Sal ! THE DAILY NEWS. ass WORLD'S LOOTING OF BRITISH coLUMBIA. | “eta | ST KIDNEY | © AND THE INEVITABLE RESULTS |" ace" CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. MEDY TORONTO GLORE Has IMPORTANT ARTIOL 1. WHEREAS the Corporation of the City SHINGLE”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS E SHOWING THAT [or prince fupert is incorporated under an TRUE GEVELOPmORS nenntt OF TUG ORGS ONE oe ae PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. INCE DEVELOPMENT HARDLY STARTED. 1910, Chapter 41: A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager . %. AND, WHEREAS, by Resolution of moar PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. a The people of British Cy ; , the Countil of the said Corporation tot Bom end — = : “ P of ’ UU res; professional authority was given to stake water rights PHONE 2 Granch Yard at Smithers “Fruit-a-tives Have Prov bia are, beginning to ask th ‘ (9.901 acres: peal estate |® the North Arm of Wark Ch i; : fom In Thousands of : ‘ want . 6. , 3. AND, WHEREAS, the said Corpora- . pg - ay gem | Their Value selves how WH come that ' : ma ‘Kers, 34,9559 acres;|tion has applied for @ water licence to 20g ABR RBR BEBE EE - pene baal eae Cases provine® so ricl + ibore ' Lt in the eities, 34,.] Vert water from Thulme River, a tribu- — _— — 1 as eirs ime | tary of the said North Arm, for power iV 1 ere ¢ ’ . and women eager to work ~~ armers and ranch-| purpose: e down for 24.079 aeres.| 4 AND, WHEREAS, the said corpors- FRFUL RECORD OF A nied the opportunity and find it! 4 . . tion has, after due notice, petitioned for WON necessary to piot ty : 'o the same issue Of] he approval of its undertaking as fer as SSAl 0 ( nN ‘ ' WONDERFUL CURE that they may draw the attent 2 san sames Scott staked iiinees ee ee eee . ind Robert Gross ‘ N eRe a o of the authorities to th ae 5. AND, WHEREAS, bo objection has e iit me 62 OR0 ora. These applicants been fled to the said petition; tion Nowhere else on the fac 6. THIS 1S TO CERTIFY that the un- Only Remedy That Acts On All Three the earth tod f iged in their applica- dertaking of the said corporation in so far ; Oe may have it halfon : — Responsible For The virtual suspension of] 4 it relates to the said application for a Of The ‘ BI lion people such a ast heritage /th ; ‘ licence is approved, subject to the terms Formation Of Uric Acid In The Blood. of natural wealt) rm 7! 1 of the law limiting |ana conditions of the “Water Act, 1014,’ Sonne -inncnetunicantnanclegienaaaaoal < ‘ ea i ie orest t} ' . ie area that could be held by any |4ad to the following additional terms and : are the wonder of all who «ee 1. ben de : " | conditions; In 2-Ib. Tins Many pe lo not realize ae the them Th fis) . ' 0 640 acres, the con- 7. Any licence issued under said ap- ‘te bo 08 three great elimina- 7aume © Msheries are prod tra t ‘op |Plication shall, notwithstanding the issue Skin is iree § a f of which has been for |plication shall, no standing the tors of ¥ iter from the body. tiv? beyond the dreams of thely, a latte of this certificate, be subject to adjust- Have attained their enviable reputation by thelr superior As a matter a st snatt » iGshermen of t} At Pe ae ment by the Board of Investigation: quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- evetern of more Urea (or waste matter ’ ; u i lant sea | 8. The said undertaking bas been di- system of ‘ iverybody was gambling it : - 6 sts “ ‘4 80d than the ae oe 4 board, The mines are alrpe idly ree ; vided into two parts, the first part con- wife inei upon Ramsays Empire when buying ja Kidney Tt a a th fs It of rorld-fe ‘ ve (lands, and naturally the gov-| sisting of the surveys of such of the works Bisoulte. Acrid Ut “7 ee world-famous, although the mir eo vhich pan the table and |Pfbosed in the said application for a Ii- ua triste 4 1 re ¢ 4 iit : ict ral ‘ { ; 7 , the } ; ; Constipation of the eralized territory has scareel the wianh with al cence as the Comptroller of Water Rights They are made in B. C. and your grocer gets his supply Skin Acti , ? ! Ove fe WINnHIDES WIL @lac-) shail consider necessary, and the second bowels been seratched. The fertility of}, ty was popular, Now all is|P@Ft consisting of the construction, main- frequently and quickly, insuring freshness, which means the soil of British Colun bia . tenance, and operation of such works. crispness. ; changed The people of British 9. The surveys required under the “Pruit-a-tives'’ cures weak, sore, | proverbial Agricultural land is| j first part shall be commenced on or be- ' not only because it | ‘ have discovered that a" Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. ; these organs but alsobe- |MOt found in large areas is in| { i fore the ist day of June, 1915, and the stre . ” w Eat ‘ are puyel and Prac- plans thereof shall be deposited with the t-a-tives’ opensthe bowels, [ypno pp, » aes Manufactu bi : extens the mach on stimulates j the Prairie Provinces—awaiting tically everybody is selling the|omptrolier of Water Rights on or be- —_ red by th ; f the skin ithe plow. Clearing is a sh and| ‘ fore the 18t day of November, 1917. = pve Js ss st a sin raitsty italia Sattts outttisaelt RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD cos y oper or suit if is : a _“ mre , - upruit-e-tives” is sold by all dealers : | 1 ! the jpur ses is not a very profitable |i ohall not be commenced until a bylaw e °9 e ' box, 6 for $2.50, trial size ltestimony of everyone who has|; } under the provisions of which the said ore e ‘wenn aid on receipt | pormn oF gamping They begin to l¢ rporation propose to carry out the un- Vancouver, B. C. ; rw =F — Limsitet jused the land for productive | inderstand that the land must be|@ertaking has been duly passed and ap- 5 ot ‘ ? , , mses that soil and mate ¢ ; proved, nor until a further certificate of Ottawa I bah by elit into use before it can add |approval under Section 83 of the “Water | ORR III II III II IIR TRI RAITT AIA IIR IAI AIA AA AAR —_———— — ao to produce fruit, gard to the wealth of the province and |Act, 1914,” has been issued. ——$ —— CT itruck, fodder. and most eale ; os ii The territory within which the MINERAL A . I de daily bread for the work said Corporation shall exercise its powers Certificate of Improvemente. of the very highest quality and in ers. Everything points to a dras—|! respect of the use of the said water is NOTICE. great profusion : : the City of Prince Rupert. Starlight, Homestake No, 1, and Sun- I ; ec change in the laws of the 12. This certificate shall not in any rise Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena And yet, with all this natural province and the cancellation of | Way be deemed to be an approval of the Mining Divis of Cassiar District. wealth awaiting the hands of the|; ine ‘ . f plans of any works covered by the pro- Where locate yo the North Shore of ae les to millions of acres ob- posed undertaking or to authorize the Granby Bay veen Bonangs and Falis| industrious, there are th inds 1ined by methods that will not] construction of such works, but shall have e ea Creeks of unemployed in Vancouv and /} a ete 1 , .¢| the effect only of a certificate issued un- ; TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, ar ¢ IN ache Phe ting Of} ger the provisions of Section 81 of the Pree Miner’s Certifeate No, 60853B, act-| Other cities Why is it? Paruly | British Columbia nears an end, | “Water Act, 1914," and shall be subject ing a Aget Thomas McRostie, Free} because the recent ‘) @athte ln a ; titut .. |to such provisions, and to the rights of ‘6 9 Miner's Certificate No. 80348B, and James a ine aay Festitullon @P= lithe Continental Power Company under an L. Hatch, Free Miner’s Certificate No.| boom carried al: st th entire |, aches Toronto Globe. application filed on the 18th day of Aug- 79906 B tend, sixty days from the population of the Pacific Coast ust, 1908. dae hereof ipply wo the Mining Re- 13. This certificate shall become null corer for a Certificate of Improve-| Cities off their feet, but in an eve land void without any notice unless a fur- ments, for the purpose of obtaining 8) ereater jegree because the natu Every Woman | bee certificate as required by Clause ‘10 Crown Grant of the above claims. hereof be applied for before the ist day lod further take notice that action, un-|'al resources of the provinee have 7 of June, 1917. aoa ee eee det ection 57, must be commenced before | pean jocked } lati Cai f ise Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 10th day ° ed 0 ‘ Dp DY specul \ eX ' ua te ive of such Certificate of Improve- : : , a Us of March, 1915. Circulation G rante ane ploiters in a way that would have s ' (Sed.) WM. R, ROSS, the Largest in Northern Deed this 15th day of March, & D.J/ disgraced the rule of a Soutl and ought to use occasionally, | t Minister of Lands. an* 116 ' @ proper remedy for the |——— : British Columbia :: rics dietat hie : \ GRO. R. NADEN, American dictat Phe ma '°| headache, backache, languor, | 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY’S on _ —____. |seeks for land convenient te} nervousness. and depress- OWN RIFLES. transportation facilities and a| ion to which she may be fo : : ntennetitie TICE TO DELINQUENT co- : , ae on | subject. These troubles and consuming market with the ex a8 Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, OWNER. | others are symptoms of debii- -z W0 HENRY JOUNSON, or to eay _{pectation of using it for produe- ity and poor circulation caused Commanding, April 24, 1915: > 8 OF persor i : | . ° . eg Wamteried your’ intereatse “Take Noues |tiVe Purposes speedily discovers | by indigestion or constipati eneenen b wee sadersigned ne end "we that the trail of the exploiter is to | Orderly officer for week, Lieut. Gold Bing No. 1” an ’ J , i ral Clattns, situated at be found in every corner of the Van der Byl. Next for duty, Lieut. arm ut three- 3 in the beach, in the ile f i Hemmel, . me River Mining Distr Province arta | : C cula- THERE Thr quart frie Cstuinbin nave dove the required! The Victoria ‘Times is letting | pI Communicating sehool for sub- ir ee ers of Work on the above mentioned dams for the ye y IDO » Operations of | alterns and N,. C, O.’s above the . the the local Ad- Ha ordcr Yo old thet pume epaee| 229 Hint in upon the operations of | ee tion means Ii ¢ of Section 94 the Mineral Act, and if) those who, under the law and in| are at once safe, certain and |rank of Corporal on Friday, the Within 90 days of the publicatton of this i . » Sam : pe pice and ‘purify the ‘Blood, “They ex, | Sth, at 8:43 rill Hall Best ertising A ertising ~y ne Re refuse to contribute} a strictly constitutional way, have and purify the blood. They ex- Oth, at 8:45 p. m. in Drill Hall. Vi IS such expenditure, to- Peter with 1 sis of Uns advertise-| robbed the ople of British Co.| ert a general tonic effect and OMecers commanding companies ° 9 or : obbe« e people o } € oo Medium FA 0 ee eur i ‘ in the seid mineral | insure good health and strength, B ” to the Adjutant by ° - R S y in ews undersigned * aconed tar of ibe} lumbia of their heritage. During) go that all the bodily organs do |“ ll rendei Act Amendment Ket of 1900” the single week ending October| their natural work without causing |Thursday, 29th inst., nominal 3 T. H. COVERT, | suffering. Every woman of the 7" peng 5 aa aed at Pris Co-Owner.)3, 1912, The Provincial Gazette| thousands who have tried them, |'°'S ° 1eir companies, a § 1014 ee Rupert, 8. G, ceeary shows that applications were} knows that Beecham’s Pills act 0. GC. companies will ascertain i ks a at gaat cet to the Adjutant how made for the purchase under the | and report PEER ore pre-emption law of 464,995 acres To erta n pane men under their command ‘ : lare SSCSSLO of 5 ate FIRE ALARM SYSTEM of land. The great bulk of this | Ad anta e are in possession of complete 7 land was wanted not for use, but Vv g uniforms, this report to be ren- ; ‘ ~~ ,p -edav. 29 : om : CIRCUIT NO. 4. for speculative purposes The | ae 2 ee oe dered by Thursday, 29th inst. jf . Special eo Women ‘ ~~ . 1s e or Ges 126th st and Srd ave. pre-emptors were in many cases | ee In boxes, 25 cents. O. G, companies will render to Prince Rupert’s p Pr 196 gy 1 i ; ‘ land | . |the Adjutant by Thursday, 29th S Bes 96 sud 3rd Ave. well known as agents of land} ene ain I li Pa r! K Box 15. = ie companies which took advantage EA a | inst., the names of any men havy- ng pe : rd hye wBction of ist, @nd and i z } A Roal Lover Simulation ling knowledge of bugling or who ie pak ais Bor 16 ; of the law to secure at nominal Sth sy om oe —— om price great tract if territory GOLD WATGH FREE. la re desirious of becoming mem- * (800% Hotel.) 5s ‘ ‘ a 7 | | yr ‘St Ave. and 7th St. (Cen with the intention of making the 4, ctichiterwand, suneeaes jbers of a bugle band, Otel frm. We are giving away j “a” Oo ‘ are > n ; actual settler pay a big price te © sca at A ompany will parade @ ; CIRCUIT NO, 2. During the week of which The world wa . ce Wednesday, 28th inst., and Fri- e Gor Sra A ™ pcretenes. F 7 | “ a ‘ yr | ; ofa ve. and $rd St. Times speaks married women ap ree ete | day, 30th inst., at 8 p.m. in Dril Fen 23s : aoe al on | Hall ; Box a4 . Ave, and McBride St, plied for 48,402 acres, spinsters | fashionable Lendice B © ll ad m 3 t Ave . or Guards, ¢ si a re pare » « ; Box 25 bn = and McBride St. for 36,490, and widows for 10, s ak’ Abe coe | ompany Wi parade é hoe carriage aid wear yr » ‘ ° ‘ p Or 26 94 Ave a oa a 569 Clerks and stenographers | ee, Sn oe Thursday, 29th inst., at 8 p. m. a7..6 Tr. P applied for 40,065 acres, but they | Chee ee OS in Drill Hall. ms" ad > thonld you take 1 7, > : » ‘lass wi ie elk Box HROUIT NO. were outclassed — by industrial | elas dat qantage ol ur marvel he bayonet class a a 74 tome oe ms peautify QD vate N ay, 26th inst., at 8 p. m. Ban 92 {Ye 80d Fulton 8, workers, who applied for 93,760 | J boat us and, show seed to bo tin bat send | Oe fond os owe. 5 I Borden and Taylor Sts. anita. | 28, conse today ond cain @ Broo Watch W. 8. MARSHALL, Lieut. Won a4 acre rrehants and nufac- | 1 be amared.— WILLIAMS : en ; 7b Ave. and PF acres. Merchants and manuf will be LOTD, Wooler p Bor 59) ne Dutagn G8. | J Jowollore (ews, 14:1, 2, Cormwailia Bond, Ta , 96-104 Acting Adjutant. Bor 37 v) Ave. and Comox Ave. turers were desirous of acquir- Kyalan | ; >, 5) Ave. and Dodge Pl ‘ Box og 6u ee Pi. - ——_—_—_—— ————— = —————————_—_—_—_——_——_—_——_—_—_———__—_——————— SS “ Ave. and Thompson St. ee E—— CHROUIT NO, 4@ Bor ay 2 S Ave. and Emme y. rson om aa h Ave. and McBride st oy AV ; * AVe, and Green at, ‘ =* *H Ave and Basil ge, : .o AV®, and Eberts, a Nh \ve. und ¥ ung St thihe » - ry . - > > > > > : > / Three kincls—Black, White, and Tan Easiest ‘o use — Best for 2!/! Shoes Tho F. F. GALLEY 69., Li, Cufiale, W. ¥.—latMlon, Can, At all dealers at the Write Toda Maen HALLAM umivep ee ‘TORONTO Domi biy John