now.... 3 00 pack yards anim Absolute Satisfaction Is 8.9 nee, sonable.price, Fritz, Phone °8):\) wpquan AND DYNAMITE” ' 3 HEALTH COMMITTEE, Guaranteed PPOsite Smith Bik, 95-97 8, | ° L. PORTER, Sanitary Inspector, 95-6